$MONEY$ antifeminism evil women I'm totally being sarcastic life before feminism misogyny oppressed men patriarchy reactionary bullshit

Women oppress men by “playing” at having a career

Silly woman! You probably don't even know how to work that computer.

Well, here’s a new twist. We all know, from reading the endless tirades on the subject scattered all over the manosphere, that women are evil, selfish and ungrateful creatures whose primary goal in life is to leech off of men and make them miserable.

In a recent post titled Playing Career Woman, manosphere blogger Dalrock takes on some of the most evil and selfish ladies of the whole lot of them: upper middle class ladies who insist on going to college and getting jobs, then later leave the workforce to raise their children.

You might think that these ladies would deserve some props from traditional-minded manosphere dudes for supporting themselves instead of leeching off of men during their twenties, then settling into a more traditional housewifely role once they have children.

Oh, but you don’t realize just how evil and disruptive and oppressive their phony careers are to the men of the world. After all, these aren’t women who need to work to support themselves. No, according to Dalrock, these are “women who use their education and career as a way to check off the box to prove their feminist credentials before settling down into an entirely traditional role.”

According to Escoffier, a commenter on Dalrock’s site whom he quotes with approval, in the good old pre-feminist days:

Women who pursued careers (apart from traditional female roles such as teaching … ) were considered at best sort of harmlessly odd … but we know that family life is superior and more important.

Then came feminism:

Now it’s “You MUST do this for own sake, not to do it is to not realize your potential.” …

The way the [upper middle class] has “solved” this problem is to send girls to college, let them launch their careers–whether in soggy girly stuff like PR or crunchy stuff like business and law–and then they marry late (~30), have kids a few years later and drop out of working at least until the kids are grown.

This answers a couple of needs, not least the need for two incomes to accumulate assets so that the couple can eventually buy into a UMC school district.

Oh, but these women aren’t really earning money because they need it to, you know, pay bills and shit:

[T]he real importance of this solution is to her psyche. Getting the education and career are a way of telegraphing “I am a complete person, not some drone like June Cleaver. I am just as smart and capable as any man. In my altruistic concern for my children, I choose not to use my talent in the marketplace but to devote myself to them.” In other words, she needs that education and early career to mark her as better than a mere housewife, even though she will eventually choose to become a housewife.

According to Dalrock, such women are far more evil than the feminist women who get jobs and stick with them. (Emphasis added.)

Men and women who work hard to support themselves understand that they are in it for the duration.  There is a determined realism to them. … These aren’t the women we are talking about.  The women Escoffier described see having a career as a badge of status to be collected on their way to their ultimate goal of stay at home housewife.  They aren’t really career women, they are playing career woman much the way that Marie Antoinette played peasant and Zoolander’s character played coal miner.

In the comments, someone calling himself Carnivore explains just how unfair this all is to the poor innocent working men of the world:

When men get a degree or go through a vocational program and then land a job, they’ve normally got 40+ years to contribute to increasing the wealth of society. Women “playing” career damage society:

1. They displace men for positions in college or vocational school.

2. Upon landing a job, they displace other men for the job position.

3. The increase in the labor pool drives down wages (supply & demand).

4. While in the labor pool, women are less effective and less productive than men.

5. Because they are in the labor pool and cannot compete with men, women support labor laws to enforce “equality” which burden businesses and can cause men to get fired due to some infringement or just to meet quotas.

6. When they leave the labor pool after becoming bored, there is now a hole than can be difficult to fill because the men who would normally fill it have been displaced for all the reasons above.

Carnivore places part of the blame on the feminism-infected parents who taught these women the wrong things:

Women do NOT know what they want. They have to be guided. Most parents have so bought into feminism that they don’t see any other way. It’s a riot – or sad – talking to parents when they go into all the detail about choosing a college, going on campus visits, making sure she gets into the best school, etc., etc. You would think these parents would spend their time and energy on prepping their daughters for the most important life decision – choosing a man for marriage, how to make a husband happy and how to raise healthy children.

The commenter called Ray takes it one step further:

i was in the workplaces during feminism 1.0, and it had nothing to do with fairness, equity, egalitarianism, or any other positive attribute

in fact, it was a slaughter, resulting in the vast disenfranchisement and destruction of millions of american men — there were dozens of ways men could be hassled, RIFd, and forced from employment, and they were (all to chants of Equality and Empowerment)

this resulted in the massive unemployment of the very men needed to create, invent, and revitalize the culture. and to be fathers to sons . …

no female should be employed, or educated, if it means a qualified male must be excluded

Women, stop leeching off men by paying your own way!


NOTE: This post contains SARCASM.

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13 years ago

Do these guys just sit around and brainstorm ways that women are wrong no matter what they do?

Ashley Pariseau
13 years ago

Wow nothing gets by him.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I think any MRAs who come and troll this post need to explain what women should do. Bearing in mind:

1) Housing and food and such cost money even if you’re a woman!
2) A woman who wants to find a husband at a young age might not succeed!
3) Except when they have very young children, most husbands don’t want to–and many can’t–support a wife who doesn’t work!
4) A husband may want to divorce his wife!
5) A woman may outlive her husband!
(Bonus points) 6) Some people are not heterosexual!

Is there a Recommended Woman Career Path that accounts for those things.

13 years ago

My parents managed to put effort both into the eventual success of my romantic relationships AND my career. Both “you have to work hard to get to a good school” and “marry your best friend and someone who can argue like a grown-up.” This is far from impossible.

13 years ago

I don’t understand this ‘kicking men out of jobs’ bit. Can’t the men go and do whatever the women would otherwise be doing?

13 years ago

Also, wouldn’t even sexist men like their kids to be raised by someone with education and experience of the world?

13 years ago

A man being unemployed=disenfranchisement and destruction. A woman being unemployed=her place. Ah, double standards everywhere.

13 years ago

i was in the workplaces during feminism 1.0

Really, dude, during the Suffrage Movement?

Ashley Pariseau
13 years ago

What about men who want their women to go to work full time AND do most of the cooking, housework, and child care? And if they have a day off, they come home from work at wine “What have YOOOU done all day while I was slaving a way?” I have encountered many of those.

13 years ago

Yes, please come here and explain this, MRA dudes. We can’t win–either we’re taking a job away from you, or failing to stay home and raise kids while you support us. I thought the latter was bad too in MRA world.

13 years ago

Wait, I forgot the Brandon Method–draw up some contracts and make sure that she works so that you never have to pay her a dime, or something.

Look, I think there are some very real financial considerations that women should take into account before leaving the workforce, because they’ll get the short end of the stick in the long run, but these guys are ALL SORTS of wrong.


This is why I think that the only woman they would find acceptable is a beautiful 15 year old heiress virgin who is executed the day after she has sex with one of them.

Depressing and disgusting in a great big ball of yuck.

13 years ago

We can’t win

And that’s your answer. It DOES NOT MATTER what women do (which is to say, what MRAs imagine women are doing) because they want things that aren’t compatible. Most grownups understand that we cannot eat our cake and have it, too; they don’t, and they’re furious about it.

So asking them ‘what do you want us to do?’ is pointless. They want to live in a fantasy world where women are perfectly happy to wait on them hand and foot and receive nothing, nothing at all, in return; where they are free, at a whim, to earn their own living or have a woman support them, and to change their mind whenever they feel like it; to have sex with any woman they want, whenever they want, but to prevent any other man from having sex with ‘their’ women without permission…..and on and on. Reality doesn’t work like that, not even in extremely patriarchal and oppressive societies.

13 years ago

I have a new slogan! Unpaid labour: it’s still labour, you just don’t get paid for it.

Clearly I should be in advertising.

13 years ago

Women need to be guided? fuck you buddy.

So if the family is so superior and more important, why don’t these bozos quit their jobs and become stay at home fathers?

I know why. Because why give up on your career goals, financial dependence and your role in the public sphere when you have little wifey at home taking care of your offspring and being your kitchen slave.

And if women are oh so terrible at their jobs unlike the menz, why force them to run a household and be responsible for a child or children’s well being? Contrary to their beliefs that actually does take skills. So women are magically good at those skills but they suck at every single other career out there? even careers that may incorporate “housewifey” skills? like a chef, or an elementary school teacher?

Fuck these guys. Fuck their paternalistic guidance and fuck their hypocrisy and calling for women to be financial slaves to to their husbands. This is nothing but a real life version of “TEY TOOK ER JERBSS!!!!” from South Park. Maybe these women are getting their jobs because they are actually qualified for them. Maybe even more qualified than these entitled asshats. I know in typical misogynistic thinking that is unheard of, but it is true.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Mythago – Bingo. What they really want is for women to be nothing more than a convenience for men, and to do whatever would make them most convenient, and they have no idea of the details, and no particular desire to work out the details.

I try to ask “gotcha” questions like “what if a woman’s husband wants to divorce her, wouldn’t it be better if she had her own income so she didn’t need alimony,” but I know damn well any answers will be made up on the spot, because they don’t actually care about things like that. They just want women to only exist when useful to men.


Did that episode not end in a large pile of man on man sex? Hrm….

13 years ago

Did that episode not end in a large pile of man on man sex? Hrm….

Haha it did! maybe if MRAs got it on with each other, they’d start seeing the results they wanted.

13 years ago

This makes me so frustarated and depressed. I feel like crying. I didn’t choose to be a woman. Why do they hate me so?

13 years ago

@Holly: right. It’s the same mentality that leads responsible parents not to let little kids have pets – until a certain maturity level, children don’t really understand on a deep level that pets are living things, they’re not stuffed animals that you can just put away when you’re tired of them. If you get a puppy, sure it’s fun to play with, but you can’t magically wish away the puppy when it wants to be fed or needs a walk, and you can’t be angry at the puppy because it’s whining for attention when you’d rather be watching TV.

Grownups are supposed to have the intellectual and emotional maturity to be a little past that developmental stage, yeah?

13 years ago

Wait, this episode? Yes it did!

13 years ago

Holly: So, basically, what they want out of women is… sexbots? Huh.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Ozy – I don’t know. Can you imagine how these guys would react if their sexbots broke down, or needed maintenance, or cost money? I’m thinking rage.

Personally, I’m starting to get convinced it would be best to have a boyfriend and a sexbot. I mean, I currently have a boyfriend and sex toys, and that works out nicely both when we’re together and when we’re apart. I think we could work a sexbot into our sex life in a lot of interesting ways.

…Then turn it off and go be goddamn people together, just like we do when we’re done with the other sex toys.

13 years ago

Women working is misandry! Women not working is misandry! Housework not doing itself is misandry! CHILDREN NOT RAISING THEMSELVES FOR FREE IS MISANDRY!!

These guys must be exhausted, like, 24/7. It takes a lot of energy to live life in ALL CAPS.

13 years ago

@ozy: but sexbots don’t clean your house, your friends don’t envy you when they see you in public with your sexbot, a sexbot won’t raise your kids for you…

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