The smirky MRA douchebag thingsarebad didn’t win a lot of friends when he used to comment here. Ironically, it seems that he’s not doing that much better over on Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit, where his comments tend to garner about as many downvotes as upvotes. Yes, it is possible to be too much of a douche for even the highly douche-tolerant Men’s Rights subreddit.
Anyway, all that is a sort of rambling prelude to my main point here, which is: thingsarebad has figured out that whole “lesbian” thing, and wants to share his results with the world. Also, feminism. His science is tight.
Confused a bit by that explanation? Would you like a much, much longer explanation, replete with fake statistics he’s “mentated” out of his ass? Well, prepare yourself a stiff drink and take a look at this megacomment of his from earlier in that same thread.
We’ll just wait here while you digest all that.
Done? Share your thoughts below, or check out the ShitRedditSays discussion of it all.
Or just watch this video of a rather portly cat climbing into a vase.
Hey, I promised a kitty video to someone in the comments here a couple of days ago. I may be a little slow sometimes, but I am a man of my word.
While I’m at it, here’s a bonus vid of a kitty and a Kleenex box.
Generally I am a kind and pacific person. However, I’m pretty sure if I read a comment that called intersex people “deformed”, I would be tempted to do some things I would regret. My sympathy for MRAL only goes so far.
“it’s very rare for a woman to want to be solely with women unless she is afraid of being with a man for some reason,”
Eh….nope. Any of the lesbians I know had a wonderful childhood, father and positive relationships with men…. They just prefer sex with women. That’s just how they are.
“Man even when he is selfish or evil always follows principles, woman never follows anything but impulses. Don’t ever forget that, and never feel secure with the woman you love.”
Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, Venus in Furs, published 1870
So a guy 150 years ago talked about how he hated women. And this proves…?
Kathleen, you haven’t said one thing to point out what’s wrong with my model. That’s exactly what I’m talking about. I invite you to the Reddit thread if you have something substantial to say.
That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. This is one of the foundations of science; this is why your lack of data means your model is completely worthless. Without data, it has no basis in reality, and isn’t really a model, because it doesn’t explain anything that has even been observed.
You wouldn’t know what an intellectual was if she wore a funny hat and mocked your lack of rigor and sense in front of you. That you identify as one only shows the power of the dunning-kruger effect, it doesn’t make you one.
You silly lgtb people don’t understand your own sexuality!
Let the cis het man explain it all to you!!
TAB: It’s not that your model is wrong per se, it’s just that…I prefer if there was proof of these figures. I’m an atheist when it comes to these things.
The Book of Mormon is not exactly helping your case, whatever that may be.
jumbofisch! I just noticed that there is a bunny on your face! =o
The thing is, you just made things up out of whole cloth. That is why no one is taking you seriously.
Also, you did not post a picture. (I’m sorry, when he did that earlier it was so utterly absurd and useless, I have never forgotten it)
It’s time to play Will They Stick The Flounce!
I’m actually guessing yes, because he’s pretending that in leaving now he has the moral high ground, somehow. Because we haven’t presented enough solid, peer-reviewed research to contradict his deeply intellectual numbers that he pulled out of his bum.
TAB: If you want to guess, or theorise, then you say, “In my opinion.” You can even say things like, “according to my reading,” and still be fine.
But when you say, “the percentages are,”, and give a detailed breakdown, with elaborations… you are alleging provable fact.
When you admit to making up those provable facts… you are confessing to telling lies.
Which makes you… a liar.
Viscaria, he’s going his own way!
One last refresh and someone (Joanna) actually said something meaningful! This’ll be my last reply here.
“Eh….nope. Any of the lesbians I know had a wonderful childhood, father and positive relationships with men…. They just prefer sex with women. That’s just how they are.”
You may be right to a point. But keep in mind that I don’t solely put responsibility on family upbringing, I also focus on the culture. In a culture where men are taught to be more like women and women are taught to be more like men, it doesn’t surprise me that many women choose, yes in many of these cases CHOOSE, women over men. Some women like this, the more “masculine”, “tom boy”, “smart girl” types, they’re just naturally attracted to women, that’s my Group A. The others I think you’re referring to, the feminine, pretty, shy types, could have easily ended up with men in a culture where men are allowed to be men and women are allowed to be women. These types of girls are more naturally bisexual than anything, I don’t really see them as naturally lesbian or naturally straight, their sexuality is malleable.
Now I could be wrong about that, as I don’t know the inner workings of the female mind as well as I do the inner workings of a male mind. But even then, it does call into question the accuracy of my model for women, since these girls don’t really hate men and they aren’t purportedly narcissistic. If anything, these girls tend to fall into Group C who have been victims of abuse – they certainly have a similar mentality of excessive weakness, shyness, gentleness, so much that it may be indicative of a psychological disorder.
I do think that this type of lesbian, if she exists at all, is over-emphasized in the media. Why? Because they want people to think that all lesbians are just all-American good girls who turn out lesbian because they were born that way, when most of the time it’s just not true. They ended up that way because of external influences.
Joanna, you have to understand the irony of someone who frequents this blog claiming that all her lesbian friends are just normal girls who “turned out that way”. This is a blog for man-hating feminists who are confused about sexuality and the world in general, who are generally very naive. And that’s why I can’t take your word for it. Not only are you biased, but you also lack a high degree of self-awareness or understanding of the realities of the world. The reason MRAs’ opinions hold far more weight in my model is that they actually do have a high degree of self-awareness and understanding of how people tick and how the world works. But thank you for answering honestly.
Joanna thats my facepalmbunny!!
I find it appropriate for this site….
TAB: You claim to know everything about female sexuality, including that us bis were, among other things, abused as children. I was not abused (physically or sexually), in fact I had a wonderful childhood and amazing parents. Yet here I am, married to a man and sexually attracted to men and women. So, yeah, I’ll take my experience over your bullshit ‘theory’ any day.
TAB: Yeah, citation needed. For all of that.
TAB: I’m starting to think that we both live in very different worlds.
TAB: I do think that this type of lesbian, if she exists at all….
So you talk about them (incorrectly) and then you deny they really exist.
Dishonesty in action.
According to my best guesstimates, 27% of MRAs are lint-covered lollipops; another 46.2% are buckets of sand; the remainder are flying bunny poop (with 30% of that last 26.8% being the poop of flying bunnies and 70% being flying poop from regular non-flying bunnies).
I am happy to discuss substantive critiques of my model and look at any evidence you have to present to me that might challenge my guesstimated percentages here. (Note: I only accept evidence in the form of pictures of kitties.)
Futrelle has willfully misrepresented my comment, not surprising given his recent shift toward Big Brother thinking.
People who are intersex have a deformity. This is a fact. It is medically normal to be male or female, thus, if you deviate, something went wrong. Like I said, it’s not an insult or anything negative, it’s a medical term. Much like people with a clubfoot, or a malformed arm, or anything like that also have a deformity. Again, this is not a bad thing (well, it might be for them, but it is not a reflection on them as people).
Note to self: you can be gender-conforming or a big school-lovin’ nerd woman, not both. I guess I’d better take out my nail-polish remover 🙁
TAB, really, you shouldn’t be lecturing us on self-awareness or lack thereof. You think posting pics of yourself helps arguments.
“Man Boobz: A blog for man-hating feminists who are confused about sexuality and the world in general, who are generally very naive.”
Hey, a possible new slogan!
Well darn, that didn’t last. I hoped TAB was going to keep up the “but I’m totally kewl with LGBTs and I’m srs business” thing a little longer, but apparently he just couldn’t help shooting his lulzwad prematurely.