alpha males creepy evil women I'm totally being sarcastic idiocy incel manginas men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men oppressed white men pussy cartel rape rapey sexual harassment threats

MRA: Who cares if #MenCallYouThings? It’s not like women have any real problems.

Fried rice. Frequently confused with "fried ice."

Oh, ladies, must you complain so much? I mean, who cares if every time you say something on the internet some random dude threatens to rape you? White and Nerdy, the dude behind the Omega Virgin Revolt blog, doesn’t care, and he wants you to know it:

#mencallmethings is just another example of how women (in first world countries) don’t have any actual problems.  Between the government and manginas doing everything for women, no woman has any true problems.  Any “problem” a woman has is because of one of these reasons:

1. A desire for the equivalent of fried ice.  IOW she wants something that is physically impossible.

2. Failed attempts at defrauding, stealing from, or otherwise attempting to enslave men.

That’s it.  When a woman has to go through 1% of what a typical non-alpha man has to go through then maybe she can talk about having actual problems.  Until that happens women should keep their mouths shut.

Exactly. We need to stop talking about men raping women to focus on the much more important issue of women not having sex with White and Nerdy.

But I am wondering about one thing. Is it possible that the women in question were asking for fried rice instead of fried ice? Because fried rice is totally a thing, and if you call up the proper restaurant someone will literally bring it to your door.

Now I’m hungry.

NOTE: This post may contain ….

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13 years ago

cynickal: Re the knives, those are commercial products, taking advantage of the merits of a specialty alloy.

You can buy them at Sur la Table, or Williams Sonoma (slightly different blade patterns, same steel). So that’s a $450 price tag after the benefits of mass production reducing the prices.

I recall those prices (the “$900 wrench”, which was a very specific sort of torque wrench, used to maintain a brand new bomber).

Cost plus has nothing to do with DoD payroll, it’s a way to give contracts to, “the lowest bidder” and have no actul bid price. When they get married to a “maintenance contract” they are licenses to print money. Halliburton/KBR got a lot of them (some as, “no bid” contracts) for doing Life Support Facilities, and Logistics. Huge amounts of graft, oddly enough to people who had lobbying pull.

13 years ago

(I gather men who have vasectomies need to get retested to make sure it’s still operative?).

True. At 3 and 6 weeks from the operation to be certain.
Cut rate vasecomies ( 😉 )

TMI below:
I’m not sure if it’s standard but for me the process involved cutting the tubes, soldering all four ends (Yes, I has smoke rising from my nether bits), doubling the tubes over and permenently tying them with silk.

13 years ago


Cost plus has nothing to do with DoD payroll

True. But I’m one of those pinkocommieliberalfascists that think the men and women in uniform get the short end of the budget.
I know, “The more things change…”

13 years ago

Here’s a line by line rebutal of pretty much everything Brandon has said since my last comment, have fun or feel free to skip it (except brandon)

Artificial scarcity only really works with proprietary products and commodities. Any medical supply manufacturer can make plastic cups, tubes, needles and the everything else that is required to determine paternity.

Someone please explain “supply and demand” and “production capacity/speed” to Brandon. Also, how genetic testing works.

If the woman is falsely claiming you as the father…then you clearly ARENT making babies with her.

Presumably, if you think you are or might be the father, you’ve been doing the prerequisites for that one.

Who are you to decide this isn’t important for men?

I am a taxpayer and a citizen, so I get to take part in deciding what is important for tax funds. I am also a person, so I get to decide what medical tests I do and do not want unnecessarily done to me. The fact that men aren’t mass opting in suggests that most men aren’t as interested in this as you are either.

Most of the men that I talk to about this might not be pro-paternity tests at birth

Funny, because I know very, very few men who have actually tried to have their infants tested, and quite a few who would be extremely offended if I suggested it. You are the one now saying all other men have to want this test to be universally mandatory because you specifically want it. You know you could opt into the testing for yourself without coercing everyone else, right?

What odd paranoia’s? The fact that at a bare minimum, thousands of men are paying money for children they 1) didn’t help create or 2) legally sign paperwork declaring them the legal guardian.

This is not true. Well, with the possible exception of some states that have irrebutable presumed paternity of spouses barring timely objection. The law does not work this way. The person assumed rights over the child by de facto parenting, or by having signed legal agreements admitting paternity such as: in support proceedings, agreed to paternity for birth certificates, etc., or they would have maintained the legal option of disputing paternity at court (including getting a dna test as part of this, at the mother’s expense if the test comes back negative).

I also want to point out as others have that genetics are not the only thing that makes a parent. Non-genetic parents aren’t raising and caring for kids that “aren’t theirs” simply because the kids are not genetically related. I know a man who used presumed paternity of spouse laws to gain primary custody of his beloved daughter when, during the custody dispute, his ex presented dna tests showing he was not the bio dad. She is his daughter, he is her dad, and both of them would have been heart broken if the law hadn’t managed to recognize that fact. So many MRAs think so little of fathers and fathers’ connections with their children. I mean, how many women who are non-bio mothers due to accidentially switched at birth babies or in vitro mix ups are expected to respond to that news with “whew, now I can cut all ties with that kid and not have to pay a dime!”

I just think men should have hard evidence proving they are or aren’t the father.

They could get it if they wanted it, but most people are not as suspicious and paranoid about it as you, Brandon.

Women actually have very little do to with it.

Yes, women have nothing to do with conception, birth, or infant custody. Nothing at all. Ever.

Or maybe women should actually claim the actual father on the birth certificate.

Unless the person is her spouse, he signs off on that one and could refuse if he wanted to be paranoid and not do it without a dna test. In addition, in most jurisdictions, a name on the birth certificate creates a rebutable presumption of paternity, not an irrebutable one (there are some jurisdictions which require legal “legitimation” as part of the process of having an out of wedlock father on the birth certificate). In any case, unless you are married to this person, the father must give consent for the name to be on the birth certificate.

Also, paternity test results after child support has been established are often not taken into account.

The issue here is something called “estoppel”. By not excersing the right to dispute paternity and thereby agreeing to legal rights and responsibilities, some jurisdictions consider this to be acknowledging the child as yours and consenting to responsibility to the child.

So having children and establishing paternity isn’t a health related issue…ya ok.

Having children is not health related unless you are the one birthing them (or in certain fertility treatment issues, many of which are not covered by insurance either). Establishing paternity is almost never a health related issue. The only exceptions I can think of are 1) the child or perspective parent needs an organ or tissue donation which requires a match (genetic relatives are more likely to match) or 2) one of the possible fathers has a genetic disorder which the child should be then screened for or the child tested positive for a genetic disorder that the father or his relatives should be screened for.

Because he should know if he is the father regardless of if has doubts or not.

If he doesn’t have doubts, he is the father. Non-bio parents are parents too. Also, again, if he feels he “should know” he either has decided he wants to trust his partner or has the option of asking for a test himself, why do you get to tell other men what they must think they should or should not know?

Why? Most liberals demanded massive government spending to pay for ALL healthcare.

Except you aren’t arguing for it to be covered, you are arguing for it to be mandated. Apples and…moon rocks, there, Brandon.

It’s called due diligence and she should exercise it prior to her signing that document.

Due diligence is the legal standard for negligence, not for fraud. Fraud is a crime of intent and malice, not a crime of negligence.

No. I think women are more promiscuous now than in previous decades and when they get pregnant, even they don’t know who the father is.

Then you fucking think it isn’t fraud, fool-ass fool.

Fun addendum for bagelsan’s benefit, I actually have a cousin whose does not know which of a pair of identical twins is her bio father. The welfare office actually agreed to waive support petition requirements rather than pay for further tests (esp. as both of these twins would be unlikely to pay in any event) XD

13 years ago

Magpie : How is paternity testing done? Does it require stickiing needles in newborn babies? Cause if it did – forget it!

-Yup, this is the “Women are Lying Sluts Baby Bleeding Act”

” I actually have a cousin whose does not know which of a pair of identical twins is her bio father. The welfare office actually agreed to waive support petition requirements rather than pay for further tests (esp. as both of these twins would be unlikely to pay in any event) XD”

Soon MRA’s will be demanding every woman give birth to identical boys, because otherwise we’re just setting our supposedly beloved singleton sons up for paternity fraud XD

That and cloning yourself as often as possible as a “get out of child support” measure.

13 years ago

Magpie : How is paternity testing done? Does it require stickiing needles in newborn babies? Cause if it did – forget it!

-Yup, this is the “Women are Lying Sluts Baby Bleeding Act”

” I actually have a cousin whose does not know which of a pair of identical twins is her bio father. The welfare office actually agreed to waive support petition requirements rather than pay for further tests (esp. as both of these twins would be unlikely to pay in any event) XD”

Soon MRA’s will be demanding every woman give birth to identical boys, because otherwise we’re just setting our supposedly beloved singleton sons up for paternity fraud XD

That and cloning yourself as often as possible as a “get out of child support” measure.

13 years ago

How do I keep double posting? 0_o

13 years ago

You double posted so that we wouldn’t know which of your identical posts was the father! Clever. 😀

13 years ago

Bagelsan, you are my fucking hero. No joke, you’re brilliant. 🙂

13 years ago


An empty, hollow life of fisting and orgies just to feel anything to confirm you’re actually alive hardly tears me up inside. My guess is for all your promotion of sadistic sex, fisting and whatever else you promote, the empty feeling inside must be devastating. How many nights have you cried yourself to sleep because the closest you’ve ever come to intimacy is soreness from a good fisting?

Why do you assume fisting is incompatible with intimacy? I mean, it’s not something I enjoy, but then, there are things that I like to do as a physical expression of love that prudes would find disgusting as well, so … if willing partners do something together that they both enjoy, isn’t that how intimacy is achieved?

And besides — as unpleasant as the idea sounds to me, I find the idea of fisting more attractive than having to spend even one day in the company of a dude like you.

13 years ago

Bagelsan – Now I get it!

Molly Ren
13 years ago

What’s also very hilarious about NWOslave’s assumption was that *I’d already known everyone at the orgy for about a year*. Until then, I’d assumed we were all too incompatible to orgy, which is why I say it happened by accident. 😛

Ross Jeffries
Ross Jeffries
11 years ago

I don’t suppose you realized that the subforum of PUAhate you were on was called “Shitty Advice”, and that the entire site especially that forum is a troll site? The posters are a mixture of people trolling, and unsuspecting idiots like yourself who take it seriously.

Jezebel were caught before, and posted non serious comments as if they were someone’s real opinion. Honestly, if you see a forum called “Shitty Advice” and believe the opinions inside it to be real then you are gullible.

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