disgusting women men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA the spearhead

This just in: Girls are stinky.

Over on The Spearhead, a fella name Towgunner offers up these observations on the young ladies of today. (I’ve broken his wall of text into shorter paragraphs.)

I’m beginning to notice a couple of odd trends amongst the younger females, which are quite surprising.

1. more and more women smell – BO, ass, a dog, a cat, stale, unwashed

2. many are losing their hair.

This generation of women is so cuddled and brainwashed that their complete messes. Even though their “demanding” “careers” do indeed keep them locked to their cubical/nest they’re new masters, TV (gays anatomy) tell them cleaning is beneath them.  And after cycling class (more hamster running) they collapse in their studio or 1 br beehive condo…crap everywhere. …

FYI next time you’re in a CVS go check out the hair products section, note the number of “volumizers” available (for women of course), this is something new, they didn’t need this before.

I have also heard reports that they have cooties as well. Although I think I heard this when I was about five or six.

Last I checked, Towgunner’s comment had gotten 30 upvotes and only one downvote. Evidently there are stinky women everywhere!

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13 years ago

Thankfully, Meller, most men aren’t like you and don’t want to see us stripped of our rights or livelihoods. So your masturbatory dystopian fantasy will have remain exactly that.

13 years ago

All of you modern women/feminists will be left at best on street corners with little tin cups, and then guess who will have the last laugh?

So wait, now if no one wants to date you you become homeless? Somehow I’m not worried…

13 years ago

I keep looking at DKM’s rants (not really reading them very carefully because they aren’t worth it), and seeing all the “just you wait you meanies JUST YOU WAIT” kind of stuff (“you women are going to make all the men turn on you”), and then I go out and look at all the people around me (at work usually–when I’m at home, I go out and look at the cows, the goats, the horses, or the donkeys), and there are all these human beings walking and talking and doing stuff together–and it’s like, yeah, right, this is how MOST people live, i.e. NOT in a stew of bitter resentment railing at a bunch of people who completely and totally disagree about everything of substance, and I wonder: wtf is he even getting out of it?

13 years ago

@ ithiliana – You want pics of cute guys with kittens? Do I ever have a pop star for you.

(I’ve worked with this guy btw – he’s just as sweet as he looks.)

13 years ago

Men have to be telling youall SOMETHING when we start talking about wifebots and robocuties

Yes it is telling us that these men are incapable of accepting women as humans with their own needs, wants and desires.

13 years ago

So…it wasn’t until I randomly stumbled upon Manboobz that I ever heard (read) anyone mention sexy robo-girls…and I gotta say, this is still the only place I ever see it referenced. Somehow, I don’t think the idea is catching on!

Also, this may be the only thing DKM has ever said that I mildly agree with, “along with your fetish for independence, willfullness, and disobedience.” I mildly agree because I wouldn’t call it a fetish and I don’t agree with its consequences…but I am very independent and willful, and I don’t “obey” well (in the obey your man kinda way)…and my very steady, very happy, boyfriend finds those to be some of my sexiest qualities…interesting.

13 years ago

@Cassandrasays: *clicks linky* WOBBLES ALL OVER AND DIES FROM TEH CUTE.

I am bicatual, so pictures of cute women with kitties also totes awesome!

And cute kitties with dogs…..

And cute kitties with bunnehs……

*remembers she’s in public and ducks behind the monitor*

13 years ago

I have to say, despite living fifty odd years of life, it wasn’t till I got onto manboobz in the last year or so that I’ve heard anybody talking srs about wifebots, etc.

Well, there was the massive DATA fangrrrrl group in Trek fandom who would totally jump that totally functional adorb dude, but, well, we knew it was fiction.

The post or transhumanist dudes i’d run across before all wanted to import themselves into a metal body which, meh, not for me, but whatever turned them on.

Improbable Joe
Improbable Joe
13 years ago

Wait… hold on, I’m late to the party, so can we back up a bit?

Women are stinky? WOMEN are stinky?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Between high school sports, college dorms, and four years in the Marines, I can tell you flat out that I have never:

1) smelled a woman that smelled bad enough to get into the top 1000 stinkiest guys I’ve ever been nauseated by

2) smelled a woman that smelled bad enough to be any worse than a man in a similar situation

Of course, in reality the vast majority of people either smell good or not at all. We’re pretty much all First World folks here, very few folks we know are homeless or living in utter squalor. I’ve worked pretty lousy factory jobs without air conditioning and 10-14 hour shifts, and even then most people didn’t really stink, male OR female. A little sweat and musk is one thing, or even cigarette smell from a heavy smoker, but that’s not the smell of someone who has skipped showering for the last month.

13 years ago

DKM, your threat, it is stupid. So, so stupid. Nobody here would want a relationship with you, or any other men with similar attitudes. It’s like if I told you that, unless you stop being so mind-numbingly dense, I will never throw porcupines at your face. Threatening to deny you something that you dont want isn’t really an incentive to change your behaviour, is it?

By the way, many of the women commenting here have a partner, or multiple partners. Some of them are married to their partners. Some of their partners are women. And some of them are single, and they aren’t totally unable to function as a result. Several feminist commenters here are men. DKM? I think we’re going to be okay.

13 years ago

I’m also wondering how volumizers are a sign of women being dirty. Clean or not, some hair is just limp.

No no no! Women never had limp hair before feminism! Having educations and jobs has altered our DNA to make our hair thin and lackluster! Don’t you know how biology works?

13 years ago

@ithiliana, CassandraSays: awwwww, both of those guys and both of those kittens are so very cute! No kitten this time, but this is adorable:

It seems like Meller lives in a sad, lonely world where men and women are never friends. They suffer each other’s company for sex, but men will gladly switch to the unthinking unfeeling soulless alternative as soon as it’s made available to them, and THEN YOU BITCHES WILL SUFFER. Well, that’s not the world I live in, and I don’t think most men do either.

13 years ago

To be fair, I wouldn’t throw a porcupine at Meller’s face. That’s mostly because I wouldn’t want to scare the poor porcupine, though, and it doesn’t deserve a rant about how it’s ruining Meller’s life by not being more fluffy.

13 years ago

@Viscaria: I know! It’s amazing.

But I think DKM cannot hear the earth logic because he’s sure he’s surrounded by stinky women beating on him with their tin cups, and that din interferes.

In the plane of consensual reality, most people are stepping carefully around him and going their own way.

13 years ago

Mr. Meller! I am pleased to receive another of your missives, for I wrote an essay just for you this week!!

Now cease your uncouth willfulness and tremble before my womanly might, lest your brain grow stinky and your collection of Hummel figurines become cover’d in cat-hair!!!

Improbable Joe
Improbable Joe
13 years ago

Oh, and what’s so cute about DKM is that he’s convinced that when one of his idiot comrades posts something stupid and misogynistic on the Internet, they are speaking for men in general, all or most men, some sort of consensus viewpoint.

13 years ago

So, Meller, I take it you’re totally on the robot wife bandwagon and no longer suggest the option of breeding women for compliance, then?

Meller: Oh well, in another couple of generations, once cybernetic females, and perhaps even wives, become a reality, or perhaps an improved and more submissive and compliant line of human females can be bred to order…

But that opens up an entirely new kettle of fish, doesn’t it?

Because I really have no problems with you having a robot companion (as long as she’s not sentient), but I gotta tell you dude, breeding people isn’t libertarian

Improbable Joe
Improbable Joe
13 years ago

Oh, and I had limp/thinning hair in the 1980s into the ’90s. Too much relaxer…

13 years ago

@David: But but but look at the big grin on his face! Nobody whose brains are being eaten by zombies would be grinning like that……..would they?

Improbable Joe
Improbable Joe
13 years ago

@Ami Angelwings

Seriously? You’d sully The Transformers over that guy?

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

Hey, girlygiggles–

That is about the LAST automated female I have in mind! That picture is more like a robotic feminist than anything else!

Back to the drawing board, or in your case, back to wiggle, jiggle, and giggle xD

13 years ago

@Ami: Clearly, Arcee is just too much woman for Mellertron!

13 years ago

Wait, I thought part of the problem with evil feminists was that we don’t wiggle, jiggle, and giggle enough?

You’re losing your cool, Meller. It’s funny.