antifeminism creepy evil women false accusations manginas men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW MGTOW paradox misogyny oppressed men reactionary bullshit the spearhead vaginas western women suck

Hole lotta hate

Be thankful you live in a world that also contains things like this.

Though Thanksgiving is over, I’m still thinking about all the things I’m thankful for. I’m thankful that so many fine people have made this blog a kind of online home. I’m thankful for the steady stream of trolls that keep us all so busy.  I’m thankful for friends, and kitties, and Netflix streaming, and the delicious Thanksgiving buffet I gorged on yesterday. I’m thankful I’m nowhere near a mall today. I could go on and on.

But instead I’ll just point out that I’m extra, especially, really really super-duper thankful I’m not this guy, as happily “single [and] free” as he claims to be. Or one of the 42 bitter assholes on The Spearhead who upvoted this comment of his:

I was going to limit my usage of women to that of a nice meat hole, but I concluded even that is too risky. Now I try to avoid western women altogether. Decades of child support can ruin a man’s life. STDs can ruin a man’s life. A False rape claim can ruin a man’s life. Also, women have disproportionate support from the courts and law enforcement thanks to traitorous manginas. Nearly every man I know who is living with a wife or gf is miserable. Nearly every man I know who does not have a wife or gf has a higher quality of life-or at least appears to be happier. From my observations, men’s quality of life usually decreases after long stints in relationships.

I will stay single, stay free, and live alone.

I am pretty sure that the “meat holes” of the world are even more happy about this last bit than you are.

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13 years ago


You know some MAN MEAT I love?????????


13 years ago

Keyster clearly has not been here before.

Otherwise he’d know that we’ve been asking for links to non-hateful MRA sites for a long time now.

Still waiting for that one.

13 years ago

Didn’t Phillip Roth write something about this in Portnoy’s Complaint? Something about sex with liver, as I recall, which was then returned to the fridge so that the family could eat it for dinner. Good times.

…and later dramatized in the Canadian film Léolo. If I remember rightly, it involved cutting a slit in the liver, stuffing it down the front of your pants, lying on the floor and squelching, but for some unaccountable reason I was never tempted to try it myself

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

It is true that feminism is a worldwide plague, and that American imperialism (with the inevitable trail of radio, magazine, cinema and TV accounts of American life, both idealized and actual) played an important part in the defeminizing of women overseas, but men can only be better off seeing the world, including its women(?) as it actually is, not as we merely wish it to be.

He probably should recognise that the MAJORITY of women in almost every society that he lives in, even places like the Phillipines, Thailand, or Japan, are likely to be strongly influenced by feminism, if not be feminist bitches themselves! He then has a decision to make–either wait for better days, and go his own way, or engage in a relationship with these likely flawed females, try to gently but firmly guide them in the direction he wishes to go, and hope for the best. Simply shrugging them all off as “meat holes” however, is probably self-defeating! It is likely to bring out the worst in a woman, just when you want her to like you, and that isn’t very bright!

Maybe an interest in collector dolls (little lady lovelies) and/or soft, feminine plush toys may be a useful stopgap measure, especially if combined with improved masturbatory techniques. It won’t–and can’t–be as much fun as having a sweet old-fashioned girl (Western or third-world) in bed with you, but then you are still BETTER OFF than you are with a hateful feminist!

As for the modern women, Western or third-world, most of them are lezzies or misandrist (man-haters) anyway, so he would lose nothing! They can all keep company with their goofy girlfriends, or their cats, until they all grow too old to enjoy sex at any rate.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

Oh, also thought that youall would like to know, I also upvoted the piece by “Donnie Brasco” cited at the beginning of this article. Normally I wouldn’t, but you think that I am so anti-woman anyway, that I have nothing to lose.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Maybe an interest in collector dolls (little lady lovelies) and/or soft, feminine plush toys may be a useful stopgap measure, especially if combined with improved masturbatory techniques.

I’m all with DKM on this one. If what you really want is a pretty little doll, just get a damn doll.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

I still think that kitten is ADORABLE!! Why can’t some of you modern women take your cue from it?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Someone has to be head of the household. If a final decision on a certain matter needs to made made in the home. Why not a man?

Why not a woman?

13 years ago

Kristin: Of course MRAs aren’t hateful. The lists,and cries for murder are just appeals to justice denied.

If women would just accept their roles, as slaves and servants, everyone would be happy.

If a few people need to die to bring about paradise, well omelletes need eggs.

13 years ago

Is a man being the head of the household so oppressive? Someone has to be head of the household. If a final decision on a certain matter needs to made made in the home. Why not a man?

Or why not reject the notion of a domestic hierarchy altogether and run the household jointly as a team, with decisions being taken by the person most competent to take them, based on their knowledge of the subject at hand?

13 years ago

Or why not reject the notion of a domestic hierarchy altogether and run the household jointly as a team, with decisions being taken by the person most competent to take them, based on their knowledge of the subject at hand?

I tried to give this argument to NWO before. I told him relationships can be equal partnerships based on compromise. Then he started coming up with far fetched scenarios that would force one partner to make unilateral decisions at the expense of the other. I gave up trying to reason with him after a while.

13 years ago

I’ve got a great idea for a blog!
Find other blogs that represent an ideology or movement that disagrees with my liberal sensibilities and mine the unmoderated comments sections to cherry-pick the most outrageous and insane nuggets presented.

Then feature that comment as the glaring example of how horrid/comical the ideology or movement must seem based on that comment, to people who would never allow themselves to seriously consider or even dare critique any worthwhile analysis or material on those sites.

Can you find us an example of a non-hateful blog or comment? You’re welcome to try.

13 years ago

I don’t normally click through to the main posts that David links to, so I decided to test keyster’s argument that The Spearhead is being misrepresented by this post (even though the only data David provides about how it does is some upvotes, which is something only Spearheaders can provide). What I found:

A bachelor’s pad is just that….the home of a BACHELOR, also known as a single man living alone, a concept that is not seen as ideal these days because the Single Happy Bachelor is viewed as “suspect” by misandrists and mangina white-knighters alike whose rebuke of such a lifestyle is loudly trumpeted in the form of shaming rhetoric deriding the single bachelor as “irresponsible”, “loser”, “weirdo”, etc.

Note the gendered insult “mangina.” Because there’s nothing as bad as a man being called a woman, amirite?

Married men….you know, those smug “I got mine” yahoos who like to insist upon walking you through their oversized cookie-cutter households to show you what you’re “missing out” on? Yeah, those indentured servants….surrender is the norm there, mostly the cupcake bride getting to pick what goes where, what queer color scheme is slapped on the walls and her hubby’s “man cave” possessions all delegated to either a dark and damp basement floor, a rental-storage unit out in Kansas somewhere, or the nearest dumpster!

What’s a “queer” color scheme? Homophobic language aside, how are colors homosexual or heterosexual? Does liking women mean you have to like dark brown walls as well? Since I’m bisexual, does that mean half of my domicile should be walled with dark wood paneling and the other half pink?

Notice how the author both protests and engages in the shaming of other people based on their interior design choices!

Gentlemen, we are currently deployed in a world fast on its way to formally becoming a Dystopia, with Feminism and its pink-bellied enforcers trying to goad free men in general into a more “pliable” form for their slave-labor tax base, and clearly the “culture” we are enduring is increasingly hostile to free expression of OTHER IDEAS, entertainment and personal aesthetics included. In order to remain free, all a single man really has to do is keep his personal tastes and ideals intact; the first boundary no one else should be invading is his household and what he has inside it.

Feminism is creating a dystopia in which…men can’t put playboy covers on their walls? Well, at least I know where keyster’s stupid 1984 references come from.

There’s more, but this is tedious. Anyone who looks–who reads the OP, who reads the other comments–can see exactly how well The Spearhead is represented by Mr. Meat Hole there. Most don’t use the same language, but the same hostility towards women reflected by the gender- and sexuality-based and intense hostility to marriage are cut from the same cloth from which the “meat holes” attitude is derived.

And no, I’m not arguing against maintaining your aesthetic preferences (funnily enough, I keep an old playboy cover as the wallpaper on my itouch), or being a bachelor; rather, what is objectionable here is the misogyny. Which is exactly what this site is about mocking.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

David Futrelle–

I was suggesting that women should recover the playfulness, cuteness, and “fluffiness” associated with traditional femininity, not that they need to actually become kittens! A bright, playful and cute companion for the evening, or in the bedroom, for that matter, would do a lot to relieve the depressing, boring, and even exhausting ordeals that many of us men have to put up with from modern women! More playful and cute, and LESS competitiveness and “anyting you can do, I can do better…” PLEASE!

13 years ago

Apparently my partner and I have a Headless Household!

We have split up responsibilities following our strengths/abilities, and routinely shift some chores around, and make all major decisions after mutual discussion.

She and I (also she) have thus had a perfectly successful household since 1995, including buying a house together (which really blew the little traditionalists’ minds, and still does. Two Women! Buying a House! Each with a Salary! OMG, no Mr. Head of Household, what shall weeeee doooooooo).

The Headless Household, Part I, a HORROR movie for MRAs!

13 years ago

And speaking of the implication by DKM and others that “the way it used to be is X,” I present Exhibit A: my 83 year old mother, who moved her 91 year old boyfriend into her house a few years ago (he’d deeded his house to his daughter, with the agreement he’d live in it till he died, but they redecorated in ways he hated) and is proceeding to live in sinful unwedded bliss with him (he’s a darling man) in a totally egalitarian relationship.

So *pbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbtttttttttttttttt* to the trollz (oh, and she did the total traditional thing for years, including working to put my father through graduate school, until he dumped her for a graduate student 7 years older than me). So yay for nontraditional relationships, and men who love to dance. (They met while dancing! And dance several times a week!)

13 years ago

Meller: I was suggesting that women should recover the playfulness, cuteness, and “fluffiness” associated with traditional femininity,

I’m telling you they’ve not lost those things.

One might wonder why they don’t choose to share them with you, but to ask the question is to answer it.

13 years ago

It seems to me that traditional femininity is that of stocky, plain women who work on farms and produce children and have no time for being “fluffy” and playful because they have to put food on the table and preserve food for the winter.

Meller’s idea of “traditional femininity” would traditionally be viewed as childishness rather than femininity. Not that playfulness is not a desirable quality in a person, but I think Meller’s ideal of femininity would be foreign to the creators of the “traditional” view allegedly enacted by them.

13 years ago

Oh, and DKM: Anything you can do, I can do better. I guarantee it.

13 years ago

I was suggesting that women should recover the playfulness, cuteness, and “fluffiness” associated with traditional femininity, not that they need to actually become kittens! A bright, playful and cute companion for the evening, or in the bedroom, for that matter, would do a lot to relieve the depressing, boring, and even exhausting ordeals that many of us men have to put up with from modern women! More playful and cute, and LESS competitiveness and “anyting you can do, I can do better…” PLEASE!

That’s quite a pair of rose colored glasses you have there. You realize that even in the “good old days” women were people with their own personalities, desires, and opinions, right? We were never Real Dolls, no matter how much you’d like to pretend we were.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago


Can you drown yourself in the nearest river? Can you do it BETTER than I can?

Take a few of your feminist goofy girlfriends with you!

Molly Ren
13 years ago

DKM: Can you actually respect that other people have separate lives from your wishes? Can you do it BETTER than I can?

If you jump in a river, take your dolls with you!

13 years ago

The short story is good, too, but this production is fantastic.