disgusting women men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA the spearhead

This just in: Girls are stinky.

Over on The Spearhead, a fella name Towgunner offers up these observations on the young ladies of today. (I’ve broken his wall of text into shorter paragraphs.)

I’m beginning to notice a couple of odd trends amongst the younger females, which are quite surprising.

1. more and more women smell – BO, ass, a dog, a cat, stale, unwashed

2. many are losing their hair.

This generation of women is so cuddled and brainwashed that their complete messes. Even though their “demanding” “careers” do indeed keep them locked to their cubical/nest they’re new masters, TV (gays anatomy) tell them cleaning is beneath them.  And after cycling class (more hamster running) they collapse in their studio or 1 br beehive condo…crap everywhere. …

FYI next time you’re in a CVS go check out the hair products section, note the number of “volumizers” available (for women of course), this is something new, they didn’t need this before.

I have also heard reports that they have cooties as well. Although I think I heard this when I was about five or six.

Last I checked, Towgunner’s comment had gotten 30 upvotes and only one downvote. Evidently there are stinky women everywhere!

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13 years ago

So their solution is to hate women and demand they stop working just because they want to feel needed? Screw that. I can’t believe I have to say this in 2011 but women are human beings and we have every right to live our lives the way we see fit. The first basic requirement of being an adult is to work to support yourself and most women, like most men, are doing just that.

Quackers, I’m pretty sure he doesn’t think women are human beings.

As for the hair issue, I really don’t know what to say. I know overuse of hair extensions can cause temporary bald patches if they stress out the scalp too much. But I don’t think women are getting hair extensions because of feminism.

As for smelling bad, I wonder if that’s because people in general are wearing less perfume and cologne these days. I know my workplace is scent-free as a matter of policy, and it’s far from the only one. If you’re used to people smelling like Chanel No. 5 all the time, it might be a bit of a shock to smell someone who just smells like person and unscented deodorant. That said, I’ve been in a scent-free workplace for several years now and the people there generally don’t smell bad.

13 years ago

“The first basic requirement of being an adult is to work to support yourself and most women, like most men, are doing just that.”

Really? People with disabilities that mean they can’t support themselves aren’t adults? Stay-at-home parents who don’t support themselves–men and women–lose adulthood status? I know that’s not what you meant, but you’re invalidating a whole swath of people here.

13 years ago

I’d say that stay-at-home parenting would fall under “work to support yourself” as it’s not like you’re just faffing around doing nothing (no said “paid” work, right?) — though I agree that “to the best of your ability” would be a good addition to that requirement.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

“Really? People with disabilities that mean they can’t support themselves aren’t adults? Stay-at-home parents who don’t support themselves–men and women–lose adulthood status? I know that’s not what you meant, but you’re invalidating a whole swath of people here.”

Maybe we should change it from working = adulthood to working being necessary for almost everyone right now? People who are disabled and can’t support themselves aren’t worth less as human beings, but from what I’ve read on abelist blogs it’s still much more difficult to live if you can’t work–but that is really a whole other blog post.

13 years ago

I could not agree more

13 years ago

Yea I should have worded it better, sorry. What I meant to get across was what right do misogynists have to tell women who are physically and mentally able to work and who choose to work to support themselves give that up just because they want to feel “needed”

Hershele Ostropoler
13 years ago


There were times in Europe when bathing too much was considered Jewish and might bring the wrath of the Inquisition upon one.

I would swear there was bathing in the Inquisition. At least for the nuns:

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