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Grey, Rested and Ready: Some Grey Bloke returns, with a new video and some MRA non-fans

Our videomaking friend Graham, also known as Some Grey Bloke, is back, finally. In his new video, he explains his long absence, due in part to what seems to have been a rather large misunderstanding between him and the Men’s Rights Activists of the world, who somehow interpreted the newfound enthusiasm for Men’s Rights he showed in his last video as a sort of satire.  (How could anyone be drawn to mock or satirize the serious and important Men’s Rights movement?)

Anyway, here’s his new video. And below it, his previous video on “The Manosphere,” which seems to have gotten 49,208 more views than my last video on the subject. Which I’ve also embedded below. It’s not as good as his, but perhaps you could watch it also.



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Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Did anyone else notice the NWOslave shout-out?

13 years ago

It’s not as good as his, but perhaps you could

would you kindly watch it also.


13 years ago

[blockquote] failure again.

13 years ago

As they once said of Steve Jobs, “Often visionaries are little appreciated in their own time, dismissed as oddballs or madmen.”, so too will the world recognize the wisdom of our brother, Anthony Zarat. After all, wasn’t it WOMEN who said they needed men like fish needed bicycles i.e. not at all?

13 years ago

After all, wasn’t it WOMEN who said they needed men like fish needed bicycles

Only in the sense that it was MEN who donned pointy hoods and lynched black people. In other words, technically correct, but the wording does tend to suggest a majority view that doesn’t actually exist.

No Cuntry 4 Old Men!
No Cuntry 4 Old Men!
13 years ago

I’ll agree with the fish bicycle thing. A bike is a neccessity for some (transportation) while an accessory for others (recreation), but a fish never needs one.

13 years ago

Well, I don’t NEED a man, but I sure as hell want one. This fish loves zir bicycles.

13 years ago

Oh look, more threats of violence over the internet. These guys are certainly proving how mature men can be.

13 years ago

@Ozymandias42: And that was the whole point (I was there when it first made the t-shirts).

Women WANTING men is entirely different (and all about CHOICE) than REQUIRING one to survive because of legal barriers to education and professions. And those of us who don’t want men, because we want women, also free to choose.

13 years ago

I don’t know. When I watched his second video “The Manosphere”, I laughed out loud a few times. It really seemed like he was mocking the MRM to me. I guess this is a case where Poe’s Law comes into play.

I was not a bit surprised that he was threatened with violence by the MRM, though. It’s really sad that he is laying low and afraid for his safety. I’m not familiar with British law. Would those threats made against him be illegal?

13 years ago

You’re the homage! (That made me laugh so much)

13 years ago

Man, I feel like a goober. I read the Youtube comments and indeed verified he was making fun of the manosphere. It’s sometimes hard to tell the difference between satire and the real MRM, because the MRM itself is so wacky.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

Whatever wrote, “…so too will the world recognize the wisdom of our brother, Anthony Zarat.”

The man who finds 50% of the human race so repugnant that he’s sure the rest of the world will embrace VR? I can’t wait!

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Ozymandias, you mean, this fish loves HER bicycles. I’m sure it was just a typo.

13 years ago

Dang, and here I thought that Whatever was being satirical… After reading another thread though, seems as if I a was wrong. Poe’s Law strikes again.

AntZ’s solution seems a little… exasperated parent-ish.

Boy: Mommy, sis hit me!
Girl: Did not, he pulled my hair!
Mom: Alright, both of you stop, play in separate rooms!

Are two arbitrary groups so inconsolable to AntZ that he can think of no other solution than to separate them? Soon he’ll have everyone sequestered into little boxes, safe from everyone and forever alone. Only then, locked in our little boxes, will we be free at last!

No Cuntry 4 Old Men!
No Cuntry 4 Old Men!
13 years ago

“The man who finds 50% of the human race so repugnant that he’s sure the rest of the world will embrace VR? I can’t wait!”

The sooner such men can embrace VR, the better for us.

Bring it on!

13 years ago

I don’t think I watched that AntZ video when it was up before. Now I fear I’m going to end up picturing him as a Cyberman from now on. His agenda doesn’t seem much different from theirs.

13 years ago

MRAL, I know you don’t believe in this whole genderqueer thing, but can you keep it to yourself? You really could have let that slide, you know. It’s one thing to roll your eyes at home and another thing entirely to go out of your way to deliberately de-gender Ozy. You don’t get to decide what gender a person is. You are not a gender cop. Repeat after me: “I am not a gender cop.”

Molly Ren
13 years ago

MRAL, I’m going to refer to you as “she” from now on.

13 years ago

MRAL, stop going out of your way to be obnoxious.

13 years ago

Can I refer to him as my little ray of sunshine, just to be ironic?

13 years ago

Sure, why not?

13 years ago

Well, I guess he might take the little part as an attempt to be mean about his height. How about my big, happy ray of sunshine?

13 years ago

Seconding the “MRAL is ‘she’ until he learns to stop being an asshat about other people’s pronouns” brigade.

13 years ago

Thirded! If that is a word. She it is.