Oh, ladies, must you complain so much? I mean, who cares if every time you say something on the internet some random dude threatens to rape you? White and Nerdy, the dude behind the Omega Virgin Revolt blog, doesn’t care, and he wants you to know it:
#mencallmethings is just another example of how women (in first world countries) don’t have any actual problems. Between the government and manginas doing everything for women, no woman has any true problems. Any “problem” a woman has is because of one of these reasons:
1. A desire for the equivalent of fried ice. IOW she wants something that is physically impossible.
2. Failed attempts at defrauding, stealing from, or otherwise attempting to enslave men.
That’s it. When a woman has to go through 1% of what a typical non-alpha man has to go through then maybe she can talk about having actual problems. Until that happens women should keep their mouths shut.
Exactly. We need to stop talking about men raping women to focus on the much more important issue of women not having sex with White and Nerdy.
But I am wondering about one thing. Is it possible that the women in question were asking for fried rice instead of fried ice? Because fried rice is totally a thing, and if you call up the proper restaurant someone will literally bring it to your door.
Now I’m hungry.
So feminists use fear to get people to do what they want. Okay, that makes sense.
Just posting FactFinder’s commentary. The whole thing speaks for itself, but there’s something in particular that has left me in very high spirits.
“So it seems she meant it, but meant it ironically. I’ll be sure to try that line out the next time I’m pulled over for speeding. “What? I didn’t mean it, officer, it was completely satirical! You’re a jackass.”
On second thought, the feminist negotiating tactic leaves much to be desired.”
Holy crap peeps, I’m a woman!!! I never knew! FactFinder, either you are scary-awesome at your job, finding facts about me that I myself didn’t know, or terrible at your job. I’m thinking the former, myself.
Yeah, not like misogynists, who use threats. Threats aren’t meant to cause fear.
Nope, not at all. Men who use threats are different. They are justified, some woman, somewhere, might be saying a mean thing about a man (hell she might even be disagreeing with him, or saying something he disagrees with).
That justifies telling her he intends to rape her, or remove parts of her body, or kill her.
Nothing at all related to instilling fear there.
But you, you are all about finding the “bad” things feminists say.
@Alek: I notice you guys took the time to kick out the PUAs, but you’re still letting the misogynists and the Stormfront sympathizers (i.e. half of The Spearhead) into the club.
She can see the future. Some day, in another lifetime, you will be a woman, and she knows this, so she’s extrapolating as to what female you will be like in the year 2529. By which time the usual police response to 911 calls will be to line men up in front of ditches and have them slit their own throats. No particular reason really – the cops were just bored and decided this would give them something to do, because in the future all cops are feminist, and thus they thrive on cruelty.
(Whining about me mocking her commences in 3…2…)
its beyond sympathizers. theyve got david k meller, the Dude Who Was Too Racist For Stormfront
Drac, the “sexual marxism” was someone else’s idea.
I know. And you repeat it, endlessly, without actually making any kind of point. It’s annoying.
A few examples is all we’d need to scare the shit out of men like you from ever acting inappropriately with women.
Okay seriously, No Cuntry, please just go away. This is inexcusable bullshit.
“@Alek: I notice you guys took the time to kick out the PUAs, but you’re still letting the misogynists and the Stormfront sympathizers (i.e. half of The Spearhead) into the club.”
The Manosphere is a wild ride – MRA + PUA + KKK = MGTOW.
Dracula, please don’t shush her. She a devout of the feminist dogma just like anyone else here and her contributions address important issues.
She’s a devout of the feminist dogma that only exists in your imagination, buddy.
Also, any comments on the terrific mis-gendering of me on your part? Or am I a woman because all feminists must be women?
In other word, FactFinder, she confirms your asinine preconceptions, despite the fact she represents no one here but herself. Nice to see you admit you’re full of shit.
“She a devout of the feminist dogma just like anyone else here and her contributions address important issues.”
FF, there are several waves and within those waves several strands of seaweed of Feminism. Some of them conflict with each other. Some don’t. Some of them overlap. Some don’t. Some other Feminists here have made it clear that they do not share my opinions on a number of things, nor do I agree with them all the time, so don’t paint us all with the same brush.
“Feminist” means different things to different people.
For example, though I have a positive outlook on sex, I do not agree with much of what I’ve read on “sex pos fem” blogs. Nonetheless, they are Feminists, and so am I.
Ooh, actually FactFinder, better idea! Put this comment of mine up as a pps, and make some more snarky comment about… how terrible it is that a man would contribute to the downfall of his sex… or… something.
I’ve found a commenter known as David K. Meller. No contributions, though. Either way, we believe in open dialogue between everyone and hence enforce a very minimal moderation policy. Due to that, certain extremist elements which are frequently filtered out from feminist forums, such as Feministing.com, will inevitably show up here. I invite you to visit 4chan if you believe it is just the Men’s Rights Movement and not just the lax filtration which has resulted in certain extremist individuals having a voice.
And, indeed, even if an individual holds certain outlandish views, they can still raise important points and contribute to a discussion. A racist rocket scientist who can make a good rocket does have a purpose and, if his views do not get in the way of his job, should at least be allowed a receptive ear to speak of rocket science if not race relations.
Also, any comments on the terrific mis-gendering of me on your part? Or am I a woman because all feminists must be women?
Oh, I can make a mistake just like anyone else. The difference is, unlike many feminists, I can admit I have made a mistake and move on rather than digging my heels in and turning it into a seething power struggle ( http://feminismquotes.livejournal.com/2243.html ). So yes, I guessed you were a woman and clearly was wrong. I apologize. Would you prefer I assume all feminists are now an “it” from here on?
Sooo… FactFinder is… the moderator now? And DKM is a rocket scientist? And 4chan is a reputable source for… well, anything?
My world has indeed gone topsy turvey. At least I have boobs now.
“Okay seriously, No Cuntry, please just go away. This is inexcusable bullshit.”
“And, indeed, even if an individual holds certain outlandish views, they can still raise important points and contribute to a discussion. A racist rocket scientist who can make a good rocket does have a purpose and, if his views do not get in the way of his job, should at least be allowed a receptive ear to speak of rocket science if not race relations.”
So where’s your rocket, FactFinder? It better be good, cuz all you got is some badly edited cut-and-paste.
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
FactFinder, answer me straight now. Am I a man or a woman? You should have ample… facts… to be able to figure it out.
Jeeze, I haven’t had this much fun on the internet for quite a while.
And 4chan is a reputable source for… well, anything?
the spearhead at least isnt as bad as 4chan or only as bad as 4chan. or something.
“Neither virgins nor sluts are any worse or better people due to their virginity or slutdom.”
Are you serious?! This is why the rest of the world (aside from the Anglosphere and maybe the EU) simply doesn’t comprehend Americans.
Whatever, do you consider yourself a MRA?
Somebody: “Neither virgins nor sluts are any worse or better people due to their virginity or slutdom.”
Whatever: Are you serious?! This is why the rest of the world (aside from the Anglosphere and maybe the EU) simply doesn’t comprehend Americans.
Me: Having lived in Asia for a good portion of my life, I can second what you say. Not that I agree with it.
Okay Whatever, this non-American will bite: how does the amount of sex a person has affect their worth as a human being?
OMG!!! The thought of judging a person based on their personality rather than what they do in their sex lives?! why that’s just crazy talk!!!
Still waiting for FactFinder to figure out whether I’m male or female… I suspect I’m gonna have to wait a while…
In the meantime, I’m also curious. How exactly does the amount of sex you have make you a better or worse person? No cheaty “sex before marriage is a sin,” now.