Manosphere dudes – MRAs, MGTOWers, PUAs and whatever other acronyms they will eventually invent – love to tell themselves little “just so” stories about women. One of their favorite stories is the story of the Bad Boy Cock Carousel.
The gist of it: Women in their twenties are at the height of their physical beauty. So they act like entitled bitches, sleeping with every Bad Boy and Alpha Asshole there is and ignoring the humble, honest, hardworking “nice guy” betas silently pining for them.
But once these mean girls hit the age of 27 or so, they suddenly become ugly monsters, and the bad boys stop returning their calls. So then the evil ladies try to glom on to the nearest beta male in an attempt to marry him and steal all of his money.
But the beta males don’t want none of that used-up pussy, and so they Go Their Own Way and everyone ends up forever alone. Or the guys learn “game” and start banging the hotties. Or they just go back to posting sammich jokes on Reddit. I think these are all supposed to be happy endings, because at least the evil bitches get their comeuppance.
Recently, someone posted a n especially creepy version of this Manosphere fairy tale in the comments here; it turned out to have been cut and pasted from a comment on Roissy/Heartiste’s “game” blog by a guy who calls himself PhillyBoy81. It’s long; I trimmed it a little for space.
“[A]lpha males” are doing all the rest of us a favor in the long run. They operate very much like short sellers in the dating market, exposing fraud and helping to discover the true prices of commodities (women).
Yep, we’re on the express train to Doucheytown.
Let’s take a 21-year old chick who’s between a 7/8 (cute to pretty. … She can pretty much get sex whenever she wants it and with whomever she wants to have it with. And that is ultimately her downfall.
Young women (and some older ones) have an overinflated sense of the value of their vaginas. I mean, they have Wharton MBAs paying for exotic trips and they’re drinking Cosmos in the VIP with the Wizards.
Apparently this is just how women in their early twenties live. Who knew?
Since they are able to get such easy access to “alpha” dick, it follows logically that they should also have access to “alpha” wealth, marriage, and the lifestyle that accompanies all of that, right?
Wrong. See, when women gain this enormous sense of pussy power, they swing for the fences. … So, the cute guy with a 3.8 GPA, but no car? Nope, not good enough. The nice-looking pre-med student? “Nah, I’ll just get back to him later. I heard Jude Law’s hotter brother is transferring here this semester.”
This had me worried for a second, but I looked it up: Jude Law does not have a “hotter brother,” or indeed a brother at all, which is good news for all straight men of equal or lesser hotness than Jude Law.
Anyway, back to the evil women:
They invariably end up overplaying their hand. They chase these players looking to get a ring, and then that ring never comes. So now they’re 27. It’s a good thing she kept that pre-med Johns Hopkins student in her back pocket just in case things didn’t work out with the player, right?
Wrong again. In a vacuum, women would have their way. Men beg for sex. Women decide whether to give it to them (and for most guys, they will not give it to you). But luckily, we don’t live in a vacuum. We live in the real world with social constraints, and there are two that work distinctly to a man’s advantage: reputation and age. …
Ladies don’t think … we won’t remember your bitchiness. And don’t think we won’t remember those guys who you ran behind like a cum bucket.
Hmm. I’m pretty sure the only place buckets are gifted with mobility is in old Disney cartoons.
We remember. And we punish.
When a man sleeps with 100 chicks, he’s a stud. When a woman sleeps with JUST ONE guy, that eliminates you as wifey material to ALL of his friends. …
Apparently penises have a sort of reverse-Midas Touch thing going on: every woman who touches one turns into a filthy, used-up slut.
The height of a woman’s value, in terms of her value as a long term partner, is around the age of 27. That is the praecipice. The older she gets, the more her singlehood gets scrutinized by men. Why the hell is she still single? Who’s cock has she been sucking all these years?
Clearly that is the first question every straight man should ask himself whenever he sees a single woman older than the age of 27. (Just make sure you don’t actually ask this question out loud; it doesn’t go over well.)
[L]et’s face it, what virile, successful bachelor wants to entertain a 29 or 30 year old as wifey potential. She’s going to want to become a baby factory right away and rip away the last vestiges of your freedom. I don’t think so. It’s now my time to swing for the fences and bang some of these 21 year olds that I couldn’t bang in college.
Hello creepy older dude lurking in the shadows at the frat party!
In conclusion, a woman’s value is really defined by the type of man who puts a ring on her finger, not the type of guy who will fuck her. It takes a lot of women a long time to understand this, and thus, they overplay their hand. If it wasn’t for the players dogging them out, these women would not get a sense of their true value and start to seek out men who fit within their price range.
It’s all about market equilibrium, yo! SCIENCE!
So that’s the story. It’s a stupid story. It’s not a true story. But it’s the story that manosphere dudes, like young children, want to hear over and over and over.
But I haven’t even gotten to the best part. Our pal MarkyMark, an excitable and somewhat addled Man Going His Own Way, reposted PhillyBoy81’s comment on his blog. In the comments there (as Man Boobz commenter Wetherby pointed out) we find this little gem:
A man is not being respected if the woman he is with has spent her youth, beauty and fertility on someone else.
Yep, that’s right. I’m just going to repeat that, because, wow.
A man is not being respected if the woman he is with has spent her youth, beauty and fertility on someone else.
All women older than 27 or so who date or marry men are disrespecting these men because … they are older than 27. Apparently women age out of spite. Maturation is misandry!
The major problem people can have with having relationships with other people who have had long histories with previous partners which were tragically ended by death (as I assume in the case of your parents) i.e. the love was still alive at time of parting, is that you’ll have to share your partner as it were with the memory of their previous partner, who may even be higher in their affections than you. Ex. the case of Queen II and The King and the dearly departed Queen I In The Game of Thrones.
My Dad married my Mum when he was 44 and she was 24.
Three years later she had the audacity to be 27 and clearly past it.
35 years of happy marriage later when he died aged 82, she had been spitefully aging until she was *gasp* 62. She had grey hair and wrinkles and saggy bits.
He still thought she was beautiful. Because she was.
All these wankers with their messed up ideas about women, aging and what makes people happy can kiss my arse. Then they can Go Their Own Way and be miserable over there, leaving the rest of us normal people to enjoy each other in a real way.
>>I am! At least that’s what the email from Star Wars the Old Republic says…
I’ll need to log into that tonight when I get home to try out the Republic Trooper class.
The NDAs have fallen, and all I can say is… if you’re like most of the people I know who got on the beta, prepare to be really disappointed.
Apparently Dragon Age 2 was a masterpiece in comparison to this.
You are seriously citing proof of your ideas fictional characters?
A better example would have been Queen Victoria and John Brown.
MRAL, is that you?
Game of Throne references as though they pertained to real life?
Whatever is an MRAL sockpuppet, right?
Whatever: You can stop speculating about my familial relationships any time now. You do not know anything about them, and trying to mansplain my family to me is really kind of fucking insulting.
Or even better-Henry VIII and Anne of Cleves who he married way too shortly after Jane Seymour’s passing.
If we’re going to discuss SoIaF series, it’s really not surprising that Robert still liked his first love, considering that his marriage to Cersei was purely a political marriage.
“That is not healthy dude-might want to see a therapist to work out your fear of laughter.”
Hurr Durr, it’s a proven fact that nothing kills the mojo quicker than scorn. Why do you think of all the porn that exists, this is the one reaction from women that almost never gets depicted or is depicted the least/most rarely? Seriously, I recall a rape prevention website I once browsed years ago where it was advised that the best way to dampen a rapists libido was to be contemptuous of him or specifically of his penis.
If it’s a proven fact, how about you back it up?
Says you-there are some men who like it when women laugh because well. You know.
Or maybe not-your intense fear of women possibly laughing at you means you never get to know.
MRAL is indeed a kindred spirit, but no, I am very much my own man, so to speak 😀
And what’s wrong with using so-called “fictional’ characters? Have none of you learned of the Many-Worlds Theory of the Multiverse (or Omniverse) , which states that every fictional character in one reality exists as a factual entity in another reality? Anyway, Game of Thrones is what’s current, and you should always use the most up-to-the-moment examples.
Kathleen B, that’s what trolls are for, this what we are, this is what we do lolololol xP
Nothing kills my mojo quicker than slut shaming. Which is why I don’t have sex with people who slut shame me, and have sex with sensible people who respect me and also enjoy my company (to say nothing of my awesome blowjobs).
You could do the same thing, you know.
Uhm, please do link to the website. Because that is some seriously stupid and fucked up advice.
Also, if you were extensively studying hentai manga, you would be aware of the tsundere fetish that a lot of guys seem to dig – which is pretty much about girls scorning and talking down to guys. It isn’t xactly rare either. (Yeah, I know I keep bringing it up, but it just seems so perfect as a counter argument if cartoon porn is supposed to give its viewers an idea about how RL works :'( ).
Whatever, you really should stop posting until you recover from whatever debilitating head injury you’re obviously suffering from.
Also, I’m lead to believe that a pretty common fantasy of kinky men is to be scorned and mocked for having a small penis. YKINMKATA
The more you know.
But that’s a matter for the individuals concerned – it’s none of anyone else’s business.
A real-life case in point: former Czech President Vacláv Havel. His first wife Olga was more than a mere wife: she’d become almost as important a symbol of anti-communist politics as he had, thanks to one of the key dissident texts being ‘Letters to Olga’, a collection of the letters that Havel wrote to her from prison. So when she died from cancer some 32 years into their marriage, it hit the nation hard: it wasn’t just the death of a beloved spouse, it was the death of a national treasure, indeed one of the very symbols of their modern nationhood.
So when Havel had the temerity to remarry less than a year later, people were horrified – and doubly so when she turned out to be an actress seventeen years his junior. Naturally, everyone assumed she was a gold-digging floozie (ignoring the fact that Havel’s background as a playwright meant that consorting with actresses wasn’t the least bit unusual, even if their back catalogue includes a role as a topless vampire), and thought that Havel must have been driven temporarily mad by grief. At any rate, everyone assumed the marriage wouldn’t last long.
Well, they’re still together as I write this, nearly fifteen years on.
@Molly Ren: As women age, we get so annoyed by the whole business of sex we line our vaginas with sandpaper just to make sure dudes get the message.
Except those of us who acquired our vagina dentata early on (the teeth keep getting sharper with use, dudes!), and don’t want to cover up our fangs! *I should go put my Medusa icon back on the gravatar site*
*gnashes teeth*
*gnashes teeth some more*
>>Have none of you learned of the Many-Worlds Theory of the Multiverse (or Omniverse) , which states that every fictional character in one reality exists as a factual entity in another reality?
Science FAIL.
To elaborate: even if you interpet QM in the most Many Worlds-friendly way possible, the only universes in existence are *possible* universes, i.e. they must be some state in which the universe might have gotten starting from a Big Bang-like event.
Most fictional worlds are not plausible or internally self-consistent even without taking into account the physics of that fictional world.
Ah, I never said it was never depicted, I just said it was the most rare/least depicted.
That website apparently is long dead, as the googles do nothing.
And the “tsun-dere” fetish in Japan is actually the “taming of the shrew” as “tsun” means shrewish or bitchy and “dere” means tame or sweet. It only works when the shrewish girl is tamed by the power of love (or lust or liking, whatever) into becoming a sweetie. If she doesn’t, she’s just a bitch and nobody except a masochist or an angry sadist with chips on the shoulders looking to justify revenge-rape (both of whom are fringe minorities compared to the general majority of straight males) really wants that at all.
A story for you all:
Once there was a man who ate too many peanut butter and banana sandwiches. As a consequence, his dick fell off and he became disfigured. Then he was eaten by a grue, fer no raisen. The end.
As it is theoretically possible that there is some Universe where this is the case, men should not eat peanut butter and banana sandwiches. Q.E.D.
“Most fictional worlds are not plausible or internally self-consistent even without taking into account the physics of that fictional world.”
Bah humbug, there are more things in heaven and earth than exists in your philosophy.