creepy douchebaggery I'm totally being sarcastic idiocy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA reddit threats

And the Redditor of the Day Award goes to … AnnArchist! No, really. It actually did, yesterday.

AnnArchist is also in the running for this prestigious award

Good news, everyone! The good folks on the RedditorOfTheDay subreddit picked our friend AnnArchist to be Redditor of the Day yesterday. He filled out a little questionnaire for the RedditorOfTheDay folks listing all sorts of fun facts about himself.

In addition to moderating the Men’s Rights subreddit and posting hilarious videos of women getting beaten up to the beatingwomen subreddit, AnnArchist (who is a dude, despite the name) also enjoys: Skyrim, bass fishing, sports talk radio, chicken tacos, and football!

His biggest pet peeve:

People who want to interfere with other people’s happiness.

His biggest worry about Reddit?

I just hope the community doesn’t grow so quickly that we lose the quality debate and discussion that has kept many of the users around reddit for a long time.

Over on ShitRedditSays, fxexular has helpfully catalogued some of AnnArchist’s contribution to the “quality debate and discussion.” Like his considered opinion on one female judge:

I hope someone kills her.

And his opinion of an alleged false rape accuser:

I hope she was harassed. Fuck I hope her house was firebombed. Lets be clear, I really will applaud anyone who does anything to her, be it slash her tires or slash her throat.

You can find even more of these charming nuggets in my post about him here.

In his answers to the RedditorOfTheDay questionnaire, AnnArchist reveals himself to be a truly sensitive soul. Here, he shares a painful moment from his past:

When I was a senior in HS and when my friend and I saw … the plane fly into the twin towers our first reaction was laughter rather than OMG thats a tragedy. Yea, we’re fucked up. I TPed my High School that night. I’m a horrible person.

Oh, and did I mention that he’s the creator, sole moderator, and basically the only contributor to the NSFW4 subreddit, devoted to posting pictures and videos too horrific and offensive to post anywhere else on Reddit?

Godspeed, AnnArchist! Thank you for making the world a better place!

NOTE: This post is almost entirely made up of sarcasm.

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13 years ago

Quackers – I am largely a fan of Judge, but I think idiocracy got away from him, and ended up being eugenicist.

“. Also to me it also represents how people seem to be getting dumber due to lack of education and too much consumerism and pop culture. ”

The problem is, that that wasn’t the problem, it was genetic! EEEEEK! That;s what I mean by got away from him. I don’t think he was thinking.

13 years ago

A book that flounces brand names sounds kinda girly if you ask me =P

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

I’m not joking. American Psycho was by far Ellis’ best book, profound and thought-provoking and not shallow misandrist crap like the movie. There is no feminist BITCH attack on masculinity in the book because Ellis is not a snivelling mangina. It’s more of an ironic commentary on general yuppie lifestyle (note the neg. portrayal of wymyn in the book that aren’t present in the movie).

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

And okay, fine, I haven’t read the book, but I’ve read a detailed Wikipedia summary and the thematic material is phenomenal.

13 years ago

Holly & Zhinxy

I’m going to have to watch it again, because I don’t remember really interpreting it as eugenicist. Or maybe it’s because I just have low standards when it comes to entertainment. Basically I’ve come to realize that every movie is either going to depict women or minorities as either stereotypes or stupid or as anything but well rounded characters. I just take what parts I like from the movies and try to ignore the rest. Sad I know.

13 years ago

“And okay, fine, I haven’t read the book, but I’ve read a detailed Wikipedia summary and the thematic material is phenomenal.”

This statement made me laugh out loud. MARL really is as shallow and stupid as a 20 year old can be.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I’m not joking. American Psycho was by far Ellis’ best book, profound and thought-provoking and not shallow misandrist crap like the movie. There is no feminist BITCH attack on masculinity in the book because Ellis is not a snivelling mangina. It’s more of an ironic commentary on general yuppie lifestyle (note the neg. portrayal of wymyn in the book that aren’t present in the movie).

And okay, fine, I haven’t read the book, but I’ve read a detailed Wikipedia summary and the thematic material is phenomenal.

There is nothing on Earth right now that can convince me MRAL isn’t our greatest living performance artist.

Reader of Manboobz
Reader of Manboobz
13 years ago

“And okay, fine, I haven’t read the book, but I’ve read a detailed Wikipedia summary and the thematic material is phenomenal.”

I know this has been extensively debated but I guess I missed the conclusion: are people completely sure MRAL is real?

I think I’d like to watch a dark sitcom based on him, although it would undoubtedly hit my embarrassment squick horribly and I’d have to hide behind the sofa a lot.

13 years ago

MRAL has got to be joking. I refuse to believe any other explanation.

13 years ago

MRAL, what do you feel was wrong with the film adaptation? For the record, I enjoyed both, though I preferred the book.

13 years ago

And okay, fine, I haven’t read the book, but I’ve read a detailed Wikipedia summary and the thematic material is phenomenal.

Dude… just, like, dude. People here try to engage you in good faith.

Is there a book you actually did read that attacks the feminist FUCK bitches? Maybe if others have read it we can all discuss its merits.

13 years ago

Oh, I am sorry MRAL, I had not refreshed the page in a while. Please ignore my question.

13 years ago

I haven’t actually seen the movie itself, but I read the Wikipedia summary of it a year or two ago (truly.) Clearly MRAL and I should have a debate about which was better.

13 years ago

MRAL, have you read Fight Club? I imagine you’ve seen the movie, at least. We could all talk about that…? 🙂

13 years ago

I’m going to have to watch it again, because I don’t remember really interpreting it as eugenicist. Or maybe it’s because I just have low standards when it comes to entertainment. Basically I’ve come to realize that every movie is either going to depict women or minorities as either stereotypes or stupid or as anything but well rounded characters. I just take what parts I like from the movies and try to ignore the rest. Sad I know.

Nah, I hear you. Survival tactic, really.

MRAL- So, is there a book you have actually read that you would like to discuss?

13 years ago

And actually, scratch that, are there other profoundly stimulating wiki summaries that we should all go read, in order to enrich our lives just as well as reading the book could?

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Ok, I don’t believe actually reading the whole damn book is necessary to understand what the author was trying to say.

FYI, I didn’t just read the synopsis, I read the section on themes and motifs too. They’re quite interesting.

13 years ago

MRAL said @6:04pm:

“I’m not joking. American Psycho was by far Ellis’ best book, profound and thought-provoking and not shallow misandrist crap like the movie. There is no feminist BITCH attack on masculinity in the book because Ellis is not a snivelling mangina. It’s more of an ironic commentary on general yuppie lifestyle (note the neg. portrayal of wymyn in the book that aren’t present in the movie).”


“And okay, fine, I haven’t read the book, but I’ve read a detailed Wikipedia summary and the thematic material is phenomenal.”

OMG! Laughing like a drain here! This is just too funny.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I liked Fight Club (the movie, at least; the book didn’t make much of an impression on me) as a sharply directed action-y flick and also <3 Ed Norton <3. (Brad who? Ed Norton is where it’s at in this movie.)

But it’s got a bad case of Misaimed Fandom, with all the people thinking the message is “society won’t let men be men, so we should punch each other and fuck things up, all primal-like!”

The message I always got was a lot more ambiguous and without any offered solution, a lot more “society instills angst in people, but reactionary responses to society just torture you in a different way.” Because when you get to “His name is Robert Paulsen!” it’s pretty clear Project Mayhem is not being depicted as a good happy thing anymore. Being treated like a number in a filing cabinet sucks; but primal rage and its consequences suck also. What doesn’t suck? That part isn’t much addressed.

(The secondary message is “Wow, Marla Singer must’ve felt royally fucked around with.”)

13 years ago

EnglishTeacher cannot resist: MRAL: but I’ve read a detailed Wikipedia summary and the thematic material is phenomenal.


Imagine that in BIG RED PEN, plz, thnku.

13 years ago

And okay, fine, I haven’t read the book, but I’ve read a detailed Wikipedia summary and the thematic material is phenomenal.

This reminds me of George Castanza saying, “I’ve always wanted to pretend to be an architect.”

I can’t be too hard on him, though. In high school, I wrote a book review about Pride and Prejudice based on the Cliff Notes. I got a B+. If I had actually read the book, maybe I could have gotten an A-.

13 years ago

The book is “luxury brand name, luxury brand name, drug use, luxury brand name, luxury brand name, random mutilation of random victim, luxury brand name, the end.”

I guess it’s sort of a satire, but it’s a leaden one, and God it’s just a slog to get through. What part of your intellect is stimulated by 300 pages of “I was wearing Armani I killed a homeless guy then I changed into Gucci?”


i put it down after like fifty pages but my reaction was that it read like haruki murakami without the insight or the lyricism

13 years ago

MRAL, have you at least seen the American Psycho movie? Because by my lights, when you are tired of Christian Bale rhapsodizing on the virtues of Huey Lewis and dropping chainsaws on women’s heads, you are tired of life.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

In both the book and the movie (actually moreso in the book), Patrick Bateman is an unreliable narrator, a completely clueless upper-class twit, and to top it all off, he kills men. Quite a few men. It’s not sexualized like it is with the women, but it’s brutal. Let me quote you a bit!

Warning: horrific ucky violence against a man:

The bum stops sobbing abruptly and sits up, looking for the fiver or, I presume, his bottle of Thunderbird. I reach out and touch his face gently once more with compassion and whisper, “Do you know what a fucking loser you are?” He starts nodding helplessly and I pull out a long, thin knife with a serrated edge and, being very careful not to kill him, push maybe half an inch of the blade into his right eye, flicking the handle up, instantly popping the retina.

Some MRA hero.