A lot of guys who try online dating (of the heterosexual kind) complain that they send out message after message to the ladies and get no responses. Now, I’m no dating expert, but I would like to offer these gentlemen a piece of advice that I feel could dramatically improve their chances. Here it is:
If the message you are sending the lass you fancy would get upvotes on The Spearhead, do not send it.
This seems like a fairly self-evident point, but it’s one that a lot of guys don’t seem to understand, at least judging from some of the awful online come-ons posted at the always fabulous A(n)nals of Online Dating. Take this fella:
[M]en have an obligation to rescue kittens from burning buildings, pay for your drinks, hold the door open for you, keep their hair neat, go to war and many other things. I’m just saying… Society worldwide really does put more obligations on men than women all around. There are few things women have to do… Shaving your legs is one of them.
I’m not sure how exactly this topic came up in conversation, but I’m pretty sure that Mr. Mammoth-Hunting Kitten-Rescuing Door-Holder-Opener and Lady Who Doesn’t Shave Her Legs are probably not a match made in Internet heaven.
This guy’s strategy is also somewhat problematic:
A so-cal Brooklyn transplant who believes in grammar, manners, music, and humor. I’m nice to my mother, always smile at dogs and babies, and am in the process of pleading that statutory rape charge down to a misdemeanor.
Yeah, it’s probably not a good idea to open with a joke about raping underage girls. Assuming it is a joke.
This message would be a bad idea regardless of gender:
Sorry indeed.
This next fellow is a bit of a Stealth Misogynist, in that he starts out with some actual compliments directed toward an actual women. Really creepy compliments, but complements nonetheless. Then we get a plot twist that’s about as shocking as the big reveal in M. Night Shyamalan’s The Village. Which is to say, so obvious that it could probably be spotted from space.
When I look at you I see very happy, fun loving, sexy, good girl. I love looking through your photos, I only wish there were more. Do you enjoy being obedient to the male figures in your life?
David K. Meller, is that you?
If somebody is using their email address all over the net to identify themselves, how is it a breach of confidence to tell people to google it to find what they’ve said?
Factfinder, go find you some facts. You are pointless.
A guy who has a miscarriage fetish decides to troll a feminist site. Now he’s complaining about breach of confidence. It’s obviously time you go back to pretending to breach wombs in your perverted internet hole.
I bet this is just the tip of the iceberg of depravity, he’s got a bunch of sicker shit on hentaifoundation or wherever.
Factfinder, are there other possibilities that I’m not aware of? Did a program you were compiling become sentient and pose as you online maybe? I’m just trying to find the facts you know.
Let’s be honest; any program involving FF would be too busy begging for death to do that. 😀
That’s not the question asked, the question asked wasn’t “Is there a possibility…?” The question was “Do you claim to be the same person that the owner of the e-mail address and the inventor of this sick game?”
You claim you like facts and logic, but you can’t answer the most basic and straight-forward ones? On internet, you basically are what you write. For now, you’re a dishonest person.
cynickal: Thanks ever so much! I’ve had that damn song in my head all day, and the earworm just burrowed deeper.
FactFinder, you know this “it is a mystery that I may or may not choose to reveal” thing that you’re doing? It’s kind of pathetic. You’re not the Dos Equis guy, or Austin Powers. No one really cares who you are irl, it’s simply amusing that you’ve shown yourself to, at the very least, have a kink for creepy awful racist and sexist stuff. This came as no real surprise to anyone – it fits with the rest of what we’ve seen of your character.
Getting all pseudo-mysterious and trying to distract people with “but see this other thing that feminism did – that makes my icky comic totally OK, amirite?” just adds to the overall image of you as a pathetic person with a comically inappropriate screename.
Also, every time someone makes the “I’m just not PC/you guys are too PC for me” argument this song gets stuck in my head. Let us all sing it together, in honor of FactFinder and NC4COM.
FactFinder said:
““Breach of confidence?” If it’s a breach of confidence, it is a pretty harmless one. A more feminist strain of a breach of confidence can be found below:
No, I can’t figure it out. I has a confused. What has this link to do with this conversation? Oh I see, it was just a derail.
Is the Deviant Art website that you linked to yours? If not does the person who owns it know that you are linking to it in a manner that would deliberately lead other people to believe it was yours? Did you actually write that creepy, tasteless and stupid game?
It’s hilarious how, when presented with actual facts about himself, FactFinder has no clue what to do.
All we really know is that someone who put his e-mail address on a page his name here linked to has a kink for creepy awful racist and sexist stuff.
I googled “miscarriage fetish” and was pleasantly surprised to not get any relevant results.
Though the title of the 10th result began “Nancy Grace Fart Fetish” which is…something.
Factfinder, just admit that you’re behind Preggo Punchout. No one is buying the coy routine. Then call your mother and apologize to her for being such a worthless sack of shit that you find the idea of pregnant women getting punched in the stomach FUCKING HILARIOUS.
At which point his mother will sadly wish she’d thought of that, too…
Pregnancy fetishism, on the other hand, has a Wikipedia page and everything (even a scientific term, maiesiophilia). FF, if you do have this form of fetishism, then you’re doing it wrong.
Surely it’s time to bring the banhammer down on this clown. For the stupid ego-wanking if not for the deception and misogyny.
Thanks! 😀 Err… I mean… Duly noted.
As the recipient of the last quote I was laughing and surprised to see it on here, also..baffled at the conversation that sprung from this post.
The best part though of Mr ‘Do you like to be obedient’ was the subsequent conversation in which he offered to be my Daddy and wanted to show me his fat throbbing cock.
*rolls eyes*
You have my deepest sympathy Magnolia.
Magnolia – My sympathies as well!
Conversations do get baffling around here. 😉
It is absolutely amazing to me how many guys on these sites seem to think a picture of their genitals will make their offers irresistible.
And not even in that ‘I like you, you like me, here’s something else you might like’ kind of way but in that ‘oh no the conversation isn’t going well..HERE’S MY PENIS’ kind of way.
Magnolia, like Snowy and zhinxy I offer my bafflement and sympathies. The conversation here did take several unusual twists – but thank you especially for the lolworthy follow-up on the tactless tactics of Mr. Fat Throbbing Obedience.
Speaking of lack of tact and ffact, the silence ffrom a certain ffail-worthy ffellow who quote-mines ffeminists is deaffening:
No need to be shy now? It’s not as if you should be careful about choosing your words or something, lest they appear all over the Internet (as opposed to being buried in a multi-page thread of a mere 300 comments). Oh, and how many comments are there on your blog again?
Simple answer is all that’s needed sweetums.
Xanthe xox
(The quote re: FactFinder’s coyness was thanks to kristinmh.)
Perhaps as the totally awesome Holly has provided an indispensable resource to men in the form of a Gentleman’s Guide to Sending Dick Photos to Random Women on the Internet, maybe a follow-up on the finer points of what not to do might be in order? -_-
Factfinder, I asked you some questions the other day and I’m waiting on your answers.
In case you’ve forgotten:
* crickets chirping *