antifeminism MRA threats violence against men/women

Does the National Coalition For Men think violence against elected officials is a joke?

The National Coalition For Men – formerly the National Coalition of Free Men – describes itself as “the oldest Men’s Rights organization in North America.” It has been around, in some form or another, since 1977. The group has a board of advisors, which includes academics and mental health professionals and bestselling author Warren Farrell. It has a number of local chapters. Its website is professional-looking; they even have an elegant little logo.

The group appears, at first glance, to be a real and reasonable advocacy group.

But it doesn’t take long to find evidence that the group is infected with the same hateful extremism that is endemic in  the Men’s Rights movement.

Take this bizarre and creepy image – and its equally bizarre and creepy caption – that I found illustrating a recent press release about Senator Patrick Leahy and the Violence Against Women Act.

From the National Coalition For Men website.

As far as I can figure it, the Joker is supposed to represent Leahy’s supposed feminist puppetmasters; regardless, it is a jarring image depicting violence against an elected official as somehow humorous.

The article (picture and all) has gotten 14 Facebook “likes” and no comments; evidently none of the MRAs reading the article were bothered enough by the illustration to publicly challenge it.

How exactly does posting  a picture of the Joker threatening an elected official with a knife advance the cause of Men’s Rights?

Do the group’s advisors — including Warren Farrell and well-known domestic violence researcher Martin Fiebert — know that the group’s website features this repugnant image? Do they care?

I would encourage readers here to investigate the NCFM site in more detail. I wonder what other evidence of hate might be found. (If you do find more, please make screenshots, and post what you find in the comments below, with a link to the page on NCFM’s website.)

EDITED: I originally referred to the images as photoshopped, but evidently it’s from The Dark Knight. Oops. Corrected.

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13 years ago

Even though 50 to 70% of your grades in primary schooling comes from behavior and conformity, this indocrination into obedience doesn’t work well on boys/men.

Hey, congrats on making up a fake statistic other than 0%, 99%, and 100%. You’re branching out into new and uncharted fake statistics!

(Also, this is completely and utterly untrue at any school I’ve worked at, unless you’re counting “getting the right answers on tests” as a “behavior” – but then you already knew that.)

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Oh hey you’re there! 😀

Wait… what is your issue with Zhinxy? XD

Nice excuse in avoiding talking w/ her xD Want me to quote some of her other comments at you if you’re going to read me and ignore her? 😀

Even MELLER actually can debate Libertarnism with Zhinxy, and YOU, the expert, are running? XD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Has Zhinxy met Meller with just mockery? xD

She’s mocking you cuz you’re RUNNING NWO xD

You keep claiming you want an actual debate and not to answer questions, HERE SHE IS.

Well? xD Put up or shut up and all that jazz (nice avoiding the thread I’m on btw xD )

If this is how you react TWO of us, wait until Trish gets here xD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Any conversation with you would be futile at best. All your comments run along these lines.

I bet you I can prove quite easily that isn’t true xD

“All”? XD

Do you stand by your statement? 😀 A simple yes or no will suffice :3

13 years ago

NWO: Have you read any of zhinxy’s posts on libertarianism (is that even right? chrome is telling me I misspelled it)? That’s not nothing, you’re just too much of a wuss to actually have a conversation with someone who will kick your ass around the metaphorical block.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago


zhinxy | November 15, 2011 at 7:29 pm

“zhinxy, and I ask you this sincerely as our local intelligent libertarian, how do libertarians intend to prevent corporations from doing whatever they want? How do you stop, say, companies paying their employees in scrip to an overpriced company store while forcing them to live in company-owned housing, preventing them from leaving because they have no real money and no assets?”

“and I also am curious to know how libertarianism will stop corporations from doing whatever they want – ”

The short answer is that we’ll attack the systems of privilege that keep corporations afloat, and create such a power imbalance between bosses and “workers” –

As an anarchist and Wobbly-to-be, I’m a proponent of radical labor organization, wildcat unionism, and far left anti-corporate action. Yet, I think there’s a crucial mistake made in seeing goverment regulation and state action as the foe of the corporation or friend of labor –

The typical inclination of many statists and some libertarians is to reach for the excesses of the industrial revolution and robber baron era as an example of libertarianism in action. The leftist to use it as an example of the horrors that occur in an unregulated market, the libertarians to gloss over those same horrors and speak of rags to riches or whatever the hell they’re on about.

Yet I believe that it is fundamentally wrong to use as an example of any kind of free market in action, and the huge concentrations of wealth and power that occured could not have happened without a state-guaranteed system of privelege.


-Charles Johnson comments on this tendency and it’s ability to make libertarian/non-libertarian discussions go round and round in circles

-Sheldon Richman on the tendency to see the Gilded Age as free market.

Yet out of this self-same supposedly libertarian gilded age system emerged a radically free-market and pro-labor ideology. The libertarianism of Tucker and Spooner, of Voltarine DeCleyre and Thomas Hodgkin, closely allied with and even embracing the label of socialist, and certainly not approving of the exploitation around them.

Without the state feeding the power of the “company store,” and with strong labor organizations and an economy of less artificial scarcity and with more options for workers, how could the system that the free market anarchists of the gilded age were protesting occur?

If we see the rise of the hungry, all powerful boss and the laying low of the workers as the normal outcome of a “free market,” then of course we must ask ourselves what legislation will contain it.

But as I very much do not believe that, I ask which statism and other privelege is propping it up, and how we can remove it, and how we can strengthen ourselves and diversify our economy and options so as not to be marks for exploitation, by business, priveleged class, or state.

Dang. This is all I can get out in the time I have. I recommend the Center for a Stateless Societies’ materials for poking around in when it comes to finding out what us lefty libertarians/ market anarchists think about stuff and how to fix it. Will bb.

For the labor side of things, please see especially Kevin Carson’s Labor Struggle: A Free Market Model.

Thoughts? 😀

13 years ago

Oh, right, I forgot. Even if he did read any of the posts, the black hole sucked the words in before he got a chance to read all of them. He’s working off what little he can catch as it all whooshes by.

13 years ago

They shame, blame, and guilt trip everyone into believing the most absurd things, like the swill upchucked by the questionably conscious men in the original surrealistic mangina-monologue “Dear Woman”.

I don’t remember there being a massive groundswell of support for that video among feminists. More like a collective sighing and shaking of heads.

13 years ago

Ami: This is NWO. Taking a real position would require argument. He’s too tired. Who knows how long he’s been working today? It’s just too taxing on his manly-brain to have to think after a day spent lying on his back near the ceiling.

He might, the way a girlfriend of mine was, have been hit in the head when a pasteurising pipe gave way.

Milking machinery is dangerous, and only miracles have kept him alive to his present age.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

zhinxy | November 15, 2011 at 3:00 pm

Even libertarian women (and not a few men) who were initially sympathetic to MRA (At one point, that was very true of a more-conservative previous incarnation of zhinxy, btw) have moved on as it became the hateful mess we see today.

Moving Out of Striking Range.

The libertarianism you see in the MRA these days is usually the same libertarianism you see in the fringes of the conspiracy and white seperatist movements – A sort of hodgepodge that fits the general tone of “don’t trust the gov” “They’re trying to destroy the constitution” “Black helicopters” “Sacred duty of men” “Women are being turned against us by the cia” – A hodgepodge of anarchism one moment, constitutionalism the next, down with the schools one minute, educate women only to level x next, feminists can have their own society, women must be constrained…

Meller – How on earth, if women truly need to be contained, and restrained, are you going to restrict more than half of the population without a state?


What are YOUR thoughts oh lord of Libertarianism? 😀

Let’s see that big strong male brain of yours at work! xD

13 years ago

“Hey, congrats on making up a fake statistic other than 0%, 99%, and 100%. You’re branching out into new and uncharted fake statistics!”

1 in 4 women are raped in college. I’ve learned from the best.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Pecunium oh okay xD So NWO is too busy fighting Milkatrons to actually THINK about Libertarianism? xD He just signed up cuz they gave out cool decoder rings or something XD

13 years ago

Dear Woman was swill. I, for one loathed it.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago


Well? 😀

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

NWO loved it XD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Oh and hey NWO, since apparently you don’t read (since you say “ALL YOUR COMMEEENTNTTTS ARE LIKE THISSS” xD )

zhinxy | November 6, 2011 at 7:53 am

YEY! You finally acknowledged my existence! Okay… Prove to me that Big Daddy is making these decisions based on feminist lobbying, and tell me how they are providing advice. Also, tell me about the proper role of Big Daddy in our lives. Also answer me about Big Daddy teaching history.

And if you do all that, then I promise I won’t laugh even harder at the fact that you’re ducking people laughing at you for acting like rad hub is some secret lair of true feminism.

Also, is anybody else really creeped out by “grandparent’s rights” being established in law? I feel genuinely, truly sad for grandparents who feel deprived, or are genuinely victims here, but an adult has the right to sever contact with their parents, and rights to children are based on them being minors in need of care.

The idea that one’s right to live a life seperate from a parent as an adult ends once one has a child is a highly disturbing thing to set forth in law

A reminder of last time Zhinxy tried to engage you and you ran off screaming XD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago



13 years ago

Big Daddy commands immense power and directs violence only towards men. Even though 50 to 70% of your grades in primary schooling comes from behavior and conformity, this indocrination into obedience doesn’t work well on boys/men.

Even if we assume your “statistic” about schooling is true, encouraging a certain behaviour or conformity does not equal violence.

I’ve got my qualms about the school system too, they can get more creative with learning techniques and we really need to teach highschool kids basic life lessons like learning about credit cards, budgeting, filing taxes etc….but equating it to violence is just silly. You’re silly NWO.

Matthew Cline
Matthew Cline
13 years ago


Big Daddy commands immense power and directs violence only towards men.

When you say “only towards men”, it that a bit of rhetoric/hyperbole, or are you being literal? Because if you’re being literal, the only thing that comes to mind that the government does only to men is the draft.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

SHHHHH Quackers… we’re waiting for the almighty Libertarian to respond 😀

13 years ago

1 in 4 college women have either been raped or suffered attempted rape.

This study has its supposed issues, but at least friggen quote it properly

13 years ago

oops…sorry Ami XP

Yea, what are your Libertarian views NWO? Zhinxy posted a lot of interesting stuff.

13 years ago

@Matthew Cline
“When you say “only towards men”, it that a bit of rhetoric/hyperbole, or are you being literal? Because if you’re being literal, the only thing that comes to mind that the government does only to men is the draft.”

Well perhaps you haven’t heard the happy news. Men still have the right of, “presumption of innocense.” I’ve been hard at work since April 4th of this year to ensure you maintain that right. I’d say that classifies as violence. Had that little State goodie gone thru, all boys/men in the school system would’ve been under, “presumption of guilt.”

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Hey NWOslave, still waiting 😀

Funny who you decided to avoid and who you picked to fight right? 😀

Hey NWO, do you think the MRAs should all be presuming guilt of Sandusky? Or be okay with the firing of Paterno given that it’s like that whole “preponderance of evidence” thing you don’t like? xD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

You rly DO need to respond to Zhinxy btw, that or you’ve pretty much given up any credibility you had that you’re not just another statist (given that of all of us you want the MOST state interference) xD