$MONEY$ alpha males creepy evil women I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men reactionary bullshit sexual harassment sluts

Women! Why must you assault men with your evil sexy outfits?

Women totally slutting it up in provocative waist-cinching attire

Apparently, or so I’ve learned from the manosphere, every single thing that women do is designed to torment men. Yesterday, we learned that women with jobs are leeching off of men just as much as women without jobs.

Further proof of female perfidy can be found in a recent post on the popular manosphere blog In Mala Fide with the provocative title Provocative Female Attire is an Assault Against Men. Guest poster Giovanni Dannato lays it out for anyone who needs convincing:

When a woman walks down a crowded sidewalk in revealing clothing, she is forcing herself on every man nearby.

The woman fully understands the powerful biological drives of men. She knows they cannot ignore her, not even if they want to.

Amazingly, the fact that a woman might show some cleavage does not automatically mean that she wants to have sex with every single man who sees her.

She has chosen to advertise herself to everyone passing by, but she is looking only for a few men. The wealthiest, the most famous, the most powerful men she can attract. …

There’s an old elementary school custom…when you bring something tasty to class, it’s understood that you should put it away unless you intend to share it with others. …

Likewise, a woman who puts her goodies blatantly on display is making false advertisements. Nobody supposes or expects that she could share herself with her entire audience—not even if she wanted to.

That’s right. Women are like gum. Or that pizza Spicoli had delivered to him in class in Fast Times at Ridgemont High that the mean Mr. Hand forced him to share with everyone. And if you gum-pizza-ladies are not willing to share yourself with every horny man (and, presumably, lesbian) who happens to notice you in your slut uniform, you are committing a terrible infraction.

Oh, sure, wearing a totally cute outfit is not specifically against the law, but, as Dannato reminds us,

looking for refuge in explicit written law is inherently disingenuous. …

[W]omen exposing themselves without intent to reciprocate the attention they attract is impolite and inconsiderate – an act of aggression in which they use the power of their sex as a weapon.

So how can men defend themselves against such evil feminine perfidy? By yelling “hey, whore! How much?” or “can I squeeze those titties?” or “Can you give me directions to Pussy Avenue?” Because street harassment – sorry, catcalling – is

a defense mechanism used by lower status men against women flaunting themselves publicly – for the benefit of millionaires only.

What else are men supposed to do?

[M]en are effectively strapped down, gagged, and muzzled while females can flaunt and taunt with impunity. For many men this pretty much sums up every single day of an entire lifetime at school and at work.

And women won’t even admit that when they put on a cute outfit and leave the house that they’re doing it to torment men.

Western Women don’t just abuse their incredible sexual power, they pathologically lie about their inability to understand the effects and implications of their actions. In fact, they seem to derive a sort of sociopathic pleasure from being able to sow unpleasantness and discord without consequence – all while playing innocent. They express their contempt and hatred for men even as they troll the populace for providers. Their enormous power comes without responsibility and they love it that way.

And now these evil women have come up with an even-more-dastardly-than-usual way to torment men “[i]n the most vengeful, derisive, and mocking way they know how.” Yep, you guessed it: The SlutWalks. Large groups of women tormenting men with sexy clothes in unison!

Apparently overwhelmed by contemplation of the sheer feminine evil of the SlutWalks, Giovanni ends his post abruptly at this point.

I admit I don’t have the patience to wade through the comments. If any of you do, please post any of your findings below.

EDITED TO ADD: Ironically, Ferdinand Bardamu (the guy behind In Mala Fide) aids and abets the evil sexy-woman assault on men with his own retro porn site Retrotic. NSFW, of course. And if Dannato’s post is to believed, not safe for straight men generally.

NOTE: This post contains sarcasm.

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13 years ago

I’m very bad – I often roam around the house naked, which can be inconvenient for sudden clothing kerfluffles when someone knocks at the door! But today I’m just in a fitted T and knickers (and someone else can answer the door, so I’m not going any further than that).

13 years ago

Alpha wolf: Bow chicka bow wow.

13 years ago

David: But are you wearing panties? I suspect not. #NotThatTheresAnythingWrongWithThat

13 years ago

This is redundant, the presence of Jack Harkness already implies fucking 🙂

13 years ago

Jack who?

13 years ago

Also, my see-through micro-mini is in the wash. Am I only displaying animal sexuality on days when I’ve recently done laundry?

13 years ago

Cassandra, awesome pansexual character in Doctor Who/Torchwood played by the flamboyantly gay John Barrowman. XD

13 years ago

Ah. I’m a bad Brit, don’t like Doctor Who at all. I was never able to get past the fact that everything seemed to be made out of craft paper and old egg cartons during early seasons.

Barrowman is not my type at all (women! they’re not all attracted to the same man, who is either Brad Pitt or Jude Law depending on who you ask!), but I’ve seen him interviewed and he did seem to be rather charming.

13 years ago

I think I’d lean towards Jude Law as being my type, well before either John Barrowman or Brad Pitt, but I’m a Doctor Who tragic and an Aussie, and the cardboard scenery is very much a thing of the past since 2005. Anyway, Jack Harkness is comfortably bisexual/trisexual as far as Homo sapiens is concerned (and equally open-minded when it comes to intelligent extra-terrestrials), which is a bit of a change from the old series and the largely asexual characterisation of people and Time Lords alike.

13 years ago

I can’t imagine a non-asexual Doctor. Teenage and tweener me might have found the series a lot more interesting if the central character hadn’t been so aggressively unsexy.

(I think it was the scarf. I like scarves, normally, but that one reminded me of something my Gran might knit for me for Christmas.)

In theory Jude Law is my type, and in Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil he was for sure, but something about his personality puts me off. I can’t put my finger on it, he just seems very boring, like if you tried to talk to him you might doze off after a few minutes. Boring and sort of mean. I tend to go for men who’re sweet and cuddly and super demonstrative.

13 years ago

Adding on to that, in order for me to find men sexy they pretty much need to have an awareness of themselves as sexy (the dude I posted above being a perfect example). If someone doesn’t come across as being very sexual or having much of a sexual persona I lose interest very quickly, which is part of what makes the whole Broseidon-style “you feminists are punishing men for having a libido!” thing so hilarious. I love men who are openly libidinous, as long as they’re not assholes about it.

13 years ago

Womens sexuality is her body.
Mens sexuality are their actions.
Men are atrracted to a womans body.
Women are attracted to a mans actions/talent/wealth/power.

This sounds quite intriguing. I am very interested in learning more about this. Can you please direct me to scientific resources on this specific topic, NWO?

13 years ago

You have to be certain of the company you’re in, but when my wife’s with a close friend and gestures towards me saying “Oh, he’ll gladly [insert any random perversion of your choice]”, I naturally agree. After all, it’s only polite.

We’re also very fond of discussing the sex appeal – or otherwise – of people we see on television. The more incongruous the better: if it’s someone in a grey suit and thick-rimmed glasses reeling off statistics on the news, by the time he’s finished we’ll have constructed an extraordinarily elaborate, usually hilarious and sometimes distinctly alarming impression of what he’s like in bed, ideally repurposing one of the things that he’s actually said in an overtly sexual context.

Naturally, this means that we can never take this person seriously again, and of course we have to be careful about what we say online to avoid getting clobbered by an entirely justifiable libel action, but as a private joke between the two of us and certain very close friends it’s… well, one of the many ways of keeping a marriage ticking over.

13 years ago

I hate to bring out the M card but I will anyway. This dude seems to have the Muslim mind set that men are unable to control themselves and only the women covering up stops males going on a rampage. If the can’t control himself stay home in a darkened room

13 years ago

Some people were mentioning “what about gay/bi guys, are men flaunting their stuff at them when they walk down the street???” earlier, and I had this little daydream where I imagined that for a day a whole bunch of androphilic men decided to massively troll the MRA movement by basically throwing all their arguments back at them.

I mean, all those fucking straight men, walking around like they’re too good for a man. Flaunting their stuff in public and then getting all prissy when a man actually wants what they’re showing off, God!! Everyone knows that straight men don’t exist: straight men are just dudes who haven’t had the right alpha dick to show them what’s what. Don’t they know that gay men are sexual beings and that they’re frustrating the natural expression of gay male sexuality??? Not our fault if a straight guy gets beat up or mugged… wouldn’t have happened if he had had a boyfriend there to protect him!

On one hand I think it would be extremely hilarious. On the other hand I think it would just turn out terribly because it’s mostly dependent on MRAs being huge homophobes that are grossed out/ wary of other men, and I wouldn’t want to encourage that. ):

In any case: NWO, quit taunting gay men with your high-and-mighty “oh here’s my sexy man bod, but oops! I’m so unavailable because I’m straight” stuff.

13 years ago
Reply to  bexwhitt

I think the manosphere has clearly demonstrated that this is not purely a Muslim mindset.

Seems more likely it’s a douchebag mindset regardless of religion.

13 years ago

The asexual Doctor was done away with as early as the 1995 TV movie starring Paul McGann, wherein he suddenly became a half-human/half-Time Lord hybrid with a penchant for locking lips with his companion du jour. And in the current run from 2005 onwards, it’s been a trope that the Doctor has lived 900 years and can be assumed to have “danced” the horizontal tango from time to time…

And when it’s Chris Ecclestone, David Tennant, or Matt Smith embodying the Doctor’s most recent manifestations, then why the hell not? XD XD

This sounds quite intriguing. I am very interested in learning more about this. Can you please direct me to scientific resources on this specific topic, NWO?

There, I fear you are going to be disappointed, LurkerNo42. NWOslave has never been so helpful as to provide anything magnificently relevant such as ample citations to peer-reviewed scientific literature to back up his rather Baroque ideas.

13 years ago

bexwhitt, it’s not an exclusively Muslim trait – most of the world’s monotheistic religions are overtly misogynistic, orthodox Christianity and orthodox Judaism (as well as Johnny-come-latelys like Mormonism) are no different in any great respect. It just so happens that in the West there has been a secular Enlightenment in the past two centuries which has gradually declawed some of the sexism inherent in Christianity and undue privilege in secular government (but even the British House of Lords still has seats allocated for the most senior bishops of the Church of England).

Usually when the hierarchy of a religion is overwhelmingly male-dominated, there are almost certainly going to be unenlightened dogmas promoted about the nature and status of women.

13 years ago

First of all, that picture is freaking me out, it’s wrong in so many ways

Secondly, I would like to point out that Dannato, in Italian, means “Damned”. Ironically fitting, seeing as he’s damned to be alone and miserable :p

Magical Laura (@_magical_laura)

@ Cassandrasays

“Adding on to that, in order for me to find men sexy they pretty much need to have an awareness of themselves as sexy (the dude I posted above being a perfect example).”

Yes yes, that’s exactly what I thought when I saw that video! Like, he’s hot anyway but it’s something about the posture and the smile + the walk.

13 years ago

Completely off-topic, happy birthday Laura!

13 years ago

Woman Logic 101

* Wear something tight and provocative that shows off your ass
* Guy says “hey, nice ass”
* ????
* Profit?

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

*Reads back*
Feminist Critics is just as stupid as the manosphere, really. They still accept game, for fucks’ sake, but more to the point they try to make their points absent historical context, and they are generally laden with false equivalences. There are great critiques of feminism, but they’re, to date, mostly on non-gender relations axes IE “What about the trans, the genderqueer, the poor, the disabled, Women of Color, the gay…”

13 years ago

Man Logic 101 as exemplified by NWOslave

* Anything that a woman wears is slutty and provocative, debasing her to an animal
* Men can’t control their natural biological urges to have sex with women
* ???
* Profit!

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