alpha males creepy evil women I'm totally being sarcastic idiocy incel manginas men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men oppressed white men pussy cartel rape rapey sexual harassment threats

MRA: Who cares if #MenCallYouThings? It’s not like women have any real problems.

Fried rice. Frequently confused with "fried ice."

Oh, ladies, must you complain so much? I mean, who cares if every time you say something on the internet some random dude threatens to rape you? White and Nerdy, the dude behind the Omega Virgin Revolt blog, doesn’t care, and he wants you to know it:

#mencallmethings is just another example of how women (in first world countries) don’t have any actual problems.  Between the government and manginas doing everything for women, no woman has any true problems.  Any “problem” a woman has is because of one of these reasons:

1. A desire for the equivalent of fried ice.  IOW she wants something that is physically impossible.

2. Failed attempts at defrauding, stealing from, or otherwise attempting to enslave men.

That’s it.  When a woman has to go through 1% of what a typical non-alpha man has to go through then maybe she can talk about having actual problems.  Until that happens women should keep their mouths shut.

Exactly. We need to stop talking about men raping women to focus on the much more important issue of women not having sex with White and Nerdy.

But I am wondering about one thing. Is it possible that the women in question were asking for fried rice instead of fried ice? Because fried rice is totally a thing, and if you call up the proper restaurant someone will literally bring it to your door.

Now I’m hungry.

NOTE: This post may contain ….

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13 years ago

@Bagelsan: So I should have less sex because the more women I sleep with the greater the chances of me paying for a child. And feminists claim to be against victim blaming. Pfft!

13 years ago

Brandon’s study is obviously flawed, since people who ask for paternity tests have a reason to. How about a blood test study on a random population of newborns and their parents? A doctor did that, when studying blood groups. He found that, in his sample of 1000 babies and their parents, that the rate of misattributed paternity was under 10%. That’s hardly widespread fraud, especially since at least a few of those women probably thought or hoped that their husbands were the fathers, so “fraud” doesn’t really apply.

13 years ago

Also going on record to say I support women fighting in combat as well. I don’t support war and the draft, but it doesn’t look like it’s gonna go away anytime soon (war that is) so yea…

Given the sexual assault claims of women in the military though, even if MRAs got their wish of seeing women die in combat like men, they’d just bitch about the women getting themselves sexually assaulted instead. You never win with those turds.

13 years ago

And that is just on a portion of the men. I wonder what the number would be if you broadened it out to every child.

I bet the percentage would be even higher.

You think the findings from of an unscientific sample from a private DNA testing firm are that relevant to broader society? That’s kind of ridiculous.

13 years ago

@Bagelsan: So I should have less sex because the more women I sleep with the greater the chances of me paying for a child.

Incorrect! That does not follow from what I said.

13 years ago

Ya, we are discussing paternity fraud, not birth control methods.

And there is absolutely no link between birth control and unwanted children.

13 years ago

@Bagelsan: So I should have less sex because the more women I sleep with the greater the chances of me paying for a child. And feminists claim to be against victim blaming. Pfft!

Uh what? How is that victim blaming? Oh wait, are you saying that accidentally or purposely fathering a child makes you a victim? Talk about victim mentality.

13 years ago

I would also advise a woman to use birth control if she didn’t want children. If she kept going on and on about, say, how horrible having a child would be, and terrible, and draning, and I suppose, that she would never consider abortion or adoption, but would be “stuck taking care of it,” I would advise her to maybe not go out there and have sex until she’d had a tubal ligation or other procedure. This is not victim blaming.

13 years ago

Oh wait, are you saying that accidentally or purposely fathering a child makes you a victim? Talk about victim mentality.

He wouldn’t even necessarily be the father, he’d just be a candidate for the father and have the option of taking a paternity test. And that’s only if the woman got pregnant within a certain period of time, and carried the pregnancy to term, and Brandon was not obviously disqualified in some way. Now that’s victimhood! :p

13 years ago

Now that’s victimhood! :p


Molly Ren
13 years ago

“So I should have less sex because the more women I sleep with the greater the chances of me paying for a child. And feminists claim to be against victim blaming. Pfft!”

Only if you think condoms are for morons.

13 years ago

@Molly Ren
“This makes it sound like women go out and have anonymous orgies every weekend.”

The most recent 2 posts from your blog…..

“I’ve lived here for 2 years and been to dozens of kink parties.

Last night, however, was the first time I’ve been to an actual DC orgy since Jefferson’s. And it seemed to have happened by accident.”


“What I did this weekend:

Friend: Have you ever been fisted before?

Me: Well, I’ve had people try… we only got up to three or four fingers.

2nd Friend (excited): So by lesbian standards, you’re a virgin?!”

I guess we have our answer.

13 years ago

Brandon logic: Amongst cases of contested paternity, you find a lot of paternity fraud. I bet if you expand it to all women, you’d find even higher rates of paternity fraud!

Generalized: Among places where you’d expect to find X, you find X. I bet you’d find even higher rates of X if you looked everywhere!

Applied: I went to a pizza restaurant and most of the people there liked pizza. I bet if I went to all the non-pizza restaurants too, I’d find even higher rates of people liking pizza!

At the pool, I found that most people knew how to swim. I bet if I looked at all the people who didn’t go to the pool, I’d find even higher rates of knowing how to swim!

Most people who take the GREs in order to get into grad school score very high. I bet if everyone took the GREs, they would score even higher!

13 years ago

I would also advise a woman to use birth control if she didn’t want children. If she kept going on and on about, say, how horrible having a child would be, and terrible, and draning, and I suppose, that she would never consider abortion or adoption, but would be “stuck taking care of it,” I would advise her to maybe not go out there and have sex until she’d had a tubal ligation or other procedure. This is not victim blaming.

Exactly. It’s simply common sense.

FYI Brandon, victim blaming is a term used when a person is the victim of something they had no role in controlling, especially when it involves someone else being the cause of why that person is a victim in the first place.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

The fact that I have a sex life just tears you up inside, huh, NWOslave?

13 years ago

I’ve been reading shyness forums since 2007 (I have AvPD) and many guys there are virgins (some are in their 30s) and most of them are decent – it’s just they are afraid of approaching women. But in all these forums there are always jealous and fucked-up virgins that make shit and try to sabotage everything because they don’t anyone to have success with women.

That is unfortunate-most of the shy virgins I approached and it was odd, after the relationship ended they were able to approach other women. That really boring guy I mentioned now is in a thriving relationship. So those other guys are doing a disservice to the still decent ones.

13 years ago

Yes Brandon, lesbian fisting is basically the number one way women get pregnant! XD

Molly Ren
13 years ago

Bagelsan: That’s not Brandon, that’s NWOSlave! XD

13 years ago


I’ll stop mocking Brandon once that deadbeat dad steps up to the plate and acknowledges our invisible Canadian love child! BRANGELSAN MISSES HER DADDY! SHE HAS YOUR EYES! (And my brain, thank god…)

13 years ago

NWO: For someone who hates women as much as you clearly do, you spend an awful lot of time… reading women’s sex blogs. I’m sure you’re reading – you’re too manly to wank to the writing of a sexually liberated woman, right?

13 years ago


Molly Ren
13 years ago

Also, just to clarify: as much as I like to brag about my sex life, you can count the number of orgies I’ve been to on one hand. They take a lot of planning and really aren’t something you can do *every* weekend… the most devoted slutty guy I knew only had them once a month or so, and that was considered extraordinary.

13 years ago

“Applied: I went to a pizza restaurant and most of the people there liked pizza. I bet if I went to all the non-pizza restaurants too, I’d find even higher rates of people liking pizza!

At the pool, I found that most people knew how to swim. I bet if I looked at all the people who didn’t go to the pool, I’d find even higher rates of knowing how to swim!

Most people who take the GREs in order to get into grad school score very high. I bet if everyone took the GREs, they would score even higher!”

Do any of these strawmen excuse paternity fraud?
@Molly Ren
“The fact that I have a sex life just tears you up inside, huh, NWOslave?”

An empty, hollow life of fisting and orgies just to feel anything to confirm you’re actually alive hardly tears me up inside. My guess is for all your promotion of sadistic sex, fisting and whatever else you promote, the empty feeling inside must be devastating. How many nights have you cried yourself to sleep because the closest you’ve ever come to intimacy is soreness from a good fisting?

13 years ago

NWO, I’m no expert but I’ve always assumed that the main concerns of fisting and orgies did not include emptiness and loneliness respectively. XD

13 years ago

….That is quite the emphasis on fisting, NWO.