antifeminism creepy evil women false accusations manginas men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW MGTOW paradox misogyny oppressed men reactionary bullshit the spearhead vaginas western women suck

Hole lotta hate

Be thankful you live in a world that also contains things like this.

Though Thanksgiving is over, I’m still thinking about all the things I’m thankful for. I’m thankful that so many fine people have made this blog a kind of online home. I’m thankful for the steady stream of trolls that keep us all so busy.  I’m thankful for friends, and kitties, and Netflix streaming, and the delicious Thanksgiving buffet I gorged on yesterday. I’m thankful I’m nowhere near a mall today. I could go on and on.

But instead I’ll just point out that I’m extra, especially, really really super-duper thankful I’m not this guy, as happily “single [and] free” as he claims to be. Or one of the 42 bitter assholes on The Spearhead who upvoted this comment of his:

I was going to limit my usage of women to that of a nice meat hole, but I concluded even that is too risky. Now I try to avoid western women altogether. Decades of child support can ruin a man’s life. STDs can ruin a man’s life. A False rape claim can ruin a man’s life. Also, women have disproportionate support from the courts and law enforcement thanks to traitorous manginas. Nearly every man I know who is living with a wife or gf is miserable. Nearly every man I know who does not have a wife or gf has a higher quality of life-or at least appears to be happier. From my observations, men’s quality of life usually decreases after long stints in relationships.

I will stay single, stay free, and live alone.

I am pretty sure that the “meat holes” of the world are even more happy about this last bit than you are.

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13 years ago

DKM, I can drown myself in the nearest river (I’d have to travel a shitload of miles given i’m in drought-stricken Texas), rise from maternal waters, dripping, and proceed to tear yur guts out along with my goofy Maenead girlfriendz because I am that PAGANPOWERFUL!

You first, darling.

:> XD

13 years ago

“More playful and cute, and LESS competitiveness and “anyting you can do, I can do better…” PLEASE!”

There’s actually plenty of playfullness and cuteness around. I’ve both given and received a great deal of both (from feminists, even). But for you?

No, no playfullness or cuteness is going to be heading your way any time soon. Because you’re an angry, creepy, pathetic excuse for a man.

13 years ago

DKM is funny.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

I kinda wonder what DKM would think if he saw a movie like “Dirty Dancing”? Would he think Baby was ruined by gaining sex appeal instead of just being awkwardly cute the whole time?

(And yah, there’s major problems with the plot of “Dirty Dancing” for all kinds of reasons, but it was the first example I could think of where a “fluffy and cute” female character is seen as too immature to have an adult relationship with until she learns about love, sex, desire, etc. Like, would DKM’s ideal woman know anything about sex *at all*? Does he see the ending of “Grease” as feminist?)

13 years ago

You know, it’s possible to be playful, cute and fluffy without being feminine, anti-feminist, incompetent or indeed a woman.

13 years ago

A bright, playful and cute companion for the evening, or in the bedroom, for that matter, would do a lot to relieve the depressing, boring, and even exhausting ordeals that many of us men have to put up with from modern women!

I’m just going to go way out on a limb here and guess that DKM has spent nary a second of his oh-so-precious time thinking about how a bright, thoughtful, considerate companion for the evening would do a lot to relieve the depressing, mind-numbing, exhausting, tedious ordeals that women have to deal with daily from “traditional” men. That we’re just supposed to ignore because, you know, he “didn’t mean it like *that* sweetie” and “why can’t you take a joke?” and “you should be flattered to be treated like you’re 10 when you’re 35!” and etc. and so forth. Sure thing Meller, I’m sure your dolls say exactly what you think they say, but honey darling sweetheart, that’s because you’re making it all up. Please feel free to continue living in your own deluded mind, just stop trying to fuck with my rights.

13 years ago

I fully support displays of cuteness from men. Not only do they make me happy, they also make MRAs confused and insecure, which is a nice fringe benefit.

13 years ago

That’s an interesting point, Molly. I could see Baby from Dirty Dancing and Sandra Dee from Grease as being ideal women for someone like DKM. Both girls wear dresses all the time, are naive, and dance well. Both girls change, though, and become unfluffy because the influence of their boyfriends. Baby stood up to her dad, and Sandra Dee wore pants and smoked a cigarette. Oh the humanity!

13 years ago

*pops back in to see DKM’s no doubt snappy comeback to my evil feminist deaththreat*


Awww, nothing!

Ah, well!

*goes back to searching for nearest river (I assume he meant one that actually has water in it, right? cuz there are quite a few dry riverbeds around here this year*

13 years ago

Come to Dallas, Ithiliana, you can try drowning in the mighty Trinity. You might even get your shins wet.

13 years ago

“Otherwise he’d know that we’ve been asking for links to non-hateful MRA sites for a long time now.”

Calling out an individual womans flaws, or womens faults as a whole isn’t hateful, it’s honesty. Denial of women having flaws while the constant stream of hatefully bludgeoning men for any disagreement with a woman grows daily is endorsed hatred.

No civilisation survives by hatred of half the population. This why a patriarchal household is the only successful model for the advancement of a happy, thriving society. The patriarchal household consists of a husband, wife and children. The man is the head of the household, he ensures the safety and welfare of his wife and children. The wife knows this and supports him for a healthier, better life for all of them. The clear facts of history show this time and time again.

The matriarchal ghetto promoted by feminism which we now live in and is becoming the dominant culture is the opposite. Man is seperate from the family, although he pays both directly thru State enforced violence and indirectly, thru State imposed taxation.

The father/husband is the cornerstone of the family. This can easily be seen by the massive increase in crime, suicide, deliquency, and every form of social malfunction amongst single mothers. Man has been forcibly removed from the home due to womens poor choices backed by the State. Things will deteriorate exponentially as the UN/State/MSM complex inundates society with the feminist hate ideology.

The State dictates your morality. The State dictates what is a family. The State dictates who gets what. The State dictates what you learn. The State dictates every part of your lives at womens request. You traded individual men in for the State. It’s time to live in the hell you’ve created. Individual men no longer have any power, you’ve seen to that.

13 years ago

The only problem with “Dirty Dancing” is that they didn’t make fifty movies just like it. Patrick Swayze, musical numbers, Catskills intrigue, the pro-abortion subplot, the asshole guy telling Baby to read Atlas Shrugged… there is nothing going on that’s not great.

13 years ago


I don’t know what DKM sees in these things, after all, they don’t have MEAT HOLES.

Shout-outs to the other trolls:

NWO -yawn. Is the new Star Wars book out yet? Is it better or worse than War and Peace?
Keyster – For such an outrageous, off the wall comment, it sure has a lot of upvotes!

13 years ago

Thank you for posting something (above) that I had written.

“That’s pretty obnoxiously misogynistic, don’t you think?”

Yes it is, which is exactly the point.
When a small gathering of people get together to subjectively analyze and (heaven forbid!) even criticize feminism and especially women has a group, we have the likes of you (and the entire MSM) to monitor what’s said and react with the usual righteous indignation of the “politically correct speech” police force.

While on the other hand simply turn on your TV and bear witness to the perpetual blaring-out of open criticism, ridicule, shaming, derision and even hatred of men and boys (otherwise known as “misandry”). Our society has become numb to it, as if its simply backround noise, while the sacrosanct holy woman is untouchable, and if anyone dares even hint at anything in the negative, you, NOW, the Women’s Law Center, et al, feel the need to galantly jump in and come to the rescue of the poor damsel(s) in question.

When will it be as “politically incorrect” to analyze and criticize women for their behavior, as it has been and continues to be for men? Why is it that the female gender, in your world, is above any reproach, equal to men in ability and character, and yet you personally feel so compelled to defend her? Isn’t she empowered and independent from needing your support, or the support of any man to defend her from evil MRA’s?

One more question:
Can political correctness even continue to exist (in it’s stranglehold of the public narrative) if the “privileged white male class” co-ops it under an “identity politics” banner of anti-misandry/anti-bigotry of said males? (This is a trick question.)

Molly Ren
13 years ago

*makes popcorn*

13 years ago

*Offers to share mochi and mini peanut butter cups*

13 years ago

Meller is a put-on, right? With the collectible dolls and kittens? It’s a sign of how goofy the MRA stuff is that I can’t even tell.

I do like it when guys who have never been married lecture me on how marriage works, though.

13 years ago

Hey Keyster? Where is this “politically correct speech” police force you speak of, because I’m not seeing any policing. Unless you think criticism and mockery falls under this category

*Eats soup. Offers cookies.*.

13 years ago

DKM, I’m already cute and fluffy ^_^

Molly Ren
13 years ago

@keyster: You know that Man Boobz has no real power, right? Except sarcasm.

13 years ago

Which is it, keyster? Is your issue with Manboobz supposedly misrepresenting MRAdvocacy as misogynistic through cherry-picking, or is the problem that all these mean old manginas are harshing your misogynist trip?

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

Xardoz–they are only a conceptual template, a mental design for what an adult woman could be and perhaps should be. They don’t need, and probably shouldn’t even be “anatomically correct” since I already said that self-pleasuring is adaquate for enjoying whatever sexuality that these “little lady lovelies” exude and project. Also, if they were so constructed, that would suggest something very ugly and diseased, and I don’t want any part of it! There is plenty of time for that, later!

One can also imagine her (or them) as agreeable, submissive, adorable, playful, tranquil, and affectionate! Looking at them, even in pictures, enables me to see how superior they are to “modern women”, and their neurotic, arch-competitive, resentful and misandric bitterness!

It may not be fair to make such a comparison, since after all, they are dolls, and youall are nothing but feminists, but they are much softer and prettier than you are! Even thinking that they–or even one of them–could find me engaging and attractive is very nice.

There is another thing, which may be of interest to you modern women–it is mostly little girls today, who are the main audience for such little lady lovelies! These little girls are growing up with different notions of femininity than feminist old bitches had for the past four or five decades or so! Some, maybe even most, will unfortunately be corrupted by the circumambient feminuttery so beloved of manboobzettes (and related websites) but a few, and then more than a few will see how just plain UGLY you feminists all are (and I’m not only talking about physically here) and will outcompete you for men, as grown women!

You see, I have my eyes and ears on the long-term view, and don’t care much whether or not things are bad today! I know that better days are a- coming! If these truly adorable and sweet dolls play a part of it, it isn’t what I originally had in mind–after all, I thought that collectibles were more lovable–but I take what I can get!

13 years ago

Meller’s dolls can’t have vags, because that would suggest something “ugly and diseased”, unlike him pleasuring himself while staring at them, which isn’t fetishitic at all, honestly. XD

13 years ago

Also did you know that they exude sexuality? Because they do.