evil women I'm totally being sarcastic idiocy oppressed men reddit sex

New form of anti-male oppression discovered: Women’s magazines in checkout lines!

Yeah, I know you've all seen this one before, but, come on! It's funny!

Over on Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit, cheester warns all of us dudes about an especially insidious form of anti-male oppression: the racks of women’s magazines that lurk near the checkout counters of grocery stores everywhere!

can I get some feedback on womens magazines at the grocery checkout? Every issue states “new tricks he doesn’t know in bed” and shite like that. It’s obvious porn for the gals but why is it so accepted by everyone that it has carte blanche to be within a two foot reach as I pay for my food? If a magazine for men had on the cover: “20 Ways To Make Her Squirm Like A Fish”….there would be a national outrage.

Yeah, it’s not like Men’s magazines ever run anything like that.

Church groups and womens rights would say it demoralizes women and have the publication banned or put behind censored racks in seedy smoke shops.

Yeah. It’s not like this ever happens to women’s magazines.

But the womens mags are right there as a last shop item in the flourescent lit, sterilized, family atmosphere where every mother parades her toddlers and kids right past the 3 letter word in big black block letters;SEX on the cover of every flashy colored womens mag that comes out each month.  

Not only is this oppression of men, it’s oppression of all toddlers who can read and know what the word “sex” means.

Also, feminists have never criticized women’s magazines in any way. “Ten Ways to Make Him Squirm” articles are the distilled essence of feminism! And most of them are written by the ghost of Andrea Dworkin.

NOTE:  Does this even need a “sarcasm” tag?



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13 years ago


I don’t remember Mulan very well, the last time I saw it I was 12 or so. It was one of the Disney films that never really stuck with me for some reason. It is annoying how practically every Disney princess has to marry, but I guess it makes sense for the era the movies were set in.

As for Pocahontas, I don’t think it was misogynistic. It was also the only movie where she didn’t actually marry.

I love my mom too 🙂


Haha I know. Sometimes I can’t help it >.< curiosity gets the best of me…like with MRA sites.

13 years ago

Meller, you’ve ignored me thus far, so I’ll assume that you’ll probably continue, but I have a few points.

1. I acted abusive towards a partner a few times – all of them were with one partner, who was male. It does not matter what he did. I was wrong. It was cruel and wrong of me to do the things that I did, even if I found his actions “disrespectful”. This was in the first of the four years we were together. Two of those years were spent volunteering on a rape and abuse crisis line. I never repeated my behavior again, and we had (what I thought) was a very good and healthy relationship, until he left me because of my sexual problems.

2. Gender is not a hive mind. As I said earlier, a (male) friend raped me this summer, a (male) friend with benefits admitted to using me only for sex and did not care for me at all, and the only partner who has ever emotionally abused me identified as male. But just because they were all men does not mean all men are going to hurt me. A new partner, male or female, can be a horrible abusive asshole or they can be a great partner. People are individuals, and I’m sorry if a woman hurt you, but she’s responsible for her actions, not her gender or sex.

3. I am female-bodied, but have some gender issues. I am probably what you would consider a “slut”, having had multiple partners. But I can’t perform sexually. Not without a lot of “help” (usually alcohol, but I have been considering other things, and am in therapy, though it has not been terribly helpful). I’m also sterile. How do I fit into this world? I can’t be part of your Houses of Entertainment. I would literally be vomiting on people, having panic attacks, and it wouldn’t be very soft/fluffy/cuddly at all, because I get all twitchy and paranoid. It doesn’t have to be sex – being put in very gendered situations can get me there all on its own. Why can’t I decide my own path in life?

4. How to identify crappy people/abusers? I asked that earlier, got no answer. I’d like to avoid them. This year has been quite unpleasant.

I fully expect that you don’t have any answers for me. Because you’re delusional. You can’t see people as human beings, or look at individual thought processes. Everyone’s the same to you, and that’s why you want to control them in houses and force them into lives they don’t want. You want it, so why wouldn’t they? They’d learn to be happy! It’s this insane approach to the world. Am I happy with my life now? No. But I have the freedom to make it better, make different choices, and to determine my own path, and that means a lot to me.

13 years ago

Meller – “How nice! She is going to educate you in the ways of the world, in the ways of men and women, in ways that I, or Spearhead, or anybody, could never hope to do! She will find ways to tear you to shreads, P. emotionally, sexually, and psychologically, in ways that can’t even be traced, much less led to her doorstep.”

—Do you think Pecunium is a very young man and he’s naive in the ways of dating? Or… something?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

You know, 10+ page comment threads used to be unusual XD

Pecunium–You have a girlfriend!
How nice! She is going to educate you in the ways of the world, in the ways of men and women, in ways that I, or Spearhead, or anybody, could never hope to do! She will find ways to tear you to shreads, P. emotionally, sexually, and psychologically, in ways that can’t even be traced, much less led to her doorstep.
The observation that a female is only happy when the man with whom she is with is miserable is not a new one, nor is it unique to these pages.
You go and cuddle with your “soft, feminine, and adorable FEMINIST lover”. An oxymoron there, but not to worry. You’ll find out…
After a year, or two, or three, you will WISH for a doll!
You read it here first!

Pecunium’s had girlfriends and long-term girlfriends before. Strangely, none of them “taught” him this. xD

I’m sorry if you were in an abusive situation in your prior relationship 🙁 And you have all the hugs I can offer you if that’s true : But it doesn’t mean that nobody can have a non-abusive relationship… much less that an entire gender is abusive o_O (and yeah yeah I’m sure some troll is gonna say “BUT THAT’S WHAT YOU FEMINISTS CLAIM” and prolly link to radhub as our sekrit prototype terminator factory… but that’s not what anybody here claims :3 and we’d all disagree w/ ANY “all of one gender is bad b/c of my single exp” narratives xD)

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

You don’t believe there should be a government, DKM. Why are you offended when we accuse you of committing crimes? That’s like me being offended when someone calls me a sinner.

To be fair though, that’s not the same. Presumably, whether someone believes in state created law or not, they would still have their own code of morality. Just because someone doesn’t believe that the state should enforce it, doesn’t necessarily mean they are okay with abuse, or murder, or theft, nor would it mean they shouldn’t be offended at being accused of it.

In Meller’s case, he IS okay with all sorts of things that are pretty bad (like spousal servitude, etc) … and his moral code seems… nigh non-existent when it comes to things you can do to women… but it doesn’t mean him saying he’s a Libertarian means, necessarily, that he doesn’t have a moral code at all… xD

13 years ago

“Just because someone doesn’t believe that the state should enforce it, ”

And, in general (roughly all, general XD) anarchists (in a broad category of anarchist) do believe that there will be ways of determining wrongs and enforcing justice (polycentric law theory, etc) so that “Crime” isn’t an imaginary thing at all, state or no.

What Meller thinks, scholars have yet to determine.

13 years ago

zhinxy, ive actually been meaning to ask you about libertarian jurisprudence. i dont wanna derail here, but would you be wiling to talk more about it in the left-libertarianism thread?

13 years ago

(obviously as a dude thinks almost all law is natural law, i dont have a problem with the idea of anarchist law. law is what you make of it.)

13 years ago

Things that evil feminist shrikes have taught the men in their lives!

I taught my ex how to choose a good wine, and how to cook one of his favorite dishes. That dish was taught to me by another ex, so it’s like a culinary threesome! With that ex I taught him how to navigate the London tube system, and he taught me how to apply liquid eyeliner.

It’s like men and women who’re in some way involved with each other teach each other things all the time, and this is not an exercise in women being evil to men and ruining their lives by being un-doll-like.

13 years ago

zhinxy, ive actually been meaning to ask you about libertarian jurisprudence. i dont wanna derail here, but would you be wiling to talk more about it in the left-libertarianism thread?

Absolutely! (with understanding that delay is gonna happen XD – I’m actually about to get back to blackbloc on patents and innovation soon! – But yes, I’d love to! And natural law theory ftw! )

13 years ago

that article you posted i don’t care for. it seems way more concerned with speculating forms libertarian law would take than with proposing a workable theory for the genesis of law, which imo needs to come first. well, obviously it doesnt come first in actually making law, but if your theorizing law from scratch, the justification for law’s existence should probably be the first thing.

13 years ago

I once taught an ex that ponies are not baby horses, and recently I opened my current boyfriend’s eyes up to the world of Quite Interesting. After both of these events, I mated feverishly with my lovers and then tore off their heads and ate them! Muahahaha!

Wait, sorry; that’s preying mantis, not feminist.

13 years ago

I’ve taught my partners all sorts of things– about sex, and music, and feminism, and politics, and books, and Neil Gaiman, and Skittles being vegan. I have not taught any of them, I don’t think, that women are evil.

Ami: Yes, that’s why I compared it to being a sinner! Some things which are generally considered sins are wrong (murder); some of them are not (homosexuality); either way, I’m an atheist so calling me a sinner will just make me o.O at you. I rather wonder why, if he supports abolishing the state, he doesn’t have the same opinion about being called a criminal.

13 years ago

oh and people who talk about the common law as an alternative to state power drive me insane. common law is state created. henry ii sent his personal judges out to survey the way english courts were applying the law and synthesize it into a cohesive whole that everyone had to follow. that’s what makes it common!

13 years ago

I once taught an ex that ponies are not baby horses

I had to explain that to my husband!

13 years ago

Pocahantas is a misogynistic film, but it is a specific racist narrative of misogyny.* Did I mention that film is super racist? And imperialist?

*The one where the sexualized woman of color “fights” her own people and their interests in favor of the holy white man. While these narratives may sometimes facially seem to be about a woman of color resisting patriarchal authority, they don’t challenge white patriarchal authority, and often enforce it, but rather make challenging the male relatives and family of color about rejection of the non-white culture and villainization of its members.

13 years ago

@sharculese, that one doesn’t bother me, because there is a historical conception of what the common law is under which it makes perfect sense. The notion of the common law as an expression of “natural rights” was extremely common among certain jurists in the eighteenth and early nineteenth century (of course, I am a utilitarian, so the natural law justification doesn’t work on me, but that view has been around for quite some time and is the older view of the meaning of the common law in a lot of political theory).

13 years ago

Calling one of my Mens Entertainment centers, “brothels” is woefully understating what i have in mind, for them, and for the women who serve in them.

I think it might be time for Meller’s medication.

Also, could women and transpeople have Entertainment centres to go to, please? I’d very much like them to include delightful things such as “The MRA petting zoo” and a bar where we can take the sex workers, sorry, delightful geishas from Meller’s Entertainment Centre for a drink or two.

13 years ago

I once taught an ex that ponies are not baby horses, and recently I opened my current boyfriend’s eyes up to the world of Quite Interesting. After both of these events, I mated feverishly with my lovers and then tore off their heads and ate them! Muahahaha!

Wait, sorry; that’s preying mantis, not feminist.

Preying mantis teach people about ponies?

13 years ago

Apparently, according to the voiceover in this video, ponies and miniature horses are also not to be confused with each other:

…And yeah, there’s no fucking way you’ll be listening to the voiceover in that clip. XD

13 years ago

Bagelsan: Oh my. Cuteness overload. (Yes, watched with mute on)

13 years ago


i have a response to what you said (spoiler alert: it involves a lot of me saying ‘law is what you make of it’ and arguing that you cant understand the law unless you understand what people make of it, but that includes being honest about historical mythmaking). remind me to give it you when its not 4:30 and i dont have insomnia.

13 years ago

She will find ways to tear you to shreads, P. emotionally, sexually, and psychologically, in ways that can’t even be traced, much less led to her doorstep.

I’m not sure that telling Pecunium that his girlfriend is gonna tear his ass up in bed really counts as a warning, DKM… :p

13 years ago

This isn’t pertinent to the discussion at all, but it will make your head explode from the adorableness. In fact, this video just went back in time and showed it to my 10-year-old self and 10-year-old me instantly died, so now it’s created a time paradox:

…And apparently “ferrets and miniature horses” is a genre now, and people stack them:

13 years ago

Bagelsan: Ohhh! I want a miniature horse to be my friend. Almost more than I want a tiny owl:

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