The director of the first Human Centipede film – the one about a psychopathic doctor who sews three unwilling and unwitting captives together mouth-to-anus to make a sort of “centipede” — proudly declared that his film was “100% medically accurate.” That is, he found a doctor who was willing to say that if one were indeed to create such a centipede, the second and third segments (i.e., people) would be able to survive, provided that you supplemented their rather dismal diet with IV drips to give them the nutrition they were lacking.
This dubious claim to 100% accuracy came to mind today as I perused a post by the blogger who calls himself Dalrock, a manospherian nitwit with a penchant for pseudoscientific defenses of old-fashioned misogyny. In a post with the whimsical title “We are trapped on Slut Island and Traditional Conservatives are our Gilligan,” Dalrock argues that the best “solution” to out-of-wedlock births is some good old-fashioned slut shaming.
Here’s how he breaks down the (imaginary) numbers in a post that is “100% mathematically accurate” – which is to say, not accurate at all:
Assume we are starting off with 100 sluts and 30 alphas/players. The sluts are happily riding on the alpha carousel. Now we introduce slut shaming. It isn’t fully effective of course, but it manages to convince 15 of the would be sluts not to be sluts after all. This means an additional 15 women are again potentially suitable for marriage. This directly translates into fewer fatherless children. This also makes the next round of slut shaming easier. Instead of having 99 peers eagerly cheering her on her ride, each slut now has 15 happily married women shaming her and only 84 other sluts encouraging her. After the next round this becomes 30 happily married women shaming the sluts, and only 69 other sluts cheering them on, and so on. This process continues until all but the most die hard sluts are off the carousel. You will never discourage them all, but you can do a world better than we are doing today.
Why not shame the fathers as well, while we’re at it? Dalrock explains that this just doesn’t make good mathematical sense:
Start with the same base assumption of 100 sluts and 30 players. Now apply shame to the players. Unfortunately shame is less effective on players than it is on sluts, so instead of discouraging 15% of them (4.5) in the first round, it only discourages three of them. No problem!, says the Gilligan [the social conservative], at least there are now three fewer sluts now that three of the evil alphas have been shamed away, and all without creating any unhappy sluts! But unfortunately it doesn’t work that way. The remaining 27 players are more than happy to service the extra sluts. They are quite maddeningly actually delighted with the new situation. Even worse, the next round of player shaming is even less effective than the first. This time only 2 players are discouraged, and one of the other 3 realizes that his player peers are picking up the slack anyway and reopens for business. This means in net there are still 26 players, more than enough to handle all of the sluts you can throw at them.
Well, there’s no arguing with that!
Seriously, there’s no arguing with that, because it is an imaginary construct with only the most tenuous connection with how things work in the real world. “But … MATH!” doesn’t really work as an argument here, since human beings don’t actually behave according to simplistic mathematical formulas.
Film critic note: While the first Human Centipede film offered little more than a workmanlike treatment of a fantastical idea, the recently released sequel, which details the attempts of a deranged Human Centipede superfan to take human-centipeding to the next level, is actually sort of brilliant. If you like that sort of thing.
Stonerwithaboner – is NWO with OWS now? too many acronyms 🙁
NWO, I don’t have the patience to explain to you yet again how charities that support women’s causes do not take away from men. Men can and DO support charities for men, and you are free to give to them. Do you? Nor are there state agencies that empower one gender over another, unless you’re think along the the lines of WIC, which really isn’t empowerment by any stretch of the imagination.
Trillions of dollars? Citation sorely needed, my paranoid friend.
Fret not, my brethren. You will be a master of the universe in the long run, so long as you stick to the script. In the end, good guys get the last laugh.
These players, or as Roissy says “alpha males,” are doing all the rest of us a favor in the long run. They operate very much like short sellers in the dating market, exposing fraud and helping to discover the true prices of commodities (women).
I’m not a big fan of evolutionary psychology, so I’ll implore you to think about the situation this way. Let’s take a 21-year old chick who’s between a 7/8 (cute to pretty). She’s the equivalent of Roy Jones, Jr. in his prime, all attributes, no fundamentals or technique. She garners the attention of males both older and younger. She can pretty much get sex whenever she wants it and with whomever she wants to have it with. And that is ultimately her downfall.
Young women (and some older ones) have an overinflated sense of the value of their vaginas. I mean, they have Wharton MBAs paying for exotic trips and they’re drinking Cosmos in the VIP with the Wizards. Why wouldn’t they? Since they are able to get such easy access to “alpha” dick, it follows logically that they should also have access to “alpha” wealth, marriage, and the lifestyle that accompanies all of that, right?
Wrong. See, when women gain this enormous sense of pussy power, they swing for the fences. That’s what power does to people. It makes them crave more. So, the cute guy with a 3.8 GPA, but no car? Nope, not good enough. The nice-looking pre-med student? “Nah, I’ll just get back to him later. I heard Jude Law’s hotter brother is transferring here this semester.” They invariably end up overplaying their hand. They chase these players looking to get a ring, and then that ring never comes. So now they’re 27. It’s a good thing she kept that pre-med Johns Hopkins student in her back pocket just in case things didn’t work out with the player, right?
Wrong again. In a vacuum, women would have their way. Men beg for sex. Women decide whether to give it to them (and for most guys, they will not give it to you). But luckily, we don’t live in a vacuum. We live in the real world with social constraints, and there are two that work distinctly to a man’s advantage: reputation and age.
Men take notes. Ladies, don’t think our homeboy didn’t tell us about the time he bought you drinks, only for you to walk away and make fun of him with your girlfriends. Don’t think we won’t remember your bitchiness. And don’t think we won’t remember those guys who you ran behind like a cum bucket. We remember. And we punish.
When a man sleeps with 100 chicks, he’s a stud. When a woman sleeps with JUST ONE guy, that eliminates you as wifey material to ALL of his friends. Seriously, how many times have you met a cute girl and your friends said, “Oh, she was with _____.” It was a wrap. Women who aren’t able to learn their true value quickly and then make wise decisions early on pay a hefty price in the long run.
The height of a woman’s value, in terms of her value as a long term partner, is around the age of 27. That is the praecipice. She must make the decision: settle down or play around. Her best choice, if she wants to get married, is to begin actively pursuing a husband. But she faces a couple of problems. First, she wants to marry up (older, richer, higher status). But by this time, her peers are just hitting their prime. They’ve picked up some wealth and game along the way, and are seeking to exact revenge against the throngs of women now begging for engagement rings. Second, she’s got competition. Those new “alphas” aren’t trying to mess with used goods. They want that 21 year old model. And for a Harvard MBA on Wall Street, that’s not an unrealistic expectation.
The older she gets, the more her singlehood gets scrutinized by men. Why the hell is she still single? Who’s cock has she been sucking all these years? This bitch must be crazy or something. And let’s face it, what virile, successful bachelor wants to entertain a 29 or 30 year old as wifey potential? She’s going to want to become a baby factory right away and rip away the last vestiges of your freedom. I don’t think so. It’s now my time to swing for the fences and bang some of these 21 year olds that I couldn’t bang in college.
In conclusion, a woman’s value is really defined by the type of man who puts a ring on her finger, not the type of guy who will fuck her. It takes a lot of women a long time to understand this, and thus, they overplay their hand. If it wasn’t for the players dogging them out, these women would not get a sense of their true value and start to seek out men who fit within their price range.
One last thing.
I would encourage attractive women to read Greek mythology, especially the story of Icarus. Icarus, with his new but fragile wings, could not resist flying too close to the sun.
Attractive women, with their pretty faces and firm backsides, often can’t break the spell of the intoxicating power that comes along with those attributes. Power’s a hard thing to give up. It’s a lot like winning at the craps table. Some people just don’t know when to quit and cash in their chips. And when they don’t have the good sense to cash in their chips, they often end up just like Icarus–dead in the water.
I’m just going to tire myself out asking “if you’re so oppressed, why aren’t you oppressed?”, aren’t I.
But at least I learned that there are no women involved in beverage bottling. (Or, um, milking.)
Um, milkslave, didn’t you tell us that you repair milk bottling machines for a living?
OWS-Occupy Wall Street…..
I thought NWO was New World Order-I think i heard it in a Ministry song back in the day….
@Bee: I’m pretty sure he did say he dealt with some kind of milk bottling machinery.
hahaha, the cooments move so fast here, it’s more like a chattroom than a comments board….
It always amuses me when Slavey starts going on about how hard his job is, what long hours, etc. It’s funny how he works under the assumption that 10 hour days are unusual (which, lol! I used to work for a start-up that put in a bed in the corner because we were there so much, it was common for us to be there from 8 or 9 am till midnight), and no one else’s jobs are tiring, stressful, etc. Just his, and perhaps those of other MRAs.
He’s out hunting the mammoth refrigerator for us, you guys.
NWO – I’m against the State. All states, Any State, (But not Allstate, well, except in that it’s a limited liability corporation, and I’m against that, but car insurance is good in principle).
So tell me how the feminists are more in league with the state than you are. Tell me what you think the state should or should not do. Are you a libertarian? A fiscal conservative? A constitutionalist? A minarchist? An anarchist? What do you want? What should or shouldn’t the government be doing, or how on earth can I judge who is more statist here than you? As far as I know from what you’ve said, you’re completely for statism, as long as it’s not feminist, however you define feminism. So what’s the deal?
“But at least I learned that there are no women involved in beverage bottling. (Or, um, milking.)”
well there are females, the cows, right?
here’s a cool site:
It’s like screaming “You’re an eggist! you love eggs! you and your eggs all the time! Eggs eggs eggs eggs can’t save you! That isn’t the proper use of eggs eggists! You think you’re so smart but EEEEGGGGS! The fact is I know more about eggs than you and you eggists have ruined our eggs! Our eggs just like eggs wanted! Big momma chicken isn’t gonna lay for you forever! EGGGS!”
Dude, what? What do you mean? What about eggs? Do you want there to be eggs? Are eggs bad? What’s the proper function of eggs? Can you explain how eggs are being misused by eggists? How would things be different eggwise in your ideal egg scheme?
Milk isn’t bottled at the dairy. It’s trucked to a plant to be pasteurised, homogenised and bottled (and skimmed and made into whatever all those other kinds of milk are) 🙂
@Holly Pervocracy
“Still, even if you’d welcome prison, you aren’t actually there. And some men are. (Some women are, but oh God let’s not go there you might explode from the revelation.) How do you doublethink your way around that?”
Princess, Big Daddy is closing down womens prisons.
They’ll get help now, it costs a little more but well worth it. I mean it already takes an act of congress to incarcerate a woman. Plus, feminists will get to cite another statistic of how many men are in prison while no women are in prison. Sweet, huh? Women get spa treatment for the same crime and get to use this statistic to prove how evil men are. Big Daddy must truely love his little girls!
So yeah. I referred to the milkslave tweaking milk machines = milk bottling machines /= milking machines. Trust me, milkslave. I know the difference. Spent every summer of my childhood on a dairy farm, actually.
Also: I never shop at Walmart. (The more you know — rainbow explosion!)
Also also: If I were a self-declared MRA who really gave a shit about men’s issues, or wanted to pretend I did, I sure as hell would be able to name a couple of men’s charities off the top of my head. Hell, I can do it now, and I’m a feminist. O.o
SO, this is a good time to talk about how you basically defended rape in state prisons as a punishment, right?
Shouldn’t you be happy, snookywoo? I mean, after you got all worked up about how prison is three hots and a cot and an easy way to live out your days. Shouldn’t you be glad there are more men than women in prison if that’s the case?
I wish you’d at least be internally consistent with your bullshit.
But then again, just a couple days ago you were talking about how men’s prisons were full of rape because TEH GAYZ. Today you’re claiming that you don’t care if you go to prison.
“They’ll get help now, it costs a little more but well worth it. I mean it already takes an act of congress to incarcerate a woman. ”
Just like Meller and his dolls, the deeper you dig into NWO’s mind the more ludicrous things get.
Psst! Slavey! The NWO really is out to get people like you. Look, the UN actually recognises you as having a personality disorder. This one, to be specific.
You seem to forget, I’ve seen all your comments. This isn’t a place for intelligent discourse.
” Dude, what? What do you mean? What about eggs? Do you want there to be eggs? Are eggs bad? What’s the proper function of eggs? Can you explain how eggs are being misused by eggists? How would things be different eggwise in your ideal egg scheme?”
What’s to discuss? Whatever you pretend to be, you’re a statist. Feminsim is synonymous with State control, the bigger the better. You can’t be a feminist and not be for massive State control.
as far as prison…
Get the pot smokers outta there, just keep the violent offenders and psychopaths there….
as far as male rape, don’t join the army…..
(time to end Selective Service….)
NWO – that report specifically stated that fathers who are primary caregivers of young children are eligible for the same release program…
So what are your positions on incarceration? Are you a prison abolitionist, a crime hardliner? What do you think of the drug war that incarcerates so many young men?
NWOslave, if your life is that terrible, you could probably go out and commit a crime and get put in a nice cushy jail cell. It’s already been done.
? Whatever you pretend to be, you’re a statist. Feminsim is synonymous with State control, the bigger the better. You can’t be a feminist and not be for massive State control.
Please explain further. Because I’m pretty sure I”m an anarchist. How am I pretending to be against taxation, borders, eminent domain, limited liability, legal and defense monopolies, and etc, because I am for gender equality? Maybe these things aren’t as synonymous as you think.