So John the Other has responded to my post about A Voice for Men’s “bounty” on the makers of the SCUM video. It’s a fairly unhinged rant, even by his standards. Here’s the money quote:
It’s a bizarre bit of circular logic: if some deranged asshole literally kills one or more of the videomakers, this is proof that the Swedish justice system isn’t working, which therefore justifies the deranged asshole’s actions. So the existence of vigilante violence justifies vigilante violence that justifies vigilante violence.
Since when is making a video a capital crime?
After all this, John rather bizarrely claims that “[u]nlike David Futrelle, I do not and will not lend myself to the support of violence, or indeed, of murder.”
That’s because, according to his daft logic, shooting the videomakers would count as “self defense,” because evidently someone posting a video on YouTube that you don’t like is equivalent to someone coming at you with a knife.
While challenging AVfM’s “bounty” — without actually defending the video in any way — apparently means that I support murder. Go figure.

But dwelling too much on the specifics of this one case is to miss the larger point. A Voice for Men has essentially set itself up as a sort of antifeminist Witchfinder General. In the 1968 cult film of that name, you may remember, the corrupt Witchfinder tested whether the accused were witches by lowering them into water; those who floated were judged guilty, and burned at the stake. Those who sank were innocent, but dead.
Paul Elam and his sidekick John have a similar approach. They intend to do feminists harm, to “fuck their shit up,” regardless of what they’ve done or said. None of those who have been placed in the Register-Her “registry” as “bigots” deserve to be smeared or harassed (or put on the phony “registry” in the first place). But if you look at what they are ostensibly there for, well, you’ll discover that it matters not at all to Elam whether they sink or float. The point is to harass feminists; almost any excuse will do.
One of those on the “registry,” a radical feminist who posts online as Vliet Tiptree , has indeed said some fairly vile things about the male gender; she is the only one who might conceivably be described as a “bigot.” But others are there on trumped up “charges” based on highly tendentious readings of some of their writing; it’s clear that they’ve been targeted mainly because they have been publicly critical of the men’s rights movement.
Meanwhile, another of the alleged feminist bigots is not a feminist at all, but rather a traditional-minded “mom blogger” who aroused Elam’s fury by saying that she didn’t want male daycare volunteers taking her daughter to the bathroom, and for suggesting (incorrectly) that men make up 99% of abusers. (She has since apologized, but remains on the “registry.”)
And one recent candidate for inclusion, a feminist blogger whom Elam has pledged to “stalk,” seems to have made it on Elam’s naughty list simply because she has helped to highlight how pervasive harassment of women and feminists is online. Complain about harassment; get harassed. But Elam’s “critiques” of her are all suspiciously vague. It’s not clear if he has read even a single one of her blog posts. Nonetheless, he promises her that
by the time we are done you will wax nostalgic over the days when all you had to deal with was someone expressing a desire to fuck you up your shopworn ass.
In a post from some months back, Elam offered a similarly psychosexually charged justification for his campaign to “Fuck Their Shit Up.” Directly addressing the “feminazi scumbags reading this right now,” he declared:
I am not going to stop. You see, I find you, as a feminist, to be a loathsome, vile piece of human garbage. I find you so pernicious and repugnant that the idea of fucking your shit up gives me an erection.
Let’s repeat that last bit for emphasis:
the idea of fucking your shit up gives me an erection.
Does anyone still doubt that the aim of A Voice for Men and in publishing personal information of their enemies is to intimidate – indeed, to terrorize?
Does anyone still doubt that their campaign is driven by hate?
Does anyone still doubt that they don’t give a shit if their actions cause someone to be physically assaulted or even killed?
DSC: Blasphemy! I will have to begin a feminist luftwaffe against you!*
*(I have little doubt that line will be quoted by MRAs somewhere as evidence feminists are Nazis)
Well, Children of Earth WAS good, and season 2 had it’s moments, but dangit, I gotta admit that it’s my undying love for Capt. Jack that keeps me watching through a lot of well… errr… suckitude?
Ullere: I suppose it’s vaguely inappropriate to quote my own posts in response, by please read.
It’s appropriate, it’s just not apropos.
You presented a fictional event as if it were some illuminating truth of feminism.
Either you didn’t know it was fictional, in which case you were ignorant, or you did, in which case you were being dishonest.
But it no more reflects the “truth” of feminism than a quotation of Humbert Humbert = Nabokov’s views on teenaged girls.
To pretend that you weren’t making such a point (that this is some truth about feminism) and that it’s being fiction changes nothing, is to double down on being ignorant, or dishonest.
In either case, this argument you are making is dishonest on it’s face.
I don’t understand why you get your panties tied up in a knot over vigilante justice. I mean, when women use vigilante justice we justify it by being “understanding” of what she’s going through and so on. Since the thing that we want is equality, and since we’re unwilling to hold women up to a higher standard, we have to provide the same justifications for men who resort to vigilante justice. It’s really not that hard to understand!
Feminism has been telling men who and what to be for 50 years and these men in the blog-o-sphere are sick and tired of it. This is what happens when feminism represses dissent for decades. It bursts out in the fury of human will-to-power. Feminists wouldn’t be getting so much grief if they didn’t try to shove down their throats who or what they are and how they are supposed to be as human beings. You can try to fight it all you want but it’s not going away. Sorry.
“Feminism has been telling men who and what to be for 50 years and these men in the blog-o-sphere are sick and tired of”
Yes, threaten to kill and rape women and tell yourself you’re the better person. You MRAs are seriously disturbed.
And you MRAs can cut the bullshit. You can stop pretending you’re upset with misandrist depictions in pop culture or the way custody battles are waged and admit you just want see women suffer.
And if you’d been systematically physically abused by a woman, instead of seeing a fictional video posted online, you’d sort of have a point!
Yeah, you’re so brave to hate women. That’s a novel thing that no one has ever dared to do before.
…For the record, what exactly have we been telling men to do? Other than “don’t assault us” and “let us have the same jobs you do” (neither of which we’ve totally gotten, actually), I don’t recall feminism issuing orders that men had to do 10 pushups whenever a woman asks, or whatever the hell.
Be nice to gay people, dammit! And bathe every once and a while! And have morals! And think of me as a person! *glowers*
I see, the video isnt the problem, the problem is the people pointing out that the video is a problem…
Interesting. It reminds me of anti-vaxxers who attempt to “out” Orac of Respectful Insolence, and who one time started an email campaign in an attempt to get him fired. I’ve never heard of any pro-vaxxers doing anything remotely similar.
Seeing as it’s just an ad for a production of the SCUM Manifesto, and the play is, by all accounts, quite nuanced and not really about killing men, yeah, it isn’t. Moron.
No, the problem is the people who want to commit violence. Illiterate moron.
One of those on the “registry,” a radical feminist who posts online as Vliet Tiptree , has indeed said some fairly vile things about the male gender; she is the only one who actually deserves the “bigot” label.
And? So she deserves to be up there? Deserves to be harassed?
Absolutely not. That’s why I said earlier in the piece that:
I’m going to reword both to make absolutely clear what I mean.
Moderated already, and I just got here.
Uh, Daisy, everyone is moderated the first time they post here. Once I let them through, they can post all they want.