antifeminism creepy evil women false accusations manginas men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW MGTOW paradox misogyny oppressed men reactionary bullshit the spearhead vaginas western women suck

Hole lotta hate

Be thankful you live in a world that also contains things like this.

Though Thanksgiving is over, I’m still thinking about all the things I’m thankful for. I’m thankful that so many fine people have made this blog a kind of online home. I’m thankful for the steady stream of trolls that keep us all so busy.  I’m thankful for friends, and kitties, and Netflix streaming, and the delicious Thanksgiving buffet I gorged on yesterday. I’m thankful I’m nowhere near a mall today. I could go on and on.

But instead I’ll just point out that I’m extra, especially, really really super-duper thankful I’m not this guy, as happily “single [and] free” as he claims to be. Or one of the 42 bitter assholes on The Spearhead who upvoted this comment of his:

I was going to limit my usage of women to that of a nice meat hole, but I concluded even that is too risky. Now I try to avoid western women altogether. Decades of child support can ruin a man’s life. STDs can ruin a man’s life. A False rape claim can ruin a man’s life. Also, women have disproportionate support from the courts and law enforcement thanks to traitorous manginas. Nearly every man I know who is living with a wife or gf is miserable. Nearly every man I know who does not have a wife or gf has a higher quality of life-or at least appears to be happier. From my observations, men’s quality of life usually decreases after long stints in relationships.

I will stay single, stay free, and live alone.

I am pretty sure that the “meat holes” of the world are even more happy about this last bit than you are.

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13 years ago

Check it out, everyone! I just discovered anti-feminist Bingo:

13 years ago

Cassandrasays – Awwwww. I’ve taken in and handraised two abandoned kittens, and one of them especially is starting to look very much like daddy was a Maine Coon.

I was planning to adopt them out, but I guess I should get to being a feminist cat lady, shouldn’t I?

(p.s. I don’t know if you saw in the other thread, but I’ve been writing up a response to some objections you raised to my posts here, and if you like I can email it to you, put it on the forums, or post it in the appropriate thread?)

13 years ago

Aw Maine Coon kittens. They’re like the cat equivalent of Fizgig from The Dark Crystal, so fluffy.

About the libertarian issue, no offence meant, but I’m just not all that interested in talking about libertarianism at any length. Unrepentant socialist over here – I’m both too raised in the Third World and too British to have any interest in liberarianism.

13 years ago

Oh, that’s fine then, I just wanted you to know I wasn’t ignoring you and I respect the issues you raised. 🙂 No offense taken. I return to being a loon and you can ignore me in peace, eh? Though I note that I actually do consider myself a socialist 😉

13 years ago

I think we can just agree to disagree at this point.

See, trolls, it can be done if you aren’t determined to be a complete asshole! Brandon in particular, please take note.

13 years ago

Um, anyone in NYC want a cat? Because look!

13 years ago

Oh those EYES!

We can indeed! Sadly I think Brandon only saw the word Brandon and the rest was gibberish!

This fellow isn’t as super-cute, but he just looks so mopey! That’s worth a lot!

13 years ago


It’s amusing to speculate how Brandon’s mind works. Is he like Bloody Mary, and calling his name summons him? What’s it like to be that selfish? Is it kind of like being a toddler?

13 years ago

The maine coon kitties are so cute!

Lauralot, I think everyone of our trolls has had bingo. The only square missing is “have fun with your 50 cats!” But I guess that could be the free space.

13 years ago

What’s it like to be that selfish? Is it kind of like being a toddler?

It MUST be, but without all the sense of wonder and discovery that accompanies it, I imagine.

little shot of my fuzzy boy. He’s increasing in his fluffyness.

I DON’T HAVE FIFTY OF THEM! I’m not the only one in this house! They’re family pets!

13 years ago

I like how David K. Meller was able to get a bunch of people to a) ask people if they are cute and fluffy and b) talk about their animal rescue activities. I repeat, David K. Meller did this. Concerns about this place ever being a feminist echo chamber are in my mind conclusively put to rest.

@Moewicus: You’re in Dallas?

Depending on traffic and Metroplex location, I’m only about 1.5-2 hours away.

Hey, any other Manboobzers in the DFW area?????

I live in the vicinity of UT Dallas.

I think I’ve seen another manboobzer mention living in Texas, but at the other end of the state!

13 years ago

DAY, not say. WTF, self?

13 years ago

Jordan says “You’re very cute and fluffy.”

Motley says nothing, she just lies on the couch and purrs.

13 years ago

I was picturing something more like Metropolis myself.

13 years ago

Mo that might be me, I live in the Houston area.

SaruGoku that was am excellent post.

13 years ago

Also in context Meller’s posts make me want to change my current picture… O_O

13 years ago

If he starts trying to pet you, run.

13 years ago

[email protected]:

Why, thank you! I really did feel the need to draw attention to the kind of arrogance that demands that an independent human being should be prepared to change her whole personality and jettison important bits of it just to please Mr Meller. It’s just too idiotic to be taken seriously!

13 years ago


No civilisation survives by hatred of half the population. This why a patriarchal household is the only successful model for the advancement of a happy, thriving society. The patriarchal household consists of a husband, wife and children. The man is the head of the household, he ensures the safety and welfare of his wife and children. The wife knows this and supports him for a healthier, better life for all of them. The clear facts of history show this time and time again.

Personally, I think that the running of individual households is a matter for the individuals concerned, and that a genuinely egalitarian model is far more likely to lead to consistent harmony and therefore less likely to lead to divorce and similar family rupture. Neither my wife nor I are the “head” of our household – our kids look up to both of us as equal authority figures.

Decisions are generally taken by the most competent person (which in many cases is obvious: I tend to handle all TV/video/electrical matters, while she’s the queen of the soft furnishings – through choice rather than stereotype), and if we have equal competence in a particular area, then we discuss it like the adults we are and reach a decision based on whoever has constructed the most logical argument.

Clearly, we’re doing it wrong, but I’m baffled as to where our mistakes might be, as it seems to be working pretty well. But we’re obviously just deluded.

The matriarchal ghetto promoted by feminism which we now live in and is becoming the dominant culture is the opposite. Man is seperate from the family, although he pays both directly thru State enforced violence and indirectly, thru State imposed taxation.

Yes, but I’m not separate from the family. In fact, since I became the primary childcarer, I see more of it than I ever have done before. But it seems to me that my actual real-life model has no place in your absolutist world where households are either rigidly patriarchal or the man is absent altogether.

13 years ago

I am actually quite soft and fluffy… but not in any way DKM would like me to be. It’s because I don’t shave! Have your dolls ponder that one, Meller!

13 years ago

“There is another thing, which may be of interest to you modern women–it is mostly little girls today, who are the main audience for such little lady lovelies! These little girls are growing up with different notions of femininity than feminist old bitches had for the past four or five decades or so!”

Yeah, this new trend of little girls playing with dolls totally threw us feminists for a loop. Nothing like that happened in the good old days! If only we could travel back in time to 2007 and prevent the invention of Barbie!

13 years ago

Um, anyone in NYC want a cat? Because look!

That makes me miss Maxwell Smart, my Maine Coon. He was killed by the tainted pet food a few years back.

13 years ago

My daughter has a lot of my dolls, which can’t possibly be lady like enough…

I have my grandmother’s dolls… My moms…

Wait, I have some victorian bookends that have been passed down, but they aren’t technically dolls, but it’s ladies in frilly….

It didn’t work! All the dollies didn’t WOORRRK!

13 years ago

Also, that commercial was for Lady Lovelylocks, which are 80’s toys I did indeed have as a child.


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