Men’s Rights Activists generally like to pretend that the world is some kind of feministy dystopian hellscape for men. No so the gentle MRA philosopher who calls himself Cooter Bee. In a recent post on A Voice for Men, he admits frankly that
In absolute terms, men have never had it better. Our lives are longer than ever before. Especially in the western world, we are not nearly as plagued by violence and disease as our grandfathers. Never in history have we had as much economic opportunity or as much latitude to choose our own careers and our ultimate station in life.
Well golly. Sounds like life is pretty good for us dudes.
We are clearly neglected and abused relative to women, but is that really a legitimate comparison? Is that any more meaningful than measuring how we are doing compared to squirrels or dolphins? There are a few men who do cross-over and become women but I never heard of even one who did it to gain access to all the goodies that go with being an entitlement skank. I know of few men who would be anything else despite the supposed unfairness.
So what is the beef? Could it be that even though men are doing better than ever that the level of ingratitude is also disproportionately high?
Uh oh. Do I smell some “we hunted the mammoth to feed you” coming up?
Let’s face it. Men are and always have been where it’s at when it comes to sustaining this world. In former days, men used to get some credit for it. Not now. Scorn, vitriol and blame are the thanks we get for making this world livable. Biting the hand that feeds you was always a no-no. Perhaps that’s what eats me.
Hmm. Given that most women work, and that women make up roughly half the work force, it seems to me that most women are actually feeding themselves. Statistics on all this are readily available.
I am starting to tire of all the stats and data.
Statistics? We don’t need no stinkin’ statistics!
Isn’t the fact that we don’t like what is going on enough reason to change it?
So you’d rather fight against imagined ingratitude than real injustices?
Ironically, after acknowledging that he’s primarily motivated by feelings, not fact, Mr. Bee accuses women of not being able to deal with gender issues rationally:
Talking equity among men is useful because men are capable of equity. Exceptionally few women are capable. Talking about equity to a typical woman is like talking particle physics to a baboon.
We want it the way we want it and so it should be done. No other justification is significant.. We have it good but want it to be better still.
Well, at least he’s being honest about it, I guess.
EDITED TO ADD: The comments on this post on AVfM are, of course, a treat. Here are some choice excerpts from my favorite one, posted by a fella calling himself DruidV:
[D]id any of you ever stop to consider the very first expendables in this gendercidal war against us?
You know, those accomodating Men of the sixties and seventies who were just trying to do the “right” thing. Those Men, who reluctantly but dejectedly gave up their lives and livelihoods so that millions of poor, oppressed wimmin could enter the work force (and completely FUBAR it, btw) in the name of ekwality.
Was there ever any kind of token memorial statue erected by the wimmin, to honor these displaced Men who were forced to hand it all over to their future political enemies? Was there even ONE?
My grandFather just happened to be one of these very first Men to be displaced from his job by a woman, at the hands of the government. He never fully recovered from the loss, to be sure. But hey, who gives a shit right? As long as some loud-mouthed, 1960′s hatchett wounds could feel “liberated”, umm sorry-I meant to say “Empowered(tm)”, it made no difference how many Men were sacrificed…
So, yeah, let’s get working on that memorial, folks! I wonder if we could get Maya Lin to design it?
comment above after “i think he thinks it’s some sort of secret shadow government, actually. Literally” directed at NWO. (Who still won’t tell me how high my taxes will be in NWO land.)
Maybe he thinks that most women are VAWA members. Perhaps he thinks the V stands for Vagina?
NWO’s video also implies that the women are “women from VAWA,” so maybe this “not knowing a law from an organization” thing isn’t confined to just him.
(Reposting the link for this page: http://annmariewhaley.com/2011/12/05/lisalyn-r-jacobs-charged-arraigned-for-assaulting-daddy-justice-at-vawa-hearing-in-d-c-senate-building/)
Vagina Authority of Wasted America?
Vanguard of Advancing Warring Amazons… Oooh. I wish.
nwo – Seriously. Pretend I don’t know anything at all about VAWA. Tell me what it is, and why I should oppose it. Can you do that?
Actually I think NWO thinks that feminists come from Mordor. That’s why we all apparently think the same things and are indistinguishable from each other – we’re under the control of the One Ring. Maureen Dowd has it, and she directs the actions of the feminist horde via shitty editorials.
I don’t think NWO knows what a law is. I think he honestly believes that VAWA (like Title IX!) is an organization. Maybe even an agency.
He seems to think that each law has its own separate enforcement agency. Title IX has its own police force; why not VAWA?
Okay, I watched the video. The guy is in a courtroom illegally filming women, a couple of them call for security, and then, when he keeps following them as they try to walk away, one of them drapes a jacket over his camera. So the “assault” is… the jacket touched him?
Yeah…suddenly I’m even less afraid of the coming Man War.
Less funny is the fact that you could do that lad-mag study with “Lad Mag or NWO Post?”
I watched the video, I hope the man wasn’t injured or suffered too much emotional distress from the jacket being draped across his camera.
Come back when you have a real assault, not a fake assault accusation, and I will be more sympathetic.
strongly disagree
i dont think pkd is the most trustworthy reporter of his own actions but i also believe him when whe said that people were exagerating his drug use and the effect it had on his writing like beyond the fact that he claims shit like palmer eldritch was written before he touched drugs a lot of his ‘trippiset’ writing can be read to be critical of altering the definition of reality as much as anything else
mental health problems aside he had a really unique mind and acid doesnt adequately explain the worlds he created
The (arguably) saddest thing is that all of Slave’s complaints are pretty much a result of patriarchal, sexist bullshit attitudes that are more likely to benefit him than hurt him. He doesn’t even know when to shut up and not look the gift-horse in the mouth. Oh, you want more child custody, do you? I think we, the invisible female overlords of the justice system and whole entire universe can probably manage that.
Women don’t win more custody because they are demonstrably *always* better parents. They win custody battles because women are supposed to take care of children whether they are better suited, financially able, willing to, or not. Because this is the role that women should magically know how to fill from birth. Just as we are happiest with vacuum cleaners and dusters and bon bons. Women have known that this is bullshit forever, dumbass. And we have been trying to tell you for decades. Centuries even. So grats on finally sorta getting it. Small steps.
Now if you could just figure out a way to make it about “equity” instead of gender…. You’re so close it almost hurts to watch you struggle.
Vagina-American Women’s Army
Roving the countryside with pink guns and butterfly knives (they sound dainty, right?) to eradicate maledom from the universe.
… Where’s that sarcasm tag when you need it?
See according to MRAs, women who work are just stealing men’s jobs, but women who depend on on a man for their income are leeching sponges. In MRA world, what are women supposed to live off of? Certainly not money. Photosynthesis maybe?
My sister made fun of me today while I was playing Video Games.
If only I had recorded the footage and hastily edited it on iMovie, I would have made a “The Thin Blue Line” of Feminazi evil.
Seriously, NWO, that is pathethic, even for you.
Are we still talking about JacketSlapGate?
While browing Wonkette I found a video of Bill O’Reilly attacking a cameraman with an umbrella, which is arguably much more dangerous than a Jacket:
This is assault, by MRA standards. Can we get him fired or arrested too? It’s a fair trade.
New Magyc: The Gendering cards are up! 😀
If you want one of yourself, let me know! (preferably on the forum by PM or something b/c I might miss it in the troll deluge here xD )
Samuel has a card! And Meller gets a mention! 😀 Also Zhinxy, Discordia and Bionic Mommy get their long delayed cards :3
sry for the long delay xD I lost interest in the Magyc cards for a while b/c of something personal… but my inspiration is back and so are the cards! 😀
“Meller looked at the trail of bodies his creation had left in its wake and shook his head. ‘Too much free will, not enough porcelain.’ He muttered and turned to head back to his lab.”
Bwahahaha! XD
I’m guessing that a Cooter Bee is like a spelling bee.
Hey, NWO, did you see that lad’s magazine/rapist thing everyone was posting? http://jezebel.com/5866602/can-you-tell-the-difference-between-a-mens-magazine-and-a-rapist
Which ones do you agree with and why?
There really is no realm of modern day society where men are demonized, criminalized, ostracized or generally treated like a third class disposable item.
Did anyone else notice NWO’s little possibly-Freudian slip here? Because it made me laugh.
NWOslave, it has been a while but could you please let me know how you came to the conclusions that, “Womens sexuality is her body. Mens sexuality are their actions. Men are atrracted to a womans body. Women are attracted to a mans actions/talent/wealth/power.[sic]“?
As a Jacket-Wearing American, I want to deeply apologize for any distress that a fellow jacket-wearer may have caused. We are a peaceful people, and believe that jackets should only be used for good — the use of a jacket is a beautiful thing, creating a warm bond between human and jacket, and seeing someone use their jacket in anger deeply saddens me. I hope the man who was assaulted will recover, and will find it in his heart not to blame all Jacket-Wearing Americans for this atrocious behavior.
One of my favourite quotes:
“It is indisputable that the being whose capacities of enjoyment are low, has the greatest chance of having them fully satisfied; and a highly endowed being will always feel that any happiness which he can look for, as the world is constituted, is imperfect. But he can learn to bear its imperfections, if they are at all bearable; and they will not make him envy the being who is indeed unconscious of the imperfections, but only because he feels not at all the good which those imperfections qualify. It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied; better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied.”
— J.S Mill
Women may enjoy an extremely cushy and privileged position in society compared to men, but does it mean I wish I was born a girl? Fuck no. Women might seem pretty happy, but then dogs seem pretty happy too. Doesn’t mean I want to be one.
So yes, being a man sucks. But it’s better than the alternative.