Most people who hate Katherine Heigl hate the actress because she seems like a bit of a diva, or because she keeps appearing in annoying rom-coms, including one with Ashton Kutcher that hurts my head when I even think about it. The fellas at Register-Her.com have another reason: she hates balls. As in, testicles.
Well, not really. What the Register-Her fellas are worked up about is a PSA she did for Funny or Die in which she claims to be in favor of neutering pets not because she loves animals but simply because she hates balls so much. At one point she declares, tongue firmly in cheek:
I can’t cut the nuts off human men … yet. So, I’ve dedicated my time to the neutering of dogs, cause that’s legal.
The joke here, as any rational person can plainly see, isn’t that cutting off balls is inherently hilarious. The joke is that an actress with a reputation as a diva is basically doing her critics one better by portraying herself as a deranged, narcissistic, supremely creepy ball-hater. And she’s spoofing her own bad reputation for a genuinely good cause: reducing cat and dog overpopulation and therefore the number of unwanted animals that are put to death in our nation’s animal shelters.
Of course that’s not how the fellas at Register-Her.com see it. And so they’ve put Heigl on their faux “offender registry” as a “bigot.” Their explanation?
The actress’s willingness to endorse male targeted sexual mutilation betrays a bigoted indifference to sexual violence, and justifies her inclusion on this registry in the category of bigot.
Presumably the fellas at Register-Her will next go after the people who have posted the more than twenty thousand YouTube videos that feature dudes getting hit in the nuts. Surely these videos, which feature actual violence against actual human balls are a far graver threat to the balls of the world than even Katherine Heigl.
The Register-Her Action Squad might start by tracking down the (admittedly quite ingenious) ball-hating dudes involved in this video.
And then move on to all the ball-hating bigots featured here:
And here are 50 more:
Better track down the ghost of Scott Joplin, too, for providing the music to the last one from beyond the grave.
if it makes you feel any better, kyrie, he’s going to stop genociding you in about 5-10 years.
I’m loving the implications of this not-breeding=death thing. I wonder if having two kids means you’re twice as alive as someone with one?
I guess if someone is infertile that’s an accidental death?
And if you have just one kid and they don’t breed then that’s, um, death once removed?
I’m having trouble reconciling this with the “SPERM-STEALERS!!!!” MRA paranoia, though. Sperm-stealing is the gift of life!
I’m not holding my breath for that – and not just because I would be dead if I hold my breath 5 five years -.
And it doesn’t matter if the father cant see his kids, because all that matter is that they exists, RIGHT? Thinking of it, why don’t you just give your damn sperm? That would solve the problem, if it’s just about the genes.
wouldnt work. women have figured out how to genocide you there, too:
Thinking of it, why don’t you just give your damn sperm? That would solve the problem, if it’s just about the genes. –
Women only want alpha sperm!! It’s, um, proved! The sperm clinics turn short men away! With cattle prods!
…Also, another thing about MRA – land. The biggest users of donor sperm are married couples where the man is infertile. So he KNOWINGLY chooses to raise “another man’s child,” that is also his wifes! – What sort of genetic failure/cuckoldry BE THIS?! Also, men are infertile, and I haven’t ever seen a “indicates fertility” thing behind the women mate choice logic. Supposedly every single thing we do and every curve we have indicates our fertility or lack thereof, but an alpha is defined by dollars, or muscles, or any other thing that is.. Really not anything to do with his sperm count? It’s all so confusing!
Ah, adding onto that and what sharculese said – See, this is largely couples wanting the baby to look something like daddy, not women hypergamously choosing …Or Are redheads just betas? Or…
Stop the genocide of gingers I say!
Refusing to fuck you/be raped by you is neither murder nor genocide nor coercive sterilization.
I do want to point out to someone who suggested earlier that a pro-breeding social policy cannot be genocide and only a killing on is is wrong. I suggest looking into what was done to some Australian aboriginees and native american groups. Trying to force outbreeding (rather than just allowing it) can be used as an instrument of genocide to try and eliminate a people and its culture, intentionally.
This, of course, does not give anyone the right to force any other person to have babies with them instead of someone else…
If I were married + infertile I would NEVER go along with such a thing and if we wanted a kid that badly, we’d adopt one.
“When women are given the freedom to pursue their own desires they instinctively act in ways that undermine the structures of society. Their partner choice is both irresponsible and destructive and ruins things for everyone. ”
Here’s the funny thing. My being able to make my own partner choices doesn’t ruin things for everyone. It certainly doesn’t ruin things for me, since I’m very happy being able to choose who I fuck. It doesn’t ruin things for people who don’t want to sleep with me anyway, like gay men or straight women. It doesn’t ruin things for the men or women who I do fuck, since they’re getting laid.
Basically the only people it ruins things for are men like you who can’t get laid because you hate women too much. I’m OK with ruining things for you. In fact, one might consider that a benefit rather than just a feature.
” we’d adopt one”
Ah the old “If I can’t expand my genes, neither can she!” thing.
Ah the old “If I can’t expand my genes, neither can she!” thing.
also, the ‘you can’t be right about people in general because i don’t feel that way’ thing
Calm down, Oh Nameless One, nobody is trying to force you into using a sperm bank. It’s not like the wives of infertile husbands just, like, pop down to the sperm bank on a whim without consulting their partners first and then burst into the room saying “Darling, you will never believe what I picked up for us today.”
>>I wonder if having two kids means you’re twice as alive as someone with one?
No. 50% of your genes times two. That means you’re twice as alive as someone with none (200% = 2x 100%). You’re only 1.33 times as alive as someone with one.
It’s MATH so you know it’s true.
And you’re saying Napoleon wasn’t from an affluent background?
He was, that is why his height was considered short, for his socioeconomic background.
Uh. No. In fact there are plenty of alpha men (which basically means that they get laid a lot) who are quite short. And have short penises or not more then six to seven at the most because the vast, and I do mean vast, majority of women do not like men who are very long, it actually hurts.
Mister no name of frenchness – “EVIDENCE, plz?
If I were married + infertile I would NEVER go along with such a thing and if we wanted a kid that badly, we’d adopt one.”
Well, I know it’s WILD, but a lot of these men love their wives very much and want to have a baby with her, and even if it can’t be theirs genetically, they still get the experience of pregnancy and childbirth to share with their partner, and at the end of it a child who reminds them of their beloved wife. They can also select for donor characteristics so that the child may look “more like daddy”
One in eight infertile couples. That’s a lotta couples. Yes, single women and lesbian couples also use donor sperm, but the primary people seeking the technology are hetero couples, just because, well, there’s lots more of them.
Aww, crap, pretty much any donor clinic site on earth is gonna be geared primarily towards couples, some being more single/lesbian friendly than others. I can keep linking?
It always amazes me how many of these men who claim to know all there is to know about women, to the point where they think they can tell us how we are contrary to our own experience, completely fail to comprehend stuff like “Vaginas have an end and deep sex can be painful.”
Makes me think they’ve never actually had sex with an actual woman and learned everything they know from watching porn. But even then, if you thought about it for more than half a second you’d realise that getting prodded in the ovary is the same as getting kicked in the nuts.
Slamming sex is only fun with men whose penis can do it without hurting the woman – ie not a gigantic one. Have we blown your tiny mind yet?
“I do mean vast, majority of women do not like men who are very long, it actually hurts.”
I second that >.>
Not to mention that if the penis is that long, it also tends to hurt the penis.
And, I’m just gonna stick this here, for guys who haven’t had sex with women but might want to and are starting to feel somewhat insecure about their incredibly large penises: Different people are built differently and like different things. What feels good to one woman might feel painful to another, and vice versa. And there are lots of things that two people can do together that don’t involve piv sex but still feel nice, and lots of different ways to have sex and so forth.
The greater point about Arks being completely wrong that every woman in the world prefers a giant penis jackhammering her cervix is totally well-taken, though.
I had a boyfriend with an enormo-dick and we had satisfying PIV sex–once he learned to hold back and not thrust all the way.
Anyway, I didn’t find how big his dick was until after I’d agreed to have sex with him! So I’m pretty sure I didn’t hypergamously select him for that.