Oh, ladies, must you complain so much? I mean, who cares if every time you say something on the internet some random dude threatens to rape you? White and Nerdy, the dude behind the Omega Virgin Revolt blog, doesn’t care, and he wants you to know it:
#mencallmethings is just another example of how women (in first world countries) don’t have any actual problems. Between the government and manginas doing everything for women, no woman has any true problems. Any “problem” a woman has is because of one of these reasons:
1. A desire for the equivalent of fried ice. IOW she wants something that is physically impossible.
2. Failed attempts at defrauding, stealing from, or otherwise attempting to enslave men.
That’s it. When a woman has to go through 1% of what a typical non-alpha man has to go through then maybe she can talk about having actual problems. Until that happens women should keep their mouths shut.
Exactly. We need to stop talking about men raping women to focus on the much more important issue of women not having sex with White and Nerdy.
But I am wondering about one thing. Is it possible that the women in question were asking for fried rice instead of fried ice? Because fried rice is totally a thing, and if you call up the proper restaurant someone will literally bring it to your door.
Now I’m hungry.
Okay, NC4OM: What does the country of Asia say about sluts?
Also, why does FF assume this is an opinion that’s got mainstream acceptance in America? If it was, we wouldn’t have had to have the Slutwalk.
awwww, poo. I read “guess” instead of “guessed.” Damn, FF got it right eventually after all. He still hasn’t changed his post though… Ah well, all good things must come to an end.
“I’m twenty years old and I pay for all of my expenses while going to school full time. I have to balance working enough to eat and pay rent while also leaving enough time to study so I can maybe get a real job after I graduate.”
You pay for all your own expenses plus college on a part time job? Well hell, that’s about what, 40k a year for no more than 20 hours of work a week? Let me give you a piece of advice. Quit school and go full time with your present part time job. With a little overtime, maybe a total of 45 hours of work a week, you’ll pull down a 100k a year.
“Sure, men are the only people in this world who are poor, or in constant pain, or unemployed. Only men suffer depression and crippling anxiety.”
If you go by suicides and the homeless, men suffer 4x the depression, constant pain and crippling anxiety. I guess they could go to a therapist only to find out they are at fault for thier depression, much like everyone here confirms.
“So gamers and MRAs are in two completely different venn diagrams?”
Gamers are just men who are sluts. According to feminists, sluts should be praised. Oh that’s right, men who have sex with lot’s of women just for the sex don’t see women as human. Women who have sex with lot’s of men just for the sex and monetary goodies are pillars of society.
“These incel losers are even more pathetic because they probably could actually get laid.”
Would these losers become more valuable due to a woman granting them sex? Will they no longer be losers once a woman has sex with them. Will sexual association with a woman disolve their patheticness? Does a womans sexual acceptance translate into social elevation?
@Jill the Spinster
“It’s not MRA vs PUA, it’s MGTOW vs PUA, both of which fall under the MRA umbrella.”
Radfem, militant-fem, communist-fem, butterfly kisses; all fall under the feminist umbrella.
@No Cuntry 4 Old Men!
“MRAs are Marxists: From each according to her ability, to each according to his need.”
There are no MRAs that are pro-State, that’s feminism, many proudly proclaim their communist faith. “Her ability/his need.” Priceless! Actually, I respect you the most of all for at least coming clean with your hatred of men. Well at least you did at first, although you quickly adopted official PC face of feminisim. And when I say respect, I simply mean you’re honest enough to admit your hatred, as opposed to the rest of the members of your hate movement who couch their hatred with flowery niceties.
“David, has SAVE’s recent political victory against Senator Leahy changed your view of the Men’s Rights Movement?”
I can’t speak for Dave, but shortly after April 4th, I posted a link to sign the petition to stop the tyranny feminists advocated. I was mocked quite often on this very subject. Everyone here liked the idea of men being guilty by default. I gave many links and many chances, all I ever got was ridicule. It isn’t like they were ignorant of the bill, or had no knowlege of it.
Ozys, No Seriously What About Teh Menz blog, the supposed proof, and be all end all of feminist egalitarian aspirations made no mention. She, of course, was one of my most prolific antagonists on the subject. She seems quite adamant on clothing men in dresses, a most pressing problem indeed.
These feminists at manboobz keep insisting they’re the good feminists. Since no feminists signed the petition to stop this madness of tyrannical injustice, there is no difference between the feminists who call themselves good while hating men, and feminists who openly hate men.
NWOslave doesn’t understand the concept of student loans.
Dammit, now I need to figure out how to make fried ice. I am sure it can be done. You just need a batter with a very high heat capacity (something with a lot of sugar in it, maybe) and that’s okay-tasting when a bit raw on the inside, so that all of the heat from the oil stays with the outside part of the batter and doesn’t melt the ice. THEN EAT IMMEDIATELY.
“I can’t speak for Dave, but shortly after April 4th, I posted a link to sign the petition to stop the tyranny feminists advocated.”
And what, pray tell, was this tyranny NWO?
“Gamers are just men who are sluts.”
No, no, no. Gamers are men who are so obsessed with having sex and so oblivious about how people (particularly women) work that they try to reconstruct how real relationships go, and end up failing miserably.
“Radfem, militant-fem, communist-fem, butterfly kisses; all fall under the feminist umbrella.”
Alright, I give up. I googled “butterfly kisses,” but all I got was some song by Bob Carlisle, a teen advice site centered around how to kiss, and some strange flowery crafting blog.
The way deep frying works is by boiling away the water to steam (which causes the bubbling), then cooking the outside, and only until the outside is dry does the oil seep in. I think the easiest thing to do is cool down ice to way below freezing, roll it in some bready batter, and fry away! Gotta make sure the ice doesn’t melt though, that much water all at once would probably explode…
NWOconcubine: “Her ability/his need.” Priceless!”
— Finally someone appreciates that! 😉
“Actually, I respect you the most of all for at least coming clean with your hatred of men.”
— NEVER did I say I “hate” men. You must be refering to my view that rape beyond a shadow of a doubt (DNA, rape kit, NOT he said/she said) deserves death penalty. Unless you think all men are rapists, I don’t know where you’d get the idea that I “hate all men” just because I believe rapists, and especially rapists of children and infants (yes, someone raped his own 8 day old infant) need to be taken out.
“Well at least you did at first, although you quickly adopted official PC face of feminisim.”
— Me? PC? LOL.
I don’t care if a man is a virgin or what his “value” is or any of that other PUA gibberish. The last guy I briefly dated said he was a virgin, unfortunately the relationship didn’t go further because he dropped me to be with someone else. So easy being a lady huh? I would have had sex with him too.
Let me make it clear to you: my disgust at incels are not because they are virgins. It’s not because they have a hard time with women. My disgust is because they hate women and blame women for all their problems. I thought that was made clear in my comment. I also hate that they pretend that its “oppression” and worse than rape. It is not. I understand and sympathize with their loneliness, I understand and relate with their anxiety. But once they become hostile assholes towards women and blame them for all their problems, I lose all sympathy. I cannot repeat this enough: WOMEN DO NOT LIKE MEN WHO HATE THEM. It has nothing to do with virginity. It has nothing to do little experience with women. It has everything to do with them having rotten personalities and being misogynists.
“Butterfly kisses” is the act of fluttering one’s eyelashes against someone’s skin. Or at least that’s the definition I grew up with. (Sadly, it doesn’t work so well with glasses.)
Well, you know that, and I know that. But apparently for NWO it conjures within him a terror unbenownst to any other, a terror most heinous, and possibly something to do with NAMBLA. I never bothered looking for the damn thing though.
“NEVER did I say I “hate” men. You must be refering to my view that rape beyond a shadow of a doubt (DNA, rape kit, NOT he said/she said) deserves death penalty. Unless you think all men are rapists, I don’t know where you’d get the idea that I “hate all men” just because I believe rapists, and especially rapists of children and infants (yes, someone raped his own 8 day old infant) need to be taken out.”
1. Do you support having the death penalty for rape because you think it will result in fewer rapes? Or what?
2. Please tell us what other crimes you believe deserve the death penalty
Comment in moderation for mentioning a certain organization involving love between men and boys, but I think NWO is trying to reference some heretofor unknown shady organization between women and girls… He’s mentioned it before, but I’ve never actually bothered to look up the damn thing.
@Pyena: Yeah, that’s the definition I learned as well. Not really sure how they would fall under the feminist umbrella, though. Maybe because slutty slut temptresses will promise you kisses with their slutty clothes and then will deliver only butterfly kisses instead?
Also I second, third, whatever that I’d like to hear NC4OM and/or Whatever explain exactly what is wrong with virgins and/or sluts. And why disregarding someone’s quantity of sexual partners makes Americans incomprehensible.
Oh, obviously I should have refreshed before posting. Well that’s incredibly horrible if it’s a real thing.
…wait, he’s saying “Butterfly Kisses” is the name of the shady organization? Did I miss something? Then again, I haven’t been trying to make much sense of NWO’s posts lately. It’s just copious amounts of stupid in a word salad.
The butterfly kisses thing is horrible, I mean. Jeez, it’s like it’s my first day on the internet. Or maybe my brain is all messed up from when I gorged myself on the Chinese I ordered for some reason, Mr. Futrelle.
That’s the thing though. Given NWO’s tendancy to exaggerate, I have no idea whether this is true or it’s just some benign thingamabob. He’s described bringing in gay people to tell school children that gay people exist as “feminist indoctrinating” and “furthering the gay agenda” and “forcing little boys to take naptime next to another boys” or something. He’s also described Title IX as “a law with its own police force.”
Now that I think about it, I wouldn’t doubt that he’s just blowing smoke.
Did you actually find out what NWO was talking about?
“The spearhead isn’t as bad as 4chan”? 4chan is mostly harmless. Also, most of the raging stupidity is /b/. The other boards only have normal internet stupid.
Factfinder has also admitted to being a troll. It’s kind of adorably stupid.
Can we not call PUA Gamers? I keep thinking you guys are talking about me.
How stupid are you, exactly? You do know we’ve had the death penalty for what is literally millenia, and it has *never* served as adequate deterrence for any crime, right? What makes you think it’s going to start now? This is by far not the thing most needed for a reduction in rape occurrence. That would be education and awareness.
Since butterfly kisses are associated with little kids (for me, at least), clearly this is another way NWO is expressing his rage at all those fourteen-year-old sluts for parading around being all…fourteen-y and stuff.
This came up a while ago, when NWO was ranting about the evils of homosexuality, and saying that:
1. The organization that shall not be named consists of men wanting to have sex with boys.
2. If you have sex with a boy, you are gay.
3. The organization is full of gay men (1 and 2)
4. That organization is representative of all gay men.
5. All gay people are pedophiles. (1, 3 and 4)
Kind of silly, just with premise 2. (I’ve spent far too long reconstructing arguments… -_-)
Anyway, point being that I don’t even know if the thing exists, or whether its just some mother/daughter crafting circle or something.
@kirbywarp, no, I didn’t find it, I’m just doing a truly horrible job of communicating this evening. I don’t want to look it up in case it is a real thing because I’m not really able to handle that right now.
I think when he talks about feminists supporting pedophilia he’s referring to that one bit of the Vagina Monologues. That’s the entire pro-pedophilia feminist conspiracy.
Well, that and the existence of cute clothing for little girls, which is apparently intended to help them attract the sexual attention of middle aged milking machine technicians.