disgusting women men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA the spearhead

This just in: Girls are stinky.

Over on The Spearhead, a fella name Towgunner offers up these observations on the young ladies of today. (I’ve broken his wall of text into shorter paragraphs.)

I’m beginning to notice a couple of odd trends amongst the younger females, which are quite surprising.

1. more and more women smell – BO, ass, a dog, a cat, stale, unwashed

2. many are losing their hair.

This generation of women is so cuddled and brainwashed that their complete messes. Even though their “demanding” “careers” do indeed keep them locked to their cubical/nest they’re new masters, TV (gays anatomy) tell them cleaning is beneath them.  And after cycling class (more hamster running) they collapse in their studio or 1 br beehive condo…crap everywhere. …

FYI next time you’re in a CVS go check out the hair products section, note the number of “volumizers” available (for women of course), this is something new, they didn’t need this before.

I have also heard reports that they have cooties as well. Although I think I heard this when I was about five or six.

Last I checked, Towgunner’s comment had gotten 30 upvotes and only one downvote. Evidently there are stinky women everywhere!

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13 years ago

And a boobs and butt pose! Though I suppose Transformers are allowed poses that are anatomically impossible for women.

Mellertron, just think what you’re missing out on! (Automaton) RACK AND BOOTY!!

13 years ago

That vid of the cutie getting groomed by the other cutie gave me a squee-gasm.

13 years ago

I imagine that a feminist robot would be the corrupted wish resulting from Meller wishing on a monkey’s paw…

“Oh foul accursed thing! What demon from the depths of hell created thee?”

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

XD Meller’s weird crush on me is getting weirder xD

Yup, it’s the Boobs and Butt pose! Actually, the IDW comics origin of Arcee and why she’s the only Transformer with gender is quite disturbing actually D:

So Meller, if that’s an EVIL FEMINIST girlbot, show us what a good Meller girlbot should look like? 😀

13 years ago

Shaenon, thank you for the Chobits review. I read the first chapter of that comic and guessed it wasn’t going to go anywhere too sexy or challenging, it seems like I was right. 🙁 It probably doesn’t help that I never liked CLAMP. 😉

There’s another manga out there about cyberhunks, ABSOLUTE BOYFRIEND. I assume it’s about the commodification and objectification of love from a female perspective. From skimming the wikipedia entry, I noticed that the ending has the girl move past her robot to find human luv. I wonder why Chobits didn’t go with that ending?

Anyway, I enjoy DKM’s pathetic attempts at smearing the name of all men, because I get to type things about sexbots.

13 years ago

Not to derail, but what happened to “PEACE AND FREEDOM!!”?

13 years ago

I only watched the TV version of Absolute Boyfriend, but it was really very sweet and not at all creepy. (Chobits otoh…I don’t read manga, but I’ve yet to meet a person who didn’t have Meller-type issues who liked that thing.)

13 years ago

@JohnnyBB: he must be unraveling if he’s forgetting his signature sign off!

13 years ago

JohnnyBB, even Mellertron realised it was becoming a worn-out cliché, and that it was being parodied incessantly. Such as my comment above (which plays nicely on the UK/Oz word for a trunk).

Xardoz, yay for a thread where you can write the word sexbot to your heart’s content! <DKM parody> LUBE AND SEXBOTS!!

13 years ago


(I don’t think he’s thought this through thoroughly enough. What if the compliance programming breaks down in the middle of sex?)

13 years ago

Xanthe, if Meller had any concept of cliche, he wouldn’t post here anymore.

13 years ago

No kitten this time, but this is adorable:


13 years ago

hellkell, with Mellertron’s level of obliviousness the clues have to be laid out like a trail of breadcrumbs. The AI is obviously rather deficient. But he does make a rather good wind-up toy, being so predictably push-button activated – I just can’t imagine any sensible woman wanting to have her very own Mellerbot, even with remote control and rechargeable batteries included.

Kollege Messerschmitt
13 years ago

D. K. Meller and Ami, sitting in a tree 😛
(or so DKM wished)
But sheesh, those MRAs are getting more juvenile every day. It would be adorkable, if it wasn’t so pathetic. Do they think guys tend to smell like roses and sunshine?

And thank you, Shaenon, for you review. Like Xardoz, I’m not much of a CLAMP fan, though I do own the first volume of Chobits and I think after your review, I will give the following volumes a try. I just have a thing for stories about AIs.

And now I wanna pet a hedgehog. This can’t be healthy.

13 years ago

In the Red Dwarf books, that is how Lister meets Rimmer-a malfunctioning sex bot kind of made things sore.

13 years ago

I think the cause of a lot of Meller’s anger is that most women have very happily upgraded to a 21st century man, and no one really wants a dinosaur like him any more. Well, except his dolls, they still love him.*

*This makes sense in the Mellerverse, in which women are household appliances/decorating accents rather than people.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Okay, since apparently Arcee is too sexy for Meller…

How about Shockwave! 😀 Very conservative. Loyal. No scary curves… nice and conservatively blocky.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I hate to go back to the OP at a time like this, but what’s with the “losing their hair” bit? That strikes me as even more confusing than the smell. I mean, some older women lose some hair but I’m pretty sure that’s always happened.

My best guesses:
1. He’s thinking of one specific woman, and on her shoulders (in his mind) she carries all the sins of womanity. And she happens to have thinning hair.
2. He saw some “mega volume” shampoo in the CVS and didn’t understand what it was for, so he did the logical thing and assumed that all women are going bald these days because feminism.


3. Spearhead will upvote anything so long as it’s anti-woman, even if most of them frankly don’t understand it themselves. You could go on there and post “The Jell-O monsters are eating my brain because FEMINISM and oh god it’s turning strawberry with little fruit chunks and cream on the bottom because WOMEN THESE DAYS” and get fifty upvotes.

13 years ago

Not only do I stink, I’m also a poopyhead fartbrain. I even use volumizing hair gel.

13 years ago

“Feminism causes lung cancer, and women did it on purpose to hurt men!”


Molly Ren
13 years ago

“Spearhead will upvote anything so long as it’s anti-woman, even if most of them frankly don’t understand it themselves. You could go on there and post “The Jell-O monsters are eating my brain because FEMINISM and oh god it’s turning strawberry with little fruit chunks and cream on the bottom because WOMEN THESE DAYS” and get fifty upvotes.”

If you’re not going to make a fake account and try it, Holly, I will! 😀

I kept trying to figure out what kind of balding women the OP spent most of his time with and failed. The elderly? The homeless? People undergoing chemo? Victims of an atom bomb?

13 years ago

If I used volumizing hair products I would drown in hair. Maybe that means I’m a good old-fashioned gal!

13 years ago

In regards to the OP, I think they just get so shocked that women have the temerity to age or need/want beauty products (because god forbid a woman simply want to look good for herself, that never happens), whereas they will stay eternally youthful.

13 years ago

Some MRA says it at least once a week. Men age like wine, women age like milk. Over and over and over they say it…

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

And if you were an alien species that drank humans, that saying might have merit. xD