alpha males creepy evil women I'm totally being sarcastic idiocy incel manginas men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men oppressed white men pussy cartel rape rapey sexual harassment threats

MRA: Who cares if #MenCallYouThings? It’s not like women have any real problems.

Fried rice. Frequently confused with "fried ice."

Oh, ladies, must you complain so much? I mean, who cares if every time you say something on the internet some random dude threatens to rape you? White and Nerdy, the dude behind the Omega Virgin Revolt blog, doesn’t care, and he wants you to know it:

#mencallmethings is just another example of how women (in first world countries) don’t have any actual problems.  Between the government and manginas doing everything for women, no woman has any true problems.  Any “problem” a woman has is because of one of these reasons:

1. A desire for the equivalent of fried ice.  IOW she wants something that is physically impossible.

2. Failed attempts at defrauding, stealing from, or otherwise attempting to enslave men.

That’s it.  When a woman has to go through 1% of what a typical non-alpha man has to go through then maybe she can talk about having actual problems.  Until that happens women should keep their mouths shut.

Exactly. We need to stop talking about men raping women to focus on the much more important issue of women not having sex with White and Nerdy.

But I am wondering about one thing. Is it possible that the women in question were asking for fried rice instead of fried ice? Because fried rice is totally a thing, and if you call up the proper restaurant someone will literally bring it to your door.

Now I’m hungry.

NOTE: This post may contain ….

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13 years ago

Jill, you sound like a PUA 😀 The whole point of the debate we had at AVFM was to kick out the PUAs who claim to be “just another side of MRA like MGTOW”…

That’s BS, and we proved it. Gamers are now officially non-grata on the biggest MRA portal in the world, they’re banned, and any mention of gamer, pua crap is moderated.

Gamers always infiltrate groups and claim to be “a part of them”… That’s why the PUA cult grew so large. They just go and infiltrate other groups and hijack members.

Here’s the official MRA stance on gamers

This followed up by a 6 part debate, after which gamers have officially been kicked out.

I think there’s still a ton of overlap between MRA’s and gamers.

The only people claiming that overlap are gamers. They come to other groups and say “we’re you, come learn game, it solves everyone of your problems magically”.

MRAs tolerated them for a while as the annoying kid, but we finally figured out we need to officially distance ourselves when people actually started believing that gamers are part of MRA.

The notion has been called by the two leading MRA thinkers as “the most idiotic and pathetic conflation ever”.

No Cuntry 4 Old Men!
No Cuntry 4 Old Men!
13 years ago

“He views womankind’s seeming refusal to sleep with “Omegas” as the most pressing social issue of our time.”

When I read “gamer” I think video gamer, not “game”-gamer/PUA. Black people call game-gamers players/playas. As usual, white dudes miss the ball on this one.

MRAs are Marxists: From each according to her ability, to each according to his need. And they believe the government should intervene and assign them a mate, while PUAs believe in the Sexual Free Market where competition is cutthroat.

13 years ago

Erm… There’s an official voice for the MRM? Elected or self-appointed?

13 years ago

They’ve been officially kicked out? What, did the Grand High Council excommunicate them?

13 years ago


13 years ago

“When I read “gamer” I think video gamer, not “game”-gamer/PUA. Black people call game-gamers players/playas. As usual, white dudes miss the ball on this one.”

Yeah same here lol.

13 years ago

I can’t believe I’m agreeing with Alek Novy, though I doubt his objection to game has anything to do with the manipulative, sociopathic, misogynist and borderline-rapey teachings.

You’re close on the first part. Yes, I don’t hate game for “being manipulative”, mostly because it’s a total scam. It’s like pheronomones.

Hating game for being manipulative, is like hating someone for wearing pheromones. Sure, they had an intention of manipulating someone, but they’re just a big freaking dope buying snake-oil.

No woman falls for that crap. Do you guys SERIOUSLY believe that women fall for this crap? I’ve interviewed hundreds of women after they interacted with gamers. It’s transparent. The women laugh behind the guy’s face, it’s a big joke.

Even when a woman does hook up with a gamer, it’s in *spite* of the stuff he does, not because of it. She forgives the creepy game stuff he does, because he’s cute or whatever.

I hate it because it’s freaking snake-oil sold to desperate boys who need a good kick in the butt. It turns most guys into weird freaky social oddities and stunts their growth by a good 5-10 years.

I’ve never seen a cult that destroys as many lives as thoroughly as the PUA/gamer cult.


If you read my debates with gamers you will see my and (paul elam’s) basic stance is take a shower, get a life, and let women show up. If you have confidence, you’ll start noticing there’s women that want you – no magic tricks required.

A lot of these bozos who fall for the game crap are insecure boys who don’t even notice there’s a ton of girls who want them, if they just opened their eyes and stopped trying to “make” girls want them.

If he (the average kid falling for it), opened his eyes, he’d notice there’s a ton of girls who already like him, for who he is, but he’s too insecure to notice.

13 years ago

Erm… There’s an official voice for the MRM? Elected or self-appointed?

Yes, seeing that’s just one major MRM site that is big-trafficked, approved of by 90% of self-labeled MRAs and actually does activism, I’d say yes.

There isn’t even any competition. AVFM is the only MRA portal.

They’ve been officially kicked out? What, did the Grand High Council excommunicate them?

More like they started throwing tantrums, and started whining, and then ran away crying that the MRAs no longer want to take their crap. They have to back to trying to convince random insecure guys online that they can get you laid with magic tricks lol.

No Cuntry 4 Old Men!
No Cuntry 4 Old Men!
13 years ago

“No woman falls for that crap. Do you guys SERIOUSLY believe that women fall for this crap? I’ve interviewed hundreds of women after they interacted with gamers. It’s transparent. The women laugh behind the guy’s face, it’s a big joke. ”

Owen Cook’s baby mama is laughing all the way to the bank.

Even the PUA “gurus” are simps.

13 years ago

If you read my debates with gamers you will see my and (paul elam’s) basic stance is take a shower, get a life, and let women show up. If you have confidence, you’ll start noticing there’s women that want you – no magic tricks required.

That is…eminently reasonable.

And nothing I’ve heard from an MRA before, not that I’ve done an encyclopedic study.

13 years ago

Alright Alek, I actually agree with you as far as how useful “game” is. Out of curiousity though, what would you think of it if it really did work?

No Cuntry 4 Old Men!
No Cuntry 4 Old Men!
13 years ago

“If you read my debates with gamers you will see my and (paul elam’s) basic stance is take a shower, get a life, and let women show up.”

“That is…eminently reasonable.
And nothing I’ve heard from an MRA before, not that I’ve done an encyclopedic study.”

Obsidian was asked to write a piece for the Spearhead and he wrote about male hygeine and how its important, not just for attracting women but for, well, the health and wellbeing of the man himself, and they banned him from ever writing their again. I believe the comment thread was close to 1,000 comments with angry posters disagreeing with him.

Matthew Cline
13 years ago

When I read “gamer” I think video gamer, not “game”-gamer/PUA.

Yeah, for a while I was trying to puzzle out why Alek was so against men who play video games.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

W ‘n’ N (and Ark):

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

You must have struck a nerve somewhere with manboobzers (and perhaps with feminists generally), given the venomous replies that you elicited.

Women as the privileged sex? Could be! Haave nothing better to do, I guess.

I wrote a few speculative posts (under duress of extreme aggravation) about 7 or 8 months ago, suggesting that feminists could be replaced with automation, and that we would be better off with “wifebots” or “cybercuties’, and they–many (wo)manboobzers–are spitting sparks about it to this day!

Just thought that sombody would like to know that you are not the ONLY reasonable and observant men on this website,

Once again, thank you for saying something that a lot of us are thinking, but too few of us are saying (yet)!

13 years ago

Odd that the need to bathe would be controversial in any circle.

13 years ago

Oh yeah Meller, we just can’t handle the mighty truth these fucking whiny idiots are laying down. Gods, you’re a pompous jack-ass.

13 years ago

David, has SAVE’s recent political victory against Senator Leahy changed your view of the Men’s Rights Movement? Has the popular uprising against this radically feminist legislation caused you to reevaluate our strength as a political organization, or would you rather cognate an overcomplicated “Earth-is-flat” rationalization for this defeat so you can keep perceiving us as neolithic subhumans? I’m good either way.

13 years ago

Jesus, Meller, if you want us to stop bringing up the fact that you want a wifebot, why don’t you start by not bringing it up?

You narcissistic ass. you just can’t help yourself, can you?

13 years ago

I’m curious as to how Alek intends to prevent gamers and other assorted geekboys from calling themselves MRAs. Pistols at dawn?

” The women laugh behind the guy’s face, it’s a big joke.”

I used to laugh to their faces rather than behind their backs, but I guess I’m just a big meanie. Honestly, though, it’s hard not to when some oddly dressed young man sidles up to you, steels his shoulders, and then says “nice boobs – how much did you pay for them?”.

Negging may well be the most asinine dating idea of all time, and that’s really saying something. As odd as it is to agree with Alek, yeah – any guy who buys into that crap is going to gain nothing but some credit card debt and a whole mountain of new issues to overcome. It’s not even snake oil in the sense of useless but probably harmless – it’s actively harmful to the people who buy into it.

(To everyone else it’s just vaguely annoying. Except when adherents take the things it promises them seriously and act of the belief that those expectations were reasonable, because then sometimes they turn into Sodini.)

13 years ago


“I wrote a few speculative posts…”

Do you write anything but speculative posts?

13 years ago

Hating game for being manipulative, is like hating someone for wearing pheromones. Sure, they had an intention of manipulating someone, but they’re just a big freaking dope buying snake-oil.

Psychopaths can and do manipulate people all the time, that’s why they are called psychopaths. The majority of gamers probably are not, although I’m pretty sure Roissy is. Game is similar to psychopathic symptoms in that it advocates lying and manipulation. To be truly good at that, you’d need to lack empathy. But since the majority of men are not psychopaths, any woman with a moderate sense of street smarts and self esteem would be able to see through PUA stupidity.

Other than that I mostly agree with the rest of your comment. Any gamer that succeeded is probably because he just went up and talked to women in the first place, not because of some “neg” or whatever.

13 years ago


Which SAVE are you talking about; the suicide prevention group, students against violence everywhere, the animal rescue group, the immigration policy group, or safe alternatives to violent environments?

13 years ago

Also, I’ve figured out what Alpha men are!!! They are a group defined by exclusion! Anyone who is not successful with women is a beta. Everyone else is an alpha. They have to keep making new categories because they have to include everyone on earth who has had sex and/or doesn’t hate women.

13 years ago


Funny, some of my favourite women novelists are famous for their depictions of lives of quiet desperation. Spoiler: Often they weren’t writing about men.

my first thought when i read that was that literature would be much poorer without the existence of quiet desperation

13 years ago

dkm we fully recognize that you have a ton of problems, the things we object to is where you try to blame them on everyone except yourself