creepy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reddit vaginas

Vaginas are icky because … SCIENCE! (779 upvotes on Reddit)

How to get 800 upvotes on Reddit: Offer an evo-psych explanation of why vaginas are icky, preferably including the phrase “wet hole.” Here, watch a master at work:


Well, that proves it. It’s SCIENCE!



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13 years ago

GL Piggy: To be fair, the “Guys Ozy Knows” set is not particularly scientific: I met most of the gay men in college, at which point most people become significantly less douchey.

And the VULVAS ARE GROSS guys are hardly the majority of straight guys: I’ve known guys with opinions from “cunnilingus is my fetish” to “eh, I don’t like the taste,” all of which have in common not being misogynistic.

But nevertheless in high school I was present at several conversations about how vulvas are disgusting and gross and leak fluids, and so one ought NEVER to eat them out, because groosss. The hairy vulvas are even worse, of course.

13 years ago

Also, vulvas with STIs are not inherently more gross than vulvas without STIs. That is the sort of stigma that keeps people from getting tested and disclosing their STIs to future partners.

13 years ago

Regarding the OP, there is the fact that vaginas are not external, like breasts or bottoms, so you cannot be visually attracted to them.

Unless he is one of the many idiots who conflate the vagina with the vulva.

G.L. Piggy
13 years ago

“Also, vulvas with STIs are not inherently more gross than vulvas without STIs. That is the sort of stigma that keeps people from getting tested and disclosing their STIs to future partners.”

If you actually think this then I wonder what your definition of “gross” is. If an STI is gross – and I believe that it is – then a vulva with an STI is more gross than one without. If STI = gross then grossness(vulva + STI) > grossness(vulva).

Look, if you break down any body part – especially ones that serve as pathways to our internals – it can be seen as somewhat grotesque. Fluids coming from any orifice are kind of disgusting. I’m just wondering why picking obscure Redditers is a worthwhile endeavor. People say a lot of shit on the internet.

13 years ago

“I’m just wondering why picking obscure Redditers is a worthwhile endeavor.”

I wouldn’t characterize it as a worthwhile endeavor. I’d characterize it as ‘good for a laugh’. Let’s not confuse the two.

13 years ago

Yeah. This isn’t the Great Frontier for Social Justice here. This is a nice, relaxing hobby. Like watching Jersey Shore for feminist nerds. 🙂

13 years ago

Gucci, dude, once again I inform you that this is not the blog about worthwhile endeavors; this is the blog about mocking misogyny. That said, I gotta say that mocking misogyny is a gazillion times more worthwhile than engaging in it, as MRM sites spend nearly all their time doing.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

“To be fair, the ‘Guys Ozy Knows’ set is not particularly scientific: I met most of the gay men in college, at which point most people become significantly less douchey.”

Unfortunately, I had the opposite experience, where I had some of the strangest misogynistic stories told to me by the gay guys I knew in college. One guy told me that seeing a vagina for the first time literally made him vomit, which I still don’t have a comeback for. He was also the same dude who reacted to me musing about taking a cross-country trip by flatly saying, “You can’t go, you’ll get raped.”

This was how I learned for the first time how people in one minority group don’t necessarily have any idea how to treat another minority group.

13 years ago

“….Do you think those men actually think that “vaginas are icky” or are they just using typical bombastic internet-speak?”

I don’t know why it’s so hard to believe that there are lots of deeply bigoted people out there, especially on the Internet. Go on The Spearhead and read some of the comments. Tell me if you think those comments are disturbed nutjobs or actually brilliant actors engaged in Kaufman-stlye performance art.

13 years ago

“Look, if you break down any body part – especially ones that serve as pathways to our internals – it can be seen as somewhat grotesque. Fluids coming from any orifice are kind of disgusting. ”
Then you mustn’t find penises very attractive either…

13 years ago

Kyrie: Of course he doesn’t, he’s a straight man. If he thought penises weren’t the portal to hell, how would we know he’s straight?

Molly: Damn. That sucks. Proof that there’s assholes in every group, I guess…

G.L. Piggy
13 years ago

“This was how I learned for the first time how people in one minority group don’t necessarily have any idea how to treat another minority group.”

Yeah, those minority women. The first ever 51% minority.

13 years ago

“Look, if you break down any body part – especially ones that serve as pathways to our internals – it can be seen as somewhat grotesque.”

Well sure, if you’re breaking it down of course there’s gonna be a mess! By that logic femurs and brains and dorsal root ganglia are the freaking nastiest body parts I’ve ever seen. 😀

13 years ago

Look, if you break down any body part – especially ones that serve as pathways to our internals – it can be seen as somewhat grotesque. Fluids coming from any orifice are kind of disgusting.

Oh! I so seldom get to reference “Your Disgusting Head“!

No part of your body is as scary and horrifying as your head!

13 years ago

Ozy: I don’t know that he’s straight. All I know is that vulvas, and probably sex (that involve so many body fluids) makes him go “eeewwwwwwwww”.
Which makes me wonder: are there any vagina-bearer and vagina-bearer-interested (mainly lesbians and bi women) who thinks that vaginas or vulvas are gross?

13 years ago

Yeah, those minority women. The first ever 51% minority.

I kinda hate to go there, but anyone who’s at all familiar with the idea of colonization power, politics, and demographics has gotta know that minority doesn’t necessarily mean numerical minority. Dude. Make better arguments. You can do it!

Molly Ren
13 years ago

“Which makes me wonder: are there any vagina-bearer and vagina-bearer-interested (mainly lesbians and bi women) who thinks that vaginas or vulvas are gross?”

I’m never sure where to go with this argument. Like, Rule 34: there HAS to be lesbians who aren’t attracted to vaginas, and that should be okay (they can have non-penetrative sex!) I’d just appreciate it if they didn’t tell other vagina-bearers how gross their vaginas are to their faces. XD

I think the first time I looked at someone else’s I thought it looked like a cross between an oyster and a flower. Not gross, but unusual.

13 years ago

GL: in some societies, the number of slaves was above the number of non slaves. Actually, the number of citizens (adult, male, non slave,…) was ridiculously small compared to the others.
The point is, when a group have the rights of a minority, or that it is treated the same way, it can arguably be called a minority, no matter what the numbers say. A political minority, I guess.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

Ozy wrote, “Molly: Damn. That sucks. Proof that there’s assholes in every group, I guess…”

Yah. What made it even weirder was that, ya know, I’m bi and that was a big “coming out” period for me. I thought we were on the same side! 😛

13 years ago

No part of your body is as scary and horrifying as your head!

Yeah, mouths are absolutely full of disease-ridden fluid. (That’s the sort of fact that I’ll suddenly remember and get freaked out.) Eyes…OK, runny noses really are pretty gross.

13 years ago

@Molly: I didn’t mean people who aren’t attracted to vaginas (I never picture genitals only – vulva, vagina, penis, balls or whatever – when I picture a sexy person) but people who feel the need to express how gross they find it.

13 years ago

Kyrie: According to Google, GL Piggy at least likes women.

I’ve never met one, but then, as Molly pointed out, I seem to know a much higher caliber of queer. 🙂

Also, in some cultures the number of slaves outnumbered the number of people– Sparta had, iirc, ~8 helots per citizen Spartan. That’s why they were so militarized: if they weren’t, their slaves would rise up and overthrow them.

Molly: I’m actually going to agree with GL Piggy here (I know). I think that using terms like “marginalized group” is better, because there are many minority groups that are not oppressed (the 1%, straight cis white gender-conforming conventionally-attractive middle-class thirtysomething Americans with college degrees and professional jobs).

13 years ago

Yeah, I don’t think minority is the proper word. Marginalized seems more accurate.

13 years ago

Molly: Or the lesbians that find vulvas gross can have sex with pre-op or non-op trans women (who are attracted to women…)!

13 years ago

And eyes… I know they’re supposed to be the door to the soul or something, and most cheesy pick up line is about them, but have you seen one by itself? It’s disgusting! And it has bodily fluid all over it and inside!!