Over on Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit, cheester warns all of us dudes about an especially insidious form of anti-male oppression: the racks of women’s magazines that lurk near the checkout counters of grocery stores everywhere!
can I get some feedback on womens magazines at the grocery checkout? Every issue states “new tricks he doesn’t know in bed” and shite like that. It’s obvious porn for the gals but why is it so accepted by everyone that it has carte blanche to be within a two foot reach as I pay for my food? If a magazine for men had on the cover: “20 Ways To Make Her Squirm Like A Fish”….there would be a national outrage.
Yeah, it’s not like Men’s magazines ever run anything like that.
Church groups and womens rights would say it demoralizes women and have the publication banned or put behind censored racks in seedy smoke shops.
Yeah. It’s not like this ever happens to women’s magazines.
But the womens mags are right there as a last shop item in the flourescent lit, sterilized, family atmosphere where every mother parades her toddlers and kids right past the 3 letter word in big black block letters;SEX on the cover of every flashy colored womens mag that comes out each month.
Not only is this oppression of men, it’s oppression of all toddlers who can read and know what the word “sex” means.
Also, feminists have never criticized women’s magazines in any way. “Ten Ways to Make Him Squirm” articles are the distilled essence of feminism! And most of them are written by the ghost of Andrea Dworkin.
NOTE: Does this even need a “sarcasm” tag?
i have a $20 bodum press that makes an exceptionally smooth cup of coffee. i would recommend it to anyone who already has a kettle and grinder on hand. you can buy it at target.
i also just got a five cup yama vacuum pot that makes a slightly better cup of coffee, and is easier to deal with, once you get used to the quirks of operating it. it’s also more fun to play with than the french press, but i wouldn’t recommend it unless you’re a huge coffee geek.
You can take comfort in the knowledge that you’ve moved on to better things, while he’s still raging at the fact that he’s unable to find the fluffy doll/slave of his dreams. Your life got better, and his will be miserable until the day he dies (alone).
OT, but DKM’s attempts to mock people’s handles, like calling Glass “Gas.” Oh no, he called you gas! Perhaps you’re a gigantic nuclear furnace!
I’m sure I drive him crazy because my name sounds like cute fuzzy things. Much as it drives NWO crazy because he doesn’t believe in the letter Z.
OT, but DKM’s attempts to mock people’s handles, like calling Glass “Gas.” Oh no, he called you gas! Perhaps you’re a gigantic nuclear furnace!
he keeps calling me ‘sherculese’. i’m not sure how that’s supposed to be a burn, but he keeps saying it.
It really is painful when he attempts to be funny, isn’t it? You just feel so embarrased for him.
Meller: Purely for speculative purposes, and agreeing with youall that “Spousal abuse is WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!—(see, extra ! s for emphasis) could such changes in one –or even both partner’s attitudes, temperments, or behavior RESULT IN such abusive and destructive behavior?
Putting the same question in another way, for those who still misunderstand, could the violence be brought about (acknowledging again that it is REPREHENSIBLE!!) by e.g. disrespectful attitudes by the victim toward the abuser?
Purely for actual purposes. No.
Again, you are blaming the victim, and excusing the abuser.
Purely speculative: Perhaps the abused has no good reason to respect the abuser.
He tries to insult me by implying he knows the real truth about women in the army. I think he really believes they are incompetent and that he’s reminding me of how much I have to fib when I say they aren’t or something.
But the truth is out there, and I have seen it,
I can smile knowing both that, and he has to live in this world he hates, and (for him) it’s not going to get any better.
Meller: Why this obsession with getting us to say something which isn’t true?
Why do you keep coming back here, and doing bad things to your blood pressure? After all the work you do to make such a careful pretense of being nice, and polite, then you come here and stoop to childish insults, if they call you mellertoad, or stoatbreath, or the like, shrug it off; show yourself to be the better man.
Be brave, take the higher road, make an example to the other men, make it plain that a Real Man™ is like John Wayne, serene, able to shrug off the the pettifogging carping of lesser mortals.
You can do it!
In Calif. pubs can be with/without children. Minors can enter taverns/saloons/restaurants if they have a full menu. Some of them move to being “bars” later and ID checks are performed.
I don’t know what, if any, distinctions are made in NY/NJ.
DKM said @11.01pm:
“Purely for speculative purposes, and agreeing with youall that “Spousal abuse is WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!—(see, extra ! s for emphasis) could such changes in one –or even both partner’s attitudes, temperments, or behavior RESULT IN such abusive and destructive behavior?
Putting the same question in another way, for those who still misunderstand, could the violence be brought about (acknowledging again that it is REPREHENSIBLE!!) by e.g. disrespectful attitudes by the victim toward the abuser?”
You are doing it again. You start off paying lip service to the view that domestic violence is wrong and immediately you start to focus on what the victim did wrong, when in the vast majority of cases she did nothing wrong. In fact most fall over themselves to to “provoke” or give their partner any reason to be angry with them but it never works. That is because his behavior isn’t about them. He enjoys the power the abuse gives him and once he starts it becomes increasingly difficult to stop, even if he wants to. He will find excuses to abuse no matter what they do.
So the answer to your question is a huge resounding NO!
And even if she did contribute in some way that would not be an excuse to beat her. Words are the only valid response to words. Words should NEVER bring a violent response.
Wahou, it really seem that you’re reaching DKM. You’re still failing to understand the problem with what you said, but still…
You see, there is one kind of persons that may agree with you, and that’s abusers. you said that feminism tried its way and failed, so now you propose your own way. But the way of “DV is wrong and the abused one should change its behavior” has been tried for centuries. When divorce didn’t existed and victims had nobody to turn to, that’s what they did. They tried to please the abuser, to be a good girl or a good boy, a good wife or a good husband, in order to prevent the abuse and because they’re guilted in believing they’re the problem. Thousand of years of abuse has taught us at least that: being submissive will never stop the abuse.
And that still work like that. Several posters have shown you their story of parental of spousal abuse and explained that at that time they try being submissive, more respectful, pleasing the abuser,… That NEVER works. Getting out of the abusive relationship is a much better solution, and your of discourse is the kind of idea that keep people in abusive relationship.
Damn, typo, it should read:
“In fact, most fall over themselves not to “provoke” or give their partner any reason to be angry with them, but it never works.”
Pecunium [email protected]:
It’s a kind if sleight of hand. Misdirection if you like. It’s as if the perpetrator just disappears *pouf* from the discussion. Now you see him, now you don’t.
Here, that’s called a gray snail. Which is, incidentally, the name of the bar I’m going to open, when I open a bar.
This could be regional, but here it seems to be purely a function of what the owner decided to call the establishment. I can think of bars, taverns, and pubs (and lounges, taps, and alehouses) with excellent, gourmet food and full menus, and bars, taverns, and pubs (etc.) with only a frydaddy and a microwave.
My boyfriend used to think that pubs and taverns were beer-only, but we’ve been to enough pubs and taverns that had a full bar that I don’t think that’s the distinction either.
I would like to say that abusers would finally be happy if their victims literally figured out how to shrink inward so much they turned into singularities, but I’m sure those assholes would just whine that the uppity bitches still had mass.
Do you get that, DKM? Even if a woman started bending the laws of physics to please an abusive partner that wouldn’t be considered sufficient compliance.
DKM, I agree with you completely
about that picture of the kitty. That is a pretty kitty.
Meller: To make my position on your denials plain.
I already said, in many different ways, that abused don’t deserve to be abused.
No, you haven’t. You’ve said they are doing bad things (e.g. lack of proper respect) and the abuser is reacting to their behavior. You are saying they cause the abuse.
They don’t. They abuser does. Can you say this.
Someone who abuses chooses to abuse.
So far, the answer is no, you can’t.
I’ll leave the dv discussion for just a bit, I have a therapists appt, in part to deal with my PTSD from an abusive relationship, actually… But I want to ask you a question about your pro-life views:
“David K. Meller | December 5, 2011 at 11:43 pm
Katz–December 5,2011 @11:23pm
Sorry, Katz–
I leave the baby killiing (see “abortion”) to you and your kind of people on manboobz.com and other feminists! And in your cases, it is legal too!”
Interestingly enough, when discussing birth control in your brothel system, you said the following –
“David K. Meller | December 3, 2011 at 4:39 pm
Molly Ren–December 3, 2011 @4:24 pm
Of course they would have condoms, morning after pills, and perhaps even first trimester pregnancy termination services, in addition to adoption service networks. Just because I try to learn from the past regarding legalizing prostitution (and drugs) doesn’t mean that I am blind to what present (and future) free market technology offers everyone, especially women”
It seems you are very open to morning after pills (indicating an openness to terminating fertilized eggs, if not developing implanted fetuses) and even first trimester “pregnancy termination services” – Not even “abortion,” much less “babykilling” Interestingly, this is only for the pregnancies of sex workers. It is almost as if you believe abortion is more or less morally wrong, or “baby killing” depending on WHOSE pregnancies are being terminated – Those of sex workers being less sacred than, say, “good” women. Very interesting. Please elaborate? Or, perhaps, you are very libertarian in your position regarding pregnancy, as long as it’s not a pregnancy that would “embarrass” a father?
For the record, I’m going to repeat what I said to NWO, not too long ago, because it still stands –
NWO -“zhinxy. Don’t kill. Or am I asking too much?”
I would not. Here’s the thing, I don’t like abortion. But I must respect the bodily autonomy of others, and there is no way for me to police their actions. The wrong I would do in using the force of law to prevent abortion is greater than the right I would do. That is how I was raised, that is what I believe. That is how I was a Christian, that is how I am whatever I am now. I believe in supporting women. I believe in providing sex ed and effective contraception (Don’t even say it, I already told you I am against state schools). I believe in bulding a society of peace and plenty, where a woman will not face such harsh choices in whether or not to bring a life into the world. I believe in freedom, and opportunities for teenage mothers, like I was. I believe in life and living. I believe in the right to privacy. I believe in women.
You believe in force, hatred and tyranny.
Viscaria: Started a forum thread! Not to cut off any discussions about coffee here.
There is no way to say “abuse is really really awful and partly the result of the victim’s actions” without saying “abuse is the result of the victim’s actions.”
It’s the difference between jumping off a wall and falling off a wall. One is your fault and the other is not. They both hurt, but if you fell off a wall, acknowledging your pain doesn’t make it ok for someone to insist you jumped, or demand you prove you didn’t jump, or even ask whether or not you jumped.
CassandraSays–December5, 2011 @11:18pm
“Honestly, this conversation is making me very curious about Meller’s past, and whether or not he has any criminal convictions…”
I wonder, on the other hand, if there are any instances of false accusations of “rape” or “Spousal abuse” in CassandraSays’ past. Her passionate and singleminded insistance that the abuser always bears FULL and UNILATERAL responsibility for his actions, regardless of what his victim(s) may have done to lead up to the explosion, makes one consider the possibility of coverup there! She, and like minded manboobzeresses, may be trying to absolve themselves of a sense of guilt knowing how their false accusations can shatter an innocent man’s relationships, his career, what is left of his family, and even his life!
Talk about “criminal convictions in one’s past” runs both ways, doesn’t it? Any false accusations–‘obstruction of justice’–in YOUR past?
That was completely not a “no.”
did dkm just call someone else single-minded? fucking lol.
He didn’t answer me about the right to life of brothel babies, either. *pouts*