crackpottery idiocy off topic reactionary bullshit

Women for Cain: Proof women are not always right about everything.

Yes, this is actually a thing.

MRAs, including some of this blog’s resident trolls, complain often and vociferously that feminists view women as perfect princesses, unable to do wrong. This is of course untrue, but just for you guys — the “you feminists all think women are perfect” crowd — I would like to present some women who are not perfect princesses at all. In fact, these particular women are a bunch of gullible, misguided nincompoops. I present you Women for Cain, which describes itself as

an online national fellowship of women dedicated to helping elect Herman Cain as the next President of the United States.

Of all the terrible, backwards, completely unqualified Republican presidential hopefuls, why pick this particular dude ?

Mr. Cain has been a strong advocate for women throughout his lifetime, defending and promoting the issues of quality health care, family, education, equality in the workplace and many other concerns so important to American women.

No, that’s really what it says.

Some selected quotes from women on the site explaining their love of Cain:

Sir, I firmly believe that you were sent to our nation through Divine Providence and I believe that you are the man to preserve our Republic for our children.

I’m “reassessing” my Christmas List… instead of buying misc $10 gifts for people I barely know anyway, I’m sending all that money to you. YOU are who this country needs. Please don’t let the opposition win, they are vile liars and will face God for what they’ve done to you. … I have NO doubts about you after thinking and praying about it. If Mrs. Cain is OK w/ what you did, I am.

Its disgusting these women have taken advantage of you. They are the ones with questionable character, not you.

My dad would give a waitress 100 dollar tips and I just thought since I was a child that was normal, giving unconditional that is true Christianity and I get Herman Cain and A president who will save the Republic,

Mr. Cain, To me you are the embodiment of the prayers of every faithful believing slave who turned to ALMIGHTY GOD for deliverance from slavery and inequality. …  Our God Reigns!

I cannot believe you had time for an affair. If you are ill and fighting for your life,suffering through chemotherapy,how can you have time between hospital visits and family time? Wouldn’t you be too sick to participate in a make-believe affair? You are a triple threat to the Left!! I believe these “women” are looking for money and attention and have been groomed by the “Demonacrats” to be a bunch of bad actress’.

Don’t let Satan and his demons win. Stay true to the Lord’s will and stay in this race. Remember Philippians 4:13! CAIN TRAIN is chugging!

Weird.  I looked up Philippians 4:13 and there was nothing there about a CAIN TRAIN.

Also, how much do you think the women in the banner above regret posing for those stock photos?

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13 years ago

You are a triple threat to the Left!!

loud. ignorant. racist.


Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

To be fair, I’m sure he advocates for equal access of all women to Herman Cain’s penis.

13 years ago

So hilarious that self-proclaimed Christians are still okay with him. It’s not like he’s breaking any commandments or anything. All the many women who claim he behaves inappropriately with them are clearly lying. No pattern has emerged WHATSOEVER.

13 years ago

*Awaits “you left-wingers are like fascists, you say you support all women but then when they do something you don’t like you treat them as badly as you treat men! etc” comment*

Or is it only in the UK we’re treated to such enlightened thinkers?

13 years ago

no, that’s definitely coming.

13 years ago

Also, how much do you think the women in the banner above regret posing for those stock photos?

The British National Party got itself into trouble when it was rather amusingly revealed that the people on their leaflets complaining about foreigners coming over and stealing their jobs were in fact Italian and American models – who weren’t happy when they found out.

13 years ago

Oh good. I’ll get the popcorn.

13 years ago

@Wetherby Weren’t they also using pictures of Polish planes to symbolise how brilliant ‘are grate british’ engineering was?

13 years ago

*Awaits “you left-wingers are like fascists, you say you support all women but then when they do something you don’t like you treat them as badly as you treat men! etc” comment*

Or, “Ha ha, you bitter feminazis! When you can’t find a MAN to complain about, you start turning on other women. So much for grrrrrrl power. CLASSIC.”

13 years ago

Obvious astroturf is obvious.

The site is on Cain’s campaign site. It was obviously started by the campaign, which is likely mostly run by men (so the initiative doesn’t come from women). The only women here are either paid operatives or conservative women they’ve headhunted. You can be sure these women didn’t out of the blue decide together that they wanted to support Cain as president. This is not an organic, grassroot organisation. It’s not even a good attempt at looking like one (Freedom Works and the Tea Party at least tried to distance themselves from their sponsors).

13 years ago

Also, probably most of these women only exist as stories and stock photos. But I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt here.

13 years ago

…the fuck? Somebody please tell me that letter is a Poe.

13 years ago

If God is on Herman Cain’s side, I suggest picking a better God. Just sayin’.

13 years ago

I think God is just fucking with these candidates he told to run.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago


13 years ago



13 years ago

David – I had MISSED Women Laughing Alone With Salad!

Dammit! Now next time I’m in the kitchen alone and start making a salad, I’m gonna remember, and start laughing…

13 years ago

@Wetherby Weren’t they also using pictures of Polish planes to symbolise how brilliant ‘are grate british’ engineering was?

Better than that – they wanted to show a warplane defending Britain against evil immigrants/Europeans/both, but the markings betrayed that it was part of the Polish squadron that fought alongside the RAF.

You’d have to look very hard indeed for a better example of immigrants positively benefiting Britain – not least because they shot down a disproportionate number of German planes.

13 years ago

“Women struggling to drink water” is creepy.

Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
13 years ago

Forever alone.

Laughing, with salad.

13 years ago

@Wetherby That was it. I must have laughed for weeks after that. You’re from the UK, right? Did you hear about the head of the EDL’s ‘hunger strike’ a couple of months ago? That was almost as spectacularly dense.

For those from other countries – the EDL is a notoriously stupid far-right, anti-Islamic, anti-immigration group which is basically made up of football hooligans who like ‘going on rallies’ (drinking in different city centres) and ‘defending English culture’ (racially abusing people). Their leader was imprisoned a few months ago for assault, and declared that since all the food in the prison was ‘halal’ (it wasn’t), and he was a ‘political prisoner’ (he wasn’t) that he was going on ‘hunger strike’. Reports vary as to what form this took, as his supporters had their valiant hero refusing all but water and keeping up his strength for nearly a fortnight, whereas all other sources (the prison, etc.) had him spend 24 hours just drinking tea and cup-a-soups before giving up. Anyway, when he left prison to a hero’s welcome from his moronic acolytes, to break his hunger strike and celebrate being released, he went to the nearest Nando’s restaurant. Which is run by immigrants and all halal.

13 years ago


i didnt notice that at first and then i started reading the comments and i was like ‘huh… oh… eeeeewwwwwww’

13 years ago

@Sharculese: definite bukkake theme going on there.

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