$MONEY$ alpha males creepy evil women I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men reactionary bullshit sexual harassment sluts

Women! Why must you assault men with your evil sexy outfits?

Women totally slutting it up in provocative waist-cinching attire

Apparently, or so I’ve learned from the manosphere, every single thing that women do is designed to torment men. Yesterday, we learned that women with jobs are leeching off of men just as much as women without jobs.

Further proof of female perfidy can be found in a recent post on the popular manosphere blog In Mala Fide with the provocative title Provocative Female Attire is an Assault Against Men. Guest poster Giovanni Dannato lays it out for anyone who needs convincing:

When a woman walks down a crowded sidewalk in revealing clothing, she is forcing herself on every man nearby.

The woman fully understands the powerful biological drives of men. She knows they cannot ignore her, not even if they want to.

Amazingly, the fact that a woman might show some cleavage does not automatically mean that she wants to have sex with every single man who sees her.

She has chosen to advertise herself to everyone passing by, but she is looking only for a few men. The wealthiest, the most famous, the most powerful men she can attract. …

There’s an old elementary school custom…when you bring something tasty to class, it’s understood that you should put it away unless you intend to share it with others. …

Likewise, a woman who puts her goodies blatantly on display is making false advertisements. Nobody supposes or expects that she could share herself with her entire audience—not even if she wanted to.

That’s right. Women are like gum. Or that pizza Spicoli had delivered to him in class in Fast Times at Ridgemont High that the mean Mr. Hand forced him to share with everyone. And if you gum-pizza-ladies are not willing to share yourself with every horny man (and, presumably, lesbian) who happens to notice you in your slut uniform, you are committing a terrible infraction.

Oh, sure, wearing a totally cute outfit is not specifically against the law, but, as Dannato reminds us,

looking for refuge in explicit written law is inherently disingenuous. …

[W]omen exposing themselves without intent to reciprocate the attention they attract is impolite and inconsiderate – an act of aggression in which they use the power of their sex as a weapon.

So how can men defend themselves against such evil feminine perfidy? By yelling “hey, whore! How much?” or “can I squeeze those titties?” or “Can you give me directions to Pussy Avenue?” Because street harassment – sorry, catcalling – is

a defense mechanism used by lower status men against women flaunting themselves publicly – for the benefit of millionaires only.

What else are men supposed to do?

[M]en are effectively strapped down, gagged, and muzzled while females can flaunt and taunt with impunity. For many men this pretty much sums up every single day of an entire lifetime at school and at work.

And women won’t even admit that when they put on a cute outfit and leave the house that they’re doing it to torment men.

Western Women don’t just abuse their incredible sexual power, they pathologically lie about their inability to understand the effects and implications of their actions. In fact, they seem to derive a sort of sociopathic pleasure from being able to sow unpleasantness and discord without consequence – all while playing innocent. They express their contempt and hatred for men even as they troll the populace for providers. Their enormous power comes without responsibility and they love it that way.

And now these evil women have come up with an even-more-dastardly-than-usual way to torment men “[i]n the most vengeful, derisive, and mocking way they know how.” Yep, you guessed it: The SlutWalks. Large groups of women tormenting men with sexy clothes in unison!

Apparently overwhelmed by contemplation of the sheer feminine evil of the SlutWalks, Giovanni ends his post abruptly at this point.

I admit I don’t have the patience to wade through the comments. If any of you do, please post any of your findings below.

EDITED TO ADD: Ironically, Ferdinand Bardamu (the guy behind In Mala Fide) aids and abets the evil sexy-woman assault on men with his own retro porn site Retrotic. NSFW, of course. And if Dannato’s post is to believed, not safe for straight men generally.

NOTE: This post contains sarcasm.

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13 years ago

Or (advanced topics now) a woman who wears a short skirt and wants to have sex with some men but not all men.

He gets that part, he just regards it as grossly unfair. NWO is a classic sexual socialist: from each according to her abilities, to each according to his needs.

Magical Laura (@_magical_laura)

Ty Xanthe! 😀

@ Broseidon

My ass is huge, it was huge in my ugly school dresses, it is huge in a short skirt, it was huge in a long skirt worn to a funeral. If the skirt/dress/trousers fit then they will be tight round my ass, what is the solution to this ‘problem’?


Dunno why anyone bothers engaging with you, you’ve been proved wrong beyond any shadow of a doubt by both cited sources and common sense, and everytime anyone asks you to clarify any of the ridiculous things you say you ignore them. Just repeat the same old thing over and over again, animalistic blah blah blah.

Reader of Manboobz
Reader of Manboobz
13 years ago

I wonder if NWO can conceive of a woman who wears a short skirt but doesn’t want to have sex. Or (advanced topics now) a woman who wears a short skirt and wants to have sex with some men but not all men.

I think his argument is that wearing a short skirt is like having sex, but for women. That’s how we get our sexual satisfaction. (Actual sex is for men, of course.)

He’s right, too. I’m wearing an above-the-knee skirt right now (on top of leggings, and below a woolly jumper) and I just can’t stop orgasming. It’s a real problem. I may have to go home and change into baggy jeans. Hopefully no one will find my ass attractive when I’m wearing the jeans or it’ll be really hard for me to get any work done today.

13 years ago

” This is the action you condone and support.”

People should have the choice. I, and many women here, choose not to look or act like this. Many women in the world make the choice to dress conservatively. If a woman dresses “like an animal” (whatever that means O.o) as you say, it is their choice, and non of our business.

Same way men may or may not choose to look like this

Do you condone this kind of behavior in men NWO?

13 years ago

“A most excellent example of modern day womens complete lack of sexual control.”

Lol! WTF does that mean? Are they raping men by wearing short skirts???

13 years ago

@Joanna, jeez, I was totally going to wear that winter slut outfit today but now I feel way less original. I guess I’ll have to wear jeans, tanktop, and a sweater.

@Broseidon: So… you know women don’t like it, and you want to harass them anyway? Why? Can’t you just… think it, and not say it? It would require respecting women’s wishes, so I guess that’s the sticking point.

Essentially what you’re saying is you should have the right to punish women for wearing something you like.

13 years ago

“Asshole Logic 101:

Tell women to wear baggy, unflattering clothing so men won’t be tempted to harass them. Because they can’t control themselves apparently.”

Women really can’t win, though. A friend of my little brother’s likes to wear baggy hip-hop trousers and big hoodies. She was told by a (male) peer that she should “start dressing like a girl, maybe in some nice tight jeans”.

You see, if women wear baggy, unflattering clothes, then we’re not making an effort to be feminine and attractive to men.

13 years ago

Owly – insists men are completely unable to control themselves when they see skin.
Insists women are able to control any man with their “power” thus rendering men a little less intelligent than a Pavlov’s dog.
Insists men are somehow superior to women who can control themselves and not jump any woman/man they encounter though they are good looking. Insists that actually women should be put it potato sacks in order to keep men from leering (and not, for instance, putting men somehwere they can be away from the “temptation”.
Insistis that men are a little more than children in a candystore.
Insists women are child-like.
Insisits women have sex/sleep only with rich/alpha men all the fucking time.
Oblivios to the fact that in order for him to come this world his mother and father had sex at least once. Maybe implies his father “maried” (who knows, could only be fucked) down to his mother (possibly hates his mother as well?) How I am sure his father is not alpha/rich? Well he is a fucking milk-machine repairman or something.

Yes, ladies and gentleman, obviously the person who has the brains and the logic to has a wellrounded and informed opinion on… well… anything.

Also, as someone who loves her biology degree… please stop abusing this beaufigul field with the complete bullshit you make.
In almost all species males are trying to attract the attention of the females who then choose the best mate, not the other way around.
Women and men dress accordingly many, many reasons, some of them cultural and social, some of them according to the weather.
Also, women who wear burqa – still getting raped. Explain this.

13 years ago


Lol! WTF does that mean? Are they raping men by wearing short skirts???

In NWO’s head, absolutely. I don’t know I’d it’s better or worse than when women actually rape men, or if NWO even believes that’s a real thing.

13 years ago

“I’d hate to see what he might do to an Old Navy mannequin.”

My guess is he’d stand and scream “Whore!” at it while he cried and masturbated furiously.

13 years ago

Glass made me LAUGH. Total slut move.

13 years ago

So if I wear a funny t-shirt that is also kinda tight, is that like twice the dude-sluttyness on my part?

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

I don’t know if this will help or not, but here goes…

If a contemporary male experiences a sexual reaction from looking at a modern woman, he should go to the nearest art museum, and treat himself to viewing XVIII and XIX century portraits of women, primarily in France,Belgium England, and perhaps Spain and Austria-Hungary. If you can buy a folio of prints affordably, then treat yourself to one by an artist of the period–Renoir is my favorite but there are others as well whom you might like.

Look at fashion dolls collectables from, e.g. Drake Galleries, Madame Alexander, and perhaps some Asian ones (if they strike your fancy–and fantasy) Shen you find one thsat you like, and want to give a good home to, then proceed to purchase her.They are often a bit on the expensive side, so take the model number and type and see if you can get one on craigslist, ebay or other e-commerce retailer. If you are interested, buy outfits for her and then dress her the way a lady should dress, not with slacks or anything that modern women wear (YEECH!!).If you want to, name her and give her a very feminine personality. Sometimes period novels or romances can give you an idea how a woman should be, and your interest in and attratction to modern women wil fade. Fantasy works like “Gor” sagas by John Norman are also helpful, if you don’t take their ideas of female training and slavery too seriously. If you are interested, buy perfume for your dolls–women should wear the scent of YOUR choice!

Listening to music from the pre-1960’s, and perhaps even pre-WWII period may also help get you in the right frame of mnd! Women were not as afraid of expressing their love for men, home and traditional marriage then, and Male musicians and recording artists were not constrained by feminist :”political correctness” then the way they have been since about 1972 or so.

While you are doing the above, periodically (as often as you can stand it) visit places where modren women and feminists infest. Colleges and Universities–along with nearby coffeeshops, cinema houses, and business offices, or bookstores–and silently contrast the modern woman; how they talk, how they walk, how they present themselves, and their all-round sociabliity. See how many of them are accompanied by men and how many are single, or with goofy girlfriends. I am NOT saying that most modern women (of even feminists) are lezzies, but it never hurts to look, does it?

After a year of REAL women–alright fantasy, but we can’t have everything,at least not yet–These formerly “sexy” girls that were tormenting you will exude all of the femininity and sex appeal of a dead fish! If enough of us men move on to better things, THEY will have to change back! We ;will have the kinds of women we deserve, and they will have real men again! Everybody is happy.

13 years ago

So if I wear a funny t-shirt that is also kinda tight, is that like twice the dude-sluttyness on my part?

Definitely. You should be ashamed of your funny t-shirts! They might make someone somewhere enjoy looking at you, and we can’t have that!

13 years ago

I find men who are smart and funny immensely appealing. All you men out there who are being witty and smart and charming and are NOT fucking me are just being teases!!!

13 years ago

Let’s play once again to “how to please misogynists”.

You should always have several changes of clothes in your bag, and each time you see a man he can tell you which one to wear: feminine, modest, naked, burqa,…
If two men are close to you and disagree about what you should wear, they will fight (at least that’s what seems obvious to me, isn’t that their nature or something?)
The winner will be the alpha, the loser the beta. Now, obviously, you will have sex with the alpha, because he showed he deserved it. But on the other side, the beta suffered more and you, evil bitch is responsible for it, so you have to have sex with him too; But you can’t have sex with both, because if you do you’re a slut. You lost!

Let’s try again. Wear nothing but underwear and a burqa on top of it. The “don’t be a slut” team will be happy, and each time one of the “dress like a woman” team come by you, show him what you look like under the burqa. The trick is not letting know the first group what you’re doing, or you’re a slut and deserve to be rape.

Alternatively, let’s blind every boy that come to puberty, because as long as we will be seen we will be shamed. Including women that do shame each other. So, let’s blind everybody I guess. How unnatural, how unanimalistic would that be!

An other idea: always dress as a nun, a cop, a nurse,… You should be slut-free, and in the mean time there are so much fantasies about these outfits that team B have plenty to have with.

Oh, I know! Let’s just make a uniform for all women to wear, so that we can say it’s not our fault if we’re too or not enough sexy! All misandry would be gone if only women had no choice.

13 years ago

I think DKM is a time traveller from the 1700’s. We need to be patient with him as he struggles to adapt to 2011. Don’t worry about the horseless carriages you see everywhere, DKM. They are NOT propelled by witchcraft, but instead internal combustion engines.

13 years ago

@ Meller

So that’s what happened to you. Yeah, I can see how a year of living in a fantasy world would lead to such a disconnect with reality.

Sorry, but the type of woman you describe just doesn’t appeal to me at all. I don’t want a doll. I don’t want a woman who acts like a doll. I want to be with a person. But this just bounces right off your skull, doesn’t it? It’s all about you and what you want, and screw everyone else!

13 years ago

Kyrie, you’re just being silly. Clearly the answer is that women should simply not exist. Can’t be evilly sexy if you don’t exist.

13 years ago


13 years ago

I don’t know if this will help or not, but here goes…

It certainly helped alleviate the problem that I hadn’t had a really good laugh for the past half hour, so thanks for that.

As for this bit…

Listening to music from the pre-1960′s, and perhaps even pre-WWII period may also help get you in the right frame of mnd! Women were not as afraid of expressing their love for men, home and traditional marriage then, and Male musicians and recording artists were not constrained by feminist :”political correctness” then the way they have been since about 1972 or so.

…please, I beg of you, don’t listen to any of the hugely popular songs that the equally popular Marie Lloyd performed in London music-halls at the turn of the twentieth century.

To excerpt part of Wikipedia’s biography:

Lloyd’s songs, although perfectly harmless by modern standards, began to gain a reputation for being “racy” and filled with double entendre, (“She’d never had her ticket punched before” for example) largely thanks to the manner in which she sang them, adding winks and gestures, and creating a conspiratorial relationship with her audience. She became the target of Vigilance or “Watch” committees and others opposing music-hall licences. She liked to claim that any immorality was in the minds of the complainants, and in front of these groups would sing her songs “straight” to show their supposed innocence. In one famous incident, she was summoned before one of these committees and asked to sing her songs. She sang “Oh! Mr Porter”; and “A Little of What You Fancy” in such a sweet innocent way that the committee had no reason to find anything amiss. She then rendered the drawing-room ballad “Come into the Garden Maud” in such an obscene way that the committee was shocked into silence. She did herself no favours.

Hide and Seek
Hide and Seek
13 years ago


Let us stop pretending; the creature you want women to be has never existed.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I’m pretty sure at this point that DKM is actually a vampire.

13 years ago

Women’s skimpy clothing turns men into animals that can’t control themselves, apparently.

I work as a nude model on a college campus. At least once a week I sit in a room that’s at least half full of men, without anything on. And when I’m on breaks, I walk around the hallways in a robe with nothing underneath. Somehow, despite my absolute nakedness
(and my 30DDD breasts) I’ve never been leered at, catcalled, or assaulted in the art school. In fact, the last time I was catcalled apart from Halloween was in August, when I was walking back from class in loose jeans and a loose top that didn’t show cleavage, or even my shoulders.

Kinda pokes some holes in that skimpy clothing theory, I think.

If we’re listing men we find attractive, then I’m adding Cillian Murphy, Ewan McGregor, and the late Heath Ledger.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago


Go to, do a little preliminary observation, look at what happens to men who wantedto regard women as “persons” the way that you do, observe what happened to those poor fellows, and go on from there…

Hold on to your privates–and your wallets!

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