$MONEY$ antifeminism evil women I'm totally being sarcastic life before feminism misogyny oppressed men patriarchy reactionary bullshit

Women oppress men by “playing” at having a career

Silly woman! You probably don't even know how to work that computer.

Well, here’s a new twist. We all know, from reading the endless tirades on the subject scattered all over the manosphere, that women are evil, selfish and ungrateful creatures whose primary goal in life is to leech off of men and make them miserable.

In a recent post titled Playing Career Woman, manosphere blogger Dalrock takes on some of the most evil and selfish ladies of the whole lot of them: upper middle class ladies who insist on going to college and getting jobs, then later leave the workforce to raise their children.

You might think that these ladies would deserve some props from traditional-minded manosphere dudes for supporting themselves instead of leeching off of men during their twenties, then settling into a more traditional housewifely role once they have children.

Oh, but you don’t realize just how evil and disruptive and oppressive their phony careers are to the men of the world. After all, these aren’t women who need to work to support themselves. No, according to Dalrock, these are “women who use their education and career as a way to check off the box to prove their feminist credentials before settling down into an entirely traditional role.”

According to Escoffier, a commenter on Dalrock’s site whom he quotes with approval, in the good old pre-feminist days:

Women who pursued careers (apart from traditional female roles such as teaching … ) were considered at best sort of harmlessly odd … but we know that family life is superior and more important.

Then came feminism:

Now it’s “You MUST do this for own sake, not to do it is to not realize your potential.” …

The way the [upper middle class] has “solved” this problem is to send girls to college, let them launch their careers–whether in soggy girly stuff like PR or crunchy stuff like business and law–and then they marry late (~30), have kids a few years later and drop out of working at least until the kids are grown.

This answers a couple of needs, not least the need for two incomes to accumulate assets so that the couple can eventually buy into a UMC school district.

Oh, but these women aren’t really earning money because they need it to, you know, pay bills and shit:

[T]he real importance of this solution is to her psyche. Getting the education and career are a way of telegraphing “I am a complete person, not some drone like June Cleaver. I am just as smart and capable as any man. In my altruistic concern for my children, I choose not to use my talent in the marketplace but to devote myself to them.” In other words, she needs that education and early career to mark her as better than a mere housewife, even though she will eventually choose to become a housewife.

According to Dalrock, such women are far more evil than the feminist women who get jobs and stick with them. (Emphasis added.)

Men and women who work hard to support themselves understand that they are in it for the duration.  There is a determined realism to them. … These aren’t the women we are talking about.  The women Escoffier described see having a career as a badge of status to be collected on their way to their ultimate goal of stay at home housewife.  They aren’t really career women, they are playing career woman much the way that Marie Antoinette played peasant and Zoolander’s character played coal miner.

In the comments, someone calling himself Carnivore explains just how unfair this all is to the poor innocent working men of the world:

When men get a degree or go through a vocational program and then land a job, they’ve normally got 40+ years to contribute to increasing the wealth of society. Women “playing” career damage society:

1. They displace men for positions in college or vocational school.

2. Upon landing a job, they displace other men for the job position.

3. The increase in the labor pool drives down wages (supply & demand).

4. While in the labor pool, women are less effective and less productive than men.

5. Because they are in the labor pool and cannot compete with men, women support labor laws to enforce “equality” which burden businesses and can cause men to get fired due to some infringement or just to meet quotas.

6. When they leave the labor pool after becoming bored, there is now a hole than can be difficult to fill because the men who would normally fill it have been displaced for all the reasons above.

Carnivore places part of the blame on the feminism-infected parents who taught these women the wrong things:

Women do NOT know what they want. They have to be guided. Most parents have so bought into feminism that they don’t see any other way. It’s a riot – or sad – talking to parents when they go into all the detail about choosing a college, going on campus visits, making sure she gets into the best school, etc., etc. You would think these parents would spend their time and energy on prepping their daughters for the most important life decision – choosing a man for marriage, how to make a husband happy and how to raise healthy children.

The commenter called Ray takes it one step further:

i was in the workplaces during feminism 1.0, and it had nothing to do with fairness, equity, egalitarianism, or any other positive attribute

in fact, it was a slaughter, resulting in the vast disenfranchisement and destruction of millions of american men — there were dozens of ways men could be hassled, RIFd, and forced from employment, and they were (all to chants of Equality and Empowerment)

this resulted in the massive unemployment of the very men needed to create, invent, and revitalize the culture. and to be fathers to sons . …

no female should be employed, or educated, if it means a qualified male must be excluded

Women, stop leeching off men by paying your own way!


NOTE: This post contains SARCASM.

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David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

You are correct that NWOslave and I have our differences regarding feminists and what to do with them. There is no reason for us to quarrel with each other, becuase he and his posts take nothing away from me, and mine take nothing away from him.

He seems to be resentful, if I understand him correctly, for example, that modern women don’t find him engaging and sexually attractive, I, on the other hand, (no offense intended) regard feminists and modern women as sexually attractive and physically alluring as a dead fish or stale, three day old leftovers! While both of us resent over-educated, opinionated, pushy, aggressive, and otherwise high-powered women, our reactions to them are quite different, and maybe even opposite. There is nothing to really “fight about” there, even if we didn’t share a “common adversary”.

13 years ago

You’ve never made unfriendly posts, eh?

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

KathleenB, hellkell, lauralot, et al…

I have indeed posted material like that at other times, often when provoked, but today my posts were all as nice as Christmas morning! I started out trying to be friendly, even to feminists like yourselves, and thought that i was getting somewhere. I am not bringing up some of the objectionable or offensive things some of you may have said in the past, why do it with me?

13 years ago

“I have indeed posted material like that at other times, often when provoked, but today my posts were all as nice as Christmas morning!”

Again, no.

13 years ago

You are both actively fighting for a world where the other one would be miserable.

We’re still talking about the MRM, right?

Point. They are both lazily wanking over a world where the other one would be miserable.


I was expecting you more to take issue with Brandon hating on the concepts that you believe in-like marriage (to a suitably “fluffy” woman.)

13 years ago

I have indeed posted material like that at other times, often when provoked, but today my posts were all as nice as Christmas morning!

Goddamn, you talk like an abuser. “I only hit you when you make me!”

Spare us, Mellertoad.


I have indeed posted material like that at other times, often when provoked, but today my posts were all as nice as Christmas morning!

My mom found out that her grandfather died on Christmas morning-so uh yeah. Christmas morning is not always nice for people.

13 years ago

Sigh! Where have all the good trolls gone?

Things were different on this site a year ago, ah tell you whut.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

PFKAE–November 28,2011 A4:51

Sorry about your mother, and her grandfather. But for most people, Christmas morning is a nice experience.

13 years ago

QUoted for the LULZ: Brandon said marriage requires selflessness, acceptance and love. Something that I find extremely difficult to find in most women today.

First off Brandon only people like me in my fifties get to yammer on about the way the younger generation is going to hell in a handbasket, that my generation was blah blah blah blah (I hate that kinda talk, but it’s silly to hear from someone your age).

And second, it’s hilarious that YOU are saying you cannot find “selfnessness, acceptance and love” from women today–as if YOU are a shining example of any of those characteristics.

Don’t you ever get bored with the huge leaps of overgeneralized nonsense you spout?


PFKAE–November 28,2011 A4:51

Sorry about your mother, and her grandfather. But for most people, Christmas morning is a nice experience.

Thank you DKM.

13 years ago

@Lauralot: I wouldn’t say all feminists are man hating harpies…just most of them.

@ithiliana: I am not saying the past was any better, but people back then had different values and morals. That isn’t a criticism, it is a fact.

First off, I pretty much tolerate and accept everyone. I might not want to live as they do or I might find their lifestyle odd or strange. But as long as they aren’t breaking the law, it is not my place to tell them they are wrong. However, I will advocate why I think I am right.

I love many people, mainly my friends and family. My love of people tends to lose strength the further removed you are from me. My mother = love her to death. Random dude in China = don’t really give a shit.

Quite frankly people should be more selfish. Being selfish doesn’t mean you don’t care about others. It means you make yourself a priority. You think of yourself first, then others. No one will care about you more than you, so you might want to start caring about what you want because other people wont.

Lastly, what I am looking for in a girlfriend/wife/lover/etc… might not be what she is looking for in a boyfriend/husband/lover/etc… I have known ultra feminine girls that are as sweet as could be and they are dating the most selfish asshole around. Why? Because she didn’t find niceness and caring to be attractive in a man.

In the end we get the relationships we deserve.

13 years ago

You’ve still not addressed how you’d handle a crisis situation where someone needed (demanded) more of you than you originally expected to give. Would you still offer that niceness and kindness? Do you see why we wonder this given your statements? You make it sound like, “my way or the highway” which seems inherently selfish.

13 years ago

I wouldn’t say all feminists are man hating harpies…just most of them.

Most of the people posting here are feminists. What proportion could you honestly and accurately describe as “man hating harpies”?

13 years ago

@Jules: Needed and demanded are two completely different things. I am much more forgiving when a child is involved, however, if an adult demanded I do something for them, I probably wouldn’t simply on principle.

If my child’s mother said “Billy needs XYZ for school” I wouldn’t have any problems going to the store, buying that stuff and dropping it off. If she said “You NEED to buy Billy XYZ”, I would probably tell her to fuck off as long as what was demanded wasn’t life threatening.

Medical issues are always of utmost concern.

13 years ago

@Brandon: but people back then had different values and morals. That isn’t a criticism, it is a fact..

So people in the past (whatever that means) had the same morals: they were different/better than today’s morals.

Uh-huh. Fact. Right. Yeah.

Which past?

The one in which my pregnant sixteen year old grandmother married my grandfather six months before my father was born (big sekrit in the family, but I realized it when their 50th anniversary was held…six months before my father’s 50th birthday).

The various ones in which infanticide, chattel slavery, and various systematic oppressions of the vast majority of human beings were considered normal?

The past in which whole white towns got together to lynch black people and send postcards to their friends’n’families?

The past isn’t all evil, but neither is today–and making this sort of claim is only showing that you are vastly underinformed about the past (ever read the statistics on women’s deaths due to attempted self-applied abortions during the period in the US when abortion was illegal), and also have no understanding about the meaning of the word “fact.”

13 years ago

Brandon’s children will only get school supplies from him if their mom asks the RIGHT way. That’s not petty at all.

13 years ago

Brandon’s children will only get school supplies from him if their mom asks the RIGHT way. That’s not petty at all.

Brandon is looking at an increasingly lonely and embittered old age.

And that’s a fact.

Ray Percival
13 years ago

A bit offtopic.


I’m in IT and I love that idiom. Because it’s not what you’re talking about allow me to try and explain.

“Hmmm. Pasting this configuration into the switch caused all network access to go down. I think I’ll paste the configuration into it a couple of more times to see if it works.”

Is insane. As opposed to.

“Hmmmm. Pasting this configuration into the switch caused all netowrk access to go down.” Then you peruse the configuration for a while. “Oh. I think it was the fact that it changed the IP before the paste finished that did it. I’ll try that on a test switch while looking at it from the console to see if this is correct.”

Is what you’re talking about and very much not insane. But you also weren’t expecting a different result.

13 years ago

@Wetherby: Who knows…also I don’t care. Most of my dealings with feminists IRL are pretty much the same narrative over and over.

Feminist pouts about some stupid bullshit that he/she has no business putting their nose into.
I ignore them
feminist persists
I make fun of them
feminist tries to make fun of me
I laugh at them
feminist head explodes*


13 years ago

Meller: I understand that you are ill-mannered, and bothered by seeing your dreams crushed by fate, and progress. I can even forgive your narrow-minded desire to kill any woman who doesn’t meet your standards.

Which, you will have to admit, was a perfectly nice thing to say, as all of it is, by the meditations of your heart, and the words of your mouth, true.

It was nice, even to aging bigots and sexists.

13 years ago

“Feminist pouts about some stupid bullshit that he/she has no business putting their nose into.”

Oh, the fucking irony.

13 years ago

Brandon isn’t controlling at all about language. I love how you’ll cut off your nose to spite your face.

13 years ago

@Lauralot: No…she can buy them if she wishes. However, for someone asking someone else for a favor and being rude is something that needs to be corrected. “Billy” isn’t going to die if he doesn’t get a Trapper Keeper.

Also, I most likely would buy them for him on the sly next time I saw him. I am just not going to reward disrespectful people with favors.

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