The director of the first Human Centipede film – the one about a psychopathic doctor who sews three unwilling and unwitting captives together mouth-to-anus to make a sort of “centipede” — proudly declared that his film was “100% medically accurate.” That is, he found a doctor who was willing to say that if one were indeed to create such a centipede, the second and third segments (i.e., people) would be able to survive, provided that you supplemented their rather dismal diet with IV drips to give them the nutrition they were lacking.
This dubious claim to 100% accuracy came to mind today as I perused a post by the blogger who calls himself Dalrock, a manospherian nitwit with a penchant for pseudoscientific defenses of old-fashioned misogyny. In a post with the whimsical title “We are trapped on Slut Island and Traditional Conservatives are our Gilligan,” Dalrock argues that the best “solution” to out-of-wedlock births is some good old-fashioned slut shaming.
Here’s how he breaks down the (imaginary) numbers in a post that is “100% mathematically accurate” – which is to say, not accurate at all:
Assume we are starting off with 100 sluts and 30 alphas/players. The sluts are happily riding on the alpha carousel. Now we introduce slut shaming. It isn’t fully effective of course, but it manages to convince 15 of the would be sluts not to be sluts after all. This means an additional 15 women are again potentially suitable for marriage. This directly translates into fewer fatherless children. This also makes the next round of slut shaming easier. Instead of having 99 peers eagerly cheering her on her ride, each slut now has 15 happily married women shaming her and only 84 other sluts encouraging her. After the next round this becomes 30 happily married women shaming the sluts, and only 69 other sluts cheering them on, and so on. This process continues until all but the most die hard sluts are off the carousel. You will never discourage them all, but you can do a world better than we are doing today.
Why not shame the fathers as well, while we’re at it? Dalrock explains that this just doesn’t make good mathematical sense:
Start with the same base assumption of 100 sluts and 30 players. Now apply shame to the players. Unfortunately shame is less effective on players than it is on sluts, so instead of discouraging 15% of them (4.5) in the first round, it only discourages three of them. No problem!, says the Gilligan [the social conservative], at least there are now three fewer sluts now that three of the evil alphas have been shamed away, and all without creating any unhappy sluts! But unfortunately it doesn’t work that way. The remaining 27 players are more than happy to service the extra sluts. They are quite maddeningly actually delighted with the new situation. Even worse, the next round of player shaming is even less effective than the first. This time only 2 players are discouraged, and one of the other 3 realizes that his player peers are picking up the slack anyway and reopens for business. This means in net there are still 26 players, more than enough to handle all of the sluts you can throw at them.
Well, there’s no arguing with that!
Seriously, there’s no arguing with that, because it is an imaginary construct with only the most tenuous connection with how things work in the real world. “But … MATH!” doesn’t really work as an argument here, since human beings don’t actually behave according to simplistic mathematical formulas.
Film critic note: While the first Human Centipede film offered little more than a workmanlike treatment of a fantastical idea, the recently released sequel, which details the attempts of a deranged Human Centipede superfan to take human-centipeding to the next level, is actually sort of brilliant. If you like that sort of thing.
It’s so sad how a mere 95% of the population keeps destroying the upopia that MRAs long for. Why can’t everyone else just play along?
Assuming this is true, I feel sorry for his wife and kids, because I find it hard to believe his attitude wouldn’t seep through in day-to-day life. He’s probably one of those guys who has so much of his own self-worth wrapped up in his wife’s perceived “sexiness,” that when she does inevitably age, he’ll act like she did it on purpose just to piss him off.
It’s so sad how a mere 95% of the population keeps destroying the utopia that MRAs long for. Why can’t everyone else just play along?
If they want to all form their own country somewhere, I for one will contribute to that cause gladly. Have fun on your island, please forget to write!
NWOslave wrote, “‘-What if a woman shamed out of sluttiness turns to celibacy instead of marriage? What if she marries but forgets to shame other women?’
“Not likely, unindoctrinated women don’t hate men and would seek out their companionship. It’s kinda hard not to shame acting shamefully.”
So sluts actually dislike men intensely (despite the fact that they’re seeking them out to sleep with), and once they’ve been shamed, they like them again? What?
NWOslave wrote, “They don’t start out as sluts, they’re simply conditioned to be sluts. Your blog as well as the rest of the gang, slutwalkers, the MSM, Big Daddy, they all love them sluts. Big Daddy gets lotsa power.”
NWOslave, if that were true, why did The Beautiful Kind get fired when her company found out about her sex blog? Hell, where is all the money *I’m* supposedly making from sex blogging?
“-Are there 70 Nice Guys in this simulation too?”
Yes there are! You call them losers, misogynists and whatever other shaming language pops into your head in a vain, narcissistic attempt to prove your superiority and their inferior social mentality.
No, I’m pretty sure I’m dating one. An actually nice guy, I mean. Unless you figure every man with a girlfriend is a Player Alpha?
“-What if a woman shamed out of sluttiness turns to celibacy instead of marriage? What if she marries but forgets to shame other women?”
Not likely, unindoctrinated women don’t hate men and would seek out their companionship. It’s kinda hard not to shame acting shamefully.
But if it’s hard not to shame slut-shaming, then everyone should have shamed sluts already, and then there should be no sluts!
Also, how would you know what an unindoctrinated woman does? I’m pretty sure you don’t believe in such a thing.
“-Do you really want to marry a woman whose motivation was “I have to get married to escape this shame?”
They don’t get married for that reason, who would? They make a moral choice to not be sluts.
Then why does it vary mathematically (supposedly) with the amount of slut-shame? Is that really a “moral” thing? Are sluthood and marriage the only options in a woman’s life?
“-Who exactly is performing this slut-shaming? It’s not the other sluts and it’s not the Alpha Players. Is it the Nice Guys? They’re outnumbered 130-70 so you wouldn’t think they’d be influential enough.”
The 30 Players don’t care about you, you’re simply meat to them. They’ll toss you aside either way. Big Daddy is your only ally, and as feminism has sucked away all the wealth of the loser misogynists, his power is waning.
I hate to be all “my BOYFRIEND” about this, but once again I don’t understand where the perfectly nice man I’m dating–a man Alpha enough for me to date, yet Beta enough to not treat me like meat!–comes in. I mean, I sleep with him and he treats me well; this must break you like a Star Trek computer trying to compute “what is love?”
“-Why is slut-shaming more effective on women than players? Is this just one of those “all wugs are not zugs” things you have to accept as a given?”
Biology of course, men and women are different.
I see. All wugs are BIOLOGICALLY not zugs.
“-All the women start out as sluts? Seriously? Have you ever met women?”
They don’t start out as sluts, they’re simply conditioned to be sluts. Your blog as well as the rest of the gang, slutwalkers, the MSM, Big Daddy, they all love them sluts. Big Daddy gets lotsa power.
So that’s a “no” to the last question, huh. Funny story–nuns still exist. What kind of a slut is a nun?
“-Isn’t a woman who’s shamed out of sluthood going to be all clingy and make unreasonable demands like “show me affection” and “contribute to the housework” and “financially support your children?”
No, she would a strong, independent thinker who rejects the massive propaganda shoved down societies collective throat. The manboobz gang is really a hotbed of independent thought.
You gotta watch out for those independent thinkers, NWO, because they’ll do a funny thing to ya. They’ll think independently of YOU.
“-If there were 100 sluts and 100 players on the island, wouldn’t that be way more awesomer?”
This message brought to you by the promoters of AIDS, all STDs, abortion, sluthood, divorce and general societal collapse. Loyalty is just sooo misogynist, isn’t it? Yuk! Loyalty just treads all over a womans sexual agency!
The island has condoms and good communication! It also has loyalty, but loyalty is in fact a far more complex and nobler concept than “have sex with one person, there, you’re loyal!”
oh lord that was a Wall of Text sorry
. Big Daddy is your only ally, and as feminism has sucked away all the wealth of the loser misogynists, his power is waning. – So, NWO, this is when you tell me about how exactly feminism interacts with the State, and what the State’s proper role is, correct?
Holly – It was a MIGHTY Wall of Text. And I do it honor and sacrifice!
And sure, NWO, the government just loves sex bloggers…
The short version is this:
-I am a slut.
-I have a boyfriend.
-He’s Alpha enough to have two girlfriends, but Beta enough to write us sappy love notes and help us with our homework and sometimes even cook for us.
-The three of us are way, way happier than Dalrock, NWO, and pretty much the entire Spearhead put together. No terrible consequences, personal or societal, have resulted.
That’s a non-answer unless you explain the inherent differences in how men and women respond to shaming.
How exactly does the government/Illuminati/whomever get power from women being sluts? It’s like a comment of yours to a previous article, where you claimed that the Illuminati wanted women to get tattoos, without explaining what the Illuminati got out of it.
So, when a person responds to shaming, the response isn’t choosing a course of action which avoids negative peer pressure because the person doesn’t like negative peer pressure, but rather the shaming somehow jump-starts the person’s logical/moral processes which until that point in time were languishing?
NWO, seriously, tell me what you believe the government should and should not do, and is or is not doing, or you HAVE no position. You’re just screaming that other’s postionas are wrong. As far as I know, you may be much more of a statist than others here. You aren’t putting up, and you won’t shut up. Come on dude, seriously?
I think the takehome from NWO really is:
“If you were an independent thinker, you’d think just like me!”
@Molly Ren
Good grave Molly, did you find one woman who was held accountable? Bravo! Wait though, aren’t the supposed PUAs bad guys? Why not praise them? They are sluts after all. Wasn’t some politician recently fired for pictures of his johnson making the rounds? Feminists were all over his misogynist ass. They prattled on endlessly about patriarchy and such.
I owe you nothing. You might actually believe feminism to be an intellectual bastion of social justice, but you simply regurgitate what Big Daddy propogates.
So let me make this perfectly clear, I owe you nothing. I owe no respect to women as a whole. My goal, as should be the goal of not only every MRA, but all men everywhere, is the total and complete destruction of all forms of feminism. It is after all, a hate movement with no validity, whose only purpose is to hand all power from individual men to the folks at the top of the pyramid. Bid Daddy pats you on the head and thanks you for all your efforts.
1) Not all people who don’t get laid are misogynistic losers.
2) Making the “moral choice not to be sluts” because you are shamed into doing so is, in fact, being shamed into marriage.
3) The people I have casual sex with actually like me and do not treat me like meat. Is this that uncommon actually?
“but you simply regurgitate what Big Daddy propogates.”
Except that I am a libertarian, and an anarchist. Me no likey government. Me no think government is good thing for feminists or any living thing. I’m willing to explain about this when asked. So, explain further how big daddy controls feminism, and what exactly the State should or shouldn’t do. You don’t “owe” me anything, true. But it’s pretty ridiculous to have these apparently deeply held convictions about Big Daddy and then never, ever spell them out.
You don’t owe anything to any random person on the Internet, regardless of that person’s sex or beliefs. However, when you see someone who posts and comments on the Internet only saying what he’s against, and never saying what he’s for, it’s rather strange, and makes one suspect that he might in fact be a troll…
NWO, you do realize that we object to the misogyny and rapeyness of PUAs, not to the act of having lots of casual sex itself, right? And some feminists defended Anthony Weiner; the rest criticized him for sending pics of his dick to women without their consent. You shouldn’t send pictures of your genitalia to people without their consent regardless of your gender.
“the government is telling women how to live their lives when it should be ME DAMMIT!!!”
that’s pretty much all I’m getting from him.
@Holly Pervocracy
“The short version is this:
-I am a slut.
-I have a boyfriend.
-He’s Alpha enough to have two girlfriends, but Beta enough to write us sappy love notes and help us with our homework and sometimes even cook for us.
-The three of us are way, way happier than Dalrock, NWO, and pretty much the entire Spearhead put together. No terrible consequences, personal or societal, have resulted.”
I dunno? Is this a problem? The, “Alpha male,” which of course feminists say doesn’t exist, does exist in your very personal world. Well let’s do a little math. If as the article contends, 30% of men are shacking up with a harem of, we’ll say 90% of the women. (Easier on my pitiful math skills that way). That would mean 10% of men/women being monogomous, 3 women to 1 Alpha male. That’ll leave 60% of men, that’d be the grunts of society, (ya know, the poor, unemployed and such). I’d say that’s a problem. Feminism is harem mentality, and Big Daddy is the Alpha of them all.
Isn’t, “your” relationship a perfect example of hypergamy? A biological state which feminism claims doesn’t exist? You’d rather be part of an Alpha’s harem than in a monogomous relationship with a beta. Feminism, de-evolution at it’s finest.
NWO doesn’t want to destroy the state at all. He just wants a state where he’s boss.
Every time he gives an opinion (other than “nah nah you’re all wrong nah nah”), it leads toward one thing–an incredibly repressive and intrusive State, one with control over the most intimate aspects of everyone’s lie, a deathgrip on society and economy. NWO favors huge government if it’s necessary to keep those darn feminists in check.
Those are very strangely placed scare quotes.
It’s an example of polyamory. It’s not a harem because the other girl has a second boyfriend and I sleep with other guys. So much for the “using up all the women” model, because it turns out we’re reusable.
I was joking about the Alpha thing. The truth is, although my boyfriend fits the “multiple women” part of the Alpha stereotype, he doesn’t fit the “bad boy who treats them like meat” or the “rich, gorgeous, suave ladies’ man” parts at all. He’s a sweet pudgy geekboy with two girlfriends.
And anyway… we’re happy. We’re not destroying ourselves or anything else that I notice. We have a nice little life together. I wouldn’t trade it for something with better math or with more vaguely defined “morality” because we’re happy and we harm no one.
Rapeyness? Do women need protection from being talked into sex? Oh the poor things! Better get Big Daddy to up the ante on that date rape thingy. Although, how can the ante be upped any more than buyers remorse, or I was drinking, or I didn’t, “feel” it was rape at the time, but 6 or 7 years later my, “feelings” on the matter have changed? Gosh, men are so mean to the purity of womanhood!
I have a friend. I’m not sure if he’s alpha or not. He’s a bartender who has multiple black belts and a harem of fuckbuddies, and who is a proponent of the “be a bit of an asshole” method of flirting. On the other hand, he spent last Friday night creating a My Little Pony module for World of Darkness. Can someone provide a consult?
Also, I did the math and my harem is 25% people attracted to men and 100% people attracted to women. Thankfully, two of the straight cis men are cuddlesexual, so my girlfriend’s and my vaginas don’t die of overuse. But anyway I think I should get some kind of anti-hypergamy certificate.
Oh NWO, it’s going to break your heart when the rapists never truly thank you for your years of faithful service.
If only you could start an all-powerful NWO-State to protect them.