creepy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reddit vaginas

Vaginas are icky because … SCIENCE! (779 upvotes on Reddit)

How to get 800 upvotes on Reddit: Offer an evo-psych explanation of why vaginas are icky, preferably including the phrase “wet hole.” Here, watch a master at work:


Well, that proves it. It’s SCIENCE!



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13 years ago

“I’m thinking of the Scott Capurro line “ah, England – skinny pale boys!”.

And I’m thinking of an american insult, “Fat American entitlement whores.” Is this funny as well?

NWO, ignoring all the rest of your silliness for now, you really need to learn to read for comprehension at some point. (Hint: Cassandra was very definitely not insulting English guys. Kind of the exact opposite, in fact!)

13 years ago

MRAL, please give us examples of how the male body is shamed every day. Not buying it.

13 years ago

“NSWATM will inform you that modern women are getting up to saying rape is bad and Whovian geekery. We have never mentioned eel/anal sex. Sorry to disappoint.”

NSWATM does however promote men dressing up as women, sucking dick while having another dick shoved up their ass, then weeping like a child at the beauty of that moment. All to jam men into a feminized version of your vision of a genderless box.
@Dave Futrelle

If you feel like moderating me for my above comment, keep in mind Ozy does promote everything I’ve said. If it sounds vulgar it’s because it is vulgar. And I don’t promote any of it, she does.

13 years ago

NWO, consider yourself lucky. I think you should be banned, not just moderated, but not my board.

Too bad there’s nowhere else on the internet for you to peddle your bullshit. Oh, wait…

13 years ago

Zie. ZIE does. How hard is that?

I do not promote crossdressing, having gay sex or crying. I say that if a man wants to crossdress, have gay sex or cry, it is his own business and no one ought to say jack about it. Specifically, no one should make fun of him or bully him or say he’s any less of a real man.

Men should be able to wear skirts or suits, as they like. They should be able to fuck men, women, both or neither, as they like. They should be able to cry or not cry, as they like. Men should have the freedom to do what they want without hurting anyone else.

And if you think that’s vulgar, well, you’re a motherfucking cockshitting dickhead asshole. 🙂

13 years ago


She is what you are. There is no gender zie. He/she, that’s it. You probably think you’re progressive or something. Save it for your sex therapy customers, tell them to call you zie.

13 years ago

Wow. I knew Slavey was a bit dim, but to actually manage to interpret my comment about skinny pale Brits as an insult takes a unique and impressive level of stupidity. I guess he’s just so convinced that all the women here hate men that he assumes that anything we say about a group of men is an insult?

In that case, let me clarify. SKINNY PALE BOYS, I LIKE FUCKING THEM, ESPECIALLY IF THEY HAVE PRETTY FACES. Is that clear enough?

13 years ago

A lot of evopysch is straight up appeal to nature fallacy. You know, everything that humans do in fact do is within our evolutionary capacity. We know this because…yeah, we’re fucking doing it. You know how we know that some people have it within their pyschological and biological coapacity to find small tits, saggy tits, vaginas, vulvas, etc. sexy? Because they are totally fucking doing it right now. Not an overly hard concept. “Nature” and “evolution” are not purposeful, conscious, directed, etc. You think evolution cries little dodo tears every time a species goes extinct or an individual or group doesn’t pass on its genes?

Shit. Appeal to Nature Fallacy. Learn it, stop doing it.

13 years ago

NWOslave, I thought I had informed you about this, but you may have missed it. Zie is not a gender, it is a pronoun.

13 years ago

NSWATM does however promote men dressing up as women, sucking dick while having another dick shoved up their ass, then weeping like a child at the beauty of that moment. All to jam men into a feminized version of your vision of a genderless box.

Why is any of this bad? Can you prove that any of this is the wrong thing to do?

She is what you are. There is no gender zie. He/she, that’s it. You probably think you’re progressive or something. Save it for your sex therapy customers, tell them to call you zie.

I think Ozy can call zirself anything zie damn well pleases. My question is why does it make you shake so much with rage? Why do you care?

13 years ago

“Any time I see a man cuddling or playing with a cat it makes him more attractive to me. This is even more true if he has a “squee!!!” look on his face while doing it.”

Omg! Same here! My boyfriend says he’s more of a dog person but I know it’s all lies.

13 years ago

Wrong thread fail >.<

13 years ago

“I think Ozy can call zirself anything zie damn well pleases. My question is why does it make you shake so much with rage? Why do you care?”

Seriously, NWO – why? You don’t even know Ozy in real life. It costs you nothing to say “zie” rather than “she”. Both words have 3 letters, so it doesn’t take any more effort to type. Why does it bother you so much?

13 years ago

NWO – Observation of the actions of men and women is all that’s needed.

Zie is a pronoun. Language changes all the time. So do understandings of gender. So do acknowledged numbers of genders. This is part of my reply to above –

Which men and women? Where? In what culture? In what time period?

Fill us in here, NWO.

Humans have arranged ourselves in such a truly breathtaking variety of ways. I mean, just trying to take in all the myriad forms and norms makes your head spin. For me, just.. Belonging to a species this varied, this adaptable, this.. Human… “Things that must be true because I am female human” lists just… Really? The way things are appeals just don’t have all that much going for them, since ways change all the time.

PS. How high are my taxes going to be in NWOLAND????????

13 years ago


13 years ago

that doesn’t mean we can’t use zie, just that I want singular they to become “good grammar”.

I can’t find the related dinosaur comic right now. Phooey.

13 years ago

Which men and women? Where? In what culture? In what time period?

Don’t encourage him; this is a person who believes Lysistrata and The Bacchae were true stories, illustrating the extent of male oppression in ancient Greece, since women denied sex to men and at one point a roving band of Maenads totally ripped a dude’s head off, you guys.

13 years ago

the relevant comic!!!!

VoiP – I know, I just… I need to hear more. It’s the historian in me. I can’t help it!!!

13 years ago



13 years ago

NWO, I’ve had a pretty bad day. No sense going into the details, but let’s just say I almost relapsed into self-injury again, and it’s taking a lot out of me to remind myself that I am not worthless or incompetent or bad at everything I do, and that I deserve to live.

But the thing is, despite all that, I think I’ve had a better day than you. You just seem.. sad. The splendid, wonderful diversity of the world scares and threatens you, and you have to respond to it with mindless hate. You only seem to take pleasure (if it can be called that) in tearing other people down. That’s no way to live. I haven’t seen evidence of a single thing in this world that makes you happy, and that saddens me.

And you know, I think it comes from the same source. My brain chemistry is fucked up and thinks I’m terrible. Your brain chemistry is fucked up and thinks the world’s terrible. It’s all the same thing.

I hope someday you learn to overcome yours the same way I’ve had to learn to overcome mine.

Here, from one crazy person to another: (((hugs))).

13 years ago

I support the singular they in general (Shakespeare used it, after all) but in specific I think it makes me sound like I have DID.

13 years ago

True, but then again, I want people always a little worried about how many of me there really are out there. Like Batman or V or Spartacus or something. 😉

13 years ago

“Shit. Appeal to Nature Fallacy. Learn it, stop doing it.”

And we have words dropping from the all-knowing mouth of a feminist as proof. The sad part is, the solipsism of your comment is self evident. The self indulgent, narcissism of everyone of your comments can only be attributed to evolution. It isn’t so much that you’re narcissistic by nature, but that your naturally susceptible to eternally feeling solipsistic and narcissistic.

13 years ago

“It isn’t so much that you’re narcissistic by nature, but that your naturally susceptible to eternally feeling solipsistic and narcissistic.”

Contradiction overload! >.<

13 years ago

I only use the singular they in situations where the gender ID of the person I’m referring to is unspecified. Otherwise I go with said person’s preferred pronoun.

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