antifeminism MRA threats violence against men/women

Does the National Coalition For Men think violence against elected officials is a joke?

The National Coalition For Men – formerly the National Coalition of Free Men – describes itself as “the oldest Men’s Rights organization in North America.” It has been around, in some form or another, since 1977. The group has a board of advisors, which includes academics and mental health professionals and bestselling author Warren Farrell. It has a number of local chapters. Its website is professional-looking; they even have an elegant little logo.

The group appears, at first glance, to be a real and reasonable advocacy group.

But it doesn’t take long to find evidence that the group is infected with the same hateful extremism that is endemic in  the Men’s Rights movement.

Take this bizarre and creepy image – and its equally bizarre and creepy caption – that I found illustrating a recent press release about Senator Patrick Leahy and the Violence Against Women Act.

From the National Coalition For Men website.

As far as I can figure it, the Joker is supposed to represent Leahy’s supposed feminist puppetmasters; regardless, it is a jarring image depicting violence against an elected official as somehow humorous.

The article (picture and all) has gotten 14 Facebook “likes” and no comments; evidently none of the MRAs reading the article were bothered enough by the illustration to publicly challenge it.

How exactly does posting  a picture of the Joker threatening an elected official with a knife advance the cause of Men’s Rights?

Do the group’s advisors — including Warren Farrell and well-known domestic violence researcher Martin Fiebert — know that the group’s website features this repugnant image? Do they care?

I would encourage readers here to investigate the NCFM site in more detail. I wonder what other evidence of hate might be found. (If you do find more, please make screenshots, and post what you find in the comments below, with a link to the page on NCFM’s website.)

EDITED: I originally referred to the images as photoshopped, but evidently it’s from The Dark Knight. Oops. Corrected.

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13 years ago

Do these MRA types also realize that there are male teachers and male office workers, etc? Or that men filibuster in Congress (verbalizing, hello!)? I mean, hell, I’ll add an anecdata point: I frequently struggle with word count minimums in my college classes. My writing is too succinct.

13 years ago

Feminism is worse than Dracula’s Curse

Really? Looks like I’ll have to try harder.

13 years ago

I’m female, and I can shovel dirt as fast as or faster than most men. I had one job where the only person who could keep up with me was the ex-Marine. Does that mean I get more money?

13 years ago

No, it means you’re lying, or all the men have been feminized by the school system, pbs, and the estrogen in the water from our slut pills.

13 years ago

“We can have a little test of men and women’s work by putting a pile of sand a hundred yards from a wheel barrow, and for an hour we move that pile of sand a hundred yards back to where we started and we see how much I move compared to any of you…”

I do not think this illustrates what yahoo thinks it illustrates…

13 years ago

Really? Looks like I’ll have to try harder.

Trying calling them “creepy”; worst curse evah.

13 years ago

“NOTE: Kanazawa in not spot-on concerning men earning more, since they generally don’t. Even if they do the women in their lives spend most of it, or have the money lavished upon them, inherit it, or, even, steal it, most often legally with the help of their legislators and the courts.”


I’m not even touching some of the empirical claims they’re making, since I don’t know that segment of the literature very well, but a good deal of their claims and evidence seem to be extremely fishy. They don’t believe in the wage gap, don’t believe that women do more housework, believe that the majority of male-on-female rape accusations or an extremely high minority of them are false, etc.


This site’s a mixed bag. While there does seem to be some good things going on there, like awareness of male victims domestic violence and abuse, advocating for support for male depression, and honoring fatherhood, the majority of the site seems, like most MRA sites, to be mostly anti-feminist and downplaying injustice against women. I’ve spotted a huge amount of standard MRA talking points but unfortunately (fortunately???) most of the articles stay just a hair on the side of not openly degrading women.

13 years ago

crime data is never a reliable source to project upon the population as a whole, as compared to empirical research.

Fucking data, how does it work?

13 years ago

The curse of Feminism turns women into false rape accusers, spermjackers, and diggers of precious metals. Meanwhile the menfolk have been brainwashed into behaving like manginas, just waiting to be drained of all their precious essences.

Feminism also makes all the milk turn sour.

Yes, you have a lot of catching up to do, Dracula.

13 years ago

Honestly, given the level of batshittery we get from MRA trolls here, I’m surprised one of them hasn’t taken my name as “proof” that the Lord of the Undead has sided with the feminists.

13 years ago

zhinxy, some of the guys on the crew were kinda fey. I guess the Marines can only do so much against the feminizing horrors of PBS?

13 years ago

“I’ve written about this situation before, and here is my conclusion: Using female sexuality to sell or promote products/events is OK if the beneficiary is a woman – otherwise it’s sexist.
And a woman can flaunt her sexuality all she wants, but if a man mistakens her flaunting for something more, it’s his fault.
Women play both sides of the fence with their sexuality, vacillating between victim status and empowerment status, depending on which position gives them the most power. And feminists are no different.”


I’m done for now. If anyone else wants to try to find some good ones, search on google “” and then whatever keyword you think will bring up some good hits. I already tried most of the slurs against women I could think of & mostly no dice. “Feminism” looks to be a promising keyword so far. Have fun.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

God damn, these assholes need a fucking hobby.

13 years ago

To be a little less coy —

The guy specified that the pile of sand was to be 100 yards away from a wheelbarrow and that the sand was then to be moved “back to where we started”. This specification is a bit less clear than I would like (technically, if we move the wheelbarrow from the sand pile, the sand pile is already back where we started), but it seems that the implication of the plan is to move the sand pile into the distant wheelbarrow, and that the guy intends to shame us all with his work output by doing it with a shovel… but not with his brains, by moving the wheelbarrow back to the sand pile and filling it there.

Or renting a Bobcat, which is what I’d first contemplate if confronted with a pile of sand of significant size and a need for it to be elsewhere. But I suppose that’s why I work as an engineer rather than as a person who digs holes.

13 years ago

@firebee: I’m glad you explained, ’cause hell if I could figure out what we were moving where. :p (Though if I did have to move a bunch of sand, I would totally just mind control some fricking ants. Worker ants. Who are FEMALE!)

13 years ago

Oh Satoshi Kanzawa, the same guy who used “science” to prove black women are ugly.

Of course, there’s more, with some links to some likely dubious sources, though I didn’t feel like completely wading through those.

1 of those links is to Fox News, 3 link to the DailyMail, and one to the False Rape Society.

Yep. Totally unbiased sources right there. They aren’t even studies, but news reports.

Oh man look, factfinder posted about this post:

Screencap before they take it down!

13 years ago

Also how awesome is it that Leahy was in one of the best movies ever?!

13 years ago

Here’s another link dump. I do have shots of all of these if they get taken down or whatever.

“First, contemporary feminists don’t have hearts. They are ideological auto-matrons goose-stepping us all toward oblivion. These wackos are connected by ways of knowing that leave no room for things like wisdom. They are “Fe-ME-ists” who take no responsibility for anything that goes wrong and are only concerned with themselves. They shame, blame, and guilt trip everyone into believing the most absurd things, like the swill upchucked by the questionably conscious men in the original surrealistic mangina-monologue “Dear Woman”. Click on the picture on the left if you have a strong stomach or a pint of Rolaids.”

(Not necessarily hatred, but a bizarre conspiracy theory)

“Sweden has the second highest number of reported rape in the world; only beaten by “Lesotho” in Africa. From 1975 – 2005 the number of reported sex crimes has increased from 2000 a year to almost 16 000. This is totally according to the plans of the Swedish regime which are flourishing and making a lot of money by the wars on fathers and families. Hence the cries for new and more “effective” laws on rape are on the rise. It will be perfect to use it against us dads to separate us from our kids.”

“Another column written by a woman, and another one that attacks men in various spots (I’ve grown used to the fact that many female writers cannot write about gender related issues without taking cheap shots at men. That’s one of the reasons I do what I do. It’s done in the name of “equality”. As I wrote above, feminist have instilled the belief that two wrongs make a right. So in defense of MY cheapshots towards women, I justify it by saying “I’m getting in touch with my feminine side!”).”

“A new graphic Australian television ad shows children trembling beneath a table while a big bad white guy threatens a woman and throws things against a wall. So why didn’t they show a wild-eyed, spit spewing, finger-nail clawing, foul mouthed, tattooed, out of control modern women?

Health Minister Kon Vatskalis said the ad showed the reality of reported assaults of which 50% were related to domestic violence. So they could have showed a bitching, spit spewing, buff Barbie with a graduate degree in WoMEN StuDIEs traumatizing the children and shredding the kitchen?

Vlatskails: “We wanted to show exactly what domestic violence is.” Ok, so why not show a border line disordered psycho whacko woman beating the crap out of a guy, particularly since in Australia arguably more women beat men than men beat women (similar to other places).”

“Why some women wear too much perfume
Another article displaying the creative ways in which the female ego will transform irresponsible female behavior towards others into a cause of sympathy and compassion for themselves. This article states that women who wear too much perfume aren’t being rude to others, their probably suffering from depression.
Question: Will women ever grow up and just take responsibility for their abhorrent behavior by just saying, “I f****ed up. Sorry, my fault.”?”

“Fear of Crying Unfair

After reading this article, one thought kept going through my head. With a sarcastic grin on my face, all I kept thinking was WELCOME TO MAN’S WORLD SWEETHEART.”

“Young women choosing careers over love

Again the female ego proves how hypocritical and insensitive it is when comparing similar situations and realities between men and women.Notice how women always find a great excuses for their behavior, but generally refuse to accept any excuses from men?”

13 years ago

“First, contemporary feminists don’t have hearts. They are ideological auto-matrons goose-stepping us all toward oblivion.

omg, I love auto-matron!

13 years ago

“Would it be clear that our culture values men far more than women, if, in the US, women accounted for 90 percent of workplace fatalities, yet still came cries for “men’s comfort and safety”? The gender-opposite is reality. In relationships, what if women learned early in life that a woman’s role is to work a job that she hates in order to provide for the comfort, safety and security of a man who, often times, has been socialized to be an ungrateful misogynist–someone who hates women. The gender-opposite is true–and women deserve better than to be ungrateful trophies.”

[Breast cancer research gets more attention than prostate cancer research]
“Women deserve better than to be self-centered, woman-centric chauvinists.”

[Stuff about domestic violence]
“Women deserve better than to be unaccountable abusers”

@ zhinxy
I am forced to admit that that is actually a pretty clever pun. Also, that’s pretty badass imagery. He transcends “feminazi” and goes straight for “world-annihilating nazi fembots”.

13 years ago

Completely on topic.

“Does the National Coalition For Men think violence against elected officials is a joke?”

Big Daddy commands immense power and directs violence only towards men. Even though 50 to 70% of your grades in primary schooling comes from behavior and conformity, this indocrination into obedience doesn’t work well on boys/men. Violence directed at men by the State isn’t a joke, neither is men rebelling, answering violence with violence.

13 years ago

Violence directed at men by the State isn’t a joke, neither is men rebelling, answering violence with violence.

Like the joker? I don’t understand what you’re trying to say Mr Slave.

13 years ago

NWOslave, what did you think of The Dark Knight?

13 years ago

So, NWO, are you finally willing to talk to me about your beliefs vis a vis the State?

13 years ago


Here is your previous comment on this thread; ““First, contemporary feminists don’t have hearts. They are ideological auto-matrons goose-stepping us all toward oblivion.

omg, I love auto-matron!”

Any conversation with you would be futile at best. All your comments run along these lines. Why would I waste any effort? Anything I put forth is, and always will be met with the same nothingness.