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Mostly off-topic: Cats and Bats

Inside the Mellerverse, by Holly Pervocracy

The other day Holly Pervocracy, a friend of Man Boobz with her own awesome and sometimes NSFW blog, drew the picture above, which is her best rendering of what the world apparently looks like to one of this blog’s resident trolls, a rather untraditional traditionalist named David K. Meller. On the left, an example of a fine, upstanding traditional woman, dressed in a proper ladylike manner and concerned with ladylike things  (e.g., cooking and kitties); on the right, a foul feminist.

This got me thinking: are there any videos online that depict both cats and bats? This being the internet, the answer was of course yes. So I present to you a kitty snatching a bat from the air. Kitties are fucking amazing.

Here’s another video, involving a cat and a different kind of bat.

EDITED TO ADD: Bat cat!!!! (Thanks, Katz, in the comments.)

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13 years ago

Holly, that’s a hilarious pic! I can tell the bat is one of those scary, overeducated shrikes more concerned with reading books than being a sweet, old fashioned girl. Now I’m waiting for DKM to show up and say the picture does accurately reflect his views on women.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

I was just reading MarkyMark’s blog and his newest post is fucking hilarious. Since this is off-topic, I thought it would be as good a thread as any.

13 years ago

Aw, poor bat.

I think bat are adorable, with their little wingies and their tiny feet. They are like a dog and a rat and a bird merged together, so cute.

Also, they can drink water while flying, that is awesome skills

13 years ago

Our older cat caught a bat in our old apartment. When I realized what he’d done, I shouted for MrB, which made the cat let go, which resulted in a panicky bat flying around the apartment. Good times, man. Good times.

13 years ago

I am both impressed and saddened by that kitty’s hunting skills.

13 years ago

Itty bitty batties are so cute, like mice with wings. They fly around here catching moths in the streetlight, you can hear them chirping. One got into the house once, and couldn’t find it’s way out. Puss was lying on the bed, just lifted one paw and casually swatted batty out of the air! Bat was OK, I grabbed it very gently and put it outside. It had a tear in it’s wing, though. The wings are so thin.

13 years ago

Bats are awesome. Here in Austin there’s the largest urban bat colony in North America under the Congress Avenue Bridge. It’s very cool to see them take off at dusk.

They’re famous!

13 years ago

MRAL, I read that, and I’m convinced MarkyMark huffs paint thinner.

13 years ago

I love cats, bats, and catwoman and batman. It’s all good.

13 years ago

Bats are aces. I met a guy last summer who restores old barns as bat habitat. Thought that was the neatest thing.

hellkell; Me too! I’m hoping that’s what our young Mr. Al found hilarious about it — hilarious like, I’m laughing uncomfortably at your stupid ideas, hilarious? Hilarious like, everything you say illustrates your complete break with reality, hilarious?

13 years ago

My daughter did a report on vampire bats. They take care of their sick and wounded, making sure to get extra blood and give it to them. It’s very touching. <3

13 years ago

Funny, I think my dogs would be scared of a bat. Well, probably not the Straydog; she would probably try and catch it. Though we say that dog is a cat because she purrs, not kidding. The dog purrs when being petted.

We’d always get 1 or 2 bats in the fireplace back in Iowa. That was always my least favorite chore, getting the bats out of the fireplace.

13 years ago

MRAL, that link did give me a chuckle.

I also love that building a building over a mile high is the fault of feminists (or is it women? Oh wait, they’re all the same because of the lizardbrain hive mind!) and not say the expense of building such a needlessly tall structure with the economy in the shit state it is.

There are probably other reasons this is ridiculous that have something to do with architecture and the laws of physics and the details necessary in building such a thing, but I don’t know anything about about carpentry, let alone architecture on such a huge scale. So, unlike markymark, I’m gonna keep my mouth shut about things i know nothing about.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I don’t think “Frank Lloyd Wright envisioned a mile-high skyscraper” is the same thing as “a mile-high skyscraper was technically feasible.” He was an architect, not an engineer.

Also the UAE and Saudia Arabia are not “third world countries,” what the hell. There’s this thing called oil…

Women and feminists (is there a difference?) would say that wanting to build the tallest buildings in the world is symbolic of male, penile insecurity or some such rubbish like that. Screw them! It was American masculinity that propelled us to being the best nation in world history…

…Which we accomplished entirely by building increasingly pointy things?

13 years ago

Chiming in as someone who used to live in Saudi – it’s really not a Third World country. Not even close. I’m going to have to agree with the huffing paint thinner diagnosis.

13 years ago

If that drawing of Holly’s was in a charity auction, I would totally bid on it.

13 years ago

How did David write this post without linking to Bat Cat? Is it just because we’ve all seen it before?

(Also, OT: Hi guys, we’ve been without power for 64 hours. Finally said “screw it” and drove to San Diego.)

13 years ago

Women and feminists (is there a difference?) would say that wanting to build the tallest buildings in the world is symbolic of male, penile insecurity or some such rubbish like that. Screw them! It was American masculinity that propelled us to being the best nation in world history…

After reading all this whining, I would say there is a deep problem of insecurity in some Americans, for sure, but I wouldn’t specifically link that to their penis. If you need to have big thing to feel validated, I really don’t know how else to call that. Also, a big superiority complex.

13 years ago

FW – I don’t know you, but may I just say that I LOVE your blog?

13 years ago

Holly:”There’s this thing called oil…”: Oil is a feminist myth designed to force men into wars for something that doesn’t exist.

13 years ago

Did you know that feminists use oil to make themselves dresses?

13 years ago

MarkyMark’s post in a nutshell:

RAWR I like tall manly things and AMERICA FUCK YEAH! PENIS damn FYMYNYSTS emasculation 🙁

Thanks for the laugh and the obligatory eyeroll, MRAL.

13 years ago

This has an owl instead of a bat, but there is a cat and I can’t stop watching it:

Just felt like sharing :.D

13 years ago

Mmmm… BatXCAt…

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