creepy evil women men who should not ever be with women ever nice guys threats

How to creep out the entire internet, lovelorn banker edition

Try dressing as a nun. Then maybe he'll go away.

Dating can be tough. It can be especially tough if your personality is a mixture of petulance and insecurity. And even tougher if you think you can argue someone who’s not interested in you into a second date with an angry, accusatory, sometimes hilarious, sometimes deeply unsettling 1600-word email. And no, I’m not speaking hypothetically here.

The email in question, written by a young investment banker named Mike to  an unfortunate woman named Lauren after one less-than-great date, was posted on Reddit a couple of days ago, and has already gotten a lot of internetty attention, but some of you may not have seen it, so I thought I’d give it a little fisking anyway. Settle in; it’s going to be a long and bumpy ride. (Note: What follows below is most of the email; I’ve cut out a few passages here and there.)

Hi Lauren,

I’m disappointed in you. I’m disappointed that I haven’t gotten a response to my voicemail and text messages.

Well, we’re off to a not-so-good start. Perhaps she is, as they say, just not that into you?

FYI, I suggest that you keep in mind that emails sound more impersonal, harsher, and are easier to misinterpret than in-person or phone communication. After all, people can’t see someone’s body language or tone of voice in an email. I’m not trying to be harsh, patronizing, or insulting in this email. I’m honest and direct by nature, and I’m going to be that way in this email.

Gosh, I wonder why Lauren didn’t get back to him.

By the way, I did a google search, so that’s how I came across your email.

Google-stalking – always a nice touch. There’s no better way to charm a nice lady than by tracking down her personal information online.

I assume that you no longer want to go out with me. (If you do want to go out with me, then you should let me know.) I suggest that you make a sincere apology to me for giving me mixed signals. I feel led on by you.

Uh, what? She’s ignoring you, dude. She doesn’t want to go out with you. Seems to me she’s sending you a pretty unmixed message here.

Should she have responded to your voicemail and/or texts? In an ideal world, perhaps, but she may have sensed that you’d react precisely how you’re reacting now, and didn’t want to have anything more to do with your creepy, entitled bullshit.

And now Mike the banker makes his, er, “case” for why she should go on a second date with him:

Things that happened during our date include, but are not limited to, the following:

-You played with your hair a lot. A woman playing with her hair is a common sign of flirtation. You can even do a google search on it. When a woman plays with her hair, she is preening. I’ve never had a date where a woman played with her hair as much as you did. In addition, it didn’t look like you were playing with your hair out of nervousness.

You were flirting!! Hair-twirling = sex! If you don’t realize it you can google search it!!!

-We had lots of eye contact during our date. On a per-minute basis, I’ve never had as much eye contact during a date as I did with you.

Eye contact is an Indicator of Interest. IOI! IOI! If you didn’t want to bear my children why did you look at me, with your eyes????

-You said, “It was nice to meet you.” at the end of our date. A woman could say this statement as a way to show that she isn’t interested in seeing a man again or she could mean what she said–that it was nice to meet you. The statement, by itself, is inconclusive.

Well, not really. This is what people say to be polite at the end of a disappointing date, when they don’t want to see you again.  If she wanted to see you again, she would have said something about making plans for a second date.

-We had a nice conversation over dinner. I don’t think I’m being delusional in saying this statement.

We had a conversation! You did not flee in horror! Therefore you must have my babies!!!

In my opinion, leading someone on (i.e., giving mixed signals) is impolite and immature. It’s bad to do that.

And sending someone who clearly wants nothing to do with you a long, creepy, accusatory tirade is polite?

Normally, I would not be asking for information if a woman and I don’t go out again after a first date. However, in our case, I’m curious because I think our date went well and that there is a lot of potential for a serious relationship. 

Dude, you do understand that she has to actually like you too in order for there to be a relationship?

I think we should go out on a second date. In my opinion, our first date was good enough to lead to a second date.

You cannot argue someone into a second date! That’s not how it works.

Why am I writing you? Well, hopefully, we will go out again. Even if we don’t, I gain utility from expressing my thoughts to you.


In addition, even if you don’t want to go out again, I would like to get feedback as to why you wouldn’t want to go again. Normally, I wouldn’t ask a woman for this type of feedback after a first date, but this is an exception given I think we have a lot of potential.

Well, banker dude. You’re getting some feedback now. All over the internet.

If you don’t want to go again, then apparently you didn’t think our first date was good enough to lead to a second date. Dating or a relationship is not a Hollywood movie. It’s good to keep that in mind. In general, I thought the date went well and was expecting that we would go out on a second date.

So your argument is that she should go out with you, even though she doesn’t want to go out with you, because life isn’t perfect and you’re probably the best she really deserves?

Way to sell yourself, dude.

If you’re not interested in going out again, then I would have preferred if you hadn’t given those mixed signals. I feel led on.

Well, she’s not really responsible for you thinking that every woman who twirls her hair in your presence wants to have your babies.

We have a number of things in common.

Oh dear, sounds like we’ve got another “logical” argument coming up here.

I’ll name a few things: First, we’ve both very intelligent. Second, we both like classical music so much that we go to classical music performances by ourselves. In fact, the number one interest that I would want to have in common with a woman with whom I’m in a relationship is a liking of classical music. I wouldn’t be seriously involved with a woman if she didn’t like classical music. You said that you’re planning to go the NY Philharmonic more often in the future. As I said, I go to the NY Philharmonic often. You’re very busy. It would be very convenient for you to date me because we have the same interests. We already go to classical music performances by ourselves. If we go to classical music performances together, it wouldn’t take any significant additional time on your part.

Um, what?

I have no clever remark to make here, other than that Lauren is probably going to have to avoid going to the Philharmonic ever again, on the off chance she might run into banker Mike.

According to the internet, you’re 33 or 32, so, at least from my point of view, we’re a good match in terms of age.


 I could name more things that we have in common, but I’ll stop here. I don’t understand why you apparently don’t want to go out with me again. We have numerous things in common.

Also, you both require oxygen to live. Lauren, can’t you see that you and banker Mike are soulmates?

I assume that you find me physically attractive. If you didn’t find me physically attractive, then it would have been irrational for you to go out with me in the first place. After all, our first date was not a blind date. You already knew what I looked like before our date.

Banker Mike: You said you wanted feedback. Here is some feedback. She was apparently not horrified by your physical appearance. It may be your horrible personality that needs some work.

Perhaps, you’re unimpressed that I manage my family’s investments and my own investments. Perhaps, you don’t think I have a “real” job. Well, I’ve done very well as an investment manager. I’ve made my parents several millions of dollars. That’s real money. That’s not monopoly money. In my opinion, if I make real money, it’s a real job. Donald Trump’s children work for his company. Do they have “real” jobs? I think so. George Soros’s sons help manage their family investments. Do they have “real” jobs? I think so.

You’re fighting a losing battle here, dude. Just as you cannot argue someone into liking you, you cannot argue someone into being impressed that you manage your parents’ money.

In addition, I’m both a right-brain and left-brain man, given that I’m both an investment manager and a philosopher/writer.

And I’m the Queen of Denmark.

That’s a unique characteristic; most people aren’t like that. I’ve never been as disappointed and sad about having difficulty about getting a second date as I am with you.

Oy. As if this email wasn’t stalkerish enough already.

I’ve gone out with a lot of women in my life. (FYI, I’m not a serial dater. Sometimes, I’ve only gone out with a woman for one date.)

This last bit I have no trouble believing.

I suggest that we continue to go out and see what happens.

I suspect that Lauren has already played out various scenarios in her head already, and that none of them end well.

Needless to say, I find you less appealing now (given that you haven’t returned my messages) than I did at our first date. However, I would be willing to go out with you again. I’m open minded and flexible and am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. I wish you would give me the benefit of the doubt too.

So now you’re being noble and “open minded” for trying to pressure a woman who wants nothing to do with you into a second date?

If you don’t want to go out again, in my opinion, you would be making a big mistake, perhaps one of the biggest mistakes in your life.

Now you’re just making my skin crawl.

I spent time, effort, and money meeting you for dinner. Getting back to me in response to my messages would have been a reasonable thing for you to do. In addition, you arrived about 30 minutes late for our date. I’m sure you wouldn’t like it if a man showed up thirty minutes late for a first date with you.

Here’s a solution, dude: How about she never goes on another date with you, ever. Then you won’t ever have to worry about her being late ever again.

If you’re concerned that you will hurt my feelings by providing specific information about why you don’t want to go with me again, well, my feeling are already hurt. I’m sad and disappointed about this situation. If you give information, at least I can understand the situation better. I might even learn something that is beneficial.

I hope you find the feedback that the internet has now provided you to be helpful.

If you don’t want to go out again, that I request that you call me and make a sincere apology for leading me on (i.e., giving me mixed signals).

Now we’re back on this again.

In my opinion, you shouldn’t act that way toward a man and then not go out with him again. It’s bad to play with your hair so much and make so much eye contact if you’re not interested in going out with me again.

Damn you, foul strumpet, and your devious hair-playing ways! Google it! GOOGLE IT!!!

I would like to talk to you on the phone.

I think you’ve pretty much guaranteed that this will never, ever happen.

Even if you don’t want to go out again, I would appreciate it if you give me the courtesy of calling me and talking to me. Yes, you might say things that hurt me, but my feelings are already hurt. Sending me an email response (instead of talking on the phone) would better than no response at all, but I think it would be better to talk on the phone. Email communication has too much potential for misinterpretation, etc.

Not much to misinterpret here, Mike. You’ve made it absolutely crystal clear that you’re an undateable creep.

Let me be serious for a moment. Forget about Lauren. Hell, forget about women in general for a while, and work on yourself. Get some therapy; you can afford it. Work through your bitterness, your petulance, your highly unattractive mixture of entitlement and insecurity. Stop being a “Nice Guy” and learn to be genuinely nice.

And don’t ever, ever, ever write another email like this one.



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13 years ago

MRAL, I have no idea why you’re on moderation. You’re always so calm and rational; our very own lil’ ray of sunshine.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

KathleenB, I am the opposite of entitled, in fact, to clarify before anyone slanders me, I bent over backward to be as deferent and light and nonthreatening as humanly possible. I put MYself out there, and I was the one who was hyperventilating and nervous and sweating. It was humiliating. There was never a fucking math test this hard. It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do, and princesses have to do none of it. Please understand, I don’t begrudge her refusal, even though it disappointed me. I do begrudge the fact that STILL, according to statistics and anecdote, she will be likely sneering about me, calling me a cr**p. And you ask why the fuck men are angry? Why there are MRAs?

13 years ago

Okay, I cannot stop laughing at MRAL’s new “women are Nazis who only date Aryan ubermenschen” schtick.

Speaking as someone whose last two boyfriends have been Jews of Eastern European heritage (and they both look stereotypically Jewish, lest you imagine they are the Brad-Pittiest Jews ever), you are so silly, MRAL. You are just so silly.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

In fact, I never want to hear another fucking peep about how hard childbirth is. Yoou fucking lazy privileged bitches.

13 years ago

Mr. Al:

the issue is that I KNOW, based on interactions with men in the real world and online, that she’ll be talking shit about me, being mean, and calling me a cr**p behind my back.

How do you know this, sweetie?

I’ve been asked out by guys that I didn’t want to go out with for some reason, and generally speaking, I might tell one person about it (“X asked me out, but he’s not my type” or whatever), but it’s NEVER become a thing that involves shit-talking meanness. Why do you KNOW that every woman does this?

Your distrust of women says a lot, Mr. Al. You wanna be liked by anyone? Don’t be a fucking douchebag, dude.

That said, I’m sorry you got turned down. That stings. But again, I am 100 percent certain that it had nothing to do with your lack of physical similarity to Brad Pitt. Get over it.

13 years ago


Because you say things like “WHY AM I ON FUCKING MODERATION FUCK”, and that’s when you’re trying to be more polite and get through the filter? Maybe try again with less swearing and personal insults.

13 years ago


questions that answer themselves…

13 years ago

MRAL, chill the fuck out. The dude actually got a first date, it didn’t work out. Shit happens.

I’m glad you asked someone out, and it sucks to be turned down, but I doubt she’s even thinking of you enough to talk shit. Are you sure your sunny personality didn’t shine through during the asking?

13 years ago

But that’s not the issue- the issue is that I KNOW, based on interactions with men in the real world and online, that she’ll be talking shit about me, being mean, and calling me a cr**p behind my back.

No you don’t. You may think that, but unless you bugged her purse, you have no idea what -if anything- she has or will say about you. In fact, if all you did was ask her out and the interaction can be generally described as “amiable” then she probably hasn’t given it a second thought. What bothers you more? The idea of her calling you a creep behind your back or the much more likely scenario that she’s forgotten the entire encounter?

You know what I’ve always found entitled and arrogant? The kind of men who think that because they’re interested in me, I ought to give them a shot.

13 years ago

” Young women are, by and large, sneering, arrogant fucks toward men like this one, insecure men, short men, any man who isn’t Hitler’s Aryan ideal personified. ”

Making it all about you much? This dude is a banker – it’s very unlikely that he’s particularly young. We also have no indication that he’s short, or not Aryan-looking.

Personally I dislike both blond hair and light eyes. That means that I’m super awesome and you don’t get to swear at me, right?

13 years ago


But here’s the deal: Even if this guy does have some sort of spectrum disorder, that’s not a free pass to be an asshole.

Of course it doesn’t. It just puts it into a context where his inability to grasp the situation is understandable and not necessarily the result of his misanthropic, unjustified hatred for other people. Course it could be both. It just kinda doesn’t seem like it. He seems way more painfully clueless of obvious social cues than malicious.

Look, if I were to write a really bad alien movie about an alien who tried to mimic human dating/mating rituals by watching a lot of movies, I would use this man’s email as the basis for my screenplay. Forget Keanu Reeves.

Also, it reminds me so much of this autistic man that was a regular at the restaurant I worked at. He would hit on all the waitresses, and when we said we like books or movies but declined his various invitations, he would be totally baffled why we wouldn’t go out with him. And I don’t mean in a rude way, he just could not understand why anyone who like books or movies wouldn’t date him. Not because he thought he was so awesome, but because he liked liked these things and he genuinely thought that was how people bonded. And it is, kinda, but also kinda not.

13 years ago

I mean I’m sure she would have said yes if I was a Pittclone, but you know, I can’t control her physical preferences, even if they are ridiculous.

This seems like growth.

13 years ago

I do begrudge the fact that STILL, according to statistics and anecdote, she will be likely sneering about me, calling me a cr**p.

Find me that statistic.

Also, what does childbirth being painful have to do with anything? Stay focused!

13 years ago

MRAL: Have you ever considered that maybe women don’t want anything to do with you because you kind of make the fact that you hate us and our sexual characteristics pretty fucking obvious? just because a woman has the self preservation to avoid interacting with someone who calls her a gash doesn’t mean she’s an entitled princess. It just means she has the common sense the gods gave little green apples.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Memo to arrogant, entitled, lazy, fucking bitches:

You mean women who sleep with some men and not others?

This is your fault.

Right, because I failed to fuck ALL THE MEN. I could have fixed this with my vagina! But I was greedy! I was so greedy I thought I was a person who could choose things! I MUST BE PUNISHED FOR NOT LETTING EVERY MAN FUCK ME.

There is a reason awkward men are often clingy, or desperate in their seduction technique, or come off as “cr**py” (that is now a slur comparable to the n-word, as far as I’m concerned).

Seriously fuck off. You want to be liked and you drop shit like this? Creepy will be like the n-word when we have a history of keeping creeps as slaves, you little asshole.

That reason is you. Young women are, by and large, sneering, arrogant fucks toward men like this one, insecure men, short men, any man who isn’t Hitler’s Aryan ideal personified.

BULL. SHIT. We fuck plenty of men. But I am so fucking sorry we have not coordinated our efforts to fuck all the men. WHAT CAN I SAY I GOT SORE.

I asked someone out today. That’s the first time I have ever done that, or made any sort of “move”. She said no, and it was amiable. I wasn’t hurt.

Good for you, and I mean it. But unfortunately, the fact that this was new and hard for you has no bearing on her. You’re new at this and you’re going to be bad at it. But if you throw the whole Monopoly board on the floor and call all the pieces bitches, you’ll always be bad at it.

Maybe you can buy some dolls or something, I dunno.

I mean I’m sure she would have said yes if I was a Pittclone, but you know, I can’t control her physical preferences, even if they are ridiculous. But that’s not the issue- the issue is that I KNOW, based on interactions with men in the real world and online, that she’ll be talking shit about me, being mean, and calling me a cr**p behind my back.

She’s probably not. Honestly, most guys that I’ve turned down I’ve felt very awkward and guilty about–it’s a painful situation, not wanting to be rejecting but also not wanting to date someone you’re not attracted to. But here you are, talking shit about her.

Sure it’s a weird email, but so what? He has not broken any laws nor even harassed her. He’s clearly borderline autistic (Asperger’s, probably), and has likely had much trouble finding women because they are princess spoiled brats andFUCKING ASSHOLES. The legions of arrogant, entitled, lazy, fucking bitches who are too prim and too fucking prim and princess to associate with men who are not the Nazi ideal is staggering. And you have the GALL and the FUCKING NERVE to make fun of this man, this man pt upon by ENTITLED BITCHES. Fuck you.


You know that? The first time you get laid it’ll be awkward and embarrassing and not as good as jerking off and you’ll realize you weren’t even that into her and you’ll leave in the morning (or maybe that night) feeling more weird than good. Nobody’s gonna treat you like an Alpha afterwards and nothing in your life’s gonna get easier afterwards. Or if you start having sex on the regular, all you’ll have is a new hobby.

But you’re never going to enjoy any of the pleasures of that hobby if you go around screaming that you’ve got some kind of fucking civil right to a vagina, because you fucking don’t. (I don’t have a right to your cock either. Does that help? It actually should.)

I am entitled. I’m entitled to decide who I sleep with. I didn’t choose an Aryan superman (my boyfriend is nerdy and dorky and looks nothing like Brad Pitt) but I didn’t choose you and until you get the fuck over that, FUCK YOU.

13 years ago

statisic AND anecdote.

that’s like, double proof.

13 years ago

The first time is always difficult; the next time you ask someone out it will be easier.

Just remember that you don’t have to ask any women out and you certainly don’t have to “cold call.” You say that you and this young woman don’t move in the same social circles. What made you ask her out?

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Um, HELLO? I didn’t call her a gash, duh. And also, I don’t hate women nor do I say I hate women. And even if I did, which I don’t, I wouldn’t say that to women who I want to put my dick in.

13 years ago

Also, what does childbirth being painful have to do with anything? Stay focused!

Bee, MRAL found asking this young woman out much harder than a math test. It produced a great deal of anxiety and actual physical discomfort. Therefore, it’s much worse than the pains of labor and delivery associated with childbirth and all of us arrogant entitled bitches can just go suck it.

13 years ago

Leni: I see a lot of people, especially online, who use ‘I’m an aspie’ as shorthand for ‘I’m an asshole’. Didn’t mean to offend, and terribly sorry if I did.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

I asked her out BECAUSE she doesn’t move in my social circle, but from what little interaction we had she seemed nice and was attractive. Really, that’s it.

13 years ago

Hey, MRAL, I’m glad that woman turned you down. She made the right fucking decision. Until you get your shit together, I think you should stay as far away from women, or anyone really, as possible.

The fact that you started swearing in all caps because a blog moderated your comment shows me you’re not mature enough to handle the emotionally complex world of human interaction.

Also, you’re a creep.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I know I said this in my rant but I can’t get over how fucking funny it is that MRAL is worried that she’s talking shit behind his back while meanwhile he’s talking about how she’s an entitled bitch Nazi.

Whatever she’s saying, MRAL (and I would put money on “nothing because she actually feels kinda bad,” unless you gave her this act in person), she’s probably not calling you a fucking Nazi.

I’ve tried to have compassion for you in the past but good Lord you sure as fuck don’t extend that to anyone else.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Hey… I was talking about women as a collective, not her specifically.

Also, I said Nazi-LIKE, not Nazi. It’s just the best comparison I could think of.