Manosphere dudes – MRAs, MGTOWers, PUAs and whatever other acronyms they will eventually invent – love to tell themselves little “just so” stories about women. One of their favorite stories is the story of the Bad Boy Cock Carousel.
The gist of it: Women in their twenties are at the height of their physical beauty. So they act like entitled bitches, sleeping with every Bad Boy and Alpha Asshole there is and ignoring the humble, honest, hardworking “nice guy” betas silently pining for them.
But once these mean girls hit the age of 27 or so, they suddenly become ugly monsters, and the bad boys stop returning their calls. So then the evil ladies try to glom on to the nearest beta male in an attempt to marry him and steal all of his money.
But the beta males don’t want none of that used-up pussy, and so they Go Their Own Way and everyone ends up forever alone. Or the guys learn “game” and start banging the hotties. Or they just go back to posting sammich jokes on Reddit. I think these are all supposed to be happy endings, because at least the evil bitches get their comeuppance.
Recently, someone posted a n especially creepy version of this Manosphere fairy tale in the comments here; it turned out to have been cut and pasted from a comment on Roissy/Heartiste’s “game” blog by a guy who calls himself PhillyBoy81. It’s long; I trimmed it a little for space.
“[A]lpha males” are doing all the rest of us a favor in the long run. They operate very much like short sellers in the dating market, exposing fraud and helping to discover the true prices of commodities (women).
Yep, we’re on the express train to Doucheytown.
Let’s take a 21-year old chick who’s between a 7/8 (cute to pretty. … She can pretty much get sex whenever she wants it and with whomever she wants to have it with. And that is ultimately her downfall.
Young women (and some older ones) have an overinflated sense of the value of their vaginas. I mean, they have Wharton MBAs paying for exotic trips and they’re drinking Cosmos in the VIP with the Wizards.
Apparently this is just how women in their early twenties live. Who knew?
Since they are able to get such easy access to “alpha” dick, it follows logically that they should also have access to “alpha” wealth, marriage, and the lifestyle that accompanies all of that, right?
Wrong. See, when women gain this enormous sense of pussy power, they swing for the fences. … So, the cute guy with a 3.8 GPA, but no car? Nope, not good enough. The nice-looking pre-med student? “Nah, I’ll just get back to him later. I heard Jude Law’s hotter brother is transferring here this semester.”
This had me worried for a second, but I looked it up: Jude Law does not have a “hotter brother,” or indeed a brother at all, which is good news for all straight men of equal or lesser hotness than Jude Law.
Anyway, back to the evil women:
They invariably end up overplaying their hand. They chase these players looking to get a ring, and then that ring never comes. So now they’re 27. It’s a good thing she kept that pre-med Johns Hopkins student in her back pocket just in case things didn’t work out with the player, right?
Wrong again. In a vacuum, women would have their way. Men beg for sex. Women decide whether to give it to them (and for most guys, they will not give it to you). But luckily, we don’t live in a vacuum. We live in the real world with social constraints, and there are two that work distinctly to a man’s advantage: reputation and age. …
Ladies don’t think … we won’t remember your bitchiness. And don’t think we won’t remember those guys who you ran behind like a cum bucket.
Hmm. I’m pretty sure the only place buckets are gifted with mobility is in old Disney cartoons.
We remember. And we punish.
When a man sleeps with 100 chicks, he’s a stud. When a woman sleeps with JUST ONE guy, that eliminates you as wifey material to ALL of his friends. …
Apparently penises have a sort of reverse-Midas Touch thing going on: every woman who touches one turns into a filthy, used-up slut.
The height of a woman’s value, in terms of her value as a long term partner, is around the age of 27. That is the praecipice. The older she gets, the more her singlehood gets scrutinized by men. Why the hell is she still single? Who’s cock has she been sucking all these years?
Clearly that is the first question every straight man should ask himself whenever he sees a single woman older than the age of 27. (Just make sure you don’t actually ask this question out loud; it doesn’t go over well.)
[L]et’s face it, what virile, successful bachelor wants to entertain a 29 or 30 year old as wifey potential. She’s going to want to become a baby factory right away and rip away the last vestiges of your freedom. I don’t think so. It’s now my time to swing for the fences and bang some of these 21 year olds that I couldn’t bang in college.
Hello creepy older dude lurking in the shadows at the frat party!
In conclusion, a woman’s value is really defined by the type of man who puts a ring on her finger, not the type of guy who will fuck her. It takes a lot of women a long time to understand this, and thus, they overplay their hand. If it wasn’t for the players dogging them out, these women would not get a sense of their true value and start to seek out men who fit within their price range.
It’s all about market equilibrium, yo! SCIENCE!
So that’s the story. It’s a stupid story. It’s not a true story. But it’s the story that manosphere dudes, like young children, want to hear over and over and over.
But I haven’t even gotten to the best part. Our pal MarkyMark, an excitable and somewhat addled Man Going His Own Way, reposted PhillyBoy81’s comment on his blog. In the comments there (as Man Boobz commenter Wetherby pointed out) we find this little gem:
A man is not being respected if the woman he is with has spent her youth, beauty and fertility on someone else.
Yep, that’s right. I’m just going to repeat that, because, wow.
A man is not being respected if the woman he is with has spent her youth, beauty and fertility on someone else.
All women older than 27 or so who date or marry men are disrespecting these men because … they are older than 27. Apparently women age out of spite. Maturation is misandry!
I love how incredibly narrow their view of the dating world is.
“Young women (and some older ones) have an overinflated sense of the value of their vaginas. I mean, they have Wharton MBAs paying for exotic trips and they’re drinking Cosmos in the VIP with the Wizards.”
1. Women are allowed to earn their onw MBAs these days. A good friend of mine has one from the LSE. Does this mean she needs to find a billionaire in order to find a man far enough above her economic level to buy her vacations.
2. Is he suggesting that the cast of Harry Potter are buying this young woman drinks, or is that some sort of sports team? In any case, I was a hot 21 year old once upon a time, and I can’t say I ever felt any desire to go drinking with either a group of pro athletes or a bunch of dudes with wands.
“They invariably end up overplaying their hand. They chase these players looking to get a ring, and then that ring never comes. So now they’re 27. It’s a good thing she kept that pre-med Johns Hopkins student in her back pocket just in case things didn’t work out with the player, right?”
Huh. Men still occasionally offer me “alpha cock”, and I’m nearly 40. Could it be that not all men are horrified by women over 27?
“We remember. And we punish.”
Because on the inside, we are 5 years old.
“[L]et’s face it, what virile, successful bachelor wants to entertain a 29 or 30 year old as wifey potential. She’s going to want to become a baby factory right away and rip away the last vestiges of your freedom. I don’t think so. It’s now my time to swing for the fences and bang some of these 21 year olds that I couldn’t bang in college.”
Even the most traditional women do not generally think of themselves as baby factories, and the kind of women who went to college with you are especially unlikely to do so, Mr Wharton MBA. What’s that you say? Women don’t necessarily see themselves the way you see them? What a strange idea.
“In conclusion, a woman’s value is really defined by the type of man who puts a ring on her finger, not the type of guy who will fuck her. It takes a lot of women a long time to understand this, and thus, they overplay their hand. If it wasn’t for the players dogging them out, these women would not get a sense of their true value and start to seek out men who fit within their price range.”
So the goal is to stop those evil players from leading women to thus delude themselves, right? It isn’t? Well that’s not very logical. Guess that would mean admitting that you’ll never be one of them, huh?
“A man is not being respected if the woman he is with has spent her youth, beauty and fertility on someone else.”
Thus, in conclusion, we should kill all women over 30 who are not married, before they are able to spend the rest of their lives disrespecting some poor guy. Now let’s run this idea past a few non-MRAs!
(Pauses for feedback)
Well that didn’t go very well, did it?
“When a man sleeps with 100 chicks, he’s a stud. When a woman sleeps with JUST ONE guy, that eliminates you as wifey material to ALL of his friends.”
See, I thought this was a good example of sexism and anti-sex attitudes, a way of saying what too many people think sub-consciously… But this dude is serious. O_O
There are horror stories online (like on FML) where a guy convinces a girl to have sex before they are engaged, then decides to call it off because she’s not a virgin anymore… Blargh… If these views weren’t an undercurrent in main-stream culture, I’d feel safe just pointing and laughing; if they want to drive women away, fine. But this particular satement and others are still a part of our culture, even if nobody usually has the nerve to outright say it.
It starts with the fallacious assumption that all women want to get married and have babies and just goes further down the rabbit hole from there.
Do these men never leave their houses or something?
“In any case, I was a hot 21 year old once upon a time, and I can’t say I ever felt any desire to go drinking with either a group of pro athletes or a bunch of dudes with wands.”
Those two groups aren’t usually mutually exclusive. Hurr hurr hurr. 😛
WIFEY? Who the fuck uses “wifey”??????
OK, yeah, I know it’s all fucked up.
but wtf wifey???????????????
Yeah, the wand thing was kind of deliberate…also I don’t like Harry Potter so I have no idea what else the wizards in it use. Newts?
Kirby that just means that they are driving the women to you and Spear. I hope you realise that.
He really does think his penis is poison, or something, and harms everyone who touches it. I don’t understand it.
(sings) A wizard’s staff has a knob on the end
Do they have staffs in Harry Potter?
(I like Pratchett’s wizards better. Not Rincewind, though, he’s just annoying.)
This was enlightening to say the least. The only solution I can see is that everyone should marry each other right away, or everyone should stay virgins O.o
have these dudes never seen seinfeld? everyone knows the dream of becoming a doctor is to break up with whoever youre dating for someone more attractive, so its not like the johns hopkins pre-med is totally innocent in this scenario.
There’s plenty of room for extreme hotness in the “equally or less” sexy than Jude Law group.
Also, men don’t age, they are immortal angels that only appear to age because demon women are sucking out their life forces.
Men are like the Gelflings in the Dark Crystal, and women are the Skeksis. Isn’t it obvious?
I have never once had a gentleman pay for an exotic trip for me. I guess I’m just an uggo…?
If I am sleeping with people who couldn’t get laid if it wasn’t for me, am I exempt from this whole slut thing? Because I fuck around, but most players are too… flashy… to be my type. Am I still marriagable? I would like to get married.
I don’t want to date a “cute guy with a 3.8 GPA,” whether or not he has a car. I want to date a cute guy who’s funny, geeky, smart, feminist, a kinky bastard when called upon to be so, a little socially awkward and kind. His GPA doesn’t enter into it at all.
I have slept with a dude and then slept with one of his friends. I didn’t realize this was so uncommon.
Heh, I don’t think I get out enough to be pursued by anyone… Which is a shame, because I normally like to befriend someone before I date them, then I feel real awkward and can’t ask my new-found friend for anything sex-related, cause I don’t want to weird them out. -_-
I am not a confident man.
*starts handing out “Please Ask Me For Sex Kirby” shirts to all the women in Kirby’s life who are both his friend and interested in him*
There, now you know who to ask!
This explains why the big names find it so hard to hate on you! You are the girl who pursues betas, you are breaking their minds! They are so surprised that they feel like they have to denounce you for being a slut, because they are shocked that any woman would sleep with non-muscly-genius-rich alpha gods.
I recommend lots and lots of cuddles. Those make it very easy for a friend to make it clear that she’d like some sex, if she’s thus inclined.
Dang, that would be nice. ^_^
“I have slept with a dude and then slept with one of his friends. I didn’t realize this was so uncommon.”
Completely unmarriagable!
I got stuck on the bit about “In a vacuum, women would have their way.”
No, we wouldn’t. Unless we were really bound and determined to turn into goo then evaporate.
“But luckily, we don’t live in a vacuum.”
MRA in ‘says true thing’ shocker!
‘It was by accident’, astonished reader explains.
*keeps one for herself*
Indeed it would be Kirby. 🙂
At this point in the story, I managed to replace the speaker with Daffy Duck, Wizard Stu, complete with funny hand motions.
It’s a thanksgiving Miracle, Mr. Duck didn’t name Brad Pitt.
I’m sure you got over high school too… XD
This is a surefire plan to get women to sleep with you now and stop ignoring the ‘3.8 with a car’ or whatever; make sex a bad thing. Why didn’t I think of it before?
Queer women: Doing our part to protect women from the apparently magical corruption powers of penises.
Voodoo dating science! Mr. Duck, how could you?
How does this only work in one direction?
“Wifey potential?” Who the fuck is this, Arthur Kade?