Most people who hate Katherine Heigl hate the actress because she seems like a bit of a diva, or because she keeps appearing in annoying rom-coms, including one with Ashton Kutcher that hurts my head when I even think about it. The fellas at Register-Her.com have another reason: she hates balls. As in, testicles.
Well, not really. What the Register-Her fellas are worked up about is a PSA she did for Funny or Die in which she claims to be in favor of neutering pets not because she loves animals but simply because she hates balls so much. At one point she declares, tongue firmly in cheek:
I can’t cut the nuts off human men … yet. So, I’ve dedicated my time to the neutering of dogs, cause that’s legal.
The joke here, as any rational person can plainly see, isn’t that cutting off balls is inherently hilarious. The joke is that an actress with a reputation as a diva is basically doing her critics one better by portraying herself as a deranged, narcissistic, supremely creepy ball-hater. And she’s spoofing her own bad reputation for a genuinely good cause: reducing cat and dog overpopulation and therefore the number of unwanted animals that are put to death in our nation’s animal shelters.
Of course that’s not how the fellas at Register-Her.com see it. And so they’ve put Heigl on their faux “offender registry” as a “bigot.” Their explanation?
The actress’s willingness to endorse male targeted sexual mutilation betrays a bigoted indifference to sexual violence, and justifies her inclusion on this registry in the category of bigot.
Presumably the fellas at Register-Her will next go after the people who have posted the more than twenty thousand YouTube videos that feature dudes getting hit in the nuts. Surely these videos, which feature actual violence against actual human balls are a far graver threat to the balls of the world than even Katherine Heigl.
The Register-Her Action Squad might start by tracking down the (admittedly quite ingenious) ball-hating dudes involved in this video.
And then move on to all the ball-hating bigots featured here:
And here are 50 more:
Better track down the ghost of Scott Joplin, too, for providing the music to the last one from beyond the grave.
Looking at shopenhauer’s ‘On women’ now. While mocking mysogyny is a noble pursuit I do appreciate this blogs members ability to expand my horizons.
on-topic: i don’t know anything about katherine heigle except for the stories about her so-called ‘freak outs’ or whatever about her involvement in judd apatow movies, but based on what i know about judd apatow movies i kind of assume she was right. actually, i don’t really know any judd apatow movies excecpt the forty year old virgin and saving sarah marshall, but the latter was so transparently anti-woman i ended up screaming at the tv
@David ARGH *gouges out own eyes*
fuck, i meant forgetting sarah marshall. i got it confused with saving silverman somehow.
For sharculese.
It is a Uk organisation, known for climbing public buildings dressed as super heroes. Again i have sympathy for them, but they don’t adress many issues and do not have a definite goal or objective.
However they would probaby say they are campaigning in the interests of children, not of men.
Whatever Ullere. I hope you can find the answers you’re looking for without blaming feminism and women for everything and denying all the shit women have faced or still do fac. It’s perfectly possible to work on behalf of men’s and women’s rights without going at war with each other. But if MRAs want to maintain it, so be it.
fuck, i meant forgetting sarah marshall. i got it confused with saving silverman somehow.
Maybe you subconsciously thought of Sarah Silverman.
I certainly hope so Quackers, I hope I find more answers and I hope that regardless of whether mras and feminists ever work together that things continue to get better.
Maybe you subconsciously thought of Sarah Silverman.
i would not even subconsciously associate her with a movie that terrible. i’m blaming the existence of gerunds.
Ha ha ha. Boadie Macleod is a bigot. I was sitting there, minding my own business, watching black on white porn, when I made the mistake of going to her blog. Vomit.
Not for nothing sweet cheeks, but we wouldn’t want to “screw ” you anyway.
Oh fuck, Mag’s right!
that is some extremely terrible text right there.
“The fact that these assholes have a “registry” is clearly mocking the registries of actual, real sex offenders.”
A man can get put on the registry for just about anything. Depending on the State a hunter can be put on the registry for take a leak in the woods, (public urination). Any woman can have a man put on the registry.
Perhaps one of these young lads’ll get put on the registry. Only feminism could come up with any reason to charge even young boys for anything.
“It’s extremely insensitive, and it makes you wonder how many of them are rapists.”
How did you jump from insensitive to rapist?
“And the fact that they can’t take a joke at all means that they have no right to criticize feminists or women in general for supposedly not having a sense of humor.”
A couple of generations of men being indiscriminately ridiculed and mocked while women remained aloof to the slightest criticism has bred a world full of angry men. Women laugh at a man having his dick cut off and tossed in a garbage disposal. They laugh at a video of a man being shot in the head for being a man. Or dismiss or brush it off as no biggie. Women pulled a knife so men pull a gun. Is it still funny?
“These dick-wads are just a bunch of whining, sniveling woman-haters who can’t stand the thought of losing male privilege. Screw them. On second that, better not.”
Male privilege, as if there is such a thing. And when these vile words spill from your foul mouth are we supposed to support you? Has the worship of women waned recently? How terrible for you, having to endure such oppression!
We still wait for one self declared MRA group that actually does something for men’s rights and does not despise women.”
We do. We fight for equal custody. An end to debtor prison. Fairness in court. Innocent until proven guilty in all establishments. An end to alimony. The truth about who is at fault for DV and child abuse. An end to the demonization of men such as this verizon video where children are taught to fear their fathers even though the vast majority of child abuse is by the mother acting alone and women initiate the majority of DV.
We fight against all of these things and so much more. And all of it is rooted in feminism. Since feminism is so thoroughly indoctrinated into society all women are feminist to a degree. If a leftist feminist says a man must act like x, and a socialist feminist says a man must act like y, and a moderate feminist says a man must act like z. Whats the difference? They all demand to dictate how a man acts, where his labor is directed, where his resources go.
Do more domestic work.
Spend more time with your children.
I’ll take your children now pay me for not being able to see them.
Work harder outside the home.
I want that job, so I get preference.
I want equal pay as a secretary while you work the dangerous end of the job
I want that education so I get the slot.
I’m a slut so treat me like a delicate snowflake.
If I yell it’s nagging if you yell it’s DV.
I can dress anyway I want, if you look at another woman you’re a pig.
The demands are endless. And in return for meeting every demand we’ll give you more demands. Feminism is the enemy of every man on the planet. Every women as well, you just have to break the cycle of indoctrination. For all your claims of women being strong and independent, all I see are weak-willed followers.
“We”? “WE”? NWO, you got balls saying “we.” I mean, unless you’ve personally done anything except troll the internet about it.
(Also, not that you’re the right audience for this, but alimony is absolutely justified in cases where a woman sacrificed her earning potential in order to do unpaid work in a man’s household. That’s a job–albeit one paid only in room and board and intangibles–and she deserves unemployment insurance.)
Only in the MRA Fantasy world does making an ass of oneself on the internet qualify for a purple heart.
I sign and sign and sign petitions. I donate money to various funds. I do all kinds of stuff.
I come here and mock the mockers as well.
No one deserves alimony. If I quit work I’m breaking a contract with the company I work for. I’d be hard pressed to sue them for a lifetime of money under the premise that I coulda been somebody had I not had to work. It’d be a hell of a lot easier for a woman staying at home to get an online degree than a guy like me who works around the country 10 to 12 hours a day on average. I did just do a 39 day in a row stint, and I’m back in SLC right now to finish up.
I just went to that manwomanmyth and right away, I see a side banner advertisting the register-her website. And then there’s a link to Angry Harry, with the quote “Gender equality is not equal-ever” emblazoned at the top of the screen. So….fuck that website.
Okay, if the “mangina” thing wasn’t an attempt at parody, this has just to be.
That’s an either/or, not a paradox. Either take care of the house or pay for the house to be taken care of. You don’t get to choose “neither” and expect your wife to keep the house and never ask you for money.
While I’m sure there are injustices out there, most cases where men can’t see their children but are still paying support are cases of serious abuse of those children. I think some MRAs honestly don’t understand that divorces don’t always end in restraining orders.
Does not actually occur on Earth. I’m going to need some sort of proof (note: saying it again louder is not proof) that any of these actually occur before I’m going to worry about it.
Repeatedly misinterpreting an informal list of types of abuse as a law defining domestic violence is proof of something, but probably not the thing you meant to prove.
I’ve worked some dangerous jobs, and I’d happily take more if they were open to me. One of my dream jobs in nursing is working as a flight nurse, and that’s about as dangerous a job as you can get, short of “professional shark puncher.”
No inconsistencies found–there is absolutely no reason to treat women badly because of how they dress.
If you disagree, please describe how they should dress to be treated as human.
@NWO Funny how your 39 day stints of 10-12 hour days leave loads of time for whinging on the internet. Your complete lack of basis in fact must have something to do with your limited time eh?
and what do many MRAs and other male chauvinists demand from women?
Shut the fuck up about rape
Shut the fuck up about street harassment
Don’t dress like a slut or you deserve to get harassed
But do dress feminine and not like a dyke
Look pretty
Look young
Don’t get fat
Women’s sexuality needs to be controlled by men, or they’ll choose to sleep with someone other than us (alphas)
Stay at home and fulfill your natural role as mother and sammich maker
But don’t you dare try to get custody for the children if we divorce
Shut the fuck about discrimination, men work harder jobs and die more
Women should work more dangerous and life threatening jobs
A woman firefighter/cop/soldier?! women are weak! she’s only there because of quotas, I wouldn’t trust a woman with my life or on the battlefield!
An assertive woman? what a bitch!
Women working? she took that job from a well deserving man!
Single mothers? dumb sluts.
Women do something men don’t like? lets talk about taking their right to vote away!
Women are at fault for their low pay, they choose to have children
A woman choosing not to have children?! what a selfish career bitch denying her nature!
I have read all of these, or similar statements on MRA/PUA sites and on many other sites too.
Would these petitions all be Internet petitions, signed with the name “NWOslave”? Are you aware that doesn’t actually do anything? I’ll honestly be impressed if you sign paper petitions with your real name (especially if you do it in all caps so it’s valid), but I’m kinda doubting that.
Which funds?
So yes, you really do think trolling qualifies as activism. You do realize that for us, this is pure entertainment, right? I come here to vent and to pal around with the other manboobzers. It’s not activism.
Funny how much you were posting during that stint.
Also, not every divorce is a woman betraying a loyal man. Sometimes the man initiates the divorce. Sometimes he becomes abusive. Sometimes he just up and disappears. That seems a lot more like “being laid off” than “quitting” to me.
MRAs seem to have this idea that divorces always go one way:
-Wife is a stay-at-home mom. Husband is wealthy, loving and loyal.
-Wife decides for Mystery Woman Reasons to divorce husband for no reason.
-Wife is awarded all the husband’s money.
-Wife is awarded a giant alimony and child support, which she actually receives.
-Wife is awarded full child custody.
-Wife and children obtain restraining orders against husband.
I don’t think guys like NWO have any conception that divorce courts actually don’t work like that most of the time.
Have you ever started a petition? Why don’t you create your own blog? Not only would you be able to talk/write about whatever you want (as opposed to your endless derails here) but you could consolidate information on all of these various petitions and bring greater awareness to the causes. That would be real work.
I’m sorry: aren’t you always pleading poverty? In fact, didn’t you once say that the reason you had not started a nonprofit to do something that might actually</i? help men is because the only people who would want to donate would be men like yourself who simply didn't have the money? I'm curious, NWO, to what "funds" do you donate?
Of course you do.
MRAL, dude, you really need to stop holding random people responsible for the things you feel insecure about. Tall women are not being tall at you just to spite you.
(This is coming from a woman who’s 5ft2, btw.)
Same old Poly-Holly nonsense and denial of facts. Ahh well, since a woman of strength would be able to break the cycle of indoctrination and feminists are followers I really didn’t expect anything but conformity.
On that note, since I’m tired from working my mentally and physically challenging dangerous job, I’ll leave you with a little regendered feminist satire.
“I’ve always wanted to cut out every womans vagina, but I guess I’ll have to settle for neutering cats instead!”