crackpottery idiocy off topic reactionary bullshit

Women for Cain: Proof women are not always right about everything.

Yes, this is actually a thing.

MRAs, including some of this blog’s resident trolls, complain often and vociferously that feminists view women as perfect princesses, unable to do wrong. This is of course untrue, but just for you guys — the “you feminists all think women are perfect” crowd — I would like to present some women who are not perfect princesses at all. In fact, these particular women are a bunch of gullible, misguided nincompoops. I present you Women for Cain, which describes itself as

an online national fellowship of women dedicated to helping elect Herman Cain as the next President of the United States.

Of all the terrible, backwards, completely unqualified Republican presidential hopefuls, why pick this particular dude ?

Mr. Cain has been a strong advocate for women throughout his lifetime, defending and promoting the issues of quality health care, family, education, equality in the workplace and many other concerns so important to American women.

No, that’s really what it says.

Some selected quotes from women on the site explaining their love of Cain:

Sir, I firmly believe that you were sent to our nation through Divine Providence and I believe that you are the man to preserve our Republic for our children.

I’m “reassessing” my Christmas List… instead of buying misc $10 gifts for people I barely know anyway, I’m sending all that money to you. YOU are who this country needs. Please don’t let the opposition win, they are vile liars and will face God for what they’ve done to you. … I have NO doubts about you after thinking and praying about it. If Mrs. Cain is OK w/ what you did, I am.

Its disgusting these women have taken advantage of you. They are the ones with questionable character, not you.

My dad would give a waitress 100 dollar tips and I just thought since I was a child that was normal, giving unconditional that is true Christianity and I get Herman Cain and A president who will save the Republic,

Mr. Cain, To me you are the embodiment of the prayers of every faithful believing slave who turned to ALMIGHTY GOD for deliverance from slavery and inequality. …  Our God Reigns!

I cannot believe you had time for an affair. If you are ill and fighting for your life,suffering through chemotherapy,how can you have time between hospital visits and family time? Wouldn’t you be too sick to participate in a make-believe affair? You are a triple threat to the Left!! I believe these “women” are looking for money and attention and have been groomed by the “Demonacrats” to be a bunch of bad actress’.

Don’t let Satan and his demons win. Stay true to the Lord’s will and stay in this race. Remember Philippians 4:13! CAIN TRAIN is chugging!

Weird.  I looked up Philippians 4:13 and there was nothing there about a CAIN TRAIN.

Also, how much do you think the women in the banner above regret posing for those stock photos?

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13 years ago

I was struck by the commonality of $100 tips to waitresses. Now I try to do 20% automatically (even when I get crap service, like today), but I have never felt the need to leave a tip that high unless it is a dinner for a large, and I do mean large, group of people.

If you are going to lie, can you at least be plausible?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I think the idea of the $100 tips is then you don’t have to feel so bad about economic policies that screw service industry workers out of thousands of dollars.

13 years ago


Did you hear about the head of the EDL’s ‘hunger strike’ a couple of months ago? That was almost as spectacularly dense.

No, I didn’t hear about that – thanks!

Talking of the EDL, I assume you’ve come across their spokesman?

13 years ago

My mind is full of fuck.

13 years ago

I think the idea of the $100 tips is then you don’t have to feel so bad about economic policies that screw service industry workers out of thousands of dollars.

There are times I regret Senator Franken running for Wellstone’s seat, his play about a waitress and a lawyer was so amazingly on the point of how screwed people are by the wealthy in this and other countries.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

Photos can be deceptive, of course, but it seems at first viewing that most of the women pictured seem prettier than most of the femocrats you see at gatherings of HC’s opponents. Of course, maybe Cain, or whoever runs that website may pick the brighter, more attractive looking ones for illustration, but nothing stops any of his critics from doing the same.

If you look at the women who have claimed sex contact with him, they look like the last rose of summer left blooming alone. Surely Mr. Cain has better taste!

No, I am NOT voting for Cain, nor contributing to his campaign. I just think that the fellow is getting a raw deal, especially at the hands of women! His accusers should crawl back under the rocks from which they came, or even join and complain and make their allegations about “affairs” and “sexual harassment” here, or at least at similar blogs! At worst, this only affects him and his wife, and the poor fellow should be left alone!

13 years ago

oh look, now that dkms asinine theories have been thoroughly rejected in one thread, he wanders over to another to whine about some other non-sequitur based on his magical innate understanding of what other people are thinking. i am shocked at this development.

13 years ago


Without clicking on that link, is it ‘Muslamic Ray Guns’? If so, I can’t watch it because it will get stuck in my head for days, and that’s really awkward when you find yourself humming it at anti-fa benefits…

Part of Tommy Robinson’s various bail and parole conditions have meant he’s not supposed to attend EDL marches and demos for a while now – did you see the ‘disguise’ he turned up in to the big Tower Hamlets thing in September?:

Why can’t MRA’s be this hilariously shit?

13 years ago

Definitely astroturf.

The first thing that struck me was that all the commenters/posters had given their names and most of them have identifying pictures attached.

How realistic is that in the internet world? Not a screen name or anonymous type avatar amongst them.

13 years ago

Ugh, I meant ‘MRAs’, obviously. *flagellates self for apostracy*

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Haha, DKM thinks they’re all pretty because he doesn’t know what a stock photo is.

Also, you know, we’re all obviously ugly, so burrrrn etcetera.

13 years ago

Hmm? Was I supposed to care about Meller’s opinions on how candidates are more legitimate if they have pretty women voting for them?

(Also – “stock photo”. Google it.)

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

Look on the bright side, CassandraSays–

If the XIX Amendment were repealed (along with similar State Constitution amendments) and women–pretty or not–couldn’t vote, the issue wouldn’t arise at all, would it?

i wouldn’t even have an opinion on it.

Happy now?

13 years ago

lol. ‘lets disenfranchise half the population’. deep thoughts from ‘libertarian’ david k meller.

13 years ago

Meller, go and look up what a stock photo is, you ignoramus. I know you’re busy trying to prove that all feminists are ugly and will stop at nothing to do so, but you just made yourself look even more ignorant.

13 years ago

although to be fair, his ‘libertarian’ of choice is a racist, anti-woman nutjob…

13 years ago

Ron Paul, when elected, will make all women pretty who are not infected with evil (I.E. feminists). That’s the real reason I don’t support him. I’ll be festering with sores like all the other evil women, once he is sworn in. It will happen magically.

13 years ago

Crap. I certainly hope Meller doesn’t click on the link to the Women for Cain site that David helpfully provided at the top of the post and see the pictures of the actual, non-model women who are supporting Herman Cain. That certainly would be a letdown that women who don’t look like models, some even over the age of 25, have decided to support the same guy that the models in the stock photo are presumably supporting.

Hey, at least none of them know how to use punctuation or capitalization. That oughta make Meller feel a little better.

Kyso K.
13 years ago

I was struck by the commonality of $100 tips to waitresses.

Yeah, I noticed that too. Because when I when I was waiting, my normal experience with ‘Christian!’ style Christians is that they were more likely to give you a fake dollar that was really a tract than 20%, much less $100. $100 tips were ‘this totally happened to someone who once worked at the last place I worked’ stories. Although I did witness a waiter who found a bunch of money behind a booth once when he moved the whole thing to vacuum behind it, a valuable lesson in not shirking on the job 🙂 (I also worked with a woman who told me to ‘always check the ice buckets’ in the rooms when we cleaned because once she didn’t and the guest had stashed his pot there and the next family in the room was so angry, so she got in trouble instead of getting high).

At any rate, David will have to try again to find us some real women to criticize. These ones barely exist.

13 years ago

Photos can be deceptive, of course, but it seems at first viewing that most of the women pictured seem prettier than most of the femocrats you see at gatherings of HC’s opponents. Of course, maybe Cain, or whoever runs that website may pick the brighter, more attractive looking ones for illustration, but nothing stops any of his critics from doing the same.

Except what would be the point of putting up pictures of arm candy if your ostensible purpose is to attract female voters?

If you instead only want to claim women love your candidate and “our women are hotter” (and our property) then the prettier the better.

However. There is an issue with stock photos — you can’t put political or religious words in their mouths, at least not legally. Frex, there was a guy whose stock image was used for a tumblr about an entitled white guy and he successfully got his image removed (he asked, the tumblr originator replaced him with another image of someone who consented to have his image be used that way).

The central image he’s using is from shutterstock according to

Looks true:

Their terms say:

“YOU MAY NOT:…Use an Image in a way that places any person depicted in the Image in a bad light or in a way that they may find offensive – this includes, but is not limited to the use of Images: ….d) in connection with political endorsements”

Amateur or thief? You decide.

13 years ago

Gah, sorry, did not close tags. hope that fixes it.

13 years ago

Yeah, I noticed that too. Because when I when I was waiting, my normal experience with ‘Christian!’ style Christians is that they were more likely to give you a fake dollar that was really a tract than 20%, much less $100. $100 tips were ‘this totally happened to someone who once worked at the last place I worked’ stories.

That is terrible on the Christian! Style Christians. Way to honor Jesus jerks.

Kyso K.
13 years ago

Oh, tipping with a fake dollar tract is definitely a thing. Some of them, like Ray Comfort’s, are obvious fakes, others are more realistic. Usually you’re not too upset because you’d already long-pegged the customer as a poor tipper – the type that would do that is really obvious. And there is some discussion in the hilariously earnest parts of the Christian! internet about whether or not it is appropriate (answer, if it’s all you left, no.) Defenders think they’re quirky and fun, detractors know they’re kind of a douche move. It’s always done on the sly, too, left as though it’s a real tip. A little old lady who tipped her 5-10% and genuinely wants to share the delightful word of the Lord with you will usually hand you the tract in person.

13 years ago

Yes, if prosletyzers wanted to build goodwill with waitstaff, fake tips are not the way to do it. Leave a really good tip with your little trak and, even if they toss it, the waitstaff will be far less likely to forever hate you.

Oh, and the person in charge of “women for Cain” is Cain’s wife, so the astroturfing charge seems pretty solidly accurate. Of course, I suppose she is a woman….XD

13 years ago

Sereph, the quotes are from a bunch of different allegedly non-imaginary women, but they’re straight from the site.

*Looks again*

Oh, good. I thought that whole rambling mess was the work of one person.