alpha males creepy evil women I'm totally being sarcastic idiocy incel manginas men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men oppressed white men pussy cartel rape rapey sexual harassment threats

MRA: Who cares if #MenCallYouThings? It’s not like women have any real problems.

Fried rice. Frequently confused with "fried ice."

Oh, ladies, must you complain so much? I mean, who cares if every time you say something on the internet some random dude threatens to rape you? White and Nerdy, the dude behind the Omega Virgin Revolt blog, doesn’t care, and he wants you to know it:

#mencallmethings is just another example of how women (in first world countries) don’t have any actual problems.  Between the government and manginas doing everything for women, no woman has any true problems.  Any “problem” a woman has is because of one of these reasons:

1. A desire for the equivalent of fried ice.  IOW she wants something that is physically impossible.

2. Failed attempts at defrauding, stealing from, or otherwise attempting to enslave men.

That’s it.  When a woman has to go through 1% of what a typical non-alpha man has to go through then maybe she can talk about having actual problems.  Until that happens women should keep their mouths shut.

Exactly. We need to stop talking about men raping women to focus on the much more important issue of women not having sex with White and Nerdy.

But I am wondering about one thing. Is it possible that the women in question were asking for fried rice instead of fried ice? Because fried rice is totally a thing, and if you call up the proper restaurant someone will literally bring it to your door.

Now I’m hungry.

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13 years ago

I can’t believe NWOslave is this obtuse. This is how conversations with him go.

Slave: Feminists want to kill all men!
Feminist: No, slavey, no they don’t.
Slave: But look at the SCUM manifesto! That’s the manifesto for feminism!
Feminist: Again, no. The author was just a batshit-crazy extremist.
Slave: You’re lying, you’re just trying to be PC!
Feminist: *facepalm*

It does say oodles about his state of mind, though, that he thinks that feminists have been around for so long and have Big Government at their beck and call, and yet men are not even far below 50% of the population still. Pick and choose Slave, a group can’t be so competent as to gain control of the system, but be so incompetent as to be unable to do anything with the power.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

I was going to refute Arks, but since I’m an English major, reading “women have never created any masterpieces” made me laugh too hard to be able to type.

13 years ago


Just this one bit of quote right here…

“Already you can see why women just can’t seem to write good stories. Unlike men, women aren’t really tempered by the kinds of struggles and worries and desperate attempts to define themselves in a chaotic world that men are. -Arks”

I mean… How can… It’s like you say “Gravity doesn’t tend to pull you towards the center of the Earth.” The way its constructed gives the impression that he knows what he’s talking about, but the content is literally the exact opposite of reality.

Women are exactly tempered by “struggles and worries and desperate attempts to define themselves.” I wonder though…


Alright, this should be an easy one. What women do you know or know of that lead delightfully cushy lives free of any cares, worries, or struggles? Or are all these women just a figment of your imagination and rhetoric? See, I know women in the real world. And they ain’t livin no picnic.

13 years ago

Okay this SCUM thing is getting really old. There’s a book called Men are Better than Women. There is a guy making MONEY off of it. It may not be violent, but it’s full of misogyny like SCUM is full of misandry.

There, happy now MRAs? There are 2 douchey books out there that regard the opposite sex as inferior.

13 years ago


To be honest, I actually had no idea what SCUM actually was until just recently… I probably would have been more outraged in the past if I had known it stood for Society for Cutting Up Men.

-_- And I’m absolutely baffled how you could say with a straight face that that idea is what feminism is all about.

13 years ago

Also JK Rowling may not have written literature, but her story, about a BOY nonetheless, has millions of child and adult fans all over the world. She is one of the richest women in the world and wrote the first books as a poor single mother too 😀

What have you done with your life Arks?

13 years ago

-_- And I’m absolutely baffled how you could say with a straight face that that idea is what feminism is all about.

I’m absolutely baffled that people think she represents feminism when she is clearly one nutter who shot Andy Warhol. But in the end it makes perfect sense. MRAs hate feminism, no matter what evidence you prove to them that it’s not evil they still wont change their minds. And for fucks sake, she died in 1988.

Also find it amusing how they react to anger at a misandrous book, but embrace a misogynistic once like MABTW. Just another obvious way they show their bias.

And just how many philosophers implied women were inferior?

Literature, writers and academia has always treated women with contempt until recently, yet they still can’t shut up about ONE STUPID BOOK.

13 years ago

Double standards all the way. Coherency in argumentation and lack of self-contradiction means death for most of the MRAs arguments. Hell, *reality* doesn’t help the MRA arguments much.

13 years ago

im not sure its really a contradiction in owlslave’s case. slavey honestly doesnt believe in equality, he thinks that one side inevitably has to dominate the other and he thinks its his god given right to take out his anger on women. he just assumes that because he thinks this way, feminists must as well, but in the opposite direction, and talk of equality is either naivete or deception (depending on whether hes wearing his manly manly Great Thinker hat or his Warrior Against Injustice hat)

mind control beams
mind control beams
13 years ago

@ kirbywarp

“Pick and choose Slave, a group can’t be so competent as to gain control of the system, but be so incompetent as to be unable to do anything with the power.”

Kirby, you ignorant fool. Clearly you have not studied NWOSlave’s writings in sufficient detail. Do you think it’s women who run feminism? Ha! As if they were capable of such a thing. No, they are merely selfish accomplices in The Government’s plot to keep white men down. That plot is feminism.

If you weren’t so blinded by hatred, you would see that feminism is being run by international communist bankers – the same ones who created it in Russia in 1918.

Read the Big Book Of Larnin’. Everything you ever need to know about anything is in there.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

mind control beams = best Man Boobz user name ever?

13 years ago

For some strange reason, I’m feeling an odd urge to agree with MCB… I have no idea why. O_O

13 years ago

Hahaha mind control beams that was awesome!

13 years ago

Don’t tell the MRAs that we feminists have mind control beams. That will send them into a real tizzy.

No Cuntry 4 Old Men!
No Cuntry 4 Old Men!
13 years ago

A recent comment from elsewhere:

There are a couple of reasons why no one is saying “You women need to woman up, get married to the local betas, and start pumping out babies” is twofold:

1. That phrase is considered shaming language and sexist. Our society has bought hook, line and sinker the notion that women are just evening the score after centuries, nay, millenia, of unfair and brutal treatment at the hands of men.

2. Young women have been freed from the old constraints on hypergamy. Now that there are no constraints, women are free to sex up the alphas. They are free to travel (code for “have sex with strange d*ck and exotic men with names like Fernando, Francois and Marco”). They are free to say anything they want to anyone they want, or do anything they want anytime and anywhere they want, with impunity.

13 years ago

why bring a “recent comment from elsewhere” here when it has no applicability to the OP or comment thread? Also, can you please summarize the point that you are trying to make? No one here discussed “womanning up” (ok, someone smarter than I, did I add the ing to that correctly? it looks all weird…)

13 years ago

It’s from elsewhere? But where? Is it your comment? Why are you posting it here? Anyway, I’ll have you know that young women have been going out with men named Fernando since at least 1976.

No Cuntry 4 Old Men!
No Cuntry 4 Old Men!
13 years ago

Not my comment. Another MRA complaining that women are sleeping with Fernando instead of him. That’s really what this whole “Manosphere” is about.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Who said I had a hate crush on Holly? I don’t. I just think she’s attempting to co-opt the Incel mentality and claim solidarity with non-alpha men despite having men falling all over themselves to have sex with her. It’s dumb.

13 years ago

mind control beams = best Man Boobz user name ever?

It’s a good name, for sure. The funniest Manboobz moniker, in my opinion, has to be Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel. That cracks me up every time I see it.

13 years ago

Don’t tell the MRAs that we feminists have mind control beams. That will send them into a real tizzy.

No worries, just hit ’em with some of this:

Problem solved!

13 years ago

I love Alpha Cock Carousel. In my head the theme from The Magic Roundabout plays as the cock carousel spins.

13 years ago

Wetherby wrote: “I don’t think MRAL is completely beyond salvation, but NWO has been a write-off for some time. So pointing and laughing is entirely acceptable as far as I’m concerned.”

I think MRAL isn’t beyond salvation because of four things: there’s genuine pain there; he’s still quite young; I believe he comments mostly when he’s angry and not using the best of impulse control, which he can learn; and he started seeing a therapist.

As for NWO, I think he’s in pain, too. I don’t know what has made him as bitter as he is and I don’t believe it’s feminism or feminists, but there’s no doubt he’s not living a contented life. I think most of the criticism of him is valid, but I wonder if there’s a better way of dealing with him than how we are.

Sorry, I now sound like a concern troll, but sometimes it feels like a bullfight where NWO is the bull, albeit willingly.

Most of the other troublesome sorts, to me, seem like those Jersey Shore people, who appear to think they’re just so darned cute and lovable that they can’t imagine anyone ever finding them boring or silly or unattractive or wanting them to shut up and go away.

No Cuntry 4 Old Men!
No Cuntry 4 Old Men!
13 years ago

So an “alpha male” is any man that manages to get sex from a woman?

13 years ago

“Alpha male” is whatever people who buy into the “Alpha/Beta/Omega” theory want it to be. It’s used to describe anyone male they feel envious of. Or to describe themselves, if they’re trying to come across as enviable. It’s basically meaningless.

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