douchebaggery misogyny rapey reddit that's not funny!

“Men run faster than women.” “Hence rape.” Or, Reddit in a nutshell.

Here’s a little exchange from Reddit that I found on ShitRedditSays that basically sums up everything that’s less-than-charming about the site.  We start off with a blanket statement of male superiority, followed by an enthusiastically upvoted rape joke, and then we get massive downvoting and a “fuck you” to someone who’s challenging the blanket statement. (If you follow the link you’ll see that Butch_Magnus isn’t the only one jumping on piv0t.)


The context: This is from the Pics subreddit; they’re discussing a “sexist treadmill” with a control panel that looks like this:





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Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

The joke was about sexual people not facing oppression for being sexual rather than asexual, not claiming that every class of sexual people hadn’t been oppressed.

It’s like saying “heterosexual people are privileged” isn’t denying oppression of heterosexuals of color, because they’re not oppressed for being heterosexual.

13 years ago

Hay everyone, MRAL’s back and trying to “add something” to the debate.

*Cue “Oh I’m sorry I didn’t know I was here to BE PLEASANT 4 U fuck off go fuck yourself are you stupid/illiterate twisted vile woman hater blah blah blah” type post*

OMG he remembered my “We’re not here to be pleasant for you” post! squeeeee

13 years ago

I have been lurking and reading this thread and my own opinions are conflicted but I’m not comfortable saying them here (coming from an asexual queer person). I do want to say I understand your discomfort lauralot, I see a lot of hostility towards asexuals being show here. Having your identity up on a pedestal up for judging is draining and I don’t blame you if you want to opt out.

I will offer you my email if you would like to talk sometime: [email protected]

I will miss your comments if you leave so I really hope you stay!

13 years ago


*Cue “Oh I’m sorry I didn’t know I was here to BE PLEASANT 4 U fuck off go fuck yourself are you stupid/illiterate twisted vile woman hater blah blah blah” type post*

go fuck off you vile women hater!!!

13 years ago

MRAL feels that he has something to say about this issue? Well that will certainly be…interesting.

13 years ago

I hope you stay, Lauralot. You frequently say things to the trolls here that I wish I had the guts to say. But I definitely understand the importance of taking yourself out of a situation that makes you feel marginalized and unhappy.

I’m not sure if I should say this or not, because it feeds the stupidity, but anyone who consistently and deliberately misgenders other individuals here should not be intruding on a conversation about queer identity. You don’t have a horse in the race, here; let it go, and find another thread.

13 years ago

The only interesting part here is that, while DSC has posted a lot more than Rutee, and zir posts have been a lot more explicitly negative, MRAL is exercising his obsession with Rutee here:

Rutee’s posts are just so fucking unpleasant.

Rutee, when you’re calling everyone illiterate and stupid and an asshole no matter how trivial the disagreement, it tends to a. distract from the actual issue, because it’s just kind of distasteful and unpleasant, and b. destroy any semblance of perspective, because no one can tell when you’re actually angry or when you really very strongly disagree with something.

Honey, you can’t cuss at people and then concern-troll in the same thread, mmmmkay?

13 years ago

But, VoiP, SHIT FUCK ALPHA. It had to be said, and poor MRAL was the lone MRA here to say it. He would hate us to forget how much MRAs us (pretty much all of is, in terms of the rest of the people involved in this conversation.)

13 years ago

That last paragraph was directed at our fair troll, Lauralot, not you. I need to have my head re-screwed on.

13 years ago

By which I meant to say, how much MRAs hate all of us.

It’s cool, MRAL, we know. You can put that super-pointy rhetorical sword of yours down now.

13 years ago

Wait, wait, i have it: men are like wolves, right? Or maybe cave-people. Yeah, we have hardly a clue how cave-people acted, but work with me here. MRAL is engaging in the customary display of his kind, after which time he and Rutee will fight, and then they will be bros. If Rutee were straight, she would then smell his urine and, if she were in heat, mount him.

That’s how this works, right? I slept through biology…

13 years ago

Shora, I think the personal attacks in this thread have been unnecessarily vicious and unhelpful and I’m very upset that some commenters are sufficiently enraged to either want to leave or to drive off other valued contributors. However, a couple of pages ago you asserted that since there is no consensus on queer within GLBT spaces, that DSC was therefore wrong. I’m here to say on the pro-side, DSC’s stake claiming is not the only definition — but on the con-side, the definition is one that fits squarely in the historical meaning corresponding to ozymandias’ item 1) earlier. It also happens to be the identity I’ve lived with for two decades as an out bisexual who has suffered homophobia and bi-erasure from heteros and biphobia from other queer people.

All the same I’m sensitive to not denying alternative definitions of queer identity such as the extended QUILTBAG umbrella or to the political aspect of queer theory — to the same extent that I would not want my identification with the historical movement idea of queer identity treated insensitively.

13 years ago

MRAL, kindly shut the fuck up. You don’t have a dog in this fight, not even close.

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