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Mostly off-topic: Cats and Bats

Inside the Mellerverse, by Holly Pervocracy

The other day Holly Pervocracy, a friend of Man Boobz with her own awesome and sometimes NSFW blog, drew the picture above, which is her best rendering of what the world apparently looks like to one of this blog’s resident trolls, a rather untraditional traditionalist named David K. Meller. On the left, an example of a fine, upstanding traditional woman, dressed in a proper ladylike manner and concerned with ladylike things  (e.g., cooking and kitties); on the right, a foul feminist.

This got me thinking: are there any videos online that depict both cats and bats? This being the internet, the answer was of course yes. So I present to you a kitty snatching a bat from the air. Kitties are fucking amazing.

Here’s another video, involving a cat and a different kind of bat.

EDITED TO ADD: Bat cat!!!! (Thanks, Katz, in the comments.)

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13 years ago

MarkyMark: Phallic symbolism much? o.o

13 years ago

ozy – “Feminists disparage the giant symbolic dicks of civilization by dismissing them as giant symbolic dicks, thus castrating society and it’s huge, giant, symbolic dicks” was what I got out of it, yeah.

13 years ago

UAE is actually economically better off than the united states is. We rank 11 in the world according to the CIA and UAE ranks 9 in terms of average income for individual citizens. So, under that logic qatar should have the tallest building in the world.

(All three of those stats are from the CIA world factbook

13 years ago

Shorter MarkyMark: [BONERS]

13 years ago

~blush~ Thanks zhinxy 🙂

13 years ago

Actually, Dubai has the tallest building in the world, but it IS in the UAE…

13 years ago

Which, of course, Markymark notes, along with mysteriously callin git a third-world country..

13 years ago

The idea of Dubai as being the Third World is such a perfect illustration of how disconnected MRAs are from reality. The place is literally covered in gold and marble. It’s not just wealthy, it’s ostentatiously so.

13 years ago

Please tell me MarkyMark’s post is supposed to be intentionally funny.

The last time I heard anything about how Amuhricah is being emasculated and we need to reinvigorate our collective penii was in my Modern Latin American History class– while discussing the lead-up to the Spanish-American War.

13 years ago

Also, they have a large domestic manufacturing industry, not to mention CONSTRUCTION, but Brandon thinks building cars and airplanes, as opposed to BUILDING BUILDINGS is what makes you a first world country…

13 years ago

Um, not to get all TMI, but the penii of the American men that I know seem to be working just fine.

13 years ago

(All three of those stats are from the CIA world factbook


Please tell me MarkyMark’s post is supposed to be intentionally funny.

No chance of that, but MarkyMark has a long history of writing posts that are unintentionally hilarious. (This one isn’t even in the top ten, frankly. The “You can’t make this stuff up!” Onion review, and the Maria posts have a permanent place in my heart.) It’s like most MRAs: If only they weren’t serious, the crap they write would be mindbogglingly funny.

13 years ago

oh for fucks sake does NWO really think we run the CIA too? Fine I’ll get a stat that is not from the US government. According the the world bank UAE ranks the 6th and the US ranks the 7th. Qatar still ranks the 1st. Unfortunately you aren’t going to find a result that doesn’t come from some governmental entity, however both the CIA and the World bank have every reason to say that US is the wealthiest nation on the planet and yet they don’t manipulate the numbers to represent that. Suck it up and deal nationalists, the US doesn’t have enough oil to be the richest country.

13 years ago

Often, the “3rd World” stigma (which is so not the way to talk about developing countries) is attached to wealth disparity. UAE, for instance, still has significant problems in this regard. The average income is often inflated because the rich are so, well, rich. Also, there are severe problems in spreading the wealth around to non-urban (or in the case of Dubai, super-urban) centers. Still, everyone is definitely spot on highlighting the wrongheadedness of the comments about the “3rd World.”

I do, however, approve MarkyMark’s pro-Good Vibrations stance and his refusal to let anyone get between him and his Calvin’s.

13 years ago

One of the things I miss about not being in Los Angeles is the lack of bats. In Pasadena there were some in our neighborhood, you’d see them at dusk. Cp. Pendleton has thousands.

13 years ago

oh look, proof that women just existing pisses them off

Two commentors already admit to bumping into, or making it look like they’re going to collide with women on purpose. Real civil.

13 years ago

Are they all 5 years old?

13 years ago

I’ve encountered women who won’t move out of the way before. Men too. A polite but loud enough to be heard “excuse me” is all you need.

I just DO NOT get these guys. Women are not all out to fucking get you.

13 years ago


they sure act like it.

13 years ago

Crossing the street is an aggressive act? WTF? I’ll expand the paint huffing diagnosis to include whatever wingnut wrote that.

13 years ago

Oh, ha ha.

[blockquote]The Flank Attack:

Identified by:

When a woman either pushing a chariot or simply walking alone, crosses to your side of the street when her side is perfectly clear.[/blockquote]

Because women never need to get to a business or service on the other side of the street. We just pretend we do to be contrary.

13 years ago

Not that I got upset with women about it, but my first morning in NY I had a woman try to bowl me over on 7th Avenue, in front of Madison Sq Garden. I was standing still and she was not moving to avoid me.

I braced, and she bounced and then gave me a dirty look. Since I was standing just outside the flow of traffic I didn’t feel the least regret.

But that was just a person being an ass, it had nothing to do with her sex.

13 years ago


Why not just stand on a roof-top and yell “Women don’t notice me!!!” at the top of your lungs?

That has to be healthier.

13 years ago


Exactly. Some people are just asses. It has nothing to do with sex. I get annoyed sometimes when there are lots of mothers with strollers around which blocks space, but really, they have every right to be there as I do. I wonder what their opinion would be if it was more fathers pushing strollers? would they interpret them as blocking space or getting in the way? most likely not.

It’s just so petty and arrogant to assume women are doing this just to bug men. This is also coming from someone who hates crowds, yet the thought to blame either sex for purposely getting in the way never popped into my head.

13 years ago

NWO should notice. I said I was aggressive toward a woman and 1: I am not in jail,and 2: no one has said what an evil man I am.