antifeminism douchebaggery evil women homophobia idiocy kitties misogyny MRA reddit

Lesbianism by numbers, courtesy of the Men’s Rights subreddit. Plus kitties.

They're probably feminists too.

The smirky MRA douchebag thingsarebad didn’t win a lot of friends when he used to comment here. Ironically, it seems that he’s not doing that much better over on Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit, where his comments tend to garner about as many downvotes as upvotes. Yes, it is possible to be too much of a douche for even the highly douche-tolerant Men’s Rights subreddit.

Anyway, all that is a sort of rambling prelude to my main point here, which is: thingsarebad has figured out that whole “lesbian” thing, and wants to share his results with the world. Also, feminism. His science is tight.

Confused a bit by that explanation? Would you like a much, much longer explanation, replete with fake statistics he’s “mentated” out of his ass? Well, prepare yourself a stiff drink and take a look at this megacomment of his from earlier in that same thread.

We’ll just wait here while you digest all that.

Done? Share your thoughts below, or check out the ShitRedditSays discussion of it all.

Or just watch this video of a rather portly cat climbing into a vase.

Hey, I promised a kitty video to someone in the comments here a couple of days ago. I may be a little slow sometimes, but I am a man of my word.

While I’m at it, here’s a bonus vid of a kitty and a Kleenex box.


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13 years ago

Proof that cats are made of liquid =D

Also, what is the point of making up a bunch of statistics? What possible kick could he get out of being completely wrong?

Improbable Joe
Improbable Joe
13 years ago

I think the whole “preferred pronouns” thing is a bit silly, but who cares? Why does my opinion carry any extra weight? If a thing is a bit silly to me, but it means something to someone else, my less-strongly-held position loses by default. If a thing isn’t really of great concern to me and does me no harm, and important to other people, my attitude towards it isn’t valuable outside of my own head. Beyond the whole misogyny/privilege/evil/whatever discussion, the whole idea of taking hard-line stands against things that shouldn’t even matter to you just strikes me as stupid posturing.

Or, you know, go away and stop talking to people who you can’t even pretend to show a little respect to. Either/or.

13 years ago

@MRAL: Also: sex is biological. You are born either male or female. This is not open to debate.

Except for the people who aren’t:

And their actual lived human existence isn’t open to debate either. As usual, your complete and utter pig ignorance of anything beyond your immediate situation is showing.

And genital sex is not always the same as chromosomal sex:

Short version: you know nothing about the complex realities of the world and are hiding out in your simplistic little binary fantasy.

13 years ago

I know Muslim feminists, I have even met a Muslim woman who wore hijab and was a *gasp* feminist lawyer.

I have also met a shit ton of Christians who try to strip away women’s rights, an entire church full of people who forced their daughters/FAAB kids to wear skirts at all times, seen massive Christian homophobia, etc.

Pretending that Christianity is better than Islam is silly, and pretending that the political issues in the middle east are totally divorced from imperialistic and colonialist history is bullshit. Who armed and trained the taliban so that they could take over a country in the 90s? Guess what, not the Muslims, the freaking heavily Christian dominated US, because US officials saw the taliban as a helpful tool in their obsessive hate of the Soviets.

13 years ago

I have also met a shit ton of Christians who try to strip away women’s rights, an entire church full of people who forced their daughters/FAAB kids to wear skirts at all times, seen massive Christian homophobia, etc.

My pet theory is that this is the real driver behind all that far-right Islamophobia: jealousy. The shit-ton of Christians you mention are pissed that their vision of a patriarchal, homophobic, sex-negative world isn’t allowed in the countries where Christianity is predominant, whereas there are Muslim-dominated areas where women are in fact forced to cover themselves ‘modestly’, are the property of their fathers and husbands, have no real say in their lives, etc. etc.

13 years ago

I know a Muslim radical feminist. Just try to claim around her that Islam is inherently patriarchal. Just try. She will fuck your shit up.

13 years ago

Who armed and trained the taliban so that they could take over a country in the 90s? Guess what, not the Muslims, the freaking heavily Christian dominated US, because US officials saw the taliban as a helpful tool in their obsessive hate of the Soviets.

And Rambo III now looks very different. “Rambo as Al-Qaeda enabler” probably wasn’t part of the game plan, but that’s how history has ensured that it’s ended up.

(Full disclosure: I haven’t actually seen it)

13 years ago

Oh, and my pronoun is “zie”, for the curious.

13 years ago

Full disclosure: I haven’t actually seen it

You are one lucky person, wetherby, my younger brother loved that movie as a kid, I have seen it dozens of times and it totally sucks.

Things Are Bad
13 years ago

Thank you for linking to the actual comment thread rather than taking things entirely out of context as the SRS poster did. Enjoy!

13 years ago

I feel I should draw your attention to this supplementary comment made by thingsarebad in response to one of his critics.

You know nothing about me. Safe to say, you’re totally wrong.

If you have a specific comment, please share. I never said my model was perfect, and with the help of SharkSpider it is already better.

edit: I admit I don’t personally know many lesbians.

Things Are Bad
13 years ago

“Jeez, has this idiot ever actually spoken to a gay person of either sex? Or someone who simply doesn’t think of themselves as straight, bisexual or gay at all?”

Um, yes, I know plenty of gay people, and homosexuality and bisexuality runs in my family, so I know plenty about the nature and nurture argument, when it comes to males. I was an active participant in the leadership team in the LGBT group at work. Admittedly I don’t know a large sampling of lesbians and so I am utilizing external information more for my categorization of gay women. If anyone would like to contribute to the discussion, please do, as I am trying to get closer to the truth. Do realize, however, that anti-male feminists are not exactly a reliable source of commentary on this subject, and so the information I have from other sources will weigh more heavily on my calculations than your input. Admittedly, it would be best if I had more personal experience with lesbians, but given that many MRAs, whose positions are rational on other topics and I therefore consider reliable, have shared their experiences, I feel I’ve made a good first estimate.

Things Are Bad
13 years ago

Oh, and you mentioned people who don’t think of themselves as straight or bi or gay at all. Well, I’m not really interested in what they *think* of themselves, I’m interested in how they actively behave. And I am limiting my focus to those who think of themselves as homosexual and, indeed, bisexual. As I said in the original, it lacks nuance.

Now you will note that after further consideration I realized Group B homosexuals are actually folks who have a sort of malleable sexuality: they have a range of homosexual, bisexual, or straight sexual behaviors that are most appropriate for their psyche. Their behaviors is heavily influenced by external factors. For example, a boy in Group B who has no father figure and is raised by a single mom is more likely to turn out effeminate and gay than a boy in Group B who is raised by a mother and a traditional father, who is more likely to turn out masculine and straight.

13 years ago

Admittedly, it would be best if I had more personal experience with lesbians, but given that many MRAs, whose positions are rational on other topics and I therefore consider reliable, have shared their experiences, I feel I’ve made a good first estimate.

I’d have thought that MRAs would be the least reliable source of information about lesbians, bar none, for reasons too obvious to need explaining to 99% of Manboobz readers. What on earth makes you think otherwise?

And do you really not see the utter absurdity of attempting to theorize about a subject which, by your own admission, you know very very little?

13 years ago

But Wetherby, talking to a bunch of heterosexual men with negative attitudes about women is a GREAT way to learn about lesbians! Certainly better than actually, like, talking to lesbians themselves!

13 years ago

Well, I’m not really interested in what they *think* of themselves…I am limiting my focus to those who think of themselves as…

Uh huh.

13 years ago

One wonders how TAB managed to be oh-so-involved with LGBT groups yet not manage to actually, like, get to know many lesbians. Or to get the idea that masculine/effeminate and homo/hetero are linked pairs.

It’s almost as if TAB is full of shit, or something.

13 years ago

Or not know any masculine bisexuals. I am SO MIFFED to discover I don’t exist, you guys, you don’t even know.

13 years ago

TAB: Thank you for linking to the actual comment thread rather than taking things entirely out of context as the SRS poster did. Enjoy!

Ah… the Weasely Little Turd has graced us. Are you proud of insulting soldiers on Armistice Day? You really think you are detached and emotionally distant? Cold-blooded killer? My lord what a poser you are. I know what it takes to be a soldier. I know what the women who enlist have to do to wear the uniform. You don’t. Any more than you know what women think, how homosexuals feel, or what statistics really mean.

I have no reason to think you know any more of soldiering than you do of lesbians. Based on past performance, you are in it for the lulz; and the plaudits you get from the other fools in the MRA who will stroke your ego for being stupid in public.

13 years ago

Joanna: Also, what is the point of making up a bunch of statistics? What possible kick could he get out of being completely wrong?

Because he looks right, and people who don’t look past his post will, often, assume he is quoting some reputable source (or at least testable) and so give him credence. The stats are cred-building. He will be quoted by other idjits, who will cite his numbers with phrases like, “I think TAB did a good job in his post about why women are lesbians, the numbers look good to me.”

Just look at the recent comments about Spearhead and Will Farrell by Heroicman (or whatever his name is). Those guys said things he liked, so he quotes them. Same here, and the shitty-stats make it more likely. It’s not as if the folks we see in the MRM understand science, or math, or even simple stats.

It’s all show, smoke and mirrors. There is no there, there.

13 years ago

Must… keep… reminding… myself… Kitties are not claustrophobic!

13 years ago

BROM: And how long before they start to demand Shariah once they reach critical mass?




Really. The idea of Sharia (which is a vague, and broad term) being argued for (much less mandated) is a shibboleth of the Anti-Muslim Brigades. There are ways in which parallel systems of managing some aspects of life (religious divorce) for instance, do exist (my mother, for example is, per the Catholic Church, not divorced from my father) but they are just that, parallel, and non-legally binding.

To make Sharia the actual law, binding in the courts, etc, would require that the legal laws be changed. TO do that the Muslims would have to 1: want it, and 2: convince everyone else to do it.

Since that’s not the case, it’s not a worry.

As to the argument that Islam is being more radicalised, this is debatable. One of the subjects to debate is, if it is so; why it is so. The best argument for radicalisation is outside pressure. This is true even in majority Muslim countries. When the gov’t is seen as being oppressive the people look to something which can be used to counter it. When religion is one of the few ways/places, in which protest can be expressed/couched, the incidence of religious militism increases.

And militants, in any cause, tend to be more extreme. In places where protest is more rigidly repressed, the people who are less extreme, stay out of the fight, because one has to be that dedicated to risk the consequences.

So, the people like you, railing about how scary they are, and arguing for more repression… are increasing the number of people who are more stringently against you; because those who were willing to believe that the greater polity would be decent to them are seeing more and more rhetoric from, “reasonable” people like you saying they are one homogenous, evil mass; using them to try to get your opponents to agree with you; that you might make common cause on the “greater evil” which is them.

Which will make the moderates defend the extremists. You are working toward a positive feedback loop.

13 years ago

Factfinder: Surely not you, my question was not even addressed to you and you still think you’re entitled to a sizable chunk of my time.

Well… you keep talking to Rutee, and there is unfinished business from previous iterations of your appearance.

But hey, if you think pretending Rutee is being unreasonable is working for you, best of luck.

I, however, think you do owe her answers (but since I also think you owe everyone the curtesy of engaging honestly, and we’ve never seen that, I shall refrain from suspending my respiration on your actually doing that).

13 years ago

MRAL: Also: sex is biological. You are born either male or female. This is not open to debate.

Then why are you debating it?

No Cuntry 4 Old Men!
No Cuntry 4 Old Men!
13 years ago

Some dude: Interestingly, there is (scattered) anecdotal evidence of Western women in Europe, the UK and to a lesser extent in the US falling for orthodox Muslim men, wearing the veil, going to mosques, etc. and some of what they say is along the lines of “These Muslims are real men.

BROM: Hah, I’d love to hear what feminists have to say about that. Would they consider them traitors for proving that there are other women, and plenty at that, who actually prefer a, ahem, “patriarchy”? And based on my own research, these are even modern secular Western women who don’t have the excuse that they were brainwashed due to being born and raised in a Xtian fundy culture.

ME: As a Feminist who left Islam (I grew up in a Muslim majority family), I don’t get it at all. Not at all. However, having been to literally hundreds of masjids around the world, I can tell you that there is a certain demographic pattern of Western woman who converts.

And another quote from a Christian MRA blog:

ABC says:
November 13, 2011 at 10:20 am
Aqua Net wrote: ‘– I always thought men and women should have gender segregated churches, or differently religions altogether.’

It’s been heading that way for some time: Islam for men, Christianity for women.

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