creepy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reddit vaginas

Vaginas are icky because … SCIENCE! (779 upvotes on Reddit)

How to get 800 upvotes on Reddit: Offer an evo-psych explanation of why vaginas are icky, preferably including the phrase “wet hole.” Here, watch a master at work:


Well, that proves it. It’s SCIENCE!



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13 years ago

Ugh. I can’t even turn this around via regender, because the big pecs, nice arms associated skills/purposes are incredibly privileged. Guys who subscribe to this would be all “Yeah! My strong pecs ARE for doing multiple jungle pull ups! My big arms ARE for chucking spears long distances!” If I regender the part about the penis not needing to be attractive, I’m betting I’d get any one (or all) of the following: [trigger maybe?]
-Penis envier!
-It doesn’t need to be attractive for me to rape you like biology programmed me to!
-Woman aren’t visually orientend for arousal anyhow!
-It’s not like you want sex anyway!

It’s such a stupid, frustrating logic loop to keep me/us perpetually frustrated, and to keep their bubble intact. Sigh.

13 years ago

So much nonsense…

If we were attracted to breasts because they feed babies (what kind of weird fetish is that anyway?) we would be sexually attracted to milk bottles too.
From what I heard, we are attracted to breasts because they resemble a butt.

What he says about vaginas is also mindbending… Why would you even want to ‘deposit your semen’ into a ‘wet hole’ that doesn’t attract you in any way (and, as I would guess in this particular case, disgusts you)? It makes no sense.
Of course, that men aren’t attracted to vaginas isn’t even true.

13 years ago

Oh, there are some more icky comments in the reddit discussion, for example, someone asks if liking flat chests makes him gay; the one-liner “Don’t be silly! That makes you a pedophile” has over a thousand votes. o_O

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

AA-cups can feed babies. (Fun fact: male breasts can feed babies.) People with flat butts or even saggy butts can be healthy.

But science has not yet discovered a way to make babies that does not involve a vagina.

G.L. Piggy
13 years ago

yeah because that commenter tried to pretend that they were a scientist. David, you’re the online equivalent to a bum who wanders around collecting discarded soda cans.

13 years ago

In saunters the filthy sty, rather than the pig. (Pigs are awesome mammals!)

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Oh yeah, GL Piggy, well you’re the online equivalent to a shark that eats only butts because it’s a buttshark so nanny nanny boo boo.


(Ze joke here iz ze insult zat makes not the sense, you see.)

G.L. Piggy
13 years ago

Futrelle’s blog is dedicated to scouring (trolling) comment sections at various blogs and forums. He’s holding up anonymous comments as if they indicate anything more than the opinions and rants of anonymous internet surfers. Very significant.

13 years ago

Ah, evopsych. 1) Observe phenomena. 2) Make up story about how phenomena came to be (bonus points if it involves MEN BEING SUPER MANLY MEN and women doing cleaning/cooking/other chore you want an excuse out of) 3) Still, apparently, get taken seriously by society.

13 years ago

I always wonder if these sort of “discussions” would differ if men were more involved in the care of small children. It seems that a large number of men do not realize that the vulva/vagina is actually a part of a woman’s body that she’s had since birth. I’ve been cleaning small children’s genitals since the ripe old age of about seven, so seeing the peen wasn’t anything new when I started having sex, but to many of these sorts of men (coincidentally(?) the ones who like to use words like “hatchet-wound” or “gash”) they don’t seem to realize that the women who sport vulvae have mostly had them their entire lives. Little baby girls are born with little baby vulvas and little baby vaginas. They use them for peeing, much like the penis is used for peeing in a pre-adolescent. They then mature with the rest of the body into a sexual organ. They don’t just get gashed out of nowhere, or inflicted by hatchet or something.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

By your own logic, Buttshark L. Piggy, we need to ignore your comments.

Anyway, when 800+ people approve, it’s a little more than “one random rant”; it’s a random rant that a disturbing number of people agree with, at which point it’s notable misogyny.

And the attitude that “vaginas are icky” is horrifyingly prevalent among straight men.

13 years ago

Hmmm … it’s almost as if the blog is used to highlight misogynistic statements (a lot of it found in what’s called the “manosphere,” a loose collection of Men’s Rights, Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW), and Pickup Artist (PUA) sites) and then mock them. David, maybe that should be stated somewhere on the site, so people don’t get confused?

Oh … right.

13 years ago

GL, you’re giving pigs a bad name.

The point is, some misogynistic or homophobic shit gets posted and you guys all fall over yourselves to agree with it — the anonymity of the original poster isn’t the issue, it’s how willingly you want to associate with morally repugnant shit.

Meanwhile, over on the reddit, the following comment has only 23 votes:

Hooray for completely baseless, unsourced evopsych bullshit. You may want to look into something called sexual selection. Not everything everyone is attracted to is merely because it’s a “sign of health.”

Some meritocracy, huh!

13 years ago

Also, screw the ‘random comments’ line half the posts are from the people who run the damn misogynistic sites.

G.L. Piggy
13 years ago

“And the attitude that “vaginas are icky” is horrifyingly prevalent among straight men.”

As opposed to gay men who just love vaginas, right?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

As opposed to gay men who just love vaginas, right?

No, but it’s somewhat less problematic if they don’t. I don’t think it’s right for a gay man to call vaginas disgusting, but it’s not as wrong as hearing it from a man who still wants women to let him touch their vaginas.

“Vaginas are icky” is misogynistic; “vaginas are icky, now let me stick my dick in yours” is extra misogynistic.

13 years ago

GL Piggy: I’m… not sure what your point is. The gay men I know mostly regard it as a body part, not EW GROSS GROSSNESS SLIMY FISH TACO. A disturbing number of straight men regard it as the latter, especially given that it is a body part that about 99% of the people they could be attracted to will have.

G.L. Piggy
13 years ago


do you think those men actually think that “vaginas are icky” or are they just using typical bombastic internet-speak?

13 years ago

To be fair, I have also experienced the equally puzzling Straight Women Who Find Cock Gross.

13 years ago

All gay men never say anything misogynistic things about women? You crack me up, GLP. Some do; being gay and being a misogynist aren’t always mutually exclusive sadly.

13 years ago

GL Piggy: It would be somewhat odd if they were using bombastic Internet-speak, because most of the people I’ve met who find either cock or pussy gross have been offline.

13 years ago

If only Reddit had some sort of way for us to measure how popular a given comment is to the target audience of that subreddit. Unfortunately, until they do, we can’t really be sure that those random comments see any sort of approval within the ‘mainstream’ of the MRA movement.

Hey… wait a minute…

G.L. Piggy
13 years ago


are you comparing men of each orientation that you’ve spoken to in real life? as a man who talks about vaginas a lot, i’ve never spoken with a straight man who thinks that vaginas are unqualifiedly “icky”.

gay men: one i know said that vaginas make him think of the movie ‘Tremors’. he holds an image of vaginas containing teeth. quite disgusting but funny when he said it just for the imagery. other gay guys i’ve known at least do the whole “ew vaginas are gross” thing. i’m not sure how much they actually believe that.

regardless…i don’t think there are many straight men who actually think that vaginas are icky. if they make a statement about icky vaginas they are probably thinking of one particular woman they know who has an STD or something. and if they say that vaginas are icky across the board then they are just talking shit.

13 years ago

I heart vaginas and lady boobs, but not man boobs. And GLP is right about trolling to find weirdos and then presenting them as representative of a larger population, but whatever y’all need to feel self-congratulatory about your mental and moral superiority.

13 years ago

Tremors is about large worm creature thingies, if any genitalia are being represented then…

But I’m quite a fan of genitalia in general, so I guess I never got the ‘vaginas/penises are icky thing.’

G.L. I suggest looking back at a few previous posts on this site. One lovely quote featured was “Read up on vaginas. They’re fucking disgusting.” That isn’t comedic exaggeration.

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