Good news, everyone! The good folks on the RedditorOfTheDay subreddit picked our friend AnnArchist to be Redditor of the Day yesterday. He filled out a little questionnaire for the RedditorOfTheDay folks listing all sorts of fun facts about himself.
In addition to moderating the Men’s Rights subreddit and posting hilarious videos of women getting beaten up to the beatingwomen subreddit, AnnArchist (who is a dude, despite the name) also enjoys: Skyrim, bass fishing, sports talk radio, chicken tacos, and football!
His biggest pet peeve:
People who want to interfere with other people’s happiness.
His biggest worry about Reddit?
I just hope the community doesn’t grow so quickly that we lose the quality debate and discussion that has kept many of the users around reddit for a long time.
Over on ShitRedditSays, fxexular has helpfully catalogued some of AnnArchist’s contribution to the “quality debate and discussion.” Like his considered opinion on one female judge:
I hope someone kills her.
And his opinion of an alleged false rape accuser:
I hope she was harassed. Fuck I hope her house was firebombed. Lets be clear, I really will applaud anyone who does anything to her, be it slash her tires or slash her throat.
You can find even more of these charming nuggets in my post about him here.
In his answers to the RedditorOfTheDay questionnaire, AnnArchist reveals himself to be a truly sensitive soul. Here, he shares a painful moment from his past:
When I was a senior in HS and when my friend and I saw … the plane fly into the twin towers our first reaction was laughter rather than OMG thats a tragedy. Yea, we’re fucked up. I TPed my High School that night. I’m a horrible person.
Oh, and did I mention that he’s the creator, sole moderator, and basically the only contributor to the NSFW4 subreddit, devoted to posting pictures and videos too horrific and offensive to post anywhere else on Reddit?
Godspeed, AnnArchist! Thank you for making the world a better place!
NOTE: This post is almost entirely made up of sarcasm.
I’ve got the Kindle version of American Psycho up here and I searched through it and there’s exactly one reference to feminism in the whole book.
(The “violent convulsions” are him hilariously overreacting to finding out she’s dating a chef at the fancy restaurant he can’t get a reservation at. Not to do with the check.)
So we can clearly see that this book is entirely about feminism versus evil men, exactly like the movie is.
Lol, you know it! I wrote a short paper in college about this dynamic where I used the words “homoerotic” and “triangulation” like a billion times each. 😀
OZY – YES. That. (And adding that IQ or any other measure of “smartness” just doesn’t MEAN much when it all comes down to it. And that I think vast underestimation of just how smart and capable humans are is chronic, widespread, institutionalized and self-fullfilling…)
I am very interested in the idea that people are getting smarter. Because if the internet has taught me anything, it’s not that :/ also seeing things like the space shuttle program close down at NASA helps confirm this view. I’ve also read studies about how the internet is actually making us have a worse memory due to how easy it is to access information.
Also with our food so horribly modified, I have to wonder what effects it has on our intelligence.
I’d love to read some of these studies if you have them on hand though, Ozy. Or I’ll just Google the Flynn effect haha. I hope we’re getting smarter, I’m just not seeing it 🙁
zhinxy: I figured my rant was long enough without going into “and IQ is not EVEN a thing.” 🙂
Bagelsan: If you describe Fight Club without using the word homoerotic, you are clearly failing at life.
Quackers – I think the problem with the Internet is that it exposes you to people you wouldn’t talk to otherwise. And because of the anonymity and low stakes, it tends to show people at their least giving-a-fuck, too.
I did a school assignment on the study about Internet and memory and what it really found is that our brains are becoming worse libraries for facts, but much better librarians. We don’t know as much, but we know exactly where to find it. (Admittedly this means that a Wikipedia outage could cause widespread panic in the streets.) It’s an adaptation to a different way of thinking, not a degradation.
Is it some sort of American in-joke to point out really obvious sarcasm that doesn’t need pointing out, or are you really that bad at detecting it?
THANK YOU. I can’t tell you how many arguments I’ve gotten into with people about that idea, as well as this notion that we are more violent now than we used to be. So let’s see, two thousand years ago we were watching people get torn apart by wild animals in coliseums. Two hundred years ago we all packed around the town square with the kiddies and watched people get hanged. But we’re more violent now because video games and movies!
The average American has a basic understanding of the world that is leagues above what the average person understood even just a century ago. And let’s not pretend that people weren’t obsessed with gossip and silliness back then. Of course we were.
Regarding American Psycho, I couldn’t get through the entire book. It wasn’t because of the graphic violent imagery, but the endless drone of commercial products. As someone else pointed out, he spends as much time talking about the newest Genesis album as he does killing a person. I got about three quarters of the way through and finally said, “OKAY, I GET IT,” and closed the darned thing. The movie was able to encapsulate the basic message without being quite so ponderous.
My favorite scene of the book is when he has a meltdown because someone’s business card is fancier than his — the movie touches on this but not as distinctly as the book. That right there is what told me that Ellis wasn’t just talking about consumerism but also about modern masculinity.
I think MRAL can’t even top himself now. He hasn’t seen the book OR the movie? XD
We can’t even slightly believe anything he says now. “I’m a lifeguard! I mean, I swam in a pool once. I’m a college student! I mean, I applied for it one time…”
Gives a new meaning to “go fuck yourself” XD
Guys, I read the damn interview with the feminist bitch director. Ebert talks about the movie’s misandrist overtones (Ebert’s a snivelling mangina and doesn’t actually say that in so many words, but it’s easy enough to determine if you’re an intelligent critical reader). Why would I need or want to see the movie? I’d just be supporting misandrist trash.
I want to keep this thread alive because I find MRAL more entertaining than Brandon.
Come on, MRAL, where are you?!
you know, plenty of us here are under the age of 30 and we don’t act like MRAL. I don’t appreciate people doing that and I don’t expect it out of a feminist space. Furthermore I would like to point out that plenty of the stupid MRA’s are over the age of 30 (NWO and DKM come to mind) so clearly age has nothing to do with it. Stop insinuating that it does
“Come on, MRAL, where are you?!”
I think he ran off after we all made fun of him.
I’m pretty sure he’s run away out of embarrassment over the whole “arguing about a book he never read and a movie he never watched” thing. I think MRAL actually feels shame sometimes.
(Not over how he treats people, but you know, we take what we can get around here.)
The business card stuff is even funnier in the movie because they can show that all the business cards the Yuppies are flipping out over look exactly the same.
Steven Pinker has a new book out about how societies have become less violent over time, although I haven’t read it and can’t vouch for his science.
Fine, I guess I’ll just catch up on the Sadly, No! thread, then.
Brandon bores me silly.
Ah, we’ve said his name 3 times, now he’ll descend on this thread like a taupe tsunami of banality.
Idiocracy’s funny, but science it is not; it’s kind of disturbing that people are treating it as prophetic. It’s about the softest sci-fi possible short of MST3K.
Aside from politics, Idiocracy also has the worst case of “obviously ran out of money halfway through and patched together whatever scenes they had with duct tape and voiceover” that I’ve ever seen in a big-name film.
That’s not necessarily Mike Judge’s fault, but nonetheless it’s painfully obvious.
I don’t think it’s prophetic but it does appear as if people are getting dumber through pure observation…
Regarding internet commetors, I’ve noticed it goes beyond not giving a fuck, but straight into asshole territory where even the most basic logic goes over their heads. They might be trolling. I actually hope they are trolling and not being serious. Though it could also depend on which website’s comments you are viewing. The assignment you did makes sense though. Its not as much work to find information now which benefits people. Hopefully we are looking at the correct sources though XD
What is it about hating women that causes all MRAs to misspell “yeah”?
I one time scandalized a message board by declaring myself smarter than Aristotle. I then went on to say, “So are most of the people posting here. We all know way more than he did in absolute terms. It was easy to be all-knowing when there wasn’t much to know” and a good number of them were mollified.
@Bee “What is it about hating women that causes all MRAs to misspell “yeah”?”
The letter “H” is obviously a gynofascist conspiracy., Bee.