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100% Mathmatically Accurate! Manosphere blogger Dalrock on slut-shaming

"Kids Love it!" Another claim that is not 100% accurate.

The director of the first Human Centipede film – the one about a psychopathic doctor who sews three unwilling and unwitting captives together mouth-to-anus to make a sort of “centipede” — proudly declared that his film was “100% medically accurate.” That is, he found a  doctor who was willing to say that if one were indeed to create such a centipede, the second and third segments (i.e., people) would be able to survive, provided that you supplemented their rather dismal diet with IV drips to give them the nutrition they were lacking.

This dubious claim to 100% accuracy came to mind today as I perused a post by the blogger who calls himself Dalrock, a manospherian nitwit with a penchant for pseudoscientific defenses of old-fashioned misogyny. In a post with the whimsical title “We are trapped on Slut Island and Traditional Conservatives are our Gilligan,” Dalrock argues that the best “solution” to out-of-wedlock births is some good old-fashioned slut shaming.

Here’s how he breaks down the (imaginary) numbers in a post that is “100% mathematically accurate” – which is to say, not accurate at all:

Assume we are starting off with 100 sluts and 30 alphas/players.  The sluts are happily riding on the alpha carousel.  Now we introduce slut shaming.  It isn’t fully effective of course, but it manages to convince 15 of the would be sluts not to be sluts after all.  This means an additional 15 women are again potentially suitable for marriage.  This directly translates into fewer fatherless children.  This also makes the next round of slut shaming easier.  Instead of having 99 peers eagerly cheering her on her ride, each slut now has 15 happily married women shaming her and only 84 other sluts encouraging her.  After the next round this becomes 30 happily married women shaming the sluts, and only 69 other sluts cheering them on, and so on.  This process continues until all but the most die hard sluts are off the carousel.  You will never discourage them all, but you can do a world better than we are doing today.

Why not shame the fathers as well, while we’re at it? Dalrock explains that this just doesn’t make good mathematical sense:

Start with the same base assumption of 100 sluts and 30 players.  Now apply shame to the players.  Unfortunately shame is less effective on players than it is on sluts, so instead of discouraging 15% of them (4.5) in the first round, it only discourages three of them.  No problem!, says the Gilligan [the social conservative], at least there are now three fewer sluts now that three of the evil alphas have been shamed away, and all without creating any unhappy sluts!  But unfortunately it doesn’t work that way.  The remaining 27 players are more than happy to service the extra sluts.  They are quite maddeningly actually delighted with the new situation.  Even worse, the next round of player shaming is even less effective than the first.  This time only 2 players are discouraged, and one of the other 3 realizes that his player peers are picking up the slack anyway and reopens for business.  This means in net there are still 26 players, more than enough to handle all of the sluts you can throw at them.

Well, there’s no arguing with that!

Seriously, there’s no arguing with that, because it is an imaginary construct with only the most tenuous connection with how things work in the real world. “But … MATH!” doesn’t really work as an argument here, since human beings don’t actually behave according to simplistic mathematical formulas.

Film critic note: While the first Human Centipede film offered little more than a workmanlike treatment of a fantastical idea, the recently released sequel, which details the attempts of a deranged Human Centipede superfan to take human-centipeding to the next level, is actually sort of brilliant. If you like that sort of thing.

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13 years ago

Here ya go

I wonder if that 12 year old boy will grow up to be rapists? Wasn’t that feminist judge quite harsh in her sentencing? Hey! Maybe we could send them young chaps to a therapist? Of course since almost all therapists are leftists, and oddly enough women, they’ll no doubt tell those boys women are just the cats whiskers. And NAWALT, and they’ll need to control their sexuality. Maybe they can teach them to be gay, so they won’t be a threat to women!

Okay, NWO, I know this has been explained to you roughly ten thousand times, but I’m going to try once more:


Seriously, dude. It is ridiculous and disgusting that someone who was convicted of raping four kids isn’t going to serve any jail time. I seriously, seriously doubt you will find even one poster here who supports child rapists of either gender getting off that easy. I see zero reason to believe this judge was a feminist; there’s nothing in the article stating that she identifies as feminist in any way. Maybe she is, maybe she isn’t – if she is, she is either a fairly lousy excuse for a feminist in that she thinks women deserve lesser sentences than men, or she is a fairly lousy excuse for a feminist in that she generally doesn’t take rape seriously and would have given a man an equally lenient sentence. It seems more probable that she is simply not a feminist in the first place, but either way, she appears to be kind of a moron, and I don’t understand how many times everyone here has to repeat things like “we don’t think women should get more lenient sentences than men for the same crimes, because that is sexist and stupid” before you’ll stop shrieking at us about how things we don’t support are all our fault.

Also, yes, the boys probably should get therapy! Because being raped is frequently traumatic! I’m not sure in what universe “you should have access to help in dealing with your traumatic experience” is a terrible, insulting thing to suggest. I really wish you’d get therapy, because you clearly have a lot of anger against basically the entire world, and that doesn’t seem like a healthy or happy way to live.

13 years ago

OH NOES! Twenty percent of the corporate board seats in France are held by dumb ol’ women, because of QUOTAS! With men controlling only 80%, male privilege is surely crumbling as we speak. Thanks for the heads up, milkslave. Just checking in before another 28 hour workday, dearie?

Cute doggy, Pollywog! Thanks, kristinmh and hellkell. The big one’s Loki and the little guy is Zomo. They’re funny.

13 years ago

Okay, that’s it. I am going to go outside, sit in the middle of the street, and demand that NWO be thrown into prison for no reason. If NWO is correct, the Title IX Secret Police will be breaking down his door in minutes, and we will never hear from him again.

Of course, if he’s delusional, nothing will happen, and he’ll continue posting hate-filled screeds and insulting the female soldiers who defend his sad, sad life. But I bet he’s right.

Nice knowing you, NWO.

13 years ago

I think older women are much hotter than older men, on average (though that might just be my own particular tastes). I wonder where misogynists get this idea that women “go bad” with age but men do not.

To be fair, it’s a widespread cultural perception that’s not in any way exclusive to MRA’s, as any actress in her mid-to-late thirties will readily confirm.

It is, of course, utter rubbish. The last time I had sex with a 21-year-old, I was 22. Since then, I haven’t slept with anyone under 35, because once I realized that women in their thirties and upwards were generally far superior lovers in every way (technical dexterity, erotic imagination, ability to articulate exactly what they wanted) there was no going back.

As BlackBloc said, the biggest mistake these fools make is to target the 1% of people who are completely unattainable – whereas a fair proportion of the remaining 99% might actually give them a better time, if they hadn’t already been written off for some superficial reason to do with age/weight/whatever.

13 years ago


As always your words mean nothing. Feminists applaud freeing women, and in fact closing all womens prisons. Feminists judges routinely allow women free reign to commit virtually any crime. There will be no feminist rally to rectify the totally biased court system, penal system, education system, quota system.

For six months I fought against the heinous preponderance of evidence proposal the DOE tried to impose in colleges. Everyone one of you mocked and ridiculed me. Some of you went so far as to call it a, “higher standard of proof.” As if it was something wonderful. Not one of you signed the petition to stop this tyranny after I repeatedly gave you links. No feminist signed the petition for men to retain the basic right of innocence.

The difference between saying you oppose an injustice, bias, privilege or entitlement, and the actions of feminists doing exactly the opposite is all that is needed to judge feminism a hate movement.

13 years ago

Owly wrote:

I wonder if that 12 year old boy will grow up to be rapists?

Hopefully he will not become multiple people. And correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that around the age Owlyslave would like men to be able to legally have sex with girls?

Hey! Maybe we could send them young chaps to a therapist? Of course since almost all therapists are leftists, and oddly enough women, they’ll no doubt tell those boys women are just the cats whiskers.

They’ll probably tell the boys that what that woman did was wrong and there’s no reason to be ashamed of themselves, like their patriarchal culture tells them they should be.

And NAWALT, and they’ll need to control their sexuality.

So NWOslave, do you genuinely think that all women are like that–rapists of young boys? Otherwise, what is the point of bringing up NAWALT here? Apparently you can only think in MRA cliches. FYI, telling people not to rape is not telling them to “control their sexuality,” it’s telling them not to rape. There’s a difference. Of course, I realize you think male sexuality is inherently rapacious, but you’re wildly stupidly wrong.

Maybe they can teach them to be gay, so they won’t be a threat to women!

You DO realize that the people you’re imagining think that homosexuality can’t be taught and that it has a biological basis, right? Or do you seriously think that homosexuality is a choice and that evil leftists just indoctrinate it in boys to advance the feminist agenda? Because I would really not be surprised if you do believe that.

13 years ago

Look, people, if sexuality could really be taught, we’d be having thousands– no, millions– of people lining up to be bisexual or pansexual. I mean, look at it:

–Increase your chance of getting a date on Friday night!
–Increase the number of threesomes you could potentially participate in!
–Double the number of people you find attractive!
–Bond with partners over talking about who’s hotter!
–Be like Captain Jack Harkness!

Since there aren’t Ex-Monosexual clinics on every street corner, I can conclude that the “sexuality is taught” theory is probably bullshit.

13 years ago

Damn, forgot the second half of one sentence. It should read: “talking about who’s hotter, Johnny Depp or Christina Hendricks.”

13 years ago


Yea…that first link is fucked up and you’re not going to find anyone here who agrees with it. As Polliwog said, feminists oppose this type of thing. A sex crime is a sex crime regardless of who committed it and they should be punished regardless of gender. A self esteem defense is also an insult to people with low self esteem who would never commit such a crime and use it as an excuse. However someone else posted some links to defenses men used and got away with their crimes too. So its not just women getting away with crimes.

The thing is NWO, we still live in a culture with a lot of double standards and sexism left over. That’s why things like this happen. The more people become educated about sexual crimes, the more society will believe that men can be victims of sex abuse and that women can be perpetrators, then outcomes like the one in the story you posted will happen less.

The same reason is why quotas exist. Leftover sexism and assumptions about gender roles. If the playing field was even from the start, and it was normal for women to enter STEM fields or have careers that were regarded as “men’s work”, quotas and AA would not exist. You can deny it all you want but women were actively discriminated against or banned from entering certain fields. Ideas like these don’t change overnight because they are so ingrained into society, thus I dont see what is so wrong with using quotas to eliminate discrimination. These women still need to be qualified for the job too. Its not like I who has no experience or schooling in STEM can just apply for a STEM job and be hired simply because I’m a woman. That’s not how it works. Also I’ve applied for jobs in the past that I am qualified for, which the company websites state that they are equal opportunity employers, and I still never got any of the jobs.

13 years ago

“Okay, that’s it. I am going to go outside, sit in the middle of the street, and demand that NWO be thrown into prison for no reason.”

If you knew my real name you could in fact have me arrested. One simple phone call is all it’d take. Your word is all the evidence that’s needed.

If ya don’t believe me, try a little experiment. If you have a boyfriend/husband or really any man you know. Call the cops on him and say you’re a victim of DV. Mandatory arrest policy will ensure he is arrested on your word alone. Give it a shot. Prove me wrong.

13 years ago

NWO’s last couple of comments are a prime example of why the phrase “NWO ratio” was coined…

I mean, was there a single accurate statement in all that mess?

13 years ago

And as we all know, arresting people is not due process! Tyranny!!!!!!uno1

On another troll’s topic, I find it striking how much Meller’s ideas are like The Handmaid’s Tale. Women owned by everyone around them and shuffled around based on whether they fit the whore or mother category, to be used by others as deemed fit by their category. In Mellerland, not only does everyone buy into this, the women’s choices don’t exercise any pull in the market at all. The families of women are fine with discarding their daughters for being too loose and everyone else views them as commodities anyway. Not only can he not think of women as human, he doesn’t think anyone else is, either.

13 years ago

See, it doesn’t matter if we disapprove of the Australian ruling. The important thing is that NWO imagines that we approve. We are no match for the power of his imagination.

(Cue Willy Wonka theme.)

13 years ago

13 years ago


The only reason for a quota is to give one group of people an unfair advantage, backed by the violence of the State, over another. The fact that you couch your excuses as leftover sexism, which your proof of sexism is that there haven’t been enough women in STEM. You have just justified quotas.

Men might actually be better at those fields.
Men might actually be more driven in those fields.
Men might be willing to put forth more effort in those fields.
Men might actually be more naturally drawn to those fields.

And none of those things are sexist.

Why do you assume, because men have dominated in fields of STEM, and still do today, even after the massive amounts of time, encouragement and money handed over to only women, there must be some sexist reason?

Ya see, that’s the real sexism. And feminists are leading the charge.

13 years ago

Jesus, Slavey….I’m not sure WHERE to start with your crazy shizzle….oh yeah, GO MILK A TURTLE.

“In the grand scheme of 5k years of recorded history how many men have been left choiceless to kill or die to save women and children? Their wives, sisters, sons and daughters? How many have willingly gave up their lives to save the same? How many women were so willing to kill or die for their loved ones? Or men they didn’t even know? Go kill for me, go die for me has been cried out for millenia. And then women sit back smugly pointing the finger at men for all the death and destruction.”

What a complete load of SHIT. MANY women, of their volition (trying to protect their children, or in grief after the loss of their husbands, or as Law Enforcement officers protecting community members) or not (the woman whose name I can’t recall who was denied an abortion and life-saving cancer treatment after it was determined that her once-hopeful pregnancy had taken a turn for the worse. She was forced to endure a c-section, which resulted in a dead fetus upon delivery, incidentally, and lost her life as a result) have given their lives for others, including family members AND strangers. YOU ARE DAMN WELL AWARE OF THIS, you just can’t bear to admit it, immature cretin that you are. But evidence does exist, and YOU cannot deny it. Well, you can, but that changes nothing about the facts.

“Oh the gang at the top has always been quite adept at preying upon womens fears, and using women against men to shame them into killing and dying for them. They use mens natural instinct to protect those weaker than themselves as well.”

Really? Then why do those of your ilk who claim such “oppression” simply because women are making gains in being treated as EQUAL HUMANS respond with rape and battery AGAINST WOMEN???

Face it–your pyschotic, priviledged existence, as well as that of the other MRA swine is continually being “threatened” since your patriarchal lies about the inferiority of anything that isn’t a straight white MALE have been exposed and you HATE IT. Now, REAL men would own up to their mistakes and play fair with the girls, but NO, not you!!! You will go down swinging no matter how much of an immature CHILD your are perceived to be, and no matter how much your insidious whining defeats the cause of fair treatment of men (never mind that men NEVER had anything to worry about in that regard in the first place!! You always took what you wanted, by god, because of your might-makes-right bullshit arguments). You are fucking SICK. I’ve no more time for your bullshit, and you REALLY need to stay the fuck out of here.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

NWO, why are you here?


You don’t want to hear anything we have to say. You don’t want to answer direct questions–in fact, you play a cute little game of avoiding them. And to cap it all off, you don’t even have anything to tell us! You don’t even have a viewpoint to advance! You just hate everything and think everything is going to hell and refuse to believe that anyone on Earth is happy or good to others.

Why do you take so many posts to say so? If the only thing you have to share with the world is “DOOM GLOOM MISERY,” you’ve fuckin’ shared it.

Go learn to knit or something. Better use of your time.

13 years ago

“If ya don’t believe me, try a little experiment. If you have a boyfriend/husband or really any man you know. Call the cops on him and say you’re a victim of DV. Mandatory arrest policy will ensure he is arrested on your word alone. Give it a shot. Prove me wrong.”

I WILL prove you wrong, half-wit–not only with personal experience but with my educational background involving law enforcement. I was assaulted by an associate of my mother’s. Guy was never arrested, since they never found any significant marks on me (though I was hit in the face)–though he DID have to go to a District magistrate hearing–which he WALKED out of, having only to pay a fine.

Plus, cops just can’t randomly arrest someone with a penis on the word of a woman (or anyone) simply claiming domestic violence. This isn’t like the Chris Rock video about riding in a car with a pissed off woman (“He got weed!! He got WEED!!”)…police need a few nice little things like “reasonable suspicion” and “reasonable doubt” before they can just slap the cuffs on anyone. Get offline and pick up a book once in awhile, moron.

13 years ago

Good ole NWO. He always springs some obscure internet article on us and is all like “See? See? Women are evil! Look everybody! See? See?”

13 years ago

Men might actually be better at those fields.
Men might actually be more driven in those fields.
Men might be willing to put forth more effort in those fields.
Men might actually be more naturally drawn to those fields.

Except that there is already plenty of evidence against these propositions, and plenty of evidence of the effects of sexism. Hiding your head in the sand and claiming that men just might actually be inherently or statistically better and waving a hand at “all the things that have been done for women” is an abdication of any reason to be taken seriously as having anything to say about the real world.

13 years ago

“Men might actually be better at those fields.”

“Might be” is not “are.” If a person is qualified for the work, they are qualified for the work. You can’t make a blanket statement about effort and qualification based on gender. There are both men and women who are not qualified for certain jobs and don’t work hard, and should not be there. But if I produce better work then and a man with fewer experiences, fewer skills and less talent in the same field, and I am dismissed based on assumptions about my gender in that field without the opportunity to prove it, it IS sexist.

13 years ago

NWOslave, biology and English used to be primarily male-dominated. Now they are female-dominated. Did men become worse at English and bio, less driven, less naturally drawn or willing to put forth less effort over the last twenty years?

13 years ago

“Really? Then why do those of your ilk who claim such “oppression” simply because women are making gains in being treated as EQUAL HUMANS respond with rape and battery AGAINST WOMEN???”

A quota is an oppression, it elevates one groups status, (ability to equally compete), above anothers by State mandate. What could possibly be more discriminatory than taking funds from group x, and giving it to group y, so that group y can not only have an advantage, but be the only one allowed to attend/be employed or given the opportunity, just because they belong to group y?

You further scream your sexist tripe by saying men respond to women being treated as equal humans with violence and rape. How fucking evil men must be. As long as we think of women as less than human we won’t commit violence or rape against them. But as soon as we think of women as human, it’s too much for us and we just gotta beat and rape them.

This treating women as human nonsense really doesn’t cut the mustard. Possibly the saddest excuse for a Kafka trap. If you don’t agree with me you don’t think of women as human. Why not make it an agree with women quota?

13 years ago


And maybe if women weren’t constantly being told from the beginning of time that they are not suited for those fields, their minds are too “frail” for those fields, they can’t do math, their place is in the home, science is not for ladies and the rest of that sexist bullshit, there wouldn’t be a need to ENCOURAGE women into those fields today. Your complete denial of history is pathetic so all you can respond with is “men are smarter neener neener”

Its not about lacking skills, it’s not about family, its about confidence. Surprise surprise. And I wonder WHY women don’t feel confident in their abilities? perhaps, I dunno, everything I just mentioned above has something to do with it?

Why do you CARE so much that women are being encouraged into STEM? oh yea, because you interpret it as some smear on masculinity and denying men of their “rightful place” in STEM. Get over yourself.

I’m with Holly…why ARE you here? what do you hope to gain from coming here? You don’t agree with us, we don’t agree with you…no…sometimes we agree with you, like with the sex abuse case you posted. But you obviously view us as the enemy, so why do you keep coming here? go back to whatever MRA site you came from and start a “ladies suck” club over there. I’m sure you’ll find a lot more people willing to join.

13 years ago

Dinkuss, a quota is NOT oppression–it offers EVERYONE (and not just the straight white MENZ) equal opportunities for employment, sports, etc. If ze menz would behave RATIONALLY we obviously wouldn’t NEED quotas, now would we?

I NEVER said men in general are evil…just YOU and your bretheren-in-man-diapers. And yes, as a generalization, the reason women ARE beaten and raped is due to male insecurity–women are raped and abused as a form of OPPRESSION. When you DO think of us as human and not a threat, the need to oppress diminishes. You got that, or do I need a translator?

Your last line is just so ridiculous, I think you’re just pulling stuff out of your ass (non-intentional “Human Centipede” reference) at this point. And what’s this shit about everybody going to Hell? Are you for real? Go hang at the WBC website and attach your gob to Inbred-Fred Phelps’ arse and go on forever about how nobody but FRED is going to Heaven.

Dude’s making me tired, somebody else want him?

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