antifeminism creepy evil women false accusations manginas men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW MGTOW paradox misogyny oppressed men reactionary bullshit the spearhead vaginas western women suck

Hole lotta hate

Be thankful you live in a world that also contains things like this.

Though Thanksgiving is over, I’m still thinking about all the things I’m thankful for. I’m thankful that so many fine people have made this blog a kind of online home. I’m thankful for the steady stream of trolls that keep us all so busy.  I’m thankful for friends, and kitties, and Netflix streaming, and the delicious Thanksgiving buffet I gorged on yesterday. I’m thankful I’m nowhere near a mall today. I could go on and on.

But instead I’ll just point out that I’m extra, especially, really really super-duper thankful I’m not this guy, as happily “single [and] free” as he claims to be. Or one of the 42 bitter assholes on The Spearhead who upvoted this comment of his:

I was going to limit my usage of women to that of a nice meat hole, but I concluded even that is too risky. Now I try to avoid western women altogether. Decades of child support can ruin a man’s life. STDs can ruin a man’s life. A False rape claim can ruin a man’s life. Also, women have disproportionate support from the courts and law enforcement thanks to traitorous manginas. Nearly every man I know who is living with a wife or gf is miserable. Nearly every man I know who does not have a wife or gf has a higher quality of life-or at least appears to be happier. From my observations, men’s quality of life usually decreases after long stints in relationships.

I will stay single, stay free, and live alone.

I am pretty sure that the “meat holes” of the world are even more happy about this last bit than you are.

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13 years ago

Well, at least he’s chosen to stay celibate and leave the rest of us alone. But a few thoughts:

1) STDs are transmitted both ways.
2) You’re legally obligated to support your children for 18 years. Yes, that’s more than one decade, however using the word “decades” is stretching it a bit — unless you have a string of children to support. Also, if you’re not the custodial parent than you’re paying far less than the person who has the children 24/7, no matter how you slice it.
3) The stats are clear when it comes to marriage and life expectancy. Men live longer when they’re married. I don’t know what barometer he’s using on “higher quality of life,” but it’s not longevity. And he’s hanging around the wrong kinds of people if everyone he knows is miserable. (Or perhaps I detect a bit of projection going on here?)

13 years ago

I’m thankful that you tempered my disgust with adorableness, David. Look at that little cutie! D’awwww.

Hey, you know why you have to pay child support? For decades!?? Because kids cost money, and the children of total assholes deserve a nice life just as much as the children of decent people. You’re not paying off a grasping “meat hole” (and may I just say, I think that’s probably the ugliest term for women we’ve encountered yet, so well done) you are spending money on your children. Sometimes I’m astounded by the hypocrisy of so many of these men claiming to be for fathers’ rights, and then obviously not giving a damn about the health and happiness of their children. So by “fathers’ rights,” you mean the right to make any decisions about their lives that you want to, see them whenever is convenient for you, but not worry too much about their needs – financial or otherwise? I see.

This one particularly bugs me because it cuts so close to home in my own life.

13 years ago

Someone who describes women as “meat holes” wouldn’t be my first choice for supplying relationship advice. I wonder if he’s ever had one that lasted more than a few hours?

13 years ago

Or minutes, come to that?

13 years ago

Newsflash to MRAs: we’re pretty much all made of meat. You included. I know it’s yucky to all the transhumanists who can’t wait for the Singularity so they can upload their conscience directly into their World of Warcraft character and do away with the messy business of actually having a meat bod that likes to slap it silly with another meat bod at least once every few months. But you’re not yet a pure energy being.

13 years ago

That’s right. You stay away from those evil women. You don’t want to be caught with child support now do ya?

13 years ago

And those false rape claims. How many have you made today, Joanna?

13 years ago

Good heavens.

What are these boys doing in bed that they’re so terrified about “false rape”?

13 years ago

You know, I’ve never made a child support claim or a rape accusation or given someone an STI. What kind of fail!woman am I?

Also, the person I know who have been falsely accused of rape are greatly outnumbered by the people who have been raped and never reported it.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Why do these guys always have a hard-on for non-“Western” women? “Meat holes” is disturbing enough, but it’s even creepier when it’s packaged with the implication that women from unspecified other places are all nubile submissives who would never betray their man by asking for money or help raising his children, wanting sex, not wanting sex, aging beyond thirty, having desires, or being female.

Daphne B.
13 years ago

I gotta say, it must be hard to avoid western women altogether. You go in the grocery store, there they are! You go to work, there they are! You turn on the TV or the Internet… you get the picture.

Or maybe we’ve got him all wrong. Maybe he’s just avoiding “western” women, like with cowboy hats and leather fringed boots and line dancing and stuff.

13 years ago

I’m fascinated by the notion that non-Western women don’t get pregnant, don’t get STDs, and don’t mind being raped. The world outside the U.S. really is the Magical Land of Oz to these guys, isn’t it?

13 years ago

A good friend of mine, who’s Japanese, had the misfortune to find herself married to one of these avoid western women arseholes. She knew he had an aversion before marrying him, but didn’t really take it seriously. Imagine her shock when he went on, post wedding, to act like a domineering bully, try to stop her seeing her friends, try to get her to quit her job and – when she point blank refused to play along with his submissive little geisha wife fantasies – became emotionally and mentally abusive and cheated on her repeatedly.

Thankfully she got away from him. Ended up letting him get the lion’s share of the house in the divorce, as she just didn’t have the energy to fight him and just wanted him out of her life as quickly as possible. She’s now doing really well and happy with a lovely man, though she’s still scarred from the experience to the extent that it’s pretty much put her off marriage for life.

I wouldn’t normally give a toss about an MRA with anti-western women views, anymore than I would DKM and his ridiculous robogirl fantasies, but unfortunately I know from my friend’s experience how harmful they can be.

13 years ago

>>Ended up letting him get the lion’s share of the house in the divorce, as she just didn’t have the energy to fight him and just wanted him out of her life as quickly as possible.

That’s basically one major motivation behind the MRM. If there’s enough howling monkeys around to make life miserable for women who want to get out of a nasty relationship, it makes them more willing to give up some value in the divorce than if they could be assured of a drama-free separation.

13 years ago

I always wonder about the “Western women=nasty witches” meme as well. A lot the fantasy seems driven by the fact that since many non-western women are denied some (or a lot) of the rights found in the “West,” then they would obviously not want them. For guys like this, the simple reality that a machismo culture, for example, exists automatically seems to equate a legion of submissive women who strive to maintain that culture and abhor any feminists ideas (which are always EVIL *cue major chords*). I find it connects to their whole Alpha-beta, nice guy/jerk scenario, except they think non-Western women would allow them, through their magical power of being a Western man, to act like some sorta uber-alpha or super-jerk.

Also, it would feel remiss not mention that on my way to work today there were numerous banners for the “Día Internacional de la No Violencia hacia las Mujeres,” which is today. Just because a culture might have strong and highly visible form of patriarchal values doesn’t mean that all the people living under those values accept or acknowledge them, as the women in the street today prove.

13 years ago

“Also, if you’re not the custodial parent than you’re paying far less than the person who has the children 24/7, no matter how you slice it.”

Of course since the vast majority of men sue for equal custody and lose 83% of the time, why would women deny equal custody? Money, money, money… moooooooney. Also revenge, sympathy, manipulation, social services, (more money).
“The stats are clear when it comes to marriage and life expectancy. Men live longer when they’re married.”

Of course the stats don’t take into account all the men who die in war. All the millions of men who die young from disease, accidents and so forth, before they’ve had a chance to get married. All the men who’ve been divorced and commit suicide, die homeless, and so on. That’s quite a manipulation of statistics.
“So by “fathers’ rights,” you mean the right to make any decisions about their lives that you want to, see them whenever is convenient for you, but not worry too much about their needs – financial or otherwise? I see.”

A man is 4.88 times as likey to be evicted from is family, (equal access to children), than deny accountability. If your situation differs, you are by far a minority.
“I know it’s yucky to all the transhumanists who can’t wait for the Singularity so they can upload their conscience directly into their World of Warcraft character and do away with the messy business of actually having a meat bod that likes to slap it silly with another meat bod at least once every few months.”

The same edgy, progressive women who write statements like the above, or post a multitude of deviant sex blogs suddeny feint like naive, swooning virgins. Did someone insult your honor?
“You know, I’ve never made a child support claim or a rape accusation or given someone an STI. What kind of fail!woman am I?”

Just because you haven’t, yet, doesn’t mean other women haven’t. Women aren’t a monolithic block ya know.
“Also, the person I know who have been falsely accused of rape are greatly outnumbered by the people who have been raped and never reported it.”

And you take their word for it? Second or third hand hearsay from only one side? Just to clarify, women who falsely accuse aren’t always, “slavering beasts.” Why they can just as easily be the pert girl next door. They do it for revenge, attention, money, late getting home, missed schoolwork, social manipulation. They do it for any reason at all. Never assume the false rape accuser is a slavering beast!
@Holly Pervocracy
“Why do these guys always have a hard-on for non-”Western” women? “Meat holes” is disturbing enough, but it’s even creepier when it’s packaged with the implication that women from unspecified other places are all nubile submissives who would never betray their man by asking for money or help raising his children, wanting sex, not wanting sex, aging beyond thirty, having desires, or being female.”

Do men normally not give money for their families and not help raise children? Is wanting a woman who is loyal as opposed to betrayal asking too much? Is a man being the head of the household so oppressive? Someone has to be head of the household. If a final decision on a certain matter needs to made made in the home. Why not a man?
“A good friend of mine, who’s Japanese, had the misfortune to find herself married to one of these avoid western women arseholes.”

And if this one example, which we only have your word as proof, is countered by a thousand examples. Your example is so insignificant as to be irrelevant.

13 years ago

“Meat holes,” how charming. Please sir, go your own way. Far, far away.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

It’s weird how these guys’ conception of women oscillates rapidly between:
-Stuck-up snobs who will never date anyone other than Brad Pitt
-Desperate women who will cling to any man willing to use her as a “meat hole.”

Which are we? So impossibly high-standarded that marriage is dying out, or so disgustingly low-standarded that marriage is a trap for men?

13 years ago

[quote]I will stay single, stay free, and live alone.[/quote]

Thank heaven for small mercies Meathead.

13 years ago

I’ve got a great idea for a blog!
Find other blogs that represent an ideology or movement that disagrees with my liberal sensibilities and mine the unmoderated comments sections to cherry-pick the most outrageous and insane nuggets presented.

Then feature that comment as the glaring example of how horrid/comical the ideology or movement must seem based on that comment, to people who would never allow themselves to seriously consider or even dare critique any worthwhile analysis or material on those sites.

I’ll call it “”.

Oh wait, someone’s already doing that!
The “Thought Police” are alive and well right here.
“Newspeak” only, please.

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Didn’t Phillip Roth write something about this in Portnoy’s Complaint? Something about sex with liver, as I recall, which was then returned to the fridge so that the family could eat it for dinner. Good times.

13 years ago

Cara wrote:
“Good heavens.

What are these boys doing in bed that they’re so terrified about “false rape”?

Probably raping women. They’re obsessed with lowering age of consent laws, think women are teasing them by wearing any sort of garment that isn’t a beekeeper’s suit, and generally treat women like ‘meat holes’. And they don’t seem to think that pressuring women into sex or getting them really drunk to fuck them even counts as rape. It’s not hard to see how all those details form a nasty little picture.

13 years ago

Nearly every man I know who is living with a wife or gf is miserable. Nearly every man I know who does not have a wife or gf has a higher quality of life-or at least appears to be happier.

Translation: I am an asshole and all of my friends are assholes. Judging from this extremely biased sample, I conclude that all men are assholes like me and my friends. Therefore women suck!

MRA logic, you can’t beat it.

13 years ago

The “western women” thing comes from three big factors, in my opinion: 1) they hate women, with a deep and abiding passion, but don’t want to be celibate for life, so they want to project their fantasies somewhere 2) racism and 3) the US is a wealthy colonial power and these men think they can use that status and their own comparable weath to coerce or outright enslave a poor woman who will have a much harder time leaving when they abuse her.

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