A lot of guys who try online dating (of the heterosexual kind) complain that they send out message after message to the ladies and get no responses. Now, I’m no dating expert, but I would like to offer these gentlemen a piece of advice that I feel could dramatically improve their chances. Here it is:
If the message you are sending the lass you fancy would get upvotes on The Spearhead, do not send it.
This seems like a fairly self-evident point, but it’s one that a lot of guys don’t seem to understand, at least judging from some of the awful online come-ons posted at the always fabulous A(n)nals of Online Dating. Take this fella:
[M]en have an obligation to rescue kittens from burning buildings, pay for your drinks, hold the door open for you, keep their hair neat, go to war and many other things. I’m just saying… Society worldwide really does put more obligations on men than women all around. There are few things women have to do… Shaving your legs is one of them.
I’m not sure how exactly this topic came up in conversation, but I’m pretty sure that Mr. Mammoth-Hunting Kitten-Rescuing Door-Holder-Opener and Lady Who Doesn’t Shave Her Legs are probably not a match made in Internet heaven.
This guy’s strategy is also somewhat problematic:
A so-cal Brooklyn transplant who believes in grammar, manners, music, and humor. I’m nice to my mother, always smile at dogs and babies, and am in the process of pleading that statutory rape charge down to a misdemeanor.
Yeah, it’s probably not a good idea to open with a joke about raping underage girls. Assuming it is a joke.
This message would be a bad idea regardless of gender:
Sorry indeed.
This next fellow is a bit of a Stealth Misogynist, in that he starts out with some actual compliments directed toward an actual women. Really creepy compliments, but complements nonetheless. Then we get a plot twist that’s about as shocking as the big reveal in M. Night Shyamalan’s The Village. Which is to say, so obvious that it could probably be spotted from space.
When I look at you I see very happy, fun loving, sexy, good girl. I love looking through your photos, I only wish there were more. Do you enjoy being obedient to the male figures in your life?
David K. Meller, is that you?
“11. S/he can’t use blockquotes.”
Hey, wait a minute, I have no idea how to use blockquotes…
“I’ve already stated yesterday (its very tiring to have to repeat myself)”
And yet you certainly seem to enjoy it, given how often you repeat the exact same phrases.
everyone bookmark this, the page where sua sponte a bunch of regulars all started talking about how false convictions for rape do happen and theyre a problem that needs to be taken seriously.*
i still think nc4om is real, but if she isnt, this is probably the least successful false flag operation.
*no, i dont expect any of the usual gang of false rape concern trolls to read it or admit theyre wrong, but its nice to know its there
Don’t worry, the feeling’s mutual.
er, least successful ever
Kladl, “Also, you’ve said that rape should only get the death penalty if there’s some extremely high standard of proof (DNA, you said, but that’s really not the highest standard). What should rapes that don’t meet that standard get? Should the rapist walk free or should they be whipped 500 times in the square?”
Already addressed that YESTERDAY. If you have the time and desire, search through the comments.
So again, I ask, what “traditional views” did your college friend who was a noob at Feminism still hold on to? Was she religious? What was it?
I asked you a question about Engles hours ago and now can’t find that comment. Did you see it?
NC4OM, can you please address our arguments about your death penalty proposal instead of repeating yourself:
1. Why raping someone is worse than murdering them (so long as the murder is not part of a sexual assault or a string of serial murders) and deserves a harsher punishment
2. Given the current climate about rape convictions, why you think having the death penalty for rape wouldn’t actually lessen the number of convictions
3. What other factors than DNA should be used for evidence, since DNA can be left behind during consensual sex, and rapists frequently use this defense successfully
4. How this climate of fear amongst men that you wish to create would only prevent rapists from raping and not merely make men afraid of any sexual encounter whatsoever
5. How police departments will be able to get the resources to investigate each rape thoroughly enough to prove innocence or guilt to the standard necessary for making sure the death penalty is carried out only in just circumstances
6. What penalty rapes and sexual assaults without the appropriate standard of evidence should receive
You know, NC4OM, there are lots of feminist blogs. If most people on this one are too PC for your liking, you could always go try to find one that’s more in tune with your outlook.
(Please oh please let her try airing these kinds of views on Feministe. Popcorn’s on me.)
I could have sworn at one point you said you grew up in the Caribbean .And you also claim to have visited a zillion mosques around the world. How did you manage all this? Where have you lived, and where are you now? Also, you claimed to be a former Muslim. So when did you reject that; how long have you been Hindu?
Also, why have you changed your identities here multiple times?
I’m going to put you on moderation, because you’re starting to get on my nerves, and I’m beginning to suspect you’re full of shit..If you can answer these questions to my satisfaction I may take you off of moderation.
I don’t really care what your answer is on any of these questions, and I won;t reveal any info you don’t want me to reveal. I just want to make sure you’re not lying to us all.
I still say, based on having had the sort of childhood that NC4OM is claiming myself, that the “hundreds of mosques” thing ie either hyperbole or a lie.
Addendum – Unless her dad’s job was “professional mosque inspector”.
And in the case of people who are raping infants, crushing their tiny skulls with the weight of their body – there is absolutely NO WAY I’m going to “reconsider” my stance on the death penalty for them.
No amount of “but consider this guys ‘humanity’” bullshit is going to make me say, “ah well, all he did was rape and kill or rape and nearly kill a tiny newborn.
that would be applying the death penalty for murder. its generally considered to be different.
So again, I ask, what “traditional views” did your college friend who was a noob at Feminism still hold on to? Was she religious? What was it?
i meant her blinders reminded me of yours, not that they were the same
16. S/he sockpuppets. (Thanks for reminding me of this, hellkell!)
17. S/he accuses people who disagree with him/her of not being real feminists.
18. S/he describes horrific crimes in loving detail.
Addendum – Unless her dad’s job was “professional mosque inspector”.
To make sure they’re properly revised, updated, and feminized, obviously.
Also to ferret out the many Western women who have gone there in search of manly Muslim men.
(That was another bit where she got amusingly lurid.)
How to feminize your local Mosque.
Step one – add curtains, preferably with a floral pattern. Vases of flowers are also a nice touch.
Step two – add pretty little decorate soaps in starfish and unicorn shapes to the places where one can wash one’s hands and feet.
Step three – Lisa Frank posters on all the walls.
I have not seen such a question, but if you find it, link and I will go look at it.
Was the question how his name is spelled?
This is reminding me of the geek license plate I occasionally see that reads “This car is protected by angles”.
(Instead of angels, for those not in the US)
Angels protect cars in the US? ò_O
(I’m not in the US, and the intended clarification still went over my head.)
Sorry about that. You see licence plates here sometimes that read “This car is protected by angels”. There’s a lot of sort of folksy overt religiousity in the US in a ways that I’ve never seen in most other places.
Or rather, not licence plates – stickers, like a decal on the back bumper next to the plate, or on the back window. I sometimes see cars with so many stickers on the back window that I’m not sure how people can see out of it at all.
Hey vile haters, it must turn your stomach’s that men are still not guilty by default. Ya’ll had a chance, as I gave you many, many opportuities to sign the petition. Buy the gang likes that default guilty thingy for men. Such hatred is quite deplorable. Ya know, that’s the first time I’ve ever seen Big Daddy back down. He just adores his little girls so much.
Since I’m such a generous guy, I’ll give ya another chance. After all, there’s lots more hatred of men afoot in Big Daddys arsenol of violence. Anyone of you can go to SAVE to fight the evil VAWA. Here’s what were petitioning against;
1)VAWA continues funding mandatory arrest policies, and we all know who gets arrested, reguardless of who calls, don’t we?
2)VAWA provides legal assistance to accusers, yet not for the accused. Ain’t that some shit? Accuse a man and Big Daddy’ll pay.
3)VAWA perpetuates sex-based discrimination through biased predominant aggressor policies. The primary aggressor policy places a man at the mercy of a woman. Since the average man is stronger than the average woman, even if the woman starts a fight, she’s liable to sustain more damage. Plus, according to feminists doctrine, men are aggressive. Big Daddy just loves, loves, loves his little girls. He’s your protector and provider.
All that protecting, providing and privilege sure does cost lots-o-money. Now you could deny your privilege. You could ignore the tyranny. You could endorse it. Or you could actually fight the hatred of men indoctrinated into every realm of modern day society. What ever will you do?
Hey, how’d ya like that sweet vid I gave ya? Them feminists sure do make some cutesy art, huh? Perhaps you’d like a little more info on that video. I gave ya’ll a link a while back on the SCUM monologues, which everyone said was just ducky. Pure gold feminist satire! Well that’s where the video comes from. Here’s what the feminists gang had to say about it.
“SCUM GBG is a group of safe, frifräsande, cool, independent women-women. Gruppen bildades under dramatikstudier vid Göteborgs Universitet. The group was formed in drama studies at the University of Gothenburg. Föreställningen SCUM blev gruppens slutprojekt och spelades för första gången i juni 2009. The show was SCUM group’s final project and was first played in June 2009.”
Cool independent women. Man, I can’t hear that independent woman stuff enough! Since it’s a University, well that’d be Swedish tax dollars hard at work. And well, it’s played in schools of course.
Women’s world view; in their own words… “Our artwork is a presentation of a text that will get you to think clearly. Allt du trodde du visste innan var bara lögner och propaganda. Everything you thought you knew before was just lies and propaganda.”
Apparently not killing men with joyous abandon and laughter is a pack of lies and propaganda. You need to think clearly. Women’s world view, what a lovely name! I wonder if they’ll force mandatory showings of that fine art in schools. I can hardly wait till the SCUM monologues makes it way to broadway. I’m sure the critics will be gushing over it. I mean c’mon, pretty young girls laughing hysterically while gunning down a white man and lapping up his blood! What’s not to like?
cassandra, believe it or not that pun is actually over a thousand years old (although with a slightly different meaning)
I know that I shouldn’t, because I don’t want to contribute to the stigma faced by people with mental illnesses, but sometimes it’s really tempting to play “which specific personality disorder does NWO suffer from”.
Apparently any assistance for victims of domestic violence is a pack of lies and propaganda too.