alpha males creepy evil women I'm totally being sarcastic idiocy incel manginas men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men oppressed white men pussy cartel rape rapey sexual harassment threats

MRA: Who cares if #MenCallYouThings? It’s not like women have any real problems.

Fried rice. Frequently confused with "fried ice."

Oh, ladies, must you complain so much? I mean, who cares if every time you say something on the internet some random dude threatens to rape you? White and Nerdy, the dude behind the Omega Virgin Revolt blog, doesn’t care, and he wants you to know it:

#mencallmethings is just another example of how women (in first world countries) don’t have any actual problems.  Between the government and manginas doing everything for women, no woman has any true problems.  Any “problem” a woman has is because of one of these reasons:

1. A desire for the equivalent of fried ice.  IOW she wants something that is physically impossible.

2. Failed attempts at defrauding, stealing from, or otherwise attempting to enslave men.

That’s it.  When a woman has to go through 1% of what a typical non-alpha man has to go through then maybe she can talk about having actual problems.  Until that happens women should keep their mouths shut.

Exactly. We need to stop talking about men raping women to focus on the much more important issue of women not having sex with White and Nerdy.

But I am wondering about one thing. Is it possible that the women in question were asking for fried rice instead of fried ice? Because fried rice is totally a thing, and if you call up the proper restaurant someone will literally bring it to your door.

Now I’m hungry.

NOTE: This post may contain ….

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13 years ago

I’m sure his icon is totally unrelated!

Molly Ren
Molly Ren
13 years ago

@Bagelsan: ROFL!

@NWOslave: *smirks knowingly, but avoids giving out details*

13 years ago

I wonder if Brandon isn’t so much irredeemably stupid as he is incapable of admitting when he’s wrong.

I used to have an IRL friend like that who would twist himself into knots trying to defend some obviously nonsensical/factually correct thing or other, only to stalk off fuming when no-one agreed with him. Brandon has a similar habit pulling an “I meant to do that!” when it’s pointed out to him that he’s just said something eye-poppingly dumb.

13 years ago

NWO – @katz
“Applied: I went to a pizza restaurant and most of the people there liked pizza. I bet if I went to all the non-pizza restaurants too, I’d find even higher rates of people liking pizza!

At the pool, I found that most people knew how to swim. I bet if I looked at all the people who didn’t go to the pool, I’d find even higher rates of knowing how to swim!

Most people who take the GREs in order to get into grad school score very high. I bet if everyone took the GREs, they would score even higher!”

Do any of these strawmen excuse paternity fraud?”

No, but nobody here wants to excuse paternity fraud. It’s just making fun of Brandon’s hilarious use of statistics – BTW, since you still refuse to talk about your view of the State with me, are YOU in favor of Big Daddy blood testing all the babies? If so, why?

Molly Ren
Molly Ren
13 years ago

I actually feel rather icky now that I know NWOslave reads my blog on the regular. I posted that thing about the orgy 3 days ago, long before we even had this convo.

13 years ago

Bagelsan, you have made me literally laugh out loud half a dozen times this evening.

13 years ago

And once again, Brandon attempts (badly) to defend a stupid idea out of sheer unwillingness to admit to having a kind of dumb idea.

It is like talking to a Republican.

13 years ago

I actually feel rather icky now that I know NWOslave reads my blog on the regular. I posted that thing about the orgy 3 days ago, long before we even had this convo.- I guess you can only hope he just went through the archives when he saw you say that? Still.. my sympathies.

Molly Ren
Molly Ren
13 years ago

zhinxy: At least he doesn’t leave comments?

13 years ago

Do any of these strawmen excuse paternity fraud?

Has anyone here actually excused paternity fraud?

Molly Ren
Molly Ren
13 years ago

“Has anyone here actually excused paternity fraud?”

I was just trying to figure out how often Brandon thought it actually happened, not that it never happened at all. 0:)

13 years ago

Nobinayamu: DUH, disagreeing with a man is TOTALLY excusing paternity fraud.

Molly Ren
Molly Ren
13 years ago

“DUH, disagreeing with Brandon is TOTALLY excusing paternity fraud.”


13 years ago

molly: My bad, thanks for the fix.

13 years ago

Quakckers: Are you shitting me? did he actually say that?

I was being generous. what he said was he’d care about feminism when women got off their ass so that he couldn’t be drafted, which was unfair, words to the effect that he wished he could just sit back and make other people go to war, instead of being at risk.

It was pointed out that women were doing that, and he confessed to having been in the Army.

But really… women need to get the draft (which doesn’t exist) removed/made gender neutral, then he’ll get concerned with equal rights for women.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Hey NWO! 😀

You’re on! And you’re here! 😀

I have something I’m wondering about, given that you’re the preeminent libertarian here and you’re constantly telling us just how pure your libertarianism and knowledge is…

What do you think about the Zhinxy/David K. Meller debate going on about Libertarianism and Feminism? :3 Do you have anything to add? What do you think about the people that they’ve been quoting, and the theories? You’re the A++++ libertarian who has clearly studied up on this right and not just the “RAWR I WANT TO PAY LESS TAXES BUT I WANT THE GOVERNMENT TO DO MANDATORY PATERNITY TESTS AND BAN GAY PEOPLE” brute i make you out to be right? xD

So please, what are you thoughts? 😀

13 years ago


Stop having fun that doesn’t hurt anybody! Just… just stop it! NWO finds it icky.


You are of course free to have all of the sex you want to, with informed consent–sorry, that means you can’t tape people without permission! However, there are certain risks involved. One risk you face is fathering a child. You can mitigate that with birth control.

It’s not victim-blaming to say that there are risks involved in an activity. From personal experience I can tell you that there is a slight risk of injury from embroidery, of all things (true story bra). I was not, however, a victim of the embroidery needle I consciously chose to pick up and use.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Does the mandatory paternity testing also include all the men who COULD be the father too? So if the assumed father is not the biological father, they can find out who SHOULD be responsible for the child? :3 Like Brandon xD (he prolly has a tape of when it happened too)

13 years ago

I’m pretty sure NWO has no idea what’s actually being said at any given time; he just reads until he dimly detects some kind of subject and then starts ranting about it.

13 years ago

Quakckers: Are you shitting me? did he actually say that?

I was being generous. what he said was he’d care about feminism when women got off their ass so that he couldn’t be drafted, which was unfair, words to the effect that he wished he could just sit back and make other people go to war, instead of being at risk.

It was pointed out that women were doing that, and he confessed to having been in the Army.

But really… women need to get the draft (which doesn’t exist) removed/made gender neutral, then he’ll get concerned with equal rights for women.

Lovely. So because of a now disposed of law that was implemented by a group of men, women’s rights are deemed unimportant?

He has to be trolling for lulz. No one can say this and actually believe it.

If he’s not it’s just another reasons I have little faith in people anymore.

You’d think even he would look at the most basic of sources, Wikipedia, and see that a woman named Emma Goldman was against the draft and, when you look at her page, was imprisoned for 2 years for persuading people not to register

Funny how Emma Goldman fought against the draft AND for women’s rights, but Brandon just expects everyone to do it for him, like a child.

13 years ago

*do everything for him, rather

Hershele Ostropoler
13 years ago


Unless the punitive father is the spouse of the mother,

That’s an awesome Freudian slip.

(I actually suck at proofreading, so I arguably have no room to talk here.)


having eschewed childbirth all my life, in all ways

Well, after the first couple of hours, anyway.


In fact, I don’t expect feminists to do anything for the betterment of men.

Is that intended as a dig? Because I’m not sure it works as one.


I try to take reasonable precautions to risky behavior.

How does videotaping prevent you from being the victim of paternity fraud?


I guess men have some choices. Only sleep with people they know to be trustworthy

Or, as Brandon would call it, celibacy.


paternity test results after child support has been established are often not taken into account.

That is both plausible (somewhat) and unjust. If only all MRA complaints were like that.



Aha! Trollternity fraud!

13 years ago

For one, you are forgetting about economies of scale. If every child was given a paternity test at birth, the price of those tests would go down since there would be a massive need for them. Just like everything else, the more people buy a product, the cheaper it gets in the future.

“The overall average cost of an uncomplicated childbirth in the United States is $8,802, according to the 2007 study by Thomson Healthcare.”

Fucking economics of scale! How does it work!?

13 years ago

Many fathers love their children because they love them, the child’s DNA is not the point to them.

A paternity test can be very stressful to a child – they have no way of influencing the outcome of the test, and their dad says to them “If you fail this test I won’t be your daddy any more.”

13 years ago

@Magpie, as someone who was raised by a man who is not my biological father I must say I’ve been really uncomfortable with the “why would you ever want to spend money on a child you didn’t donate DNA to?” narrative that’s being spun here. But I wasn’t sure I could comment, given that there was no dishonesty involved. Still, I couldn’t imagine having a child for any length of time, finding out we weren’t biologically related, and just forgetting the love I felt for them.