Oh, ladies, must you complain so much? I mean, who cares if every time you say something on the internet some random dude threatens to rape you? White and Nerdy, the dude behind the Omega Virgin Revolt blog, doesn’t care, and he wants you to know it:
#mencallmethings is just another example of how women (in first world countries) don’t have any actual problems. Between the government and manginas doing everything for women, no woman has any true problems. Any “problem” a woman has is because of one of these reasons:
1. A desire for the equivalent of fried ice. IOW she wants something that is physically impossible.
2. Failed attempts at defrauding, stealing from, or otherwise attempting to enslave men.
That’s it. When a woman has to go through 1% of what a typical non-alpha man has to go through then maybe she can talk about having actual problems. Until that happens women should keep their mouths shut.
Exactly. We need to stop talking about men raping women to focus on the much more important issue of women not having sex with White and Nerdy.
But I am wondering about one thing. Is it possible that the women in question were asking for fried rice instead of fried ice? Because fried rice is totally a thing, and if you call up the proper restaurant someone will literally bring it to your door.
Now I’m hungry.
Okay, that whole argument is ridiculous.
So, the organization- he either made it up or blew something else out of proportion?
Women commit attempted suicide at the same (or greater) rate than men, but men succeed at it at a much greater rate, so men have a greater suicide death rate. The differences in success rate is due to different methods of suicide chosen by the male vs female suicide attempters.
If I recall correctly, “Butterfly Kisses” is (was?) the lesbian version of NAMBLA.
You should be alright. A preliminary search with google has been pretty benign… Maybe with safe search off?
AH HA! Got it, through the fine folks of urban dictionary!
Looks like it’s just… gone. I’m still completely at a loss as to how this could possibly be a feminist organization, besides it containing/contained women.
Wow, holy shit, I just read back a page. I miss all the outright insanity. And by “miss” I am just “Wow, I accidentally dodged a bullet, go me”. FF, Novy, and NC4OM are apparently colluding to repeat Waiting for Godot, with this as the park. I guess NWO is Lucky.
Hi Kladl!
“1. Do you support having the death penalty for rape because you think it will result in fewer rapes? Or what?”
— YES. I already outlined my reasoning in 2 previous comments and posters here have already expressed dismay at me repeating myself. I know its a drag because this blog gets so many comments and its not easy to look for stuff. Even I lose track. But in short, yes, I do think it would result in less rapes.
“2. Please tell us what other crimes you believe deserve the death penalty”
— Serial killing.
Regarding the “slut” thing, well I can just relay to you the general consensus in the areas of Asia I’ve lived. These were socially conservative areas where many marriages are arranged and there is not really any kind of dating culture in general. The cultures are very family oriented so teens remain under the tight watch of their parents and other elder relatives and their social life revolves around primarily the extended family and friends of the extended family.
They find it very odd how Americans go from relationship to relationship. It appears to lack emotions to them. Divorce is also not easy for them to grapple with. In short, many of them think Americans lack love, bonding, emotions, and family values.
Rutee, you might be interested to see that it looks like a couple of FF’s quotes on zir nutty feminists are nutty blog are from you.
Nope, turns out he was right! There was indeed an organization called “butterfly kisses,” which is now completely defunct. Kinda strange that a so-called feminist organization would disappear in this current age of gynocracy. [/sarcasm, this one’s for you FactFinder]
If you liked the argument for the man-boy love thingy being gay, you’ll love to hear NWO’s argument for them being feminist.
1. Feminists support gay rights.
2. Feminists support all gay groups and activities. (from 1, sorta)
3. That organization is a gay group (from previous argument).
4. Feminists support that organization (2 and 3)
5. That organization, and butterfly kisses by symmetry, are both feminist organizations (4)
I shouldn’t be having this much fun turning crazy into pseudo-logic… I’ve been thinking of changing my handle to “Fisher of Reason.” Thoughts? 😛
Yeah, I know, I’m not really worried about it. FF mentioned it when zie did it, I guess trying to intimidate me. FF gets less than zero traffic, and has stopped linking to context after that because they know they still haven’t actually made a meaningful response to my arguments.
Basically zie goes away whenever faced with any challenge, because apparently zie has all the time in the world to try and troll feminists, claim the mantle of reason, and gloat, and not a god damn second to put into making a real point, defending zir claims, or actually saying anything meaningful. It’s kind of like that fable about the gnat and the bull.
Oooh, did you see when FactFinder quoted me because he thought I was talking about Alphas and Betas for serious? And then did you see how he misgendered me? And then did you see how he still hasn’t changed it?
Speaking of which… FactFinder, care to make one more change to your post? I’d appreciate it.
I doubt it was a feminist organization in any sense, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they pulled from lesbian literature or feminist literature to try to support their “cause”. I know the Organization that Shall Not Be Named (what a great name for it) and other so-called “boy love” groups pull from Greek literature that refers to pederasty and some of the very early homosexual-rights stuff about noble friendship between men etc. Some pedophiles get very into justifying their paraphilia with florid allusions to purity and daring to go against the grain and blah blah blah. So it would not surprise me in the least if they had yanked from the woman-power vagina-flower moon poetry 1970s stuff to describe what they were up to.
When I used to be into trawling the seedier side of the internet I ran into a “girl love” group, but I unfortunately (fortunately???) can’t remember what they were called, and I really have little desire to go hunt it down again and find out whether these people called themselves feminists.
The beginning of the second act, yes? I did catch that.
Apparently zie thinks that we’re going to be scared that at some point in our lives zir reader will see what we said XD
“Girl love.” Blech. The fact that the more famous male organization uses “love” in its name infuriates me more than I can say. And on that ugly note, I’m going to bed.
Hey, maybe by morning the mystery of how sex with consenting adults influences your value as a human will be solved!
Apparently, the concept of “Butterfly Kisses” has, um, evolved:
The “Butterfly Kisses” dance is for the purpose of promoting healthy father/daughter relationships; to give fathers or father figures the opportunity to give their daughters a positive self-concept, and the expectation of being treated with respect by the men in their lives. This dance gives dads the opportunity to set the dating standards for their daughter at an early age, and may stave off countless pitfalls offered by a society that glorifies immorality. This also gives dads an opportunity to create a special memory with his daughter that she will remember for years ot come. The concept is taken from a story featured in Focus on the Family magazine.
@Captain Bathrobe:
At least that’s not as terrible as the dances where girls give their dad their virginity… to keep until they find someone to marry. That one’s a little more overt in either the “my daughter is my property, time to trade her for some goats” or “weird incesty ephebophilic subtext gone horribly awry.”
EWWWWWWWW wuttt???
“’weird incesty ephebophilic subtext gone horribly awry.’”
That sums up what I always think of when I hear about “Purity Dances”, only I hadn’t been able to express it as well. 😛
Huh, I just had a random thought. The reason that NWO is against these ephebophilic organizations is not because of the ephebophiles. He’s actually for having sex with children. What he’s against is that the members are gay (in his mind anyway). A man having sex with a boy is abominable. A man having sex with a girl, well she was flaunting it anyway, and why can’t I have a pleasant and innocent conversation about sex with an underage girl anyway? [more sarcasm for FF’s sake]
In other word, FactFinder, she confirms your asinine preconceptions, despite the fact she represents no one here but herself. Nice to see you admit you’re full of shit.
“Ideas have consequences. Vile, hateful ideas have vile, hateful consequences.”
If David can take one quotation from a self-proclaimed or perceived MRA and claim it represents the Men’s Rights Movement, I can do the same for feminism.
Vile, hateful ideas have vile, hateful consequences.
I notice the feminists here keep referring to me as a “her.” I could throw a hissyfit about it but I am an adult and adults avoid that sort of thing whenever possible. Children and toddlers throw tantrums and make longwinded rationalizations for their cruelty.
Ok, I’m sorry FactFinder… But what the cheese? How exactly does a forum called “men are better than women” indicate vile, hateful ideas from feminists? I glanced at a couple topics, and it looks like they all consist of some troll labeled with an ip address, then thrown to the dogs. Hardly making your point. An anti male-supremacist does not a feminist make.
(still waiting on that pronoun change in your post, btw)
Ah, the reputable source http://www.menarebetterthanwomen.com. I’m sure if I followed that link I’d see some Pulitzer-quality reporting.
I am also interested in knowing about how what I consensually do with my vagina affects my morality.
NWO: Men who have sex with lots of women for the sex are fine. Men who have creepy misogynistic RPGs on the Internet in which women count as a point are not. This is not that hard to comprehend.
Man, I never got any monetary goodies from my sex.
NWO, we went over this. I am not accepting evidence from you, because you keep calling me a slut, and because you think Russian and Spanihs use the same alphabet. If you can provide a person connected to this plane of reality that says something is a good idea, then we shall talk.
NSWATM only rarely has posts about men in skirts. It’s not that pressing of an issue! Our last three posts, for instance, relate to men and virginity, a movement to encourage men to express their emotions and getting involved in sexual violence work while male. On the other hand, men should be allowed to wear skirts, because why should we arbitrarily limit men from doing things based on their gender? That’s very misandric.
FF thinks there’s a non-misogynist MRA? Of course zie does; zie thinks being anti-abortion isn’t misogyny. Tell ya what, FF, why don’t ya tell us who you think isn’t hateful? You say David’s misrepresenting the MRM? Pony up. And bear in mind these people need to debraid at least some of the Boob Roll without praising any of it, since you claim David is ‘cherry picking’ and misrepresenting the MRM.
FactFinder, David quotes a variety of different MRAs from a variety of MRA websites. They are all extremes and trash women in one way or another.
And is Dick Masterson an MRA now? I thought he was just some lout making money off of shock value/frat humor.
I really would like to see a massive experiment done where a large group of men and women are separated for a year and see how things pan out….