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New form of anti-male oppression discovered: Women’s magazines in checkout lines!

Yeah, I know you've all seen this one before, but, come on! It's funny!

Over on Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit, cheester warns all of us dudes about an especially insidious form of anti-male oppression: the racks of women’s magazines that lurk near the checkout counters of grocery stores everywhere!

can I get some feedback on womens magazines at the grocery checkout? Every issue states “new tricks he doesn’t know in bed” and shite like that. It’s obvious porn for the gals but why is it so accepted by everyone that it has carte blanche to be within a two foot reach as I pay for my food? If a magazine for men had on the cover: “20 Ways To Make Her Squirm Like A Fish”….there would be a national outrage.

Yeah, it’s not like Men’s magazines ever run anything like that.

Church groups and womens rights would say it demoralizes women and have the publication banned or put behind censored racks in seedy smoke shops.

Yeah. It’s not like this ever happens to women’s magazines.

But the womens mags are right there as a last shop item in the flourescent lit, sterilized, family atmosphere where every mother parades her toddlers and kids right past the 3 letter word in big black block letters;SEX on the cover of every flashy colored womens mag that comes out each month.  

Not only is this oppression of men, it’s oppression of all toddlers who can read and know what the word “sex” means.

Also, feminists have never criticized women’s magazines in any way. “Ten Ways to Make Him Squirm” articles are the distilled essence of feminism! And most of them are written by the ghost of Andrea Dworkin.

NOTE:  Does this even need a “sarcasm” tag?



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13 years ago

Marie is a singer and entertainer. HISS! She has been married 3 times! She’s a business woman who SELLS COLLECTIBLE DOLLS! (that’s man’s work? Or what?). Despite being a devout Mormon, she supports her beloved lesbian daughter and same sex marriage rights. (AWWWWW.)


13 years ago

Meller, any reading–proper or not–of your crap is still horrifying.

13 years ago

It’s also rather amusing that Meller blames the readers for (he claims) not understand what he’s saying, even though he admits that he may not be expressing himself well. It goes along nicely with his general conviction that men are not responsible for their own actions. In Mellertopia women are always responsible for compensating for men’s deficiencies, whether those deficiencies lie in a tendency towards violence or poor communication skills.

13 years ago

Understanding, not understand. Wow, I really need more coffee.

13 years ago

@zhinxy: Duh, all the men will be doing manly shit. Yanno, fighting bears and eating beef jerky and chainsawing things and bench-pressing trucks and growing beards and shooting varmints and dying of heart failure at age 40. Manly shit. Full-time gig.

13 years ago

@zhinxy: Duh, all the men will be doing manly shit. Yanno, fighting bears and eating beef jerky and chainsawing things and bench-pressing trucks and growing beards and shooting varmints and dying of heart failure at age 40. Manly shit. Full-time gig.”

High paying too!

13 years ago

DKM [email protected]

“The suggestion that I made of Houses of Entertainment was exactly that, a suggestion of opportunity for women in a laissez faire world. All of a sudden, I find myself discussing stuff like brothels, compulsory confinement, mediaevel convents etc. I simply was offering a possibility of a potentially lucrative, upwardly mobile, and perhaps even humane system of helping women who probably could not be helped any other way.”

No, it was you who raised this spectre by saying that women who were sexually active when they weren’t supposed to be would be offered to “entertainment centres” so that their promiscuity could be of advantage. That strongly suggests that these women are owned by someone, presumably their fathers, brothers or husbands. YOU said that. Do you still stand by that or have you changed your mind?

“As far as out-of-wedlock children are concerned, it seems a bit absurd to avoid the term “orphaned” when the father is unavailable, and the mother, in far too many cases, can’t even take care of herself, much less child(ren)! There are single mothers who are magnificent exceptions, but that is EXACTLY what they are. Exceptions!!”

No, words mean things. Orphaned means that both parents are dead. Also: if the mother has a decent job she can take care of the child herself, if she chooses. She’ll need help with childcare, of course, but I’m sure that could be arranged.

“There is absolutely nothing about them that can apply to normal women, any more than the existence of a Marie Curie, a Gracie Hopper, a Roselyn Yalow or an Emmy Noether says anything about women in the sciences. Any effort to use them as examples for women will only misdirect scarce educational resources away from the boys (in any event, quite rare on that level) who can use them, and toward girls who would be as out of place in a math-and-science academy as ugly grey-brown moths would be in a butterfly collection!”

What do you mean by “normal” women? In case you haven’t realized we aren’t clones. We are all different, just like men are.

There are plenty of woman scientists. These days there are as many women studying sciences and working in numerous scientific fields. In fact, when I was studying during the eighties there were more women than men in my classes and they generally scored very well. Also: working requires an education. Without it competing is difficult, so if women are tobe able to work (and you say they may) , then they need the same kind of education as men, particularly if you don’t want a policy of affirmative action.

“I may not be the most effective advocate of a given scenario, but I think that proper reading would make my position clear without biased distortion!”

It’s your scenario, if you can’t defend it nobody else will be able to. Besides, we have all read your mountain of posts and it still comes across as a load of misogynistic twaddle. You are either a poor writer, who can’t represent his ideas so that people can understand them or you are backpedaling like crazy and blaming us for “dialed distortion” .

13 years ago

Isn’t it cute how he thinks that if he says “that’s not what I said” people will believe him, and be unable to scroll back a few pages and view what he actually said?

13 years ago

Let me put it in the simplest terms possible, Meller.

If I had to live in your world, I would either revolt, or kill myself. I would assume a good chunk of other women would do so too. But look on the bright side, the suicide rate for women would surpass that of men’s, and I’m sure the MRAs would rejoice.

13 years ago

Indeed. The Houses are each going to need their own funeral parlor for all the women “given to” them who decide that death is preferable to what Meller has in store for them. I don’t suppose that he’ll care, though.

13 years ago

Quackers: Yeah, I’d be in the Resistance. Along with my husband and probably most of my family. That shit does not fly in a family full of ‘tough dames’ – that’s what my grandma called me one day when I refused to refill her coffee until she put her hearing aid in, but it applies to nearly every woman in my family. We are not frail, fragile flowers of femininity by any stretch of the imagination.

13 years ago

I feel robbed now. I didn’t get any social security monies or financial aide benefits during the whole time I was in middle school, high school, and college despite being an “orphan”! My parents were divorced, and my father is a useless crackhead, if he counted as legally dead, we would have been financially better off, significantly so. I want my orphan benefits dammit!!!

13 years ago

Indeed. The Houses are each going to need their own funeral parlor for all the women “given to” them who decide that death is preferable to what Meller has in store for them.

Yup. They could maybe stick it between the in-house Abortionarium and McDonald’s.

13 years ago

Bagelsan – Or those “suicide rooms” popular in sixties and seventies sci fi, too….

13 years ago

“Oh yes, Mr. Studly, our girls are the finest sluts in the land! You are free to do whatever you like with them, but …uh… don’t let them near any sharp objects or rope or pills or electrical outlets because they can be, er, somewhat excitable HAHAHA– wait, come back!”

13 years ago

Maybe they can have a side business making snuff movies of all the, um, entertainers who for some reason just can’t seem to adjust to their fine and perfect new lives.

13 years ago

Meller: You said that promiscuous women would be given to these houses of entertainment and that this would make their families grateful.

That’s nothing like a free market solution. It’s some sort of servitude.

I also EXPLICITLY provided for the availability of other sources of education and employment for women,

If they were some sort of genetic freak and their father approved of it… otherwise home-ec and basic literacy is enough for any real woman.

“I may not be the most effective advocate of a given scenario, but I think that proper reading would make my position clear without biased distortion.”

It has, you just dislike that proper reading. Happily for us, when we try to tell people what you said, it’s all there, just as you wrote it.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

Thank you for the lead regarding Marie Osmond and her collectors edition of Little Lady Lovelies. My current collection of LLLs is quite adaquate, sooner or later a place will open up in my “harem”, and one or two shall be welcomed.

I forgot about them, until you reminded me, zhinxi, about Marie Osmond’s collection. No, she would not be useful in Houses of Entertainment, and she would be useful in her career as an indepedent Songstress, and as a collectable doll creator.

Most of them seem to be too young to be useful to me, but there are a few who would be welcome!

Maybe her LDS upbringing rendered her more-or-less immune to the dreadful feminuttery and its attendent gender-equality psychosis polluting our society when she was growing up, and this is pleasingly reflected in her dolls!

As far as Houses of Entertainment for oversexed or sexually wayward girls, if there are better alternatives for them, I am happy, as always, to stand corrected.There is nothing about women where I wish any harm or hardship to them, and as I said before, “you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar”. If people want a world of female “scientists” or ‘test pilots”, Lord Help us All, but as I always say, stranger things have happened! This won’t stop the dedicated Mellerphobes here, but it does show that I can change my mind when confronted with contrary evidence.

Thanx for the leads for Little Lady Lovelies!

13 years ago

Meller: As far as Houses of Entertainment for oversexed or sexually wayward girls, if there are better alternatives for them, I am happy, as always, to stand corrected.

No, you aren’t. When it’s pointed out there is no need to find, “alternatives”, because there is 1: nothing wrong with them and 2: nothing about being sexually active precludes other active realms of endeavour (after all, any number of men have had “promiscuous and oversexed lives” and done quite well. Henry VIII, the Duke of Wellington, to name but two).

So you aren’t willing to take corrections, when presented with contrary evidence but rather you merely bob and weave and pretend you didn’t say what is still in print for all to read.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

As far as Houses of Entertainment for oversexed or sexually wayward girls, if there are better alternatives for them, I am happy, as always, to stand corrected.There is nothing about women where I wish any harm or hardship to them, and as I said before, “you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar”.

It’s been repeatedly explained to you that the best alternative for sexually wayward girls is for them to seek the career of their choice via college, trade school, or employers, much the way people do.

You don’t have to act all “well, I suppose so, if you insist” about this.

If people want a world of female “scientists” or ‘test pilots”, Lord Help us All, but as I always say, stranger things have happened!

Actually, I want a world of female scientists and test pilots. Different thing. See, in my world, when women are scientists, they actually are scientists.

A lot of them already are, too. Lord help you, I guess.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

Pecunium–a.k.a. Mindreading telepath #1– December9, 2011 @12:43pm–

And now you know what I am thinking? You REALLY KNOW whether or not I learn from good suggestions from my fans?

Your feminist girlfriend is calling. She wants cuddling! Do something that you might know how to do, for a change!

13 years ago

As far as Houses of Entertainment for oversexed or sexually wayward girls, if there are better alternatives for them, I am happy, as always, to stand corrected.

Well, and since it’s never gonna happen anyway, I guess it doesn’t really matter what kinds of alternatives to your bizarre sexual fantasy world we convince you of, huh?

You’re totes free to use your dream of Meller’s House of Entertainment for Oversexed Girls as jerkoff material, champ. Just realize that telling other people about it guarantees your ostracism from polite society.

Speaking of which, I found you a girlfriend. She’s properly covered, 3 feet tall, ON SALE, **NOT CREEPY AT ALL!!!!!**, and very very pretty. Have fun.

13 years ago

Actually, Lady Michelle’s dress is a little low-cut. Saucebox! Slattern! Back to the House of Oversexed Wayward Dolls with you!

Feel free to type your reply with both hands, Meller.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Your feminist girlfriend is calling. She wants cuddling! Do something that you might know how to do, for a change!

“Your girlfriend wants to cuddle with you and I bet you’re good at that” is the most revealing attempt at an insult ever.

oooh, buuuurn

13 years ago

MelllerLAnd now you know what I am thinking? You REALLY KNOW whether or not I learn from good suggestions from my fans?

What, are you trying to say we are your fans?

I’m not claiming to read your mind. I am describing what you have done, and comparing it to what you have said.

As in the past, you really dislike it when people do that.

But, you can prove me wrong. State, categorically, and without reservation that abusers are solely responsible for making the decision to abuse.

Say that women should be free to do whatever they want, with no restrictions placed on them.

Because those are the two most recent things “your fans” here have provided evidence to support; which you have, as per norm, refused take correction on.