antifeminism evil women false accusations idiocy misandry misogyny oppressed men western women suck

Offshoring? More like Off-whore-ing! Amirite fellas?

Women pretending to work.

All those jobs going overseas? Blame it on the ladies. At least according to MRA blogger The Fifth Horseman – the guy behind The Misandry Bubble, a bizarre apocalyptic manifesto that took the manosphere by storm last year. In a heavily upvoted comment on The Spearhead, TFH explains:

Not many people realize that outsourcing happens mostly due to feminism.

Feminists impose all sorts of costs on businesses in the US, who are forced to employ women despite the low productivity of these female employees.

Since an office is not allowed to have too many men, the next best answer is to move the entire department to India or China, where Western feminists can no longer harass it.

Since Western women cost more than what Western men produce, outsourcing is inevitable, as a means to avoid feminism.

The blogger behind the Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology blog was impressed enough with this argument that he featured it in a post of his own, adding

Plenty of people have tried to run the numbers on the offshoring of jobs, but they can never figure out where the savings are supposed to be. Business would only offshore jobs if it made financial sense, and running the numbers indicates that it doesn’t make financial sense because any savings gets eaten up by the costs of offshoring.  That is the case until you include the costs of feminism in the analysis.  When someone runs the numbers on offshoring, they don’t include things like the costs of the false sexual harassment industry, affirmative action, and pure makework jobs for women in their analysis.  As soon as feminism is included, offshoring makes perfect financial sense for business. …

If you want jobs to come back to the US (and elsewhere), then you have to eliminate feminism.

Yeah, that’s gotta be it.


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13 years ago

NWO – “So the lessson is, never insult in a gendered manner?”

That’;s a pretty good lesson, yeah. For life in general, not just avoiding suits.

13 years ago

If you were calling a guy a dumb ass, over and over again, singling him out, making his work environment hostile, playing increasingly cruel “jokes,” holding him to inconsistent standards and making him fear for his livelihood if he doesn’t play along, causing severe distress… Well, that would be harassment. If you added a sexual component, calling him, say “fine dumb ass,” and adding leering let’s say, that would be sexual harassment. Is that just “hurt feelings?”

if you add in rape threats this is essentially what happened in oncale. he won.

13 years ago

Sharculese – I was not aware of that case. Good for him.

13 years ago

NWO just because you keep repeating something, doesn’t make it true. This is something you learn in childhood.

13 years ago

” So no woman or man ever, in the history of earth, has been subject to pressure to sleep with his or her boss in order to keep her job?”

Seriously, I’m dead tired, I work for a living, but the level of stupid is incredible. If you’re, “pressured” to sleep with your boss, quit your job and work elsewhere. If you don’t like your job for any other of a million reasons you quit and work elsewhere. Why is this different?

It’s called freedom without a safety net. Which everyone here hates. What you want is an all encompassing, paid for safety net. Even to the point of never having your precious feelings guarded. Even if you’re wrong.

13 years ago

Worst flounce ever. -5.

13 years ago

NWO – I AM A LIBERTARIAN ANARCHIST. That still means I think you can sue people in market utopia anarchist libertarian law court for coercion, and breaking of the understood employee-employer contract. Jesus christ, again, tell me how things work in NWO land? She can quit, go work elsewhere, and still, based on her being an employee, and he her employer, sue him in a private court covering those matters. No state, no big daddy, no safety net.

“If you don’t like your job for any other of a million reasons you quit and work elsewhere. Why is this different?”

Because it’s not just “not liking your boss” it’s something that even outside of the work world would be actionable. “sleep with me or bad things will happen to you” is sueable stuff even in my cold black libertarian conception.

13 years ago

Bitch and slut are off limits, but vile, worthless, shitsucking waste of flesh who’d be better off dead is okilydokily.

There’s no such thing as sexual harrassment.

Dude, is this really the hill you want to die on?

13 years ago

If you don’t like your job for any other of a million reasons you quit and work elsewhere. Why is this different?

it was established in an article linked here that many women do quit due to sexual harassment. Why should someone be forced to quit because of someone else’s bad behavior? if a boss or co-worker were making racist jokes or slurs to another employee of a different race, would you tell them to just quit their job too? Prick.

13 years ago

NWO – “If you’re, “pressured” to sleep with your boss, ”

Do you believe exploitation or abuse of a worker can happen? Not even in the case of sexual harassment, but just any genuinely exploitative and rights-violating action by a boss in general? Do you believe that anybody who sees an employer employee relationship as even possibly exploitative or actionable is just a state-loving freedom-hating whiner? I’m curious. Cause seriously, dude, I wonder.

Also, come the hell on and tell me, do I have to pay taxes in NWO land, or not?

13 years ago

Nwo: Proving that he is dumber than a sack of hammers on a daily basis.

13 years ago

Bitch and slut are off limits, but vile, worthless, shitsucking waste of flesh who’d be better off dead is okilydokily.

Actually, if your coworkers or boss are calling you that, NWO, that does sound like an incredibly horrible work environment.

13 years ago

NWO: “Seriously, I’m dead tired, I work for a living, but the level of stupid is incredible.”

Tell me about it. Most people work, jackass. You aren’t nearly as special as you like to think you are. The unemployment rate is only like 9%. That means there is a very, very (I’ll leave the complicated subtraction of 100 minus to 9 to you) good chance that the people with whom you are speaking are employed. Simple common sense would tell you that these jobs probably also annoy and exhaust others just as much yours does you, yet here we are listening to a lecture from you about how best to get fucked over by our bosses. Ironic, it is.

“If you’re, “pressured” to sleep with your boss, quit your job and work elsewhere.”

I probably would, but why should I turn a blind eye? Is there some reason I shouldn’t expose this boss for who he or she is so that future employees might at least have the opportunity to sign employment contracts with something approximating informed consent? Am I somehow morally obligated to protect their interests over my own, or other people who might otherwise be fairly warned?

Further, if something like that happened to you and you had legal recourse would you refuse to seek it on the grounds that you could have simply found another job- even though you shouldn’t have been shown the door from the job you had in the first place because, I dunno, you apparently didn’t have the right genitals and that wasn’t part of the employment contract you signed?

“If you don’t like your job for any other of a million reasons you quit and work elsewhere. Why is this different?”

Because not liking your job or boss is different than being driven from it which, in aggregate, amounts to being driven from the workplace, by your racist, sexist, or religiously bigoted boss/coworkers. Why is this so hard for you to understand?

And since you work so *hard* (snicker) for a living, good standards ultimately help you. That you bitch about it is frankly baffling. Instead of raising the bar for workers, including yourself, you’d prefer what? That we all worked in third world conditions? There’s a word for that. Figure it our yourself while you’re sucking off the cooperate teat and pretending like that makes you a self made man.

How far can you get your nose up the man’s ass anyway?

(Probably women are to blame for that too, somehow.)

13 years ago

That means there is a very, very (I’ll leave the complicated subtraction of 100 minus to 9 to you) good chance that the people with whom you are speaking are employed.

You forgot that we’re all gold-diggers lying on our couches eating bonbons.

13 years ago

I am so incredibly embarrassed to have to share the country of my birth with Ullere, who can’t argue his way out of a wet paper bag or use the language that he presumably grew up speaking properly.

Not all Scots are that obtuse, I promise.

On to the other idiot.

““So the lessson is, never insult in a gendered manner?”

Well, that’s part of the lesson. The next part is, don’t insult anyone in a manner that’s based on their race either. Once you’ve mastered that, maybe you could try not insulting people based on their sexual orientation or their religion.

If you want to call people dumbasses, however, or any other insult that can’t be boiled down to “you are worthless because your sex/race/sexual preference is different than mine”, then knock yourself out. Insult their job performance all you like, just keep their demographic affiliations out of it.

This really isn’t a hard concept to understand.

13 years ago

On the bright side, you’re also from the country of David Tennant. Scotland is much too awesome for Ullere to put a damper on it.

13 years ago

Wrong, wrong, wrong., feminism has nothing to do it but greed has.
Hell, a computer specialist with 2 or more languages around 10 000 US dollars per year, maybe a little more. And that’s considered well-paid.
I work as a computer support and almost all of my colleagues are female, the same holds true for all companies that are outsourcing in my country as well.

I wonder… is it because they think US is the center of the universe or because they simply don’t know what “capitalism” is and how it works?

13 years ago

“I had asked to get some equipment from my truck that was in lockup. I told Adam that I needed it and he told me I could have it, but I’d have to show him my breasts first,” said Cassandra Drew.

“I woke up from a nap once with Adam straddling over me,” said Kimm Flynn.

“He calls for my attention. I turn around and he’s clearly exposed,” said Amanda Huber.”

“Huber says another supervisor started touching himself while they were in an ambulance.

“It’s not like I can jump out of the ambulance in the middle of my shift in the middle of Detroit,” she told reporters.”

“Each of them say they were fired after they reported the harassment.”

Would this count as “sexual harassment” in your world NWOslave? Note that these women have a rather high-risk job (ambulance workers) and that they were fired after making the allegations.

13 years ago

I don’t know what you’re hoping for Sorka, he already stated he don’t believe in sexual harassment. Which is weird for someone who believe kids are dressing to taunt him.

13 years ago

Kyrie: You’re right, of course. I should stop. I’d be interested to know if he thinks that men can sexually harass each other as well, though.

13 years ago

Sorka, I was wondering that as well. I mean, we’ve given example of men sexually harassing women, and women sexually harassing men, so would he erase men sexually harassing other men? Given that he’s very anti-gay, I’d really like to know if he’d be perfectly fine with another man rubbing up against him under threat of being fired. He probably thinks that would never happen to him, though, because JEEZUS.

13 years ago

Seriously, I’m dead tired, I work for a living, but the level of stupid is incredible. If you’re, “pressured” to sleep with your boss, quit your job and work elsewhere. If you don’t like your job for any other of a million reasons you quit and work elsewhere. Why is this different?

This is why NWO doesn’t complain at all when someone says insulting things about christians at his workplace. Anyone can do anything they want in NWOland, unless they are a woman. Then they have to dress to please every man in the world; keeping them calm and happy or they deserve to be raped.

Because NWO doesn’t believe in treating any one any differently from anyone else and, so long as it’s no skin off his nose thinks anyone can do anything they want: to women.

13 years ago

NWO: Wait… sexual harassment doesn’t exist?

So it doesn’t matter what women wear, it’s not sexual unless they fuck?

So all your shit about women being cruel to men by wearing see through clothes and shakin’ it at the beach was lies?

Thanks for clearing that up.

13 years ago

After a typical day of work for a man.

His feet might hurt.
His back might hurt.
His arms might hurt.
His legs might hurt.
His shoulder might hurt.
His neck might hurt.
His knees might hurt.

These pains are an accepted part of employment for a man. No one will be sued and no one will be punished.
After a typical day of work for a woman.

She may go an entire lifetime without the slightest pain of any kind. Or a day might come along when her feelings are hurt. A man will be punished. A man/company will be sued, backed by the violence of the State.
A man can lose a limb or be permanantly disabled in a work related injury. He’ll be compensated meagerly compared to a woman whose had her feelings hurt. The highest value monetary compensation by far are awarded to women for hurt feelings.
Womens sex blogs or articles in the MSM are a routine daily occurance as modern women strive to outdo each other in vulgarity. Yet at any moment these foul-mouthed women might feel insulted and demand the State to intervene and punish a man and reward her.

13 years ago

“His feet might hurt.
His back might hurt.
His arms might hurt.
His legs might hurt.
His shoulder might hurt.
His neck might hurt.
His knees might hurt.”

Yup, I stand around and lug heavy boxes containing, consoles, tvs, 20 litres of cola etc all day long. I’m usually tired after work. I usually have work related bruises due to the amount of crap I walk into in our shitty, tiny store room. I get abuse from people who don’t deserve my patience. I get minimum wage. But I don’t moan like a little bitch like you do. Work is hard. Get over it.

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